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Re: [fis-gtm] ready for upload - needs sponsor

Hi Amul,

I'd like to come back to your mail after having the chance for a deeper
inspection besides firing up lintian.  The good news from my perspective
is that the remaining issues are rather Debian and its users centric
rather than problems with build systems.

The first thing is that former packaging of 5.x series contained a
metapackage fis-gtm containing a link "current".  This was a pretty good
idea IMHO.

Moreover I noticed that binaries do exist in
I have different remarks about this:

  1. I somehow have the impression you would reinvent multiarch to some
     extend because I do not see any reason for appending the
     architecture to this directory because we just have a way to
     separate different architectures.  IMHO it would be more apropriate
     to move the *binary* files into


     (as an example for amd64)
     I admit I'm neither a multiarch expert nor do I have the slightest
     idea about GT/M and thus I'm not sure whether this suggestions
     makes sense in the end but I wanted to have this discussed before
     we upload.

  2. As I said I'm totally uneducated about GT/M and if I install a
     "random" new package I usually check what executables are installed
     by the package in /usr/bin, verify its manpage in /usr/share/man
     and if I can not find such thing I do look in
     /usr/share/doc/fis-gtm/README.Debian for some information how to
     start with the package and what to do next.
     Unfortunately the package does not contain any of these entry
     points for newcomers.  By some trial-and-error approach I learned
     that the script
        . /usr/lib/fis-gtm/V6.0-001_x86_64/gtm
     can be called (even if its permissions are not properly set to
     executable).  IMHO this needs some enhancement to make it more
     simple ro "run" gtm.

  3. When running
        . /usr/lib/fis-gtm/V6.0-001_x86_64/gtm
     I did not got any "help" (I typed the usual ways to get info
     like 'help', '?' etc but failed.)  IMHO some very basic doc
     needs to be dropped into /usr/share/doc/fis-gtm/.  You should
     make sure that beginners can get some small hint how to start
     smoothly (I consider fis-gtm as more than just a precondition
     to run VistA where you possibly can expect that users will not
     touch GT/M and developers know what to do anyway.

Hope these hints help polishing the package a bit and feel free to
prove me wrong if I'm missing something.

Kind regards and thanks for working on fis-gtm



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