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How do I specify all the architectures a package can build on? For instance,
I have a package that can only build on the following architectures:

i386 alpha arm powerpc sparc mips mipsel

Now, first of all, I'm not sure about the names. I can't find a place that
name the exact names you put in the Architecture field, only pages telling
you about the supported archs. In particular I'm wondering about mips/mipsel.

Ok, now for the real question. I could do this:

Architecture: i386 alpha arm powerpc sparc mips mipsel

in my control file, but according to the debian policy manual (D.2.3), there
can only be a single field. However, I've seen packages that have multiple
fields, e.g. libggi

So can I do it or not? Also, if I can't what do I do. Someone filed a bug
report that this package doesn't compile on hppa and I'd like to fix this
asap (See
http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=104688&repeatmerged=yes for
details on the bug report)



All phone calls are obscene.
		-- Karen Elizabeth Gordon

 Abraham vd Merwe [ZR1BBQ] - The Debian Project
 P.O. Box 3472, Matieland, Stellenbosch, 7602
 Cell: +27 82 565 4451 Email: abz@debian.org
 Http: http://people.debian.org/~abz/

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