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Re: TR: Debian has RRID SCR_006638

Hi Fabien,

On Wed, Apr 25, 2018 at 08:10:16AM +0000, Fabien Pichon wrote:
> OK fine because the output from the Andreas' script edam.sh does not contain any date, so I cannot filter it.

Feel free to ask for additional fields you consider interesting.  I'd
conclude from your sentence that the upload of the latest Debian package
might be interesting for you, right?  But publishing all these might be
a bit noisy.  Currently some bugs are filed to make Python packages
compatible with sphinx 1.6.  It can be that packages that are for a long
time in Debian.  So the latest upload of a new Debian revision of a
certain software might be blur - but it also might be that we fix a bug
in the upstream code either before upstream or at all (since upstream
might have orphaned the code).  So you can not really know what date is
more relevant for users - may be the first upload of some upstream
version is usually the more interesting date for general users.
> Maybe you will be more able to modify it to add this information.

Sure.  Just express your wishes. 
> Actually it's up to Debian Med concerning what you want to communicate on.

I agree - and thanks for the offer.  So my questions above are not only
directed to Fabien exclusively.

> If you want to communicate only on new software packaged or on versions updates too. But I think this is more interesting for users to communicate only on new packages, not updates, and in this case we can also add packages that do not have OMICS RRID (as your first script provided in two files). What I do not want is a too much long list of names, because people will not read it... (and this will be "counter productive" for you at the end).

Fully agreed.  If you ask me just names will end up in pure noise.
Either a short description or a link (to the homepage or alternatively
the package information) should be given as well.  Sometimes there are
reasons when we need to rename software - thus just a name is not really
telling much to some users.  Here is what I would consider a really
unfortunate name change[1] but there are other examples like LAST that
was renamed to last-align or Eagle that was renamed to bio-eagle.
> Furthermore, my communication team is proposing to change the blog article format for a newsletter format. They say that this is more convenient for this kind of information. Hope it sounds good for you all.

Whatever you decide is good for us. :-)

Thanks a lot for your support


[1] https://bugs.debian.org/832613


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