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Re: New versions of some Bioconductor packages for R 3.4.0

On 14/05/2017 12:08, Andreas Tille wrote:
I have created a dependency graph of most of the bioc packages here:


The makefile created a PNG but the ditaa file is perfectly readable in
your favourite editor ... in case this might help spotting further
dependencies.  Please note that this is true for BioConductor 3.3 and
might be invalid for 3.4.

Thanks, much of it still seems to be relevant.
How did you create it? It would be good to update that for Bioconductor 3.5 which was released last month.

Fine.  That's perfectly welcome.  I think we should upgrade the other
BioConductor packages since it is to be expected that when uploading new
versions of base packages other rdepends might become erroneous if not
even unusable.  I never did an a formal transition for these package due
to their low popcon usage but strictly speaking this is what needs to be

I am monitoring Ubuntu's Proposed Migration tracker [1].
Ubuntu are gating on autopkgtest results, which has been helpful in identifying what needs to be rebuilt or needs updating. Unfortunately, some packages have always failed their autopkgtests, so don't help with identifying regressions. Once r-base/3.4.0-1 itself has migrated, I will look at its dependencies.

BTW, if you might wonder why SVN is used:  The motivation is that
usually R packages are brain dead simple in packaging in most cases
while storing upstream code might occupy a lot of disk space.  Since our
packaging policy includes upstream source storage I considered this a
bit overkill.

That makes sense.  I am happy with the status quo.

[1] http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html#r-base

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