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Re: gnupg signing

> > You should have a look at mutt. It handles gpg signing etc.
> Why bother?  Mutt is so terribly inflexible compared to MH.

out of curiousity, what does mh offer ?
I know mutt can be hacked around with pretty well.

merely curious about what MH has to offer/

> I'd recommend:
>   1) get nmh instead of RAND MH.  
>   2) use either exmh (which has PGP/GPG support) or one of the Emacs
>   MH-based modes which has PGP/GPG support (I use exmh so I'd have
>   which).

Peter 'darkewolf' Crystal
email   : darke@debian.org || darke@indigo.net.au || darkewolf@cyberpunks.org
url     : http://cyberpunks.org/darke/homepage.phtml
url     : http://walledcity.sourceforge.net/
gpg key : http://cyberpunks.org/keys/darke_gpg.asc 

Programming , Webdesign, AI theory, Paranoia, System Administration, 
Network Design, Problem Solutions

  A disciple of another sect once came  to Drescher as he was eating his
morning meal. "I would like to give you this personality test", said the
outsider, "because I want you to be happy." Drescher took the paper that
was offered him and put it into the toaster, saying: "I wish the toaster
to be happy, too."

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