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Re: Please do not do heavy changes on metapackages without discussion (Was: [Git][blends-team/med][master] Update bio - substituted (most) recommendations with suggestions)

Hi Andreas,

On 24.06.20 18:44, Andreas Tille wrote:
Hi Steffen,

your recent change to the bio task was quite invasive.  I think
we should discuss those things here first.  Leaving just daligner,
jalview (which is severely broken due to missing upgradres), qiime
and r-cran-rotl does not make sense at all.

you are right. I should not have done that. Sorry.

No, those leftovers should not be recommended either. ;o)

So please, before any massive change is done that changes the nature of
metapackages and might break user expectations that have grown over time
should be discussed here.

As I explained I have created a new branch demote-recommends that
can be used as a sandbox for a more fine grained metapackage layout.
But please do not to massive changes in the production branch without
any discussion.

In the past you explained (or I understood) you meant the "bio" task to
be a bit of a summary of everything available and a superset of bio-dev
and bio-ngs. And I agree that we need something like this - just for us
to see what should be updated, basically, and of others to see what is
out there, that is more then the Debian Med QA page. But to auto-derive
an installation of these packages - this is no longer feasible, I tend
to think and I feel that we agree on that.

My expectation is that our users are after on or two use cases/workflows
that will vertically install all the required tools. They don't install
five different workflows for RNA-seq analyses but decide for one (or
two). We have no means to express "please make a pick among those
packages that are equal", though.

So, the bio-task list I suggest not to install anything. And likely
neither the bio-dev task list. And then we need something expressing
(partial) functional equivalence to support a user-driven selection. My
hunch is, and I think also the somewhat unspoken idea from the last
sprints, that the EDAM ontology directs us towards it. For the moment,
that annotation is too sparse and not detailed enough - but ... to
describe a few tens of packages properly from where we then derive
installation directions - that sounds doable. I imagine to derive the
kind of lists you are vaguely describing in an automated manner from the
UDD (which you had engineered to parse the d/u/edam annotation already).



On Tue, Jun 23, 2020 at 04:56:46PM +0000, Steffen Möller wrote:

Steffen Möller pushed to branch master at Debian Blends Team / med

d2729893 by Steffen Möller at 2020-06-23T16:56:33+00:00
Update bio - substituted (most) recommendations with suggestions
- - - - -

1 changed file:

- tasks/bio


@@ -371,7 +371,7 @@ Suggests: flexbar

  Suggests: blimps-utils

-Recommends: sift
+Suggests: sift

  Suggests: neobio

@@ -687,409 +687,409 @@ Suggests: fsm-lite

  Suggests: garli

-Recommends: gatb-core
+Suggests: gatb-core

-Recommends: gatk
+Suggests: gatk

-Recommends: genometester
+Suggests: genometester

-Recommends: genomethreader
+Suggests: genomethreader

-Recommends: genometools
+Suggests: genometools

-Recommends: gerp++
+Suggests: gerp++

-Recommends: gffread
+Suggests: gffread

-Recommends: grabix
+Suggests: grabix

-Recommends: graphlan
+Suggests: graphlan

-Recommends: graphmap2
+Suggests: graphmap2

-Recommends: gwama
+Suggests: gwama

-Recommends: gubbins
+Suggests: gubbins

-Recommends: haploview-cran-amap
+Suggests: haploview-cran-amap

-Recommends: harvest-tools
+Suggests: harvest-tools

-Recommends: hilive
+Suggests: hilive

-Recommends: hisat2
+Suggests: hisat2

-Recommends: hmmer2
+Suggests: hmmer2
  Remark: This older version of HMMER is used in some applications
   While Debian has HMMER 3 since some time there are users of
   HMMER 2 interested in having this old version available and
   thus the package is reintroduced.

-Recommends: htqc
+Suggests: htqc

-Recommends: idba
+Suggests: idba

-Recommends: idefix
+Suggests: idefix

-Recommends: igdiscover
+Suggests: igdiscover

-Recommends: indelible
+Suggests: indelible

-Recommends: insilicoseq
+Suggests: insilicoseq

-Recommends: iqtree
+Suggests: iqtree

-Recommends: iva
+Suggests: iva

-Recommends: jaligner
+Suggests: jaligner

-Recommends: jbrowse
+Suggests: jbrowse

-Recommends: jmodeltest
+Suggests: jmodeltest

-Recommends: kaptive, kleborate
+Suggests: kaptive, kleborate

-Recommends: kempbasu
+Suggests: kempbasu

-Recommends: kineticstools
+Suggests: kineticstools

-Recommends: kissplice
+Suggests: kissplice

-Recommends: kma
+Suggests: kma

-Recommends: kmerresistance
+Suggests: kmerresistance

-Recommends: kraken, kraken2
+Suggests: kraken, kraken2

-Recommends: lagan
+Suggests: lagan
  X-Category: Comparative genomics

-Recommends: lambda-align, lambda-align2
+Suggests: lambda-align, lambda-align2

-Recommends: lastz
+Suggests: lastz

-Recommends: leaff
+Suggests: leaff

-Recommends: ltrsift
+Suggests: ltrsift

-Recommends: lofreq
+Suggests: lofreq

-Recommends: kallisto
+Suggests: kallisto

-Recommends: khmer
+Suggests: khmer

-Recommends: kmer
+Suggests: kmer

-Recommends: radiant
+Suggests: radiant

-Recommends: lefse
+Suggests: lefse

-Recommends: lighter
+Suggests: lighter

-Recommends: lumpy-sv
+Suggests: lumpy-sv

-Recommends: mach-haplotyper
+Suggests: mach-haplotyper

-Recommends: macs
+Suggests: macs

-Recommends: macsyfinder
+Suggests: macsyfinder

-Recommends: maffilter
+Suggests: maffilter

-Recommends: mage2tab, tab2mage
+Suggests: mage2tab, tab2mage

-Recommends: malt
+Suggests: malt

-Recommends: manta
+Suggests: manta

-Recommends: mapdamage
+Suggests: mapdamage

-Recommends: martj
+Suggests: martj

-Recommends: mash
+Suggests: mash

-Recommends: progressivemauve
+Suggests: progressivemauve
  X-Category: Multiple genome alignment
  X-Importance: efficient

-Recommends: mauve-aligner
+Suggests: mauve-aligner

-Recommends: medaka
+Suggests: medaka

-Recommends: meme
+Suggests: meme
  License: non-free for commercial purpose (http://meme.nbcr.net/meme/COPYRIGHT.html)

-Recommends: meryl
+Suggests: meryl

-Recommends: metabit
+Suggests: metabit

-Recommends: metaphlan2
+Suggests: metaphlan2

-Recommends: metastudent
+Suggests: metastudent

  Suggests: metastudent-data, metastudent-data-2

-Recommends: microbegps
+Suggests: microbegps

-Recommends: mindthegap
+Suggests: mindthegap

-Recommends: miniasm
+Suggests: miniasm

-Recommends: minimac4
+Suggests: minimac4

-Recommends: minimap, minimap2
+Suggests: minimap, minimap2

-Recommends: mirtop
+Suggests: mirtop

-Recommends: molekel
+Suggests: molekel

-Recommends: mosaik-aligner
+Suggests: mosaik-aligner

-Recommends: mosdepth
+Suggests: mosdepth

-Recommends: mmseqs2
+Suggests: mmseqs2

-Recommends: mpsqed
+Suggests: mpsqed

  Suggests: mrs
  Remark: mrs might occupy a lot of space on users disk - so you want to avoid this package from the metapackage recommends

-Recommends: mptp
+Suggests: mptp

-Recommends: mugsy
+Suggests: mugsy

-Recommends: multiqc
+Suggests: multiqc

-Recommends: murasaki | murasaki-mpi
+Suggests: murasaki | murasaki-mpi

-Recommends: mview
+Suggests: mview

-Recommends: nanocall
+Suggests: nanocall

-Recommends: nanook
+Suggests: nanook

-Recommends: nanopolish
+Suggests: nanopolish

-Recommends: nanolyse
+Suggests: nanolyse

-Recommends: nanofilt
+Suggests: nanofilt

-Recommends: nanoplot
+Suggests: nanoplot

-Recommends: nanosv
+Suggests: nanosv

-Recommends: ncbi-acc-download
+Suggests: ncbi-acc-download

-Recommends: ncbi-entrez-direct
+Suggests: ncbi-entrez-direct

-Recommends: ncbi-magicblast
+Suggests: ncbi-magicblast

-Recommends: ncbi-seg
+Suggests: ncbi-seg

-Recommends: nextsv
+Suggests: nextsv

-Recommends: ngila
+Suggests: ngila

-Recommends: ngmlr
+Suggests: ngmlr

-Recommends: ngsqctoolkit
+Suggests: ngsqctoolkit

-Recommends: nw-align
+Suggests: nw-align

-Recommends: oases
+Suggests: oases

-Recommends: obitools
+Suggests: obitools

-Recommends: oncofuse
+Suggests: oncofuse

-Recommends: optimir
+Suggests: optimir

-Recommends: optitype
+Suggests: optitype

-Recommends: paipline
+Suggests: paipline

-Recommends: python3-pairtools
+Suggests: python3-pairtools

-Recommends: pal2nal
+Suggests: pal2nal

-Recommends: paleomix
+Suggests: paleomix

-Recommends: paraclu
+Suggests: paraclu

-Recommends: parasail
+Suggests: parasail

-Recommends: parsinsert
+Suggests: parsinsert

-Recommends: parsnp
+Suggests: parsnp

-Recommends: partitionfinder
+Suggests: partitionfinder

-Recommends: patman
+Suggests: patman

-Recommends: patristic
+Suggests: patristic
  Language: Java

-Recommends: pbdagcon
+Suggests: pbdagcon

-Recommends: pbsuite
+Suggests: pbsuite

-Recommends: pbgenomicconsensus
+Suggests: pbgenomicconsensus

-Recommends: pbjelly, pbhoney
+Suggests: pbjelly, pbhoney

-Recommends: pbsim
+Suggests: pbsim

-Recommends: pcma
+Suggests: pcma
  Remark: Precondition for T-Coffee
   see http://wiki.debian.org/DebianMed/TCoffee
   Check with authors about licensing, they adopted code from clustalw which is now
   free.  Thus a change might be possible

-Recommends: perm
+Suggests: perm

-Recommends: pftools
+Suggests: pftools

-Recommends: phast
+Suggests: phast

-Recommends: phipack
+Suggests: phipack

-Recommends: phybin
+Suggests: phybin

-Recommends: phylophlan
+Suggests: phylophlan
  Remark: usearch can not be replaced since vsearch does not work with proteins
   See https://lists.debian.org/debian-med/2016/05/msg00091.html

-Recommends: phyloviz-core
+Suggests: phyloviz-core
  Remark: There are several plugins to package
   The download page http://www.phyloviz.net/wiki/plugins/ lists several plugins
   that should be packaged (single or as bundle) as well.

-Recommends: phyutility
+Suggests: phyutility

-Recommends: phyx
+Suggests: phyx

-Recommends: physamp
+Suggests: physamp

-Recommends: picopore
+Suggests: picopore

-Recommends: piler
+Suggests: piler

-Recommends: pilercr
+Suggests: pilercr

-Recommends: pilon
+Suggests: pilon

-Recommends: pipasic, inspect, tide
+Suggests: pipasic, inspect, tide

-Recommends: pirs
+Suggests: pirs

-Recommends: placnet
+Suggests: placnet

-Recommends: plasmidid
+Suggests: plasmidid

-Recommends: plasmidseeker
+Suggests: plasmidseeker

-Recommends: plato
+Suggests: plato

-Recommends: plip
+Suggests: plip

-Recommends: pomoxis
+Suggests: pomoxis

-Recommends: poretools
+Suggests: poretools

-Recommends: porechop
+Suggests: porechop

-Recommends: pplacer
+Suggests: pplacer

-Recommends: prank
+Suggests: prank

-Recommends: predictprotein
+Suggests: predictprotein

-Recommends: proalign
+Suggests: proalign

-Recommends: prodigal
+Suggests: prodigal

-Recommends: prokka
+Suggests: prokka

-Recommends: proteinortho
+Suggests: proteinortho

-Recommends: prottest
+Suggests: prottest

-Recommends: psortb
+Suggests: psortb

-Recommends: pscan-tfbs, pscan-chip
+Suggests: pscan-tfbs, pscan-chip

-Recommends: psipred
+Suggests: psipred

-Recommends: pssh2
+Suggests: pssh2

  Recommends: pufferfish

  Suggests: python3-alignlib

-Recommends: python3-cogent
+Suggests: python3-cogent

-Recommends: pycorrfit
+Suggests: pycorrfit

-Recommends: pyscanfcs
+Suggests: pyscanfcs

-Recommends: python3-deeptools, python3-deeptoolsintervals
+Suggests: python3-deeptools, python3-deeptoolsintervals

-Recommends: python3-geneimpacts
+Suggests: python3-geneimpacts

-Recommends: python3-gffutils
+Suggests: python3-gffutils

  Suggests: python3-loompy

-Recommends: python3-pybel
+Suggests: python3-pybel

  Suggests: python3-pychopper

  Suggests: python3-py2bit

-Recommends: python3-pybedtools
+Suggests: python3-pybedtools

-Recommends: python3-sqt
+Suggests: python3-sqt

-Recommends: qtlreaper
+Suggests: qtlreaper

  Suggests: python3-tinyalign

-Recommends: python3-treetime
+Suggests: python3-treetime

-Recommends: purple
+Suggests: purple

-Recommends: pycoqc
+Suggests: pycoqc

-Recommends: qcat
+Suggests: qcat

-Recommends: qcumber
+Suggests: qcumber

-Recommends: quicktree
+Suggests: quicktree

-Recommends: qtltools
+Suggests: qtltools

-Recommends: qualimap
+Suggests: qualimap

-Recommends: quast
+Suggests: quast

-Recommends: quorum
+Suggests: quorum

-Recommends: ragout
+Suggests: ragout

-Recommends: rambo-k
+Suggests: rambo-k

-Recommends: rapmap
+Suggests: rapmap

  Suggests: r-bioc-ctc

-Recommends: r-bioc-cummerbund
+Suggests: r-bioc-cummerbund

-Recommends: r-bioc-rtracklayer, r-bioc-gviz, r-bioc-biostrings, r-bioc-annotate, r-bioc-genefilter
+Suggests: r-bioc-rtracklayer, r-bioc-gviz, r-bioc-biostrings, r-bioc-annotate, r-bioc-genefilter

-Recommends: r-bioc-deseq2, r-bioc-dnacopy, r-bioc-geneplotter
+Suggests: r-bioc-deseq2, r-bioc-dnacopy, r-bioc-geneplotter

-Recommends: r-bioc-geoquery
+Suggests: r-bioc-geoquery

  Suggests: r-bioc-grohmm

@@ -1103,7 +1103,7 @@ Suggests: r-cran-corrplot

  Suggests: r-cran-dynamictreecut

-Recommends: r-bioc-ebseq
+Suggests: r-bioc-ebseq

  Suggests: r-cran-forecast

@@ -1111,23 +1111,23 @@ Suggests: r-cran-gprofiler

  Suggests: r-cran-fitdistrplus

-Recommends: r-bioc-impute
+Suggests: r-bioc-impute

-Recommends: r-bioc-mergeomics
+Suggests: r-bioc-mergeomics

-Recommends: r-bioc-metagenomeseq, r-bioc-phyloseq
+Suggests: r-bioc-metagenomeseq, r-bioc-phyloseq

-Recommends: r-bioc-mofa
+Suggests: r-bioc-mofa

-Recommends: r-bioc-multiassayexperiment
+Suggests: r-bioc-multiassayexperiment

-Recommends: r-bioc-mutationalpatterns
+Suggests: r-bioc-mutationalpatterns

-Recommends: r-bioc-limma, r-bioc-edger
+Suggests: r-bioc-limma, r-bioc-edger

-Recommends: r-bioc-bitseq, r-bioc-pcamethods, r-cran-samr
+Suggests: r-bioc-bitseq, r-bioc-pcamethods, r-cran-samr

-Recommends: r-bioc-htsfilter
+Suggests: r-bioc-htsfilter

  Suggests: r-bioc-annotationhub, r-bioc-aroma.light, r-bioc-ensembldb,

@@ -1141,33 +1141,33 @@ Recommends: r-cran-rotl

  Suggests: r-cran-rentrez

-Recommends: r-cran-adegenet, r-cran-adephylo
+Suggests: r-cran-adegenet, r-cran-adephylo

-Recommends: r-cran-ape
+Suggests: r-cran-ape

  Suggests: r-cran-boolnet

-Recommends: r-cran-distory
+Suggests: r-cran-distory

-Recommends: r-cran-drinsight
+Suggests: r-cran-drinsight

-Recommends: r-cran-kaos
+Suggests: r-cran-kaos

  Suggests: r-cran-minerva

-Recommends: r-cran-metamix
+Suggests: r-cran-metamix

  Suggests: r-cran-optimalcutpoints

  Suggests: r-cran-parmigene

-Recommends: r-cran-phangorn
+Suggests: r-cran-phangorn

  Suggests: r-cran-pheatmap

-Recommends: r-cran-phytools
+Suggests: r-cran-phytools

-Recommends: r-cran-pscbs
+Suggests: r-cran-pscbs

  Suggests: r-cran-rsgcc

@@ -1175,92 +1175,92 @@ Suggests: r-bioc-savr

  Suggests: r-cran-sctransform

-Recommends: r-cran-seurat
+Suggests: r-cran-seurat

-Recommends: r-cran-seqinr
+Suggests: r-cran-seqinr

-Recommends: r-cran-spp
+Suggests: r-cran-spp

-Recommends: r-bioc-tfbstools, r-bioc-cner
+Suggests: r-bioc-tfbstools, r-bioc-cner

-Recommends: r-cran-treescape
+Suggests: r-cran-treescape

-Recommends: r-cran-tsne
+Suggests: r-cran-tsne

  Suggests: r-bioc-tximport

-Recommends: r-cran-vegan
+Suggests: r-cran-vegan

-Recommends: r-cran-webgestaltr
+Suggests: r-cran-webgestaltr

-Recommends: r-other-apmswapp
+Suggests: r-other-apmswapp

-Recommends: r-other-hms-dbmi-spp
+Suggests: r-other-hms-dbmi-spp

-Recommends: r-cran-wgcna
+Suggests: r-cran-wgcna

-Recommends: r-other-ascat
+Suggests: r-other-ascat

-Recommends: readucks
+Suggests: readucks

-Recommends: recan
+Suggests: recan

-Recommends: relion-bin+gui | relion-bin+mpi+gui, relion-bin | relion-bin+mpi
+Suggests: relion-bin+gui | relion-bin+mpi+gui, relion-bin | relion-bin+mpi

-Recommends: rdp-alignment, rdp-readseq, rdp-classifier
+Suggests: rdp-alignment, rdp-readseq, rdp-classifier

-Recommends: reapr
+Suggests: reapr

-Recommends: repeatmasker-recon
+Suggests: repeatmasker-recon

-Recommends: repeatmasker
+Suggests: repeatmasker

-Recommends: resfinder
+Suggests: resfinder

-Recommends: roadtrips
+Suggests: roadtrips

-Recommends: roary
+Suggests: roary

-Recommends: roguenarok
+Suggests: roguenarok

-Recommends: rsat
+Suggests: rsat

-Recommends: rsem
+Suggests: rsem

-Recommends: sambamba
+Suggests: sambamba

-Recommends: samblaster
+Suggests: samblaster

-Recommends: salmon
+Suggests: salmon

-Recommends: samclip
+Suggests: samclip

-Recommends: sap
+Suggests: sap
  Remark: Precondition for T-Coffee
   see http://wiki.debian.org/DebianMed/TCoffee

-Recommends: scrappie
+Suggests: scrappie

-Recommends: scrm
+Suggests: scrm

-Recommends: seer
+Suggests: seer

-Recommends: segemehl
+Suggests: segemehl

-Recommends: sepp
+Suggests: sepp

-Recommends: seq-seq-pan
+Suggests: seq-seq-pan
  Remark: Needs blat which is not re-distributable

-Recommends: seqmagick
+Suggests: seqmagick

-Recommends: seqprep
+Suggests: seqprep

-Recommends: seqsero
+Suggests: seqsero

-Recommends: seqtk
+Suggests: seqtk

-Recommends: sequenceconverter.app
+Suggests: sequenceconverter.app
  Remark: Formerly part of Debian as biococoa.app but removed
   The package was part of Debian under the name biococoa.app which is confusing
   because biococoa is actually a library for working with sequences under GNUstep.
@@ -1272,195 +1272,195 @@ Remark: Formerly part of Debian as biococoa.app but removed
   newer versions are needed to work under Linux try to convince upstream to
   support GNUstep.

-Recommends: seqwish
+Suggests: seqwish

-Recommends: sga
+Suggests: sga

-Recommends: shovill
+Suggests: shovill

-Recommends: signalalign
+Suggests: signalalign

-Recommends: sibelia
+Suggests: sibelia

-Recommends: sina
+Suggests: sina

-Recommends: sistr
+Suggests: sistr

-Recommends: situs
+Suggests: situs

-Recommends: sim4db
+Suggests: sim4db

-Recommends: skesa
+Suggests: skesa

-Recommends: smalt
+Suggests: smalt
  Remark: This can be regarded as successor of ssaha2
   This program is from the same author as ssaha2 and according to its author
   faster and more precise than ssaha2 (except for sequences > 2000bp).

-Recommends: smithwaterman
+Suggests: smithwaterman

-Recommends: smrtanalysis
+Suggests: smrtanalysis

-Recommends: snpeff
+Suggests: snpeff

-Recommends: snpomatic
+Suggests: snpomatic

-Recommends: solvate
+Suggests: solvate

-Recommends: sortmerna
+Suggests: sortmerna

-Recommends: snap-aligner
+Suggests: snap-aligner

-Recommends: sniffles
+Suggests: sniffles

-Recommends: sourmash
+Suggests: sourmash

-Recommends: spaced
+Suggests: spaced

-Recommends: spades
+Suggests: spades

-Recommends: spaln
+Suggests: spaln

-Recommends: sparta
+Suggests: sparta

-Recommends: sprai
+Suggests: sprai

-Recommends: srst2
+Suggests: srst2

-Recommends: ssaha
+Suggests: ssaha
  Remark: Successor for ssaha2 available: smalt
   The program smalt is from the same author is according to its author
   faster and more precise than ssaha2 (except for sequences > 2000bp)

-Recommends: sspace
+Suggests: sspace

-Recommends: ssw-align
+Suggests: ssw-align

-Recommends: staden
+Suggests: staden

-Recommends: stacks
+Suggests: stacks

-Recommends: strap, strap-base
+Suggests: strap, strap-base
  Language: Java

-Recommends: strelka
+Suggests: strelka

-Recommends: stringtie
+Suggests: stringtie

-Recommends: subread
+Suggests: subread

-Recommends: suitename
+Suggests: suitename

-Recommends: sumatra, sumaclust
+Suggests: sumatra, sumaclust

-Recommends: sumtrees
+Suggests: sumtrees

-Recommends: surankco
+Suggests: surankco

-Recommends: swarm
+Suggests: swarm

-Recommends: tacg
+Suggests: tacg
  X-Category: Motif detection
  X-Importance: powerful

-Recommends: tantan
+Suggests: tantan

-Recommends: thesias
+Suggests: thesias

-Recommends: tiddit
+Suggests: tiddit

-Recommends: toppred
+Suggests: toppred

-Recommends: transdecoder
+Suggests: transdecoder

-Recommends: tnseq-transit
+Suggests: tnseq-transit

-Recommends: tn-seqexplorer
+Suggests: tn-seqexplorer

-Recommends: toil
+Suggests: toil

-Recommends: tombo
+Suggests: tombo

-Recommends: tracetuner
+Suggests: tracetuner

-Recommends: transrate-tools
+Suggests: transrate-tools

-Recommends: treeview
+Suggests: treeview
  X-Category: Visualisation

  X-Recommends: treevolve
  X-Comment: Homepage of software vanished, packaging in SVN is obviosely stalled
   Feel free to delete the 'X-' in front if you intend to do something on this package

-Recommends: trinityrnaseq
+Suggests: trinityrnaseq

-Recommends: uc-echo
+Suggests: uc-echo
  X-Category: NGS

-Recommends: ufasta
+Suggests: ufasta

-Recommends: umap-learn
+Suggests: umap-learn

-Recommends: umis
+Suggests: umis

-Recommends: unanimity
+Suggests: unanimity

-Recommends: unicycler
+Suggests: unicycler

-Recommends: varna
+Suggests: varna

-Recommends: varmatch
+Suggests: varmatch

-Recommends: varscan
+Suggests: varscan

-Recommends: vcfanno
+Suggests: vcfanno

-Recommends: vdjtools
+Suggests: vdjtools

-Recommends: vg
+Suggests: vg

-Recommends: vienna-rna
+Suggests: vienna-rna
  X-Category: Secondary structure of nucleic acids

-Recommends: virulencefinder
+Suggests: virulencefinder

-Recommends: vmatch
+Suggests: vmatch

-Recommends: vmd
+Suggests: vmd

-Recommends: vsearch
+Suggests: vsearch

-Recommends: vt
+Suggests: vt

-Recommends: yaha
+Suggests: yaha

-Recommends: yanagiba
+Suggests: yanagiba

-Recommends: yanosim
+Suggests: yanosim

-Recommends: canu
+Suggests: canu
  Remark: Genome assembly and large-scale genome alignment (http://www.cbcb.umd.edu/software/)

-Recommends: zalign
+Suggests: zalign

-Recommends: zodiac-zeden
+Suggests: zodiac-zeden
  Language: C, C++

-Recommends: discosnp, mapsembler2
+Suggests: discosnp, mapsembler2

-Recommends: dnaclust
+Suggests: dnaclust

-Recommends: r-cran-tcr, r-cran-tigger, r-cran-alakazam, r-cran-shazam, igor, r-cran-sdmtools, presto, changeo
+Suggests: r-cran-tcr, r-cran-tigger, r-cran-alakazam, r-cran-shazam, igor, r-cran-sdmtools, presto, changeo

-Recommends: ncbi-igblast
+Suggests: ncbi-igblast

  Suggests: python3-pyflow

-Recommends: pigx-rnaseq, pigx-scrnaseq
+Suggests: pigx-rnaseq, pigx-scrnaseq

  X-Mark: The information below needs to be checked whether it can be obtained from Vcs or needs to stay here

-Recommends: copycat
+Suggests: copycat
  Homepage: http://www-ab.informatik.uni-tuebingen.de/software/copycat/welcome.html
  License: Use of the program is free for academic purposes at an academic institute. For all other uses, please contact the authors.
  Pkg-Description: fast access to cophylogenetic analyses
@@ -1471,7 +1471,7 @@ Pkg-Description: fast access to cophylogenetic analyses
   creation of customized host-parasite association data and the
   computation of phylogenetic host/parasite trees based on the NCBI taxonomy.

-Recommends: btk-core
+Suggests: btk-core
  Homepage: http://sourceforge.net/projects/btk/
  Responsible: Morten Kjeldgaard <mok@bioxray.au.dk>
  License: GPL
@@ -1482,7 +1482,7 @@ Pkg-Description: biomolecule Toolkit C++ library
   for common tasks in structural biology to facilitate the development of
   molecular modeling, design and analysis tools.

-Recommends: asap
+Suggests: asap
  Homepage: http://asap.ahabs.wisc.edu/software/asap/
  Responsible: Andreas Tille <tille@debian.org>
  License: GPL
@@ -1510,7 +1510,7 @@ Pkg-Description: organize the data associated with a genome
   inter-operable between sites.
  X-Category: Annotation

-Recommends: cactus
+Suggests: cactus
  Homepage: http://www.cactuscode.org/Community/Biology.html
  License: GPL
@@ -1524,7 +1524,7 @@ Pkg-Description:
   Metacomputing Toolkit, HDF5 parallel file I/O, the PETSc scientific library,
   adaptive mesh refinement, web interfaces, and advanced visualization tools.

-Recommends: contralign
+Suggests: contralign
  Homepage: http://contra.stanford.edu/contralign/
  License: Public Domain
  Pkg-Description: parameter learning framework for protein pairwise sequence alignment
@@ -1535,13 +1535,13 @@ Pkg-Description: parameter learning framework for protein pairwise sequence alig
   previously unseen sequences and avoid overfitting by controlling model
   complexity through regularization.

-Recommends: concavity
+Suggests: concavity

-Recommends: conservation-code
+Suggests: conservation-code

-Recommends: galaxy
+Suggests: galaxy

-Recommends: genographer
+Suggests: genographer
  Homepage: https://sourceforge.net/projects/genographer/
  License: GPL
  Pkg-Description: read data and reconstruct them into a gel image
@@ -1553,7 +1553,7 @@ Pkg-Description: read data and reconstruct them into a gel image
   The program is written in Java and uses the Java 1.3 API. Therefore,
   it should run on any machine that can run java.

-Recommends: phylographer
+Suggests: phylographer
  Homepage: http://www.atgc.org/PhyloGrapher/PhyloGrapher_Welcome.html
  License: GPL
  X-Category: Graphical representation of sequence conservation
@@ -1574,7 +1574,7 @@ Remark: Outdated upstream, better alternatives available
   The former packaging effort of this package was dropped.  It seems
   that http://cytoscape.org/ is a reasonable replacement.

-Recommends: phylowin
+Suggests: phylowin
  Homepage: http://pbil.univ-lyon1.fr/software/phylowin.html
  WNPP: 395840
  License: unknown
@@ -1599,14 +1599,14 @@ Remark: Issuer of previous ITP said:
   Probably it makes sense to remove this project from the prospective packages

-Recommends: phpphylotree
+Suggests: phpphylotree
  Homepage: http://www.bioinformatics.org/project/?group_id=372
  License: GPL
  Pkg-Description: draw phylogenetic trees
   PhpPhylotree is a web application that is able to draw phylogenetic trees.
   It produces an SVG (Scalable Vector Graphic) file from phylip/newick tree files.

-Recommends: twain
+Suggests: twain
  Homepage: http://cbcb.umd.edu/software/pirate/twain/twain.shtml
  License: Open Source
  Pkg-Description: syntenic genefinder employing a Generalized Pair Hidden Markov Model
@@ -1629,7 +1629,7 @@ Pkg-Description: syntenic genefinder employing a Generalized Pair Hidden Markov
   Slides from a talk at Computational Genomics 2004 are now available.
  Remark: Computational Gene Finding (http://www.cbcb.umd.edu/software/)

-Recommends: rose
+Suggests: rose
  Homepage: http://www.cbcb.umd.edu/software/rose/Rose.html
  License: Open Source
  Pkg-Description: Region-Of-Synteny Extractor
@@ -1648,7 +1648,7 @@ Pkg-Description: Region-Of-Synteny Extractor
   boundaries of the output region.
  Remark: Computational Gene Finding (http://www.cbcb.umd.edu/software/)

-Recommends: glimmerhmm
+Suggests: glimmerhmm
  Homepage: http://www.cbcb.umd.edu/software/glimmerhmm/
  License: Artistic
  Pkg-Description: Eukaryotic Gene-Finding System
@@ -1663,7 +1663,7 @@ Pkg-Description: Eukaryotic Gene-Finding System
   user manual can be consulted here.
  Remark: Computational Gene Finding (http://www.cbcb.umd.edu/software/)

-Recommends: genezilla
+Suggests: genezilla
  Homepage: http://www.genezilla.org/
  License: Artistic
  Language: C++
@@ -1693,7 +1693,7 @@ Pkg-Description: eukaryotic gene finder
   for the comparative gene finder TWAIN.
  Remark: Computational Gene Finding (http://www.cbcb.umd.edu/software/)

-Recommends: exalt
+Suggests: exalt
  Homepage: http://www.cbcb.umd.edu/software/exalt/
  License: Artistic
  Pkg-Description: phylogenetic generalized hidden Markov model for predicting alternatively spliced exons
@@ -1707,7 +1707,7 @@ Pkg-Description: phylogenetic generalized hidden Markov model for predicting alt
   run on other species.
  Remark: Computational Gene Finding (http://www.cbcb.umd.edu/software/)

-Recommends: jigsaw
+Suggests: jigsaw
  Homepage: http://www.cbcb.umd.edu/software/jigsaw/
  License: Artistic
  Pkg-Description: gene prediction using multiple sources of evidence
@@ -1735,7 +1735,7 @@ Pkg-Description: gene prediction using multiple sources of evidence
   custom tracks in the UCSC Human Genome Browser
  Remark: Computational Gene Finding (http://www.cbcb.umd.edu/software/)

-Recommends: genesplicer
+Suggests: genesplicer
  Homepage: http://www.cbcb.umd.edu/software/GeneSplicer/
  License: Artistic
  Pkg-Description: computational method for splice site prediction
@@ -1779,7 +1779,7 @@ Pkg-Description: motif discovery tool
   On the other hand the SMILE author told us in private mail that he
   thinks that RISO is dead and SMILE continues to have some importance.

-Recommends: mummergpu
+Suggests: mummergpu
  Homepage: http://mummergpu.sourceforge.net/
  License: Artistic
  Pkg-Description: High-throughput sequence alignment using Graphics Processing Units
@@ -1807,7 +1807,7 @@ Pkg-Description: High-throughput sequence alignment using Graphics Processing Un
  Remark: Genome assembly and large-scale genome alignment (http://www.cbcb.umd.edu/software/)

-Recommends: amoscmp
+Suggests: amoscmp
  Homepage: http://amos.sourceforge.net/docs/pipeline/AMOScmp.html
  License: Artistic
  Pkg-Description: comparative genome assembly package
@@ -1836,7 +1836,7 @@ Pkg-Description: comparative genome assembly package
   modular open-source framework for assembly development.
  Remark: Genome assembly and large-scale genome alignment (http://www.cbcb.umd.edu/software/)

-Recommends: minimus
+Suggests: minimus
  Homepage: http://amos.sourceforge.net/docs/pipeline/minimus.html
  License: Artistic
  Pkg-Description: AMOS lightweight assembler
@@ -1869,7 +1869,7 @@ Pkg-Description: AMOS lightweight assembler
   develop a modular open-source framework for assembly development.
  Remark: Genome assembly and large-scale genome alignment (http://www.cbcb.umd.edu/software/)

-Ignore: catissuecore
+Suggests: catissuecore
  Homepage: https://cabig.nci.nih.gov/tools/catissuecore
  License: to be clarified, NCICB Open Source Project Site
  Pkg-Description: biospecimen inventory, tracking, and basic annotation
@@ -1928,7 +1928,7 @@ Pkg-Description: Transcript Annotation Prioritization and Screening System
  Remark: Found at

-Recommends: bambus
+Suggests: bambus
  Homepage: http://amos.sourceforge.net/docs/bambus/
  License: Artistic
  Pkg-Description: hierarchical approach to building contig scaffolds
@@ -1943,7 +1943,7 @@ Pkg-Description: hierarchical approach to building contig scaffolds
   integrated with the AMOS package (see http://amos.sourceforge.net/)
  Remark: Genome assembly and large-scale genome alignment (http://www.cbcb.umd.edu/software/)

-Recommends: gmv
+Suggests: gmv
  Homepage: http://murasaki.dna.bio.keio.ac.jp/wiki/index.php?GMV
  License: GPL
  Pkg-Description: comparative genome browser for Murasaki
@@ -1951,14 +1951,14 @@ Pkg-Description: comparative genome browser for Murasaki
   anchors from Murasaki, annotation data from GenBank files, and
   expression / prediction score from GFF files.

-Recommends: pyrophosphate-tools
+Suggests: pyrophosphate-tools
  Homepage: http://www-naweb.iaea.org/nafa/ipc/public/d4_pbl_6a.html
  License: not specified
  Pkg-Description: for assembling and searching pyrophosphate sequence data
   Simple tools for assembling and searching high-density picolitre
   pyrophosphate sequence data.

-Recommends: figaro
+Suggests: figaro
  Homepage: http://amos.sourceforge.net/Figaro/Figaro.html
  License: Artistic
  Pkg-Description: novel vector trimming software
@@ -1971,7 +1971,7 @@ Pkg-Description: novel vector trimming software
   part of the AMOS suite.
  Remark: Genome assembly and large-scale genome alignment (http://www.cbcb.umd.edu/software/)

-Recommends: mirbase
+Suggests: mirbase
  Homepage: http://microrna.sanger.ac.uk/
  License: Public Domain
  WNPP: 420938
@@ -2017,7 +2017,7 @@ X-Pkg-Description: fast computation of maximal repeats in complete genomes
  X-Note: Code is not redistributable see mailing list discussion at

-Recommends: uniprime
+Suggests: uniprime
  Homepage: http://code.google.com/p/uniprime/
  License: GPL-3+
  Responsible: Charles Plessy <plessy@debian.org>
@@ -2033,7 +2033,7 @@ Pkg-Description: workflow-based platform for universal primer design
   generates successful cross-species primers that take into account the
   biological aspects of the PCR.

-Recommends: genetrack
+Suggests: genetrack
  Homepage: http://sysbio.bx.psu.edu/genetrack.html
  License: MIT
  Responsible: Charles Plessy <plessy@debian.org>
@@ -2043,7 +2043,7 @@ Pkg-Description: genomic data storage and visualization framework
   analyze data obtained via high-throughput rapid sequencing platforms such as
   the 454 and Solexa as well as tiling array data based on various platforms.

-Recommends: operondb
+Suggests: operondb
  Homepage: http://www.cbcb.umd.edu/cgi-bin/operons/operons.cgi
  License: to be clarified
  Pkg-Description: detect and analyze conserved gene pairs
@@ -2072,7 +2072,7 @@ Remark: Other sequence analysis tools (http://www.cbcb.umd.edu/software/);
   no info about license or downloadable code found, but tried to
   contact authors.

-Recommends: trnascan-se
+Suggests: trnascan-se

  Comment: If you stumble upon alfresco at
   http://www.sanger.ac.uk/Software/Alfresco/ - it seems outdated and
@@ -2085,7 +2085,7 @@ Comment: If you stumble upon angler at
   this is probably also not for us except somebody has real interest
   and volunteers to clarify the license.

-Recommends: cdna-db
+Suggests: cdna-db
  Homepage: http://www.sanger.ac.uk/Software/analysis/cdna_db/
  License: Artistic
  Pkg-Description: quality-control checking of finished cDNA clone sequences
@@ -2112,9 +2112,9 @@ Pkg-Description: quality-control checking of finished cDNA clone sequences
   dump cDNA clones sequences (such as those that passed the QC
   checking) from the cdna_db.

-Recommends: coot
+Suggests: coot

-Recommends: caftools
+Suggests: caftools

  Recommends: roche454ace2caf
  Homepage: http://genome.imb-jena.de/software/roche454ace2caf/
@@ -2143,7 +2143,7 @@ Remark: The BioLinux distribution http://envgen.nox.ac.uk/biolinux.html
   Format) or GAP4. This package includes tools to convert assemblies
   from Newbler's ace format for loading into a gap4 assembly.

-Recommends: big-blast
+Suggests: big-blast
  Homepage: ftp://ftp.sanger.ac.uk/pub/pathogens/software/artemis/extra/big_blast.pl
  License: not specified
  Responsible: BioLinux - Stewart Houten <shou@ceh.ac.uk>
@@ -2154,7 +2154,7 @@ Pkg-Description: Helper tool to run blast on large sequences
   containing the hits.
  Remark: This package ships with BioLinux http://envgen.nox.ac.uk/biolinux.html

-Recommends: estferret
+Suggests: estferret
  Homepage: http://legr.liv.ac.uk/EST-ferret/index.htm
  License: to be clarified
  Responsible: BioLinux - Bela Tiwari <btiwari@ceh.ac.uk>
@@ -2201,11 +2201,11 @@ Pkg-Description: processes, clusters and annotates EST data
   a MySQL database or web-browsable search tool.
  Remark: This package ships with BioLinux http://envgen.nox.ac.uk/biolinux.html

-Recommends: lamarc
+Suggests: lamarc

-Recommends: lucy
+Suggests: lucy

-Recommends: maxd
+Suggests: maxd
  Homepage: http://www.bioinf.man.ac.uk/microarray/maxd/
  License: Artistic
  Responsible: BioLinux - Stewart Houten <shou@ceh.ac.uk>
@@ -2223,9 +2223,9 @@ Pkg-Description: data warehouse and visualisation environment for genomic expres
    maxdSetup - installation management utility
  Remark: This package ships with BioLinux http://envgen.nox.ac.uk/biolinux.html

-Recommends: mesquite
+Suggests: mesquite

-Recommends: migrate
+Suggests: migrate
  Homepage: http://popgen.scs.fsu.edu/Migrate-n.html
  License: to be clarified
  Responsible: BioLinux - Nathan S Haigh <n.haigh@sheffield.ac.uk>
@@ -2247,7 +2247,7 @@ Pkg-Description: estimation of population sizes and gene flow using the coalesce
   surfaces for all populations and all loci.
  Remark: This package ships with BioLinux http://envgen.nox.ac.uk/biolinux.html

-Recommends: msatfinder
+Suggests: msatfinder
  Homepage: http://www.genomics.ceh.ac.uk/msatfinder/
  License: GPL
  Responsible: BioLinux - Stewart Houten <shou@ceh.ac.uk>
@@ -2262,7 +2262,7 @@ Pkg-Description: identification and characterization of microsatellites in a com
   FASTA, EMBL and Swissprot formats are supported.
  Remark: This package ships with BioLinux http://envgen.nox.ac.uk/biolinux.html

-Recommends: oligoarrayaux
+Suggests: oligoarrayaux
  Homepage: http://dinamelt.bioinfo.rpi.edu/OligoArrayAux.php
  License: non-free (fre academical use)
  Responsible: BioLinux - Bela Tiwari <btiwari@ceh.ac.uk>
@@ -2289,7 +2289,7 @@ Remark: This package ships with BioLinux http://envgen.nox.ac.uk/biolinux.html
   this and so it might make soem sense to list it here - further
   investigation is needed.

-Recommends: partigene
+Suggests: partigene
  Homepage: http://www.nematodes.org/bioinformatics/PartiGene/
  License: GPL
  Responsible: BioLinux - Bela Tiwari <btiwari@ceh.ac.uk>
@@ -2303,7 +2303,7 @@ Pkg-Description: generating partial gemomes
   (putative genes) which we term a partial genome.
  Remark: This package ships with BioLinux http://envgen.nox.ac.uk/biolinux.html

-Recommends: pfaat
+Suggests: pfaat
  Homepage: http://pfaat.sourceforge.net/
  License: GPL
  Responsible: BioLinux - Dan Swan <dswan@ceh.ac.uk>
@@ -2321,7 +2321,7 @@ Comment: priam
   project has only a "free as in beer" binary download - so this is not
   for us ...

-Recommends: prot4est
+Suggests: prot4est
  Homepage: http://xyala.cap.ed.ac.uk/bioinformatics/prot4EST/index.shtml
  License: GPL
  Responsible: BioLinux - Bela Tiwari <btiwari@ceh.ac.uk>
@@ -2333,7 +2333,7 @@ Pkg-Description: EST protein translation suite
   translating ESTs.
  Remark: This package ships with BioLinux http://envgen.nox.ac.uk/biolinux.html

-Recommends: qtlcart
+Suggests: qtlcart
  Homepage: http://statgen.ncsu.edu/qtlcart/
  License: GPL
  Responsible: BioLinux - Dan Swan <dswan@ceh.ac.uk>
@@ -2346,7 +2346,7 @@ Pkg-Description: map quantitative traits using a map of molecular markers
   simulation studies of experiments.
  Remark: This package ships with BioLinux http://envgen.nox.ac.uk/biolinux.html

-Recommends: rbs-finder
+Suggests: rbs-finder
  Homepage: http://www.genomics.jhu.edu/RBSfinder/
  License: not specified
  Responsible: BioLinux - Stewart Houten <shou@ceh.ac.uk>
@@ -2363,7 +2363,7 @@ Pkg-Description: find ribosome binding sites(RBS)
  Remark: This package ships with BioLinux http://envgen.nox.ac.uk/biolinux.html

-Recommends: splitstree
+Suggests: splitstree
  Homepage: http://www-ab.informatik.uni-tuebingen.de/software/splitstree3/welcome.html
  License: to be clarified
  Responsible: BioLinux - Stewart Houten <shou@ceh.ac.uk>
@@ -2395,7 +2395,7 @@ Pkg-Description: Analyzing and Visualizing Evolutionary Data
  Remark: This package ships with BioLinux http://envgen.nox.ac.uk/biolinux.html

-Recommends: taverna
+Suggests: taverna
  Homepage: http://taverna.sourceforge.net/
  License: LGPL
  Responsible: BioLinux - Bela Tiwari <btiwari@ceh.ac.uk>
@@ -2420,7 +2420,7 @@ Pkg-Description: designing and executing myGrid workflows for bioinformatics
   collaboration with the open source community.
  Remark: This package ships with BioLinux http://envgen.nox.ac.uk/biolinux.html

-Recommends: taxinspector
+Suggests: taxinspector
  Homepage: http://nebc.nox.ac.uk/projects/taxinspector.html
  License: Artistic + other free licenses
  Responsible: BioLinux - Tim Booth <tbooth@ceh.ac.uk>
@@ -2431,7 +2431,7 @@ Pkg-Description: browser for entries in the NCBI taxonomy
   and Pedro, but also has a standalone mode.
  Remark: This package ships with BioLinux http://envgen.nox.ac.uk/biolinux.html

-Recommends: tetra
+Suggests: tetra
  Homepage: http://www.megx.net/tetra/
  License: free academic
  Responsible: BioLinux - Stewart Houten <shou@ceh.ac.uk>
@@ -2449,16 +2449,16 @@ Remark: for the Linux version
   Linux version might happen when REALbasic's Linux IDE is more mature.
  Remark: This package ships with BioLinux http://envgen.nox.ac.uk/biolinux.html

-Recommends: trace2dbest
+Suggests: trace2dbest

-Recommends: estscan
+Suggests: estscan
  Remark: This package ships with BioLinux http://envgen.nox.ac.uk/biolinux.html

-Recommends: profit
+Suggests: profit
  WNPP: 525428
  Remark: The authors need to change the license, still.

-Recommends: obo-edit
+Suggests: obo-edit
  Homepage: http://www.geneontology.org
  X-Comment: Find the license here [1] and [2].
   [1] http://geneontology.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/geneontology/java/oboedit/tags/2.2/release_resources/LICENSE?revision=4863&view=markup
@@ -2470,7 +2470,7 @@ Pkg-Description: editor for biological ontologies
   and part-of relations. Amongst the databases cureated by this tool
   is the GeneOntology.

-Recommends: phagefinder
+Suggests: phagefinder
  Homepage: http://phage-finder.sourceforge.net/
  License: GPL
  Language: Perl
@@ -2491,11 +2491,11 @@ Pkg-Description: heuristic computer program to identify prophage regions within
   will facilitate future studies on the biology and evolution of these prophages by providing
   a level of microbial genome annotation that was previously void.

-Recommends: compclust
+Suggests: compclust
  X-Category: Genomics; Clustering analysis (+GUI)
  Pkg-URL: http://woldlab.caltech.edu/compclust/debian_install.shtml

-Recommends: treebuilder3d
+Suggests: treebuilder3d
  Homepage: http://www.bcgsc.ca/platform/bioinfo/software/treebuilder
  License: GPL
  Language: Java
@@ -2508,7 +2508,7 @@ Pkg-Description: viewer of SAGE and other types of gene expression data
   analyzing differences in expression profiles of SAGE libraries, serves as an
   alternative to Venn diagrams.

-Recommends: excavator
+Suggests: excavator
  Homepage: http://csbl.bmb.uga.edu/downloads/excavator/
  License: GPL
  Language: Java
@@ -2531,44 +2531,44 @@ Pkg-Description: gene expression data clustering
    * numerical comparison between different clustering results of the same data set
    * runnable on command line as well as through a Java GUI

-Recommends: treetime
+Suggests: treetime
  Homepage: http://treetime.linhi.com/
  License: GPL
  Pkg-Description: Bayesian sampling of phylogenetic trees from molecular data
   TreeTime is controlled by input files in nexus format and does
   bayesian sampling of phylogenetic trees from these data.

-Recommends: abacas
+Suggests: abacas

-Recommends: profnet-bval, profnet-chop, profnet-con, profnet-isis, profnet-md, profnet-norsnet, profnet-prof, profnet-snapfun
+Suggests: profnet-bval, profnet-chop, profnet-con, profnet-isis, profnet-md, profnet-norsnet, profnet-prof, profnet-snapfun

-Recommends: profphd-net, profphd-utils
+Suggests: profphd-net, profphd-utils

-Recommends: profphd
+Suggests: profphd

-Recommends: abyss
+Suggests: abyss

-Recommends: ampliconnoise
+Suggests: ampliconnoise

-Recommends: disulfinder
+Suggests: disulfinder

-Recommends: circos, runcircos-gui
+Suggests: circos, runcircos-gui

-Recommends: populations
+Suggests: populations

-Recommends: raccoon
+Suggests: raccoon

-Recommends: racon, spoa, rampler
+Suggests: racon, spoa, rampler

-Recommends: librg-utils-perl
+Suggests: librg-utils-perl

-Recommends: snap
+Suggests: snap

-Recommends: pyvcf, vcftools
+Suggests: pyvcf, vcftools

-Recommends: beads
+Suggests: beads

-Recommends: x-tandem-pipeline
+Suggests: x-tandem-pipeline
  Homepage: http://pappso.inra.fr/bioinfo/xtandempipeline/
  License: GPL
  Language: Java
@@ -2593,7 +2593,7 @@ Pkg-Description: peptide/protein identification from MS/MS mass spectra

  Suggests: maude

-Recommends: forge
+Suggests: forge
  Homepage: http://combiol.org/forge/
  License: Apache 2.0
  Pkg-Description: genome assembler for mixed read types
@@ -2617,7 +2617,7 @@ Remark: Competitor to MIRA2 and wgs-assembler
   This package was requested by William Spooner <whs@eaglegenomics.com> as
   a competitor to MIRA2 and wgs-assembler.

-Recommends: metarep
+Suggests: metarep
  License: MIT
  Homepage: http://www.jcvi.org/metarep/
  Pkg-Description: JCVI Metagenomics Reports
@@ -2650,7 +2650,7 @@ X-Pkg-Description: MEtaGenome ANalyzer
   projects. In consequence, there is a dramatic increase in the volume of
   sequence data to be analyzed.

-Recommends: arachne
+Suggests: arachne
  Homepage: http://www.broadinstitute.org/crd/wiki/index.php/Arachne
  License: free
  Pkg-Description: toolkit for Whole Genome Shotgun Assembly
@@ -2669,7 +2669,7 @@ Pkg-Description: toolkit for Whole Genome Shotgun Assembly
   numerous modules, to analyze, visualize and manipulate assemblies. New
   and improved algorithms are becoming available on a regular basis.

-Recommends: maker2
+Suggests: maker2
  Homepage: http://www.yandell-lab.org/software/maker.html
  License: GPL / Artistic
  Pkg-Description: annotate genomes and create genome databases
@@ -2689,7 +2689,7 @@ Pkg-Description: annotate genomes and create genome databases
   especially useful for emerging model organism projects with minimal
   bioinformatics expertise and computer resources

-Recommends: rmblast
+Suggests: rmblast
  Homepage: http://tandem.bu.edu/trf/trf.html
  License: Same as blast2
  Pkg-Description: RepeatMasker compatible version of the standard NCBI BLAST
@@ -2703,7 +2703,7 @@ Pkg-Description: RepeatMasker compatible version of the standard NCBI BLAST
   scoring. Cross_match is Phil Green's seeded smith-waterman search algorithm.
   Support for cross_match-like masklevel filtering.

-Recommends: e-hive
+Suggests: e-hive
  Homepage: http://www.ensembl.org/info/docs/eHive/index.html
  License: Not specified
  Pkg-Description: distributed processing system based on 'autonomous agents'
@@ -2713,14 +2713,14 @@ Pkg-Description: distributed processing system based on 'autonomous agents'
   to codify any program, algorithm, or parallel processing job control system.
   It is not bound to any processing 'farm' system and can be adapted to any GRID.

-Recommends: cmap
+Suggests: cmap
  Homepage: http://gmod.org/wiki/CMap
  License: Not specified
  Pkg-Description: view comparisons of genetic and physical maps
   CMap is a web-based tool that allows users to view comparisons of genetic and
   physical maps. The package also includes tools for curating map data.

-Recommends: gbrowse-syn
+Suggests: gbrowse-syn
  Homepage: http://gmod.org/wiki/GBrowse_syn
  License: Not specified
  Pkg-Description: Generic Synteny Browser
@@ -2733,7 +2733,7 @@ Pkg-Description: Generic Synteny Browser
   later). Working examples can be seen at TAIR and WormBase.

-Recommends: tripal
+Suggests: tripal
  Homepage: http://tripal.info/
  License: GPL ( as Drupal a derivative )
  Pkg-Description: collection of Drupal modules for genomic research
@@ -2748,14 +2748,14 @@ Pkg-Description: collection of Drupal modules for genomic research
   databases are projects of the Main Bioinformatics Laboratory at Washington
   State University

-Recommends: genemark
+Suggests: genemark
  Homepage: http://exon.biology.gatech.edu/
  License: Academic License Agreement
  Pkg-Description: family of gene prediction programs
   A family of gene prediction programs developed at Georgia Institute of
   Technology, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.

-Recommends: annovar
+Suggests: annovar
  Homepage: http://www.openbioinformatics.org/annovar/
  License: Open Source for non-profit
  Pkg-Description: annotate genetic variants detected from diverse genomes
@@ -2791,7 +2791,7 @@ Pkg-Description: annotate genetic variants detected from diverse genomes
   "variants reduction" procedure, making it practical to handle hundreds
   of human genomes in a day.

-Recommends: python3-orange
+Suggests: python3-orange
  License: GPLv3
  Homepage: http://orange.biolab.si/
  Pkg-URL: http://orange.biolab.si/debian/
@@ -2802,7 +2802,7 @@ Pkg-Description: Data mining framework
   techniques. It can be used through a nice and intuitive user interface
   or, for more advanced users, as a module for Python programming language.

-Recommends: tigr-glimmer-mg
+Suggests: tigr-glimmer-mg

  Comment: Several related R packages are listed at CRAN:

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