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Re: RFS : diogenes - web content management system

> Experience, probably.  Time is the pressing issue.  Out of interest,
> what does diogenes do (apart from WebDAV, which isn't of pressing
> interest to me personally) that other content management systems, such
> as MySource, don't do?

I have looked through the MySource documentation and I won't claim that
Diogenes has all the features of MySource, that just wouldn't be true
(for instance there is no "plugin" mecanism in Diogenes currently). It
does however, have some handy features of its own:

- WebDAV you already stated
- version control (RCS or CVS, your choice), with a built-in diff.
- the WYSIWYG editor is a Java applet so it really works on all
platforms (http://sourceforge.net/projects/ekit/)
- a logging system and a log browser which allow you to keep
track of what users have been up to
- Diogenes's UI uses GNU gettext, so it is possible to add any number of
translations (currently, a French one is included)
- import of Word documents using "wv" for users who really have no clue
how to write a web page
- if you are sure of what you are doing, you can allow PHP execution,
meaning you can write PHP pages
- the authentication mecanism is extendable, if you wish you can use a
different DB which holds existing user accounts

(the documentation for Diogenes lives at

As I said previously, Diogenes is not as complete as something like
MySource, but then the approach is different : on one hand, it does
allow users with little or no web experience to create sites, but it
also catters for the die-hard coders.

If you wish, you can tap straight into the RCS/CVS repository or you can
even reshape Diogenes quite heavily by subclassing its PHP classes from
the config files (/etc/diogenes/diogenes.debian.inc.php is the
perfect place to do so). For instance, on diogenes.polytechnique.org,
the authentication class has been subclassed to allow 2 different types
of login.

Hope this gives you a clearer view of what Diogenes does!


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