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Re: RFS: augustus -- gene prediction in eukaryotic genomes

Hi, Sascha,

على السبت  2 نيسـان 2016 ‫13:56، كتب Sascha Steinbiss:
> Could anyone probably take a look, please? I’d be happy to address any remaining issues.

This looks very nice. I didn't want to change things that could just be
your stylistic preferences, but in your debian/rules, you have

        cd auxprogs/bam2hints && $(MAKE)
        cd $(CURDIR)
        cd auxprogs/checkTargetSortedness && $(MAKE)
        cd $(CURDIR)
        cd auxprogs/homGeneMapping/src && $(MAKE)
        cd $(CURDIR)
        cd auxprogs/joingenes && $(MAKE)
        cd $(CURDIR)
        asciidoctor -a docdate='' -b manpage debian/mansrc/*adoc

where the cd $(CURDIR) lines are unnecessary-- every line in the Make
recipe is called in a fresh shell that will already be in the top-level

Also, you could override dh_installchangelogs to tell debhelper about
the upstream changelog if it isn't detected automatically.

If the build order doesn't matter, these recursive make invocations can
also be made into separate rules and set as prerequisites of the build.
But that would only help if you're using dh --parallel and probably is
not important.

I'm sorry if you knew these things already and just preferred to do it
the way you did, but I just want to make sure. I can change make these
changes if you'd like. Just let me know.

Thanks and regards,

Afif Elghraoui | عفيف الغراوي

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