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Re: best policies for third party Debian packaging and get-orig-source target

On Thu, 1 Aug 2013, Charles Plessy wrote:

Dear Faheem,

I received multiple enquiries about ggplot2, and I am very sorry that I got confused and forgot to answer to yours.

I am also very sorry for the state of this package. When preparing the update, I overlooked some of the new pakcages that need to be introduced, which added a long waiting period to the process. When they will be accepted in Debian, ggplot2 will be updated a soon as possile.

Hi Charles,

Thank you for your message. If you need assistance wtih ggplot2 I can help. I use ggplot2, though not R itself very much.

It seems there is a long wait in NEW currently. Do you know why that is?

                                                        Regards, Faheem

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