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Re: Binaries for other architectures

Hi, James!

On Fri, 02 Apr at 19:40 +0100, James Troup wrote:
>>  - Wait because it's done automatically (if yes, why am I actually uploading
>>    i386-binaries?)
> This option.
> m68k and powerpc have build daemons which scan for new packages and
> compile them.  Other architectures are either in the process of
> switching or considering switching.

Now, that's really cool. Saves a lot of time.
But isn't there a i386 build daemon? It would save a lot of online time for
many people (if I think about uploading xemacs...ugh).
If there are errors while building, am I notified? Or someone else?

> >  - Compile it on some remote debian-machine.
> This is a possibility for at least m68k, powerpc and alpha (kullervo,
> tervola and faure @ debian.org), but unless you specifically want to
> or need to, I wouldn't bother.

Na, I don't think I want to.

> > BTW: Why is the main Debian-server using qmail (non-free)? Seems a
> > bit contradictory to me. But I guess, that doesn't belong here :-)
> We're in the process of switching (to exim for master; va has already
> been done, murphy is problematic, none of the other machines ever used
> qmail), but it's a non-trivial exercise as we've been using qmail for
> a long time and a lot of stuff relies on it.

I can imagine that. :-)


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