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Re: Deleting a MySQL database in postrm

The standard way of storing the root password for MySQL is in ~root/.my.cnf.. It should look something like this:

user            = username
password        = password

In any case, I don't think it wise to add/remove databases on installation/removal, that should probably be left up to the user to do - I don't think any package, including TWIG, which needs MySQL to run, installs a database automatically.

Marco Kuhlmann wrote:
    Hi ya,

I am currently trying to package RefDB, a bibliography database
manager. RefDB uses MySQL, so one thing that the package has to
do is to create/delete MySQL databases and users. For that, the
scripts need the admin password for the MySQL database server.
What is the best way to handle this potential security problem?
I do not find it suitable to store the password in the debconf
database, but the only way I see out of it is to ask for the
password in the postrm script.

Any ideas?


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  / _ | / _ \   Ari Pollak - ari@aripollak.com - www.aripollak.com
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