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Re: suggesting dnarrange and lamassemble

Dear Nilesh and Debian Med
(cc MAFFT author Katohさん)

I have partly tracked down this lamassemble issue. First, I tested lamassemble on x86_64: the tests passed as expected. Then, I recompiled MAFFT after adding "-m32" to CFLAGS, which compiled it in 32-bit mode. Now, the tests in
do not give the expected results, as you found.

So it seems that MAFFT sometimes outputs different results in 32-bit mode, versus 64-bit mode.

I speculate that this is due to floating point calculations, which can produce different results in 32-bit versus 64-bit mode. I think this is because CPUs use "extended precision" in one mode but not the other. This is arguably not a "bug". I guess this must be a frequently occurring issue, how does Debian usually resolve it?

Have a nice day,

On Mon, Jul 11, 2022 at 3:36 PM Nilesh Patra <nilesh@debian.org> wrote:
lamassemble fails its tests on i386 (see here[1]) -- could you fix accordingly?

[1]: https://ci.debian.net/data/autopkgtest/testing/i386/l/lamassemble/22546451/log.gz

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