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Re: CERN root

Hi Kevin,
This is not the first time we read each other. To answer your
question... yes, I started with the scripts you mention to create the
debian directory (archaic if you believe the revision logs). As you say,
they are non-working. To make the story short, the --enable-pthread
option had to be removed because it prevented us from compiling within
root (cint) the data reading and analysis codes. I'm guessing a conflict
between the pthread dev files included in the root source and the one
part of the debian system.

We are at the begining stage of the transition from PAW to ROOT and may
hence learn more about how to compile working binaries, i.e., binaries
that work in real applications, like on-line monitoring and off-line
analysys. For working out the examples and tutorial the scripts you
mention are quite OK.

I can add little concerning the licensing issues.


On Fri, 2004-12-17 at 15:50 -0500, Kevin B. McCarty wrote:
> Ricardo Yanez wrote:
> > 	I have packaged CERN's root (an object oriented data analysis
> > framework) for our internal distribution. ROOT is widely used in nuclear
> > and particle physics labs, groups, etc. Since root is becoming the
> > standard, substituting PAW which is distributed by Debian, I thought to
> > seek a sponsor for this software, learn more about packaging, and help
> > my fellow physicist around the world.
> Hi Ricardo,
> I guess it's been mentioned that there are serious licensing issues a
> package of Root would have to surmount.  On a different note, though, I
> was just wondering if you had checked into the Debian packaging already
> present in Root.  There are scripts in root/build/package/lib that
> create a debian directory, although I seem to remember them being
> unsupported or non-working; if you haven't already, you may want to take
> a look at them.  Maybe they could be fixed and sent upstream.
> regards,
Ricardo Yanez
Department of Nuclear Physics
The Australian National University
Canberra ACT 0200 Australia
office: +61 2 6125 2424
fax: +61 2 6125 0748
gpg public key ID 0220B1D1

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