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Re: handling file name conflict

W liście z czw, 16-05-2002, godz. 22:09, Robert Bihlmeyer pisze: 
> Alexandre <Alexandre.Fayolle@logilab.fr> writes:
> >  * having pyro and host conflict (but this annoys me since I need both
> >  packages on my machine)
This is against Debian Policy. Look at http://bugs.debian.org/xnc for
example of such bug.

> Note that bind9-host also provides the "host" binary, but without the
> "mx", "ns", "soa", etc. convenience symlinks (at least I guess they
> are symlinks).
I belive that host and bind9-host confilct BUT they ALSO provide
the same functionality in /usr/bin/host, which as I understand here
would NOT be the case here for ns.

> >  * renaming pyro's ns to, say 'pyro_ns', and changing all instances of
> >  'ns' to 'pyro_ns' in the documentation and other programs
> Viable solution, although I prefer "pyro-ns" for reasons of aesthetics
> and typeability.
First think if this is a binary that is to be used by ordinary user?
If no, then put it into /usr/lib/pyro/ns or similar.
If yes, I'd prefer ns-pyro or sth ns* like so that TAB completion would
suggest the binary the user should use.

> >  * installing pyro's ns to another place than /usr/bin (without violating 
> >  the Policy?)
> If it really is a daemon and not usually executed by the user it may
> go in /usr/sbin, or somewhere under /usr/libexec, or even /usr/share.
It is at least not nice to have binaries with same name in *sbin* and
*bin* directories. If user uses PATH (everyone uses!) then by executing
it by root -> [/usr]/sbin/ns will be executed, while for ordinary user
it'll be /usr/bin/ns. A mess :-/

> >  * insisting heavily on the author so that he changes the name
> Probably the best solution. Names of binaries that end up in the
> path should be huffman coded (i.e. frequent usage => short name). This
> program doesn't strike me as getting executed that often.
Will your program (ns-pyro) be executed often? by many users?
I belive that much more have host package installed.

> Diverting (see dpkg-divert(8)) is also a possibility but I'm not sure
> it is a good one.
No idea about that, but sounds a bit like some hack. (will take a look
at the manpage later).

So what I'd do (and what I did in my packages):
If it's binary for user - just change the name of binary in /usr/bin to
/usr/bin/ns-pyro or sth.
Other ideas that may come
- keep originaly named binary somewhere in /usr/lib/pyro and modify
PATH so that this dir were at the beginning if that can help here.
- change all the source to call new binary

If it's not a binary for ordinary user - put it in /usr/lib/pyro
along with others which are not intended to be used widely use
PATH or modify the source to get this working.

HTH a bit

					Grzegorz Prokopski

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