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Re: Request for Sponsorship: VeryFastTree - Parallelized and Optimized Version of FastTree


> please also check the very detailed answer of Nilesh.

Thank Nilesh for the corrections. I have taken them into account in the
last implementation.

> Am Wed, Jul 05, 2023 at 07:52:07PM +0000 schrieb César Pomar:
> >
> > More than hardware optimizations, I mean that it may not make sense to
> > increase the
> > package size with 5 binaries
> Also your choice.  The binary itself is not extraordinary big in size so
> providing 5 of them would be not too expensive.  However, since on one
> hand we need to respect baseline and on the other hand we want to
> support "the fastest" architecture we can usually expect in nearly all
> relevant cases its your choice what you want to provide "inbetween".

I will choose to push rules with all architectures, and then there's always
time to delete them later on.

> > when SSE (the minimum required by Debian) and
> > AVX2 (more common in current hardware) could be sufficient. AVX512, in the
> > tests conducted, doesn't have as much impact as SSE to AVX2, and outside of
> > servers, it is still not as common. The intermediate extensions are the
> > same. If current computers have AVX2, the previous ones don't make sense,
> > and for the rest, SSE is sufficient.
> >
> > Regarding the performance differences, they are analyzed in the
> > supplementary material
> > of the VeryFastTree paper, which is open access. You can find it here:
> > https://academic.oup.com/bioinformatics/article/36/17/4658/5861530
> You might like to provide this as debian/README.Debian to inform those
> users who are trained to check this file (which is unfortunately only
> a small fraction of our users).

Yes, I find it interesting. I am currently working on a second paper, and
later, I could write this information in a readme.

> > Should I push it as is or should I delete some binaries?
> > Approximately, the size of the binaries would be:
> > AVX512: 10MB, AVX2: 5MB, AVX: 5MB, SSE4: 3MB SSE: 2.7MB = 25.7MB
> > for the package seems like a lot when perhaps AVX2 and SSE with 7.7MB would
> > be sufficient.
> As I said, just check Nilesh's mail which is pretty verbose about the
> changes that are needed.

I made the changes, and the pipeline has passed


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