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Re: [new package]Should all the rm scripts be ok before uploading?


 thanks for this short/efficient anwser.

sharkey@ale.physics.sunysb.edu wrote:

may change in the future if my proposition to debian policy are accepted. Do you think this is possible?

What proposition?

To replicate a Debian system we need to know which configuration files are replicable and which ones are not. The word replicable must be defined. One the definition is written in the policy we need to maintain a list of the non-replicable file so that the replicating system (whatever it is) know what files is not allowed to copy (and what files it needs to regenerate).

Replicator doesn't look important enough to be put into potato.  You can
release potato compatible debs on your sourceforge site, but I think there's
no chance of getting this added to potato at this time.  You should focus
on woody.

Ok I'll find 2 tests machine.



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