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Re: [MoM] Packaging fis-get

On Tue, Jan 24, 2012 at 10:20:06AM +0100, Karsten Hilbert wrote:
> Given the complexity of GT.M I would second Bhaskars
> assertion that full replacement better be deferred until the
> second generation of fis-gtm Debian packages.

Seems I was missunderstood: I would not fiddle with a csh -> sh
translation in the packaging.  We have more important jobs to do.  It
was rather adressing suggestions for changes at upstream site: It is a
win even if no *new* (t)csh scripts will be invented and people stick to
POSIX shell.  If the number of (t)csh scripts could be reduced when
touching them for whatever reason and turning them into POSIX (I have
seen examples where this conversion takes less than a minute) it is
also nice.
> May I suggest
> 1) identifying tasks
> 2) prioritizing tasks into
> 	a) initial release
> 	b) second release
> 	c) subsequent releases

I obviousely did not made my point clear enough.  This was no task for
the packager but a hint from the packager to upstream which is very
helpful for packaging (and finally for speed because /bin/dash loads
faster not to say lightning fast).  However Bhaskar's recent mail lets
us assume that this hint will not be regarded in the near future which
is no real reason to discuss lengthy.

Kind regards and soryy for beeing unclear



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