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Binary-only data packages


I'd like to write an automatic dependency generator for Python scripts (so
that you can write "Depends: {pythonlibs:Depends}" into your control file
and have it replaced by the packages you need to satisfy all imports by
the Python scripts in debian/<package>. For this, you'd need a database of
which Module is in which package. My idea would be to have a bot download
Contents.gz, grep for any files that get installed into the standard
python library paths and create a list of which package provides what,
then create a Debian package out of this list and upload it if it has
changed (which happens only if new modules are added or someone does a
major interface change, so it shouldn't be too often).

Since I cannot expect network connectivity on boxen which build packages,
I'd rather go for a -generator package which generates and optionally
uploads this package nightly and a binary-only package than for a source
that generates the list (and fails on boxen without network and/or does
unnecessary work if nothing has changed).

Is this a good thing to do?


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