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Re: new member introduction

On Fri, Dec 09, 2011 at 11:55:41AM +0000, Nick James wrote:
> I'm happy to look into other things that you are not sure if they
> are needed.  How do I get a list of scripts that are causing
> problems?

The idea is to run lintian on the resulting packages.  So how to get
these packages.  There are (at least) two ways:

  A. The brave way to build it yourself doing the following:

    1. Checkout either full Debian Med SVN or just the tree for
       ensembl (just ask for more details if policy is not clear
       about how to do this)
    2. cd into the packaging root directory (where the debian/
       directory is sitting but *not* into the debian/ dir)
    3. make -f debian/rules get-orig-source
       will create the source tarball I'm working on
    4. Build the package which also has some variants.  Policy
       recommends svn-buildpackage.  If it works for you that's
       fine.  I personally use pbuilder directly which does the
       building of the packages in a chroot which needs to be
       created using `sudo pbuilder --create`.  Pbuilder is an
       important technique you need to understand sooner or later.
       In this specific case it is better to do it sooner because
       for a reason I did not found for the moment ensembl will
       not build twice in a row when using simple debuild (which
       is the simplest method to build the package I could
       imagine).  This "does not build twice in a row" needs
       further fixing - I have no idea why this happens because
       all changes of files happen in a separate dir but somehow
       original sources are touched.

       In short:  Decide between
       to create the packages.
    5. Once you created the packages you can run

         lintian *.dsc *.deb

       to have a simple list of critical things.  For a newcommer
       it is better to run

         lintian -i *.dsc *.deb

       which gives additional explanations.
       And we have the nitpicking mode:

         lintian -i -I *.dsc *.deb

So you get the scripts which are technically problematic.

> There are a lot of scripts like this one, so I don't want
> to go through them all unless really necessary! Many of them are
> useful too.

Well, this is a matter of *content*.  No automatic test can detect this.
We just went by random in something which was not usefull inside the
package *and* technically incorrect.  Perhaps you might look for file
types which do not need to end up in an end user package.  As I suggested
pure source code files like *.c, *.cpp and *.h do not really belong into
this.  Perhaps you might see other file types as well.

Hint: I personally like to use MidnightCommander to browse inside Debian
packages - perhaps you like this tool as well.

Hope this helps.  Feel free to keep on asking - I'll be offline over the
weekend, but others might step in as well for basic packaging questions.

Kind regards



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