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Re: Debian Med ... why?

[CC to public Debian Med list after stripping anything from your
 mail that might be considered private.]

Hi Stathis,

I admit I'm not completely sure what you really intend to do but let me
comment on some parts of your mail.

On 11/08/2011 10:29 PM, Stathis Iosifidis (aka diamond_gr) wrote:
> Lately I created a small distro based on PCLinuxOS:
> http://linuxtracker.org/index.php?page=torrent-details&id=7f817bb18fe314ccfbefd68dcaa4cc9a3d57d37b

If you ask me: There are enough distributions targeting at medical care.
Moreover: I dount that a single person is able to release something
which is really helpful, stable and sustainable.  Even if this was a
hopefully interesting exercise for you I think you should rather join
an existing project than trying on your own.

> Well, my main goal with openSUSE is to separate the target groups of
> med people.
> I'll try to create a survey to find out what doctors need.
> My goal with openSUSE would be collaboration between distros and

Did you checked out


I know there is a mailing list of OpenSuSE Medical but there is no
traffic at all since the last 6 monthes.  Either these people use
different communication channels or the project which started with
big noise in newstickers is stalled again.

There is also Fedora Medical SIG which was basically driven by a Google
Summer of Code student.  This Summer is over now and my personal
impression is that now the project does not get any attention from
Fedora people.  His call for help on the list remained unanswered.

There might be other distros that gain for medical support but I do not
know anything comparable to Debian Med which has by far the largest
amount of medical applications (probably 20 times more than the others)
and even more importantly a strong team you can trust upon to work in
commons on problems.

> projects, so we'll have the same packages to cover institutions that
> run different distro.

Could you please be more verbose on why you intend to do this?  After
thinking a lot of time I realised that my time is more than filled with
working on one distribution.  Even if you take Ubuntu where it is quite
easy to port the ready Debian packages you frequently observe say some
friction in the migration of packages.  IMHO it would need the dedicated
time of one person to make sure to keep Debian and Ubuntu in perfect
synchronisation (in both directions).  But that's a quite simple deal
compared to trying to do this for different distributions.  I also doubt
that you can do a reasonable selection what distributions you want to
support.  In short: I'm reading the OpenSuSE Medical (cheap because
empty) and Fedora Medical SIG list to watch out for ways for cooperation
and I think that those projects could learn from each other and also
steal some code for specific packages.  But a coverage of the same
packages will never be approached nor do I think that this is very
reasonable thing to do in the end because the profit for the user is not
clear to me.

Kind regards



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