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[old] follow w.r.t. french developers

In article <199809040955.LAA10472@ezili.sis.pasteur.fr>, Stephane Bortzmeyer <bortzmeyer@pasteur.fr> writes:
>> seriously tough, in the new maintainer doc it says that encrypting
>> is not per mitted in francebut signature yes ? does anyone know
>> something about it ?

> I do (I studied the law, I even asked for a formal authorization of
> PGP - refused - and I participated in several official hearings
> about it).

> The Debian documentation is misleading. It says that you *can* use
> cryptography in France for authentification. But the law says you
> can use only a program which *cannot* do anything else than
> authentification. Therefore, my formal appliance for a PGP clearance
> (signature only) was refused because "PGP can be used for other
> purposes". (PGP is not forbidden in France, you just have to request
> a clearance which is always refused.)

> So, people living in France are formally forbidden to participate to
> the Debian project. So much for the influence of France in the
> world.

> According to a recent discussion on debian-french, most french
> Debian packagers choose the following solution: thrice a week, they
> take a plane to a free country (Germany is the closest from you, you
> just have to cross the Rhine with your bicyle) with a floppy, they
> sign and upload the packages there and they come back to France
> after that.

As I understood it, if some developer in the free world had the
gumption to create a stripped down pgp 2.6.2i (or whatever) which
could only perform signing/verifying functions, and which had all the
crypto functions stipped out, then French developers could participate
freely in Debian.

Is there an effort to do with GPG?

Is this not done because no French people care about Debian? ;)
[Take that as a challenge...]

.....Adam Di Carlo....adam@onShore.com.....<URL:http://www.onShore.com/>

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