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On Mon, Dec 17, 2007 at 09:48:16AM +0100, Andreas Tille wrote:
> On Tue, 11 Dec 2007, Andreas Tille wrote:
>> in a thread starting at
>>    http://lists.debian.org/debian-med/2006/08/msg00003.html
>> I gave the answer I'm quoting below.  This was about 1.5 years ago
>> and I lost completely track to ODIN packagin into Debian-Med.  I
>> just added this package to our prospective packages list to keep
>> some record.  I would like to know whether anybody is able to work
>> on a real Debian integration.
> In my last mail I forgot one more question: on
>      http://od1n.sourceforge.net/
> you also provide source code for a library called vista.  There
> is no obvious hint on your page what role this library might play.
> Moreover I would try to avoid such very generic names for a library
> and especially this one which might be covered by another software
> product (but that's another issue ;-)).
I'm not 100% sure, but vista is another image format. In some respects
it is similar to NIFTI but combines an ascii header and binary data in
the same file. It has the advantages of being able to store history
information in the file header. IIRC the format and associated library
(libvista) is really old. I'm sure it has been there even before Mr.
Gates though about his 'revolutionary' new product ;-)

BTW: I'm always having trouble finding the libvista upstream source on
the net, but I know that it is (or has been) there.



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