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Re: Please, stop abusing ddtss/DDTP

2007/11/25, Charles Plessy <charles-debian-nospam@plessy.org>:
> Hi everybody,

Hi Carles,

> I found a script named update-ddtp in
> /var/lib/gforge/chroot/home/groups/debian-med/scripts.

Yes, it's the right one.

> I do not know how to put something like Perl's `__END__' in the Python
> script, so I just renamed it. I hope that it will not generate too much
> error messages.

Please create an empty update-ddtp instead:


This will ensure that my mailbox doesn't get overloaded by Cron's
error messages.

> Here I attached the script. David, if you think we can substitute one
> URL by the one suggested before, just let me know.

Well, no.
There's nothing there to change, at a wild guess. In fact, the
statistics are generated by parsing Translation-<lang> files, the one
APT downloads. The only thing might be the "Fetch URL" which causes
some problems, but I might think of a way to see if a package is
already fetched or not, and act consequently. But currently the script
*does* *NOT* *use* *web* *pages* *to* *generate* *statistics*.


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