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Re: advice for gneiss package (more specifically, its unit tests)

On Thu, 9 Jul 2020, 05:03 Shayan Doust, <hello@shayandoust.me> wrote:
Hello Nilesh,

> Ah, then this is being used for the data visualization part here, and is
> probably not a test-only dependency.
> I suppose the _core_ functionality (analysis) will remain unaffected,
> but the visualisation part will be unusable.
> Can you try to use this module - maybe try reading docs and see how
> broken/not-brokem it looks?
> If there's no visualization, maybe this isn't fit to go to the archive

>From what I can see by reading the source, only one exposed function is
not functional due to the missing module. Specifically, from the
gneiss.plot module, the importation of "radialplot" is the only one that
depends on bokeh.

If "only" radial plot is broken, and rest all of the stuff works out of the box, this can be good to go for an upload.

This seems to be agreeable with the unit test where only one unit test
failed. I am not sure if the failure on one visualisation module (out of
multiple) would constitute a low-standard to where a package is held
back, or if there are presumably some ways around this, as of course
primarily the package installation should handle everything itself and
not rely on some end-user intervention for further third party installation.

It  is a much better idea if you can tweak the code in a way that replaces bokeh's functionality with some other package available in Debian, which can handle radial plots. 
Matplotlib maybe?

That'd make it less functional, but definitely not broken.

Add this change in README.Debian in either case.

I did also ping within the bug report for bokeh with your suggestion,
but then I stumbled across bokehjs[1], which seems to be a subset /
included within bokeh as a whole. From what I can see, bokeh seems big
and complex, so that puts a doubt as to when its upload would happen :(.

It can definitely happen, as there are already a huge amount of complex packages in Debian, some of which you'd be running while you typed this email :-)

As peb mentioned in the last email on the bug, it comes with a vendored un-minified JS which can be used for a first upload, and this can be removed in long run.
I hope Diane replies soon.

I'd help with this too, if things start moving forward. I've earlier JS packaging experience, and I'd love to help.

Kind regards,

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