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ikiwiki / CVE-2019-9187

Attached is my proposed patch for ikiwiki.

Upstream patches applied with no dramas. I manually applied the changes
to the end of doc/security.mdwn but everything else applied OK

I wasn't sure what version number to use. Previous jessie-security
releases use the convention of "3.20141016.x" so was wondering if I
should be using "3.20141016.5". At the moment have used
"3.20141016.4+deb8u1" instead.
Brian May <brian@linuxpenguins.xyz>
diff -Nru ikiwiki-3.20141016.4+deb8u1/CHANGELOG ikiwiki-3.20141016.4/CHANGELOG
--- ikiwiki-3.20141016.4+deb8u1/CHANGELOG	2019-03-07 17:35:55.000000000 +1100
+++ ikiwiki-3.20141016.4/CHANGELOG	2017-01-12 05:18:52.000000000 +1100
@@ -1,10 +1,3 @@
-ikiwiki (3.20141016.4+deb8u1) jessie-security; urgency=high
-  * Non-maintainer upload by the LTS Team.
-  * CVE-2019-9187: Fix server-side request forgery via aggregate plugin.
- -- Brian May <bam@debian.org>  Thu, 07 Mar 2019 17:35:55 +1100
 ikiwiki (3.20141016.4) jessie-security; urgency=high
   * Reference CVE-2016-4561 in 3.20141016.3 changelog
diff -Nru ikiwiki-3.20141016.4+deb8u1/CVE-2019-9187-1.patch ikiwiki-3.20141016.4/CVE-2019-9187-1.patch
--- ikiwiki-3.20141016.4+deb8u1/CVE-2019-9187-1.patch	2019-03-07 17:25:37.000000000 +1100
+++ ikiwiki-3.20141016.4/CVE-2019-9187-1.patch	1970-01-01 10:00:00.000000000 +1000
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-From e7b0d4a0fff8ed45a90c2efe8ef294bdf7c9bdac Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Simon McVittie <smcv@debian.org>
-Date: Sun, 10 Feb 2019 16:29:19 +0000
-Subject: [PATCH] useragent: Raise an exception if the LWP module can't be
- loaded
-Signed-off-by: Simon McVittie <smcv@debian.org>
- IkiWiki.pm | 3 +++
- 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+)
-diff --git a/IkiWiki.pm b/IkiWiki.pm
-index 90cb96e58..dc047b08a 100644
---- a/IkiWiki.pm
-+++ b/IkiWiki.pm
-@@ -2470,6 +2470,9 @@ sub add_autofile ($$$) {
- }
- sub useragent () {
-+	eval q{use LWP};
-+	error($@) if $@;
- 	return LWP::UserAgent->new(
- 		cookie_jar => $config{cookiejar},
- 		env_proxy => 1,		# respect proxy env vars
diff -Nru ikiwiki-3.20141016.4+deb8u1/CVE-2019-9187-2.patch ikiwiki-3.20141016.4/CVE-2019-9187-2.patch
--- ikiwiki-3.20141016.4+deb8u1/CVE-2019-9187-2.patch	2019-03-07 17:26:25.000000000 +1100
+++ ikiwiki-3.20141016.4/CVE-2019-9187-2.patch	1970-01-01 10:00:00.000000000 +1000
@@ -1,238 +0,0 @@
-From 67543ce1d62161fdef9dca198289d7dd7dceacc0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Simon McVittie <smcv@debian.org>
-Date: Sun, 10 Feb 2019 16:30:07 +0000
-Subject: [PATCH] useragent: Don't allow non-HTTP protocols to be used
-This prevents the aggregate plugin from being used to read the contents
-of local files via file:/// URLs.
-Signed-off-by: Simon McVittie <smcv@debian.org>
- IkiWiki.pm                         |   1 +
- t/aggregate-file.t                 | 173 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- t/noparanoia/LWPx/ParanoidAgent.pm |   2 +
- t/secret.rss                       |  11 +++
- 4 files changed, 187 insertions(+)
- create mode 100755 t/aggregate-file.t
- create mode 100644 t/noparanoia/LWPx/ParanoidAgent.pm
- create mode 100644 t/secret.rss
-diff --git a/IkiWiki.pm b/IkiWiki.pm
-index dc047b08a..d5d1af56c 100644
---- a/IkiWiki.pm
-+++ b/IkiWiki.pm
-@@ -2477,6 +2477,7 @@ sub useragent () {
- 		cookie_jar => $config{cookiejar},
- 		env_proxy => 1,		# respect proxy env vars
- 		agent => $config{useragent},
-+		protocols_allowed => [qw(http https)],
- 	);
- }
-diff --git a/t/aggregate-file.t b/t/aggregate-file.t
-new file mode 100755
-index 000000000..f00743dac
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/t/aggregate-file.t
-@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
-+use utf8;
-+use warnings;
-+use strict;
-+use Encode;
-+use Test::More;
-+	plan(skip_all => "CGI not available")
-+		unless eval q{
-+			use CGI qw();
-+			1;
-+		};
-+	plan(skip_all => "IPC::Run not available")
-+		unless eval q{
-+			use IPC::Run qw(run);
-+			1;
-+		};
-+	use_ok('IkiWiki');
-+	use_ok('YAML::XS');
-+# We check for English error messages
-+$ENV{LC_ALL} = 'C';
-+use Cwd qw(getcwd);
-+use Errno qw(ENOENT);
-+my $installed = $ENV{INSTALLED_TESTS};
-+my @command;
-+if ($installed) {
-+	@command = qw(ikiwiki --plugin inline);
-+else {
-+	ok(! system("make -s ikiwiki.out"));
-+	@command = ("perl", "-I".getcwd."/blib/lib", './ikiwiki.out',
-+		'--underlaydir='.getcwd.'/underlays/basewiki',
-+		'--set', 'underlaydirbase='.getcwd.'/underlays',
-+		'--templatedir='.getcwd.'/templates');
-+sub write_old_file {
-+	my $name = shift;
-+	my $dir = shift;
-+	my $content = shift;
-+	writefile($name, $dir, $content);
-+	ok(utime(333333333, 333333333, "$dir/$name"));
-+sub write_setup_file {
-+	my %params = @_;
-+	my %setup = (
-+		wikiname => 'this is the name of my wiki',
-+		srcdir => getcwd.'/t/tmp/in',
-+		destdir => getcwd.'/t/tmp/out',
-+		url => 'http://example.com',
-+		cgiurl => 'http://example.com/cgi-bin/ikiwiki.cgi',
-+		cgi_wrapper => getcwd.'/t/tmp/ikiwiki.cgi',
-+		cgi_wrappermode => '0751',
-+		add_plugins => [qw(aggregate)],
-+		disable_plugins => [qw(emailauth openid passwordauth)],
-+		aggregate_webtrigger => 1,
-+	);
-+	if ($params{without_paranoia}) {
-+		$setup{libdirs} = [getcwd.'/t/noparanoia'];
-+	}
-+	unless ($installed) {
-+		$setup{ENV} = { 'PERL5LIB' => getcwd.'/blib/lib' };
-+	}
-+	writefile("test.setup", "t/tmp",
-+		"# IkiWiki::Setup::Yaml - YAML formatted setup file\n" .
-+		Dump(\%setup));
-+sub thoroughly_rebuild {
-+	ok(unlink("t/tmp/ikiwiki.cgi") || $!{ENOENT});
-+	ok(! system(@command, qw(--setup t/tmp/test.setup --rebuild --wrappers)));
-+sub run_cgi {
-+	my (%args) = @_;
-+	my ($in, $out);
-+	my $method = $args{method} || 'GET';
-+	my $environ = $args{environ} || {};
-+	my $params = $args{params} || { do => 'prefs' };
-+	my %defaults = (
-+		SCRIPT_NAME	=> '/cgi-bin/ikiwiki.cgi',
-+		HTTP_HOST	=> 'example.com',
-+	);
-+	my $cgi = CGI->new($args{params});
-+	my $query_string = $cgi->query_string();
-+	diag $query_string;
-+	if ($method eq 'POST') {
-+		$defaults{REQUEST_METHOD} = 'POST';
-+		$in = $query_string;
-+		$defaults{CONTENT_LENGTH} = length $in;
-+	} else {
-+		$defaults{REQUEST_METHOD} = 'GET';
-+		$defaults{QUERY_STRING} = $query_string;
-+	}
-+	my %envvars = (
-+		%defaults,
-+		%$environ,
-+	);
-+	run(["./t/tmp/ikiwiki.cgi"], \$in, \$out, init => sub {
-+		map {
-+			$ENV{$_} = $envvars{$_}
-+		} keys(%envvars);
-+	});
-+	return decode_utf8($out);
-+sub test {
-+	my $content;
-+	ok(! system(qw(rm -rf t/tmp)));
-+	ok(! system(qw(mkdir t/tmp)));
-+	write_old_file('aggregator.mdwn', 't/tmp/in',
-+		'[[!aggregate name="ssrf" url="file://'.getcwd.'/t/secret.rss"]]'
-+		.'[[!inline pages="internal(aggregator/*)"]]');
-+	write_setup_file();
-+	thoroughly_rebuild();
-+	$content = run_cgi(
-+		method => 'GET',
-+		params => {
-+			do => 'aggregate_webtrigger',
-+		},
-+	);
-+	unlike($content, qr{creating new page});
-+	unlike($content, qr{Secrets});
-+	ok(! -e 't/tmp/in/.ikiwiki/transient/aggregator/ssrf');
-+	ok(! -e 't/tmp/in/.ikiwiki/transient/aggregator/ssrf/Secrets_go_here._aggregated');
-+	thoroughly_rebuild();
-+	$content = readfile('t/tmp/out/aggregator/index.html');
-+	unlike($content, qr{Secrets});
-+	diag('Trying test again with LWPx::ParanoidAgent disabled');
-+	write_setup_file(without_paranoia => 1);
-+	thoroughly_rebuild();
-+	$content = run_cgi(
-+		method => 'GET',
-+		params => {
-+			do => 'aggregate_webtrigger',
-+		},
-+	);
-+	unlike($content, qr{creating new page});
-+	unlike($content, qr{Secrets});
-+	ok(! -e 't/tmp/in/.ikiwiki/transient/aggregator/ssrf');
-+	ok(! -e 't/tmp/in/.ikiwiki/transient/aggregator/ssrf/Secrets_go_here._aggregated');
-+	thoroughly_rebuild();
-+	$content = readfile('t/tmp/out/aggregator/index.html');
-+	unlike($content, qr{Secrets});
-diff --git a/t/noparanoia/LWPx/ParanoidAgent.pm b/t/noparanoia/LWPx/ParanoidAgent.pm
-new file mode 100644
-index 000000000..751e80ce6
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/t/noparanoia/LWPx/ParanoidAgent.pm
-@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
-+# make import fail
-diff --git a/t/secret.rss b/t/secret.rss
-new file mode 100644
-index 000000000..11202e9ed
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/t/secret.rss
-@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
-+<?xml version="1.0"?>
-+<rss version="2.0">
-+<title>Secrets go here</title>
-+<description>Secrets go here</description>
-+  <title>Secrets go here</title>
-+  <description>Secrets go here</description>
diff -Nru ikiwiki-3.20141016.4+deb8u1/CVE-2019-9187-3.patch ikiwiki-3.20141016.4/CVE-2019-9187-3.patch
--- ikiwiki-3.20141016.4+deb8u1/CVE-2019-9187-3.patch	2019-03-07 17:26:41.000000000 +1100
+++ ikiwiki-3.20141016.4/CVE-2019-9187-3.patch	1970-01-01 10:00:00.000000000 +1000
@@ -1,590 +0,0 @@
-From d283e4ca1aeb6ca8cc0951c8495f778071076013 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Simon McVittie <smcv@debian.org>
-Date: Sun, 10 Feb 2019 17:22:06 +0000
-Subject: [PATCH] useragent: Automatically choose whether to use
- LWPx::ParanoidAgent
-The simple implementation of this, which I'd prefer to use, would be:
-if we can import LWPx::ParanoidAgent, use it; otherwise, use
-However, aggregate has historically worked with proxies, and
-LWPx::ParanoidAgent quite reasonably refuses to work with proxies
-(because it can't know whether those proxies are going to do the same
-filtering that LWPx::ParanoidAgent would).
-Signed-off-by: Simon McVittie <smcv@debian.org>
- IkiWiki.pm                  | 123 ++++++++++++++++-
- IkiWiki/Plugin/aggregate.pm |   5 +-
- IkiWiki/Plugin/blogspam.pm  |  16 +--
- IkiWiki/Plugin/openid.pm    |  12 +-
- IkiWiki/Plugin/pinger.pm    |  21 ++-
- t/useragent.t               | 317 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- 6 files changed, 458 insertions(+), 36 deletions(-)
- create mode 100755 t/useragent.t
-diff --git a/IkiWiki.pm b/IkiWiki.pm
-index d5d1af56c..efb48293a 100644
---- a/IkiWiki.pm
-+++ b/IkiWiki.pm
-@@ -2469,16 +2469,131 @@ sub add_autofile ($$$) {
- 	$autofiles{$file}{generator}=$generator;
- }
--sub useragent () {
-+sub useragent (@) {
-+	my %params = @_;
-+	my $for_url = delete $params{for_url};
-+	# Fail safe, in case a plugin calling this function is relying on
-+	# a future parameter to make the UA more strict
-+	foreach my $key (keys %params) {
-+		error "Internal error: useragent(\"$key\" => ...) not understood";
-+	}
- 	eval q{use LWP};
- 	error($@) if $@;
--	return LWP::UserAgent->new(
--		cookie_jar => $config{cookiejar},
--		env_proxy => 1,		# respect proxy env vars
-+	my %args = (
- 		agent => $config{useragent},
-+		cookie_jar => $config{cookiejar},
-+		env_proxy => 0,
- 		protocols_allowed => [qw(http https)],
- 	);
-+	my %proxies;
-+	if (defined $for_url) {
-+		# We know which URL we're going to fetch, so we can choose
-+		# whether it's going to go through a proxy or not.
-+		#
-+		# We reimplement http_proxy, https_proxy and no_proxy here, so
-+		# that we are not relying on LWP implementing them exactly the
-+		# same way we do.
-+		eval q{use URI};
-+		error($@) if $@;
-+		my $proxy;
-+		my $uri = URI->new($for_url);
-+		if ($uri->scheme eq 'http') {
-+			$proxy = $ENV{http_proxy};
-+			# HTTP_PROXY is deliberately not implemented
-+			# because the HTTP_* namespace is also used by CGI
-+		}
-+		elsif ($uri->scheme eq 'https') {
-+			$proxy = $ENV{https_proxy};
-+			$proxy = $ENV{HTTPS_PROXY} unless defined $proxy;
-+		}
-+		else {
-+			$proxy = undef;
-+		}
-+		foreach my $var (qw(no_proxy NO_PROXY)) {
-+			my $no_proxy = $ENV{$var};
-+			if (defined $no_proxy) {
-+				foreach my $domain (split /\s*,\s*/, $no_proxy) {
-+					if ($domain =~ s/^\*?\.//) {
-+						# no_proxy="*.example.com" or
-+						# ".example.com": match suffix
-+						# against .example.com
-+						if ($uri->host =~ m/(^|\.)\Q$domain\E$/i) {
-+							$proxy = undef;
-+						}
-+					}
-+					else {
-+						# no_proxy="example.com":
-+						# match exactly example.com
-+						if (lc $uri->host eq lc $domain) {
-+							$proxy = undef;
-+						}
-+					}
-+				}
-+			}
-+		}
-+		if (defined $proxy) {
-+			$proxies{$uri->scheme} = $proxy;
-+			# Paranoia: make sure we can't bypass the proxy
-+			$args{protocols_allowed} = [$uri->scheme];
-+		}
-+	}
-+	else {
-+		# The plugin doesn't know yet which URL(s) it's going to
-+		# fetch, so we have to make some conservative assumptions.
-+		my $http_proxy = $ENV{http_proxy};
-+		my $https_proxy = $ENV{https_proxy};
-+		$https_proxy = $ENV{HTTPS_PROXY} unless defined $https_proxy;
-+		# We don't respect no_proxy here: if we are not using the
-+		# paranoid user-agent, then we need to give the proxy the
-+		# opportunity to reject undesirable requests.
-+		# If we have one, we need the other: otherwise, neither
-+		# LWPx::ParanoidAgent nor the proxy would have the
-+		# opportunity to filter requests for the other protocol.
-+		if (defined $https_proxy && defined $http_proxy) {
-+			%proxies = (http => $http_proxy, https => $https_proxy);
-+		}
-+		elsif (defined $https_proxy) {
-+			%proxies = (http => $https_proxy, https => $https_proxy);
-+		}
-+		elsif (defined $http_proxy) {
-+			%proxies = (http => $http_proxy, https => $http_proxy);
-+		}
-+	}
-+	if (scalar keys %proxies) {
-+		# The configured proxy is responsible for deciding which
-+		# URLs are acceptable to fetch and which URLs are not.
-+		my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(%args);
-+		foreach my $scheme (@{$ua->protocols_allowed}) {
-+			unless ($proxies{$scheme}) {
-+				error "internal error: $scheme is allowed but has no proxy";
-+			}
-+		}
-+		# We can't pass the proxies in %args because that only
-+		# works since LWP 6.24.
-+		foreach my $scheme (keys %proxies) {
-+			$ua->proxy($scheme, $proxies{$scheme});
-+		}
-+		return $ua;
-+	}
-+	eval q{use LWPx::ParanoidAgent};
-+	if ($@) {
-+		print STDERR "warning: installing LWPx::ParanoidAgent is recommended\n";
-+		return LWP::UserAgent->new(%args);
-+	}
-+	return LWPx::ParanoidAgent->new(%args);
- }
- sub sortspec_translate ($$) {
-diff --git a/IkiWiki/Plugin/aggregate.pm b/IkiWiki/Plugin/aggregate.pm
-index 05e22a290..8f0870e2e 100644
---- a/IkiWiki/Plugin/aggregate.pm
-+++ b/IkiWiki/Plugin/aggregate.pm
-@@ -513,7 +513,10 @@ sub aggregate (@) {
- 			}
- 			$feed->{feedurl}=pop @urls;
- 		}
--		my $ua=useragent();
-+		# Using the for_url parameter makes sure we crash if used
-+		# with an older IkiWiki.pm that didn't automatically try
-+		# to use LWPx::ParanoidAgent.
-+		my $ua=useragent(for_url => $feed->{feedurl});
- 		my $res=URI::Fetch->fetch($feed->{feedurl}, UserAgent=>$ua);
- 		if (! $res) {
- 			$feed->{message}=URI::Fetch->errstr;
-diff --git a/IkiWiki/Plugin/blogspam.pm b/IkiWiki/Plugin/blogspam.pm
-index 3eb4cf8b3..3835f52ca 100644
---- a/IkiWiki/Plugin/blogspam.pm
-+++ b/IkiWiki/Plugin/blogspam.pm
-@@ -57,18 +57,10 @@ sub checkconfig () {
- 	};
- 	error $@ if $@;
--	eval q{use LWPx::ParanoidAgent};
--	if (!$@) {
--		$client=LWPx::ParanoidAgent->new(agent => $config{useragent});
--	}
--	else {
--		eval q{use LWP};
--		if ($@) {
--			error $@;
--			return;
--		}
--		$client=useragent();
--	}
-+	# Using the for_url parameter makes sure we crash if used
-+	# with an older IkiWiki.pm that didn't automatically try
-+	# to use LWPx::ParanoidAgent.
-+	$client=useragent(for_url => $config{blogspam_server});
- }
- sub checkcontent (@) {
-diff --git a/IkiWiki/Plugin/openid.pm b/IkiWiki/Plugin/openid.pm
-index 35ef52a58..eb21955e9 100644
---- a/IkiWiki/Plugin/openid.pm
-+++ b/IkiWiki/Plugin/openid.pm
-@@ -219,14 +219,10 @@ sub getobj ($$) {
- 	eval q{use Net::OpenID::Consumer};
- 	error($@) if $@;
--	my $ua;
--	eval q{use LWPx::ParanoidAgent};
--	if (! $@) {
--		$ua=LWPx::ParanoidAgent->new(agent => $config{useragent});
--	}
--	else {
--		$ua=useragent();
--	}
-+	# We pass the for_url parameter, even though it's undef, because
-+	# that will make sure we crash if used with an older IkiWiki.pm
-+	# that didn't automatically try to use LWPx::ParanoidAgent.
-+	my $ua=useragent(for_url => undef);
- 	# Store the secret in the session.
- 	my $secret=$session->param("openid_secret");
-diff --git a/IkiWiki/Plugin/pinger.pm b/IkiWiki/Plugin/pinger.pm
-index b2d54af8a..ec764caee 100644
---- a/IkiWiki/Plugin/pinger.pm
-+++ b/IkiWiki/Plugin/pinger.pm
-@@ -70,17 +70,16 @@ sub ping {
- 		eval q{use Net::INET6Glue::INET_is_INET6}; # may not be available
- 		my $ua;
--		eval q{use LWPx::ParanoidAgent};
--		if (!$@) {
--			$ua=LWPx::ParanoidAgent->new(agent => $config{useragent});
--		}
--		else {
--			eval q{use LWP};
--			if ($@) {
--				debug(gettext("LWP not found, not pinging"));
--				return;
--			}
--			$ua=useragent();
-+		eval {
-+			# We pass the for_url parameter, even though it's
-+			# undef, because that will make sure we crash if used
-+			# with an older IkiWiki.pm that didn't automatically
-+			# try to use LWPx::ParanoidAgent.
-+			$ua=useragent(for_url => undef);
-+		};
-+		if ($@) {
-+			debug(gettext("LWP not found, not pinging").": $@");
-+			return;
- 		}
- 		$ua->timeout($config{pinger_timeout} || 15);
-diff --git a/t/useragent.t b/t/useragent.t
-new file mode 100755
-index 000000000..195a86521
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/t/useragent.t
-@@ -0,0 +1,317 @@
-+use warnings;
-+use strict;
-+use Test::More;
-+my $have_paranoid_agent;
-+	plan(skip_all => 'LWP not available')
-+		unless eval q{
-+			use LWP qw(); 1;
-+		};
-+	use_ok("IkiWiki");
-+	$have_paranoid_agent = eval q{
-+		use LWPx::ParanoidAgent qw(); 1;
-+	};
-+eval { useragent(future_feature => 1); };
-+ok($@, 'future features should cause useragent to fail');
-+diag "==== No proxy ====";
-+delete $ENV{http_proxy};
-+delete $ENV{https_proxy};
-+delete $ENV{no_proxy};
-+delete $ENV{HTTPS_PROXY};
-+delete $ENV{NO_PROXY};
-+diag "---- Unspecified URL ----";
-+my $ua = useragent(for_url => undef);
-+SKIP: {
-+	skip 'paranoid agent not available', 1 unless $have_paranoid_agent;
-+	ok($ua->isa('LWPx::ParanoidAgent'), 'uses ParanoidAgent if possible');
-+is_deeply([sort @{$ua->protocols_allowed}], [sort qw(http https)]);
-+is($ua->proxy('http'), undef, 'No http proxy');
-+is($ua->proxy('https'), undef, 'No https proxy');
-+diag "---- Specified URL ----";
-+$ua = useragent(for_url => 'http://example.com');
-+SKIP: {
-+	skip 'paranoid agent not available', 1 unless $have_paranoid_agent;
-+	ok($ua->isa('LWPx::ParanoidAgent'), 'uses ParanoidAgent if possible');
-+is_deeply([sort @{$ua->protocols_allowed}], [sort qw(http https)]);
-+is($ua->proxy('http'), undef, 'No http proxy');
-+is($ua->proxy('https'), undef, 'No https proxy');
-+diag "==== Proxy for everything ====";
-+$ENV{http_proxy} = 'http://proxy:8080';
-+$ENV{https_proxy} = 'http://sproxy:8080';
-+delete $ENV{no_proxy};
-+delete $ENV{HTTPS_PROXY};
-+delete $ENV{NO_PROXY};
-+diag "---- Unspecified URL ----";
-+$ua = useragent(for_url => undef);
-+ok(! $ua->isa('LWPx::ParanoidAgent'), 'should use proxy instead of ParanoidAgent');
-+is_deeply([sort @{$ua->protocols_allowed}], [sort qw(http https)]);
-+is($ua->proxy('http'), 'http://proxy:8080', 'should use proxy');
-+is($ua->proxy('https'), 'http://sproxy:8080', 'should use CONNECT proxy');
-+$ua = useragent(for_url => 'http://example.com');
-+ok(! $ua->isa('LWPx::ParanoidAgent'), 'should use proxy instead of ParanoidAgent');
-+is_deeply([sort @{$ua->protocols_allowed}], [sort qw(http)]);
-+is($ua->proxy('http'), 'http://proxy:8080', 'should use proxy');
-+# We don't care what $ua->proxy('https') is, because it won't be used
-+$ua = useragent(for_url => 'https://example.com');
-+ok(! $ua->isa('LWPx::ParanoidAgent'), 'should use proxy instead of ParanoidAgent');
-+is_deeply([sort @{$ua->protocols_allowed}], [sort qw(https)]);
-+# We don't care what $ua->proxy('http') is, because it won't be used
-+is($ua->proxy('https'), 'http://sproxy:8080', 'should use CONNECT proxy');
-+diag "==== Selective proxy ====";
-+$ENV{http_proxy} = 'http://proxy:8080';
-+$ENV{https_proxy} = 'http://sproxy:8080';
-+$ENV{no_proxy} = '*.example.net,example.com,.example.org';
-+delete $ENV{HTTPS_PROXY};
-+delete $ENV{NO_PROXY};
-+diag "---- Unspecified URL ----";
-+$ua = useragent(for_url => undef);
-+ok(! $ua->isa('LWPx::ParanoidAgent'), 'should use proxy instead of ParanoidAgent');
-+is_deeply([sort @{$ua->protocols_allowed}], [sort qw(http https)]);
-+is($ua->proxy('http'), 'http://proxy:8080', 'should use proxy');
-+is($ua->proxy('https'), 'http://sproxy:8080', 'should use CONNECT proxy');
-+diag "---- Exact match for no_proxy ----";
-+$ua = useragent(for_url => 'http://example.com');
-+SKIP: {
-+	skip 'paranoid agent not available', 1 unless $have_paranoid_agent;
-+	ok($ua->isa('LWPx::ParanoidAgent'), 'uses ParanoidAgent if possible');
-+is_deeply([sort @{$ua->protocols_allowed}], [sort qw(http https)]);
-+is($ua->proxy('http'), undef);
-+is($ua->proxy('https'), undef);
-+diag "---- Subdomain of exact domain in no_proxy ----";
-+$ua = useragent(for_url => 'http://sub.example.com');
-+ok(! $ua->isa('LWPx::ParanoidAgent'), 'should use proxy instead of ParanoidAgent');
-+is_deeply([sort @{$ua->protocols_allowed}], [sort qw(http)]);
-+is($ua->proxy('http'), 'http://proxy:8080', 'should use proxy');
-+diag "---- example.net matches *.example.net ----";
-+$ua = useragent(for_url => 'https://example.net');
-+SKIP: {
-+	skip 'paranoid agent not available', 1 unless $have_paranoid_agent;
-+	ok($ua->isa('LWPx::ParanoidAgent'), 'uses ParanoidAgent if possible');
-+is_deeply([sort @{$ua->protocols_allowed}], [sort qw(http https)]);
-+is($ua->proxy('http'), undef);
-+is($ua->proxy('https'), undef);
-+diag "---- sub.example.net matches *.example.net ----";
-+$ua = useragent(for_url => 'https://sub.example.net');
-+SKIP: {
-+	skip 'paranoid agent not available', 1 unless $have_paranoid_agent;
-+	ok($ua->isa('LWPx::ParanoidAgent'), 'uses ParanoidAgent if possible');
-+is_deeply([sort @{$ua->protocols_allowed}], [sort qw(http https)]);
-+is($ua->proxy('http'), undef);
-+is($ua->proxy('https'), undef);
-+diag "---- badexample.net does not match *.example.net ----";
-+$ua = useragent(for_url => 'https://badexample.net');
-+ok(! $ua->isa('LWPx::ParanoidAgent'), 'should use proxy instead of ParanoidAgent');
-+is_deeply([sort @{$ua->protocols_allowed}], [sort qw(https)]);
-+is($ua->proxy('https'), 'http://sproxy:8080', 'should use proxy');
-+diag "---- example.org matches .example.org ----";
-+$ua = useragent(for_url => 'https://example.org');
-+SKIP: {
-+	skip 'paranoid agent not available', 1 unless $have_paranoid_agent;
-+	ok($ua->isa('LWPx::ParanoidAgent'), 'uses ParanoidAgent if possible');
-+is_deeply([sort @{$ua->protocols_allowed}], [sort qw(http https)]);
-+is($ua->proxy('http'), undef);
-+is($ua->proxy('https'), undef);
-+diag "---- sub.example.org matches .example.org ----";
-+$ua = useragent(for_url => 'https://sub.example.org');
-+SKIP: {
-+	skip 'paranoid agent not available', 1 unless $have_paranoid_agent;
-+	ok($ua->isa('LWPx::ParanoidAgent'), 'uses ParanoidAgent if possible');
-+is_deeply([sort @{$ua->protocols_allowed}], [sort qw(http https)]);
-+is($ua->proxy('http'), undef);
-+is($ua->proxy('https'), undef);
-+diag "---- badexample.org does not match .example.org ----";
-+$ua = useragent(for_url => 'https://badexample.org');
-+ok(! $ua->isa('LWPx::ParanoidAgent'), 'should use proxy instead of ParanoidAgent');
-+is_deeply([sort @{$ua->protocols_allowed}], [sort qw(https)]);
-+is($ua->proxy('https'), 'http://sproxy:8080', 'should use proxy');
-+diag "==== Selective proxy (alternate variables) ====";
-+$ENV{http_proxy} = 'http://proxy:8080';
-+delete $ENV{https_proxy};
-+$ENV{HTTPS_PROXY} = 'http://sproxy:8080';
-+delete $ENV{no_proxy};
-+$ENV{NO_PROXY} = '*.example.net,example.com,.example.org';
-+diag "---- Unspecified URL ----";
-+$ua = useragent(for_url => undef);
-+ok(! $ua->isa('LWPx::ParanoidAgent'), 'should use proxy instead of ParanoidAgent');
-+is_deeply([sort @{$ua->protocols_allowed}], [sort qw(http https)]);
-+is($ua->proxy('http'), 'http://proxy:8080', 'should use proxy');
-+is($ua->proxy('https'), 'http://sproxy:8080', 'should use CONNECT proxy');
-+diag "---- Exact match for no_proxy ----";
-+$ua = useragent(for_url => 'http://example.com');
-+SKIP: {
-+	skip 'paranoid agent not available', 1 unless $have_paranoid_agent;
-+	ok($ua->isa('LWPx::ParanoidAgent'), 'uses ParanoidAgent if possible');
-+is_deeply([sort @{$ua->protocols_allowed}], [sort qw(http https)]);
-+is($ua->proxy('http'), undef);
-+is($ua->proxy('https'), undef);
-+diag "---- Subdomain of exact domain in no_proxy ----";
-+$ua = useragent(for_url => 'http://sub.example.com');
-+ok(! $ua->isa('LWPx::ParanoidAgent'), 'should use proxy instead of ParanoidAgent');
-+is_deeply([sort @{$ua->protocols_allowed}], [sort qw(http)]);
-+is($ua->proxy('http'), 'http://proxy:8080', 'should use proxy');
-+diag "---- example.net matches *.example.net ----";
-+$ua = useragent(for_url => 'https://example.net');
-+SKIP: {
-+	skip 'paranoid agent not available', 1 unless $have_paranoid_agent;
-+	ok($ua->isa('LWPx::ParanoidAgent'), 'uses ParanoidAgent if possible');
-+is_deeply([sort @{$ua->protocols_allowed}], [sort qw(http https)]);
-+is($ua->proxy('http'), undef);
-+is($ua->proxy('https'), undef);
-+diag "---- sub.example.net matches *.example.net ----";
-+$ua = useragent(for_url => 'https://sub.example.net');
-+SKIP: {
-+	skip 'paranoid agent not available', 1 unless $have_paranoid_agent;
-+	ok($ua->isa('LWPx::ParanoidAgent'), 'uses ParanoidAgent if possible');
-+is_deeply([sort @{$ua->protocols_allowed}], [sort qw(http https)]);
-+is($ua->proxy('http'), undef);
-+is($ua->proxy('https'), undef);
-+diag "---- badexample.net does not match *.example.net ----";
-+$ua = useragent(for_url => 'https://badexample.net');
-+ok(! $ua->isa('LWPx::ParanoidAgent'), 'should use proxy instead of ParanoidAgent');
-+is_deeply([sort @{$ua->protocols_allowed}], [sort qw(https)]);
-+is($ua->proxy('https'), 'http://sproxy:8080', 'should use proxy');
-+diag "---- example.org matches .example.org ----";
-+$ua = useragent(for_url => 'https://example.org');
-+SKIP: {
-+	skip 'paranoid agent not available', 1 unless $have_paranoid_agent;
-+	ok($ua->isa('LWPx::ParanoidAgent'), 'uses ParanoidAgent if possible');
-+is_deeply([sort @{$ua->protocols_allowed}], [sort qw(http https)]);
-+is($ua->proxy('http'), undef);
-+is($ua->proxy('https'), undef);
-+diag "---- sub.example.org matches .example.org ----";
-+$ua = useragent(for_url => 'https://sub.example.org');
-+SKIP: {
-+	skip 'paranoid agent not available', 1 unless $have_paranoid_agent;
-+	ok($ua->isa('LWPx::ParanoidAgent'), 'uses ParanoidAgent if possible');
-+is_deeply([sort @{$ua->protocols_allowed}], [sort qw(http https)]);
-+is($ua->proxy('http'), undef);
-+is($ua->proxy('https'), undef);
-+diag "---- badexample.org does not match .example.org ----";
-+$ua = useragent(for_url => 'https://badexample.org');
-+ok(! $ua->isa('LWPx::ParanoidAgent'), 'should use proxy instead of ParanoidAgent');
-+is_deeply([sort @{$ua->protocols_allowed}], [sort qw(https)]);
-+is($ua->proxy('https'), 'http://sproxy:8080', 'should use proxy');
-+diag "==== Selective proxy (many variables) ====";
-+$ENV{http_proxy} = 'http://proxy:8080';
-+$ENV{https_proxy} = 'http://sproxy:8080';
-+# This one should be ignored in favour of https_proxy
-+$ENV{HTTPS_PROXY} = 'http://not.preferred.proxy:3128';
-+# These two should be merged
-+$ENV{no_proxy} = '*.example.net,example.com';
-+$ENV{NO_PROXY} = '.example.org';
-+diag "---- Unspecified URL ----";
-+$ua = useragent(for_url => undef);
-+ok(! $ua->isa('LWPx::ParanoidAgent'), 'should use proxy instead of ParanoidAgent');
-+is_deeply([sort @{$ua->protocols_allowed}], [sort qw(http https)]);
-+is($ua->proxy('http'), 'http://proxy:8080', 'should use proxy');
-+is($ua->proxy('https'), 'http://sproxy:8080', 'should use CONNECT proxy');
-+diag "---- Exact match for no_proxy ----";
-+$ua = useragent(for_url => 'http://example.com');
-+SKIP: {
-+	skip 'paranoid agent not available', 1 unless $have_paranoid_agent;
-+	ok($ua->isa('LWPx::ParanoidAgent'), 'uses ParanoidAgent if possible');
-+is_deeply([sort @{$ua->protocols_allowed}], [sort qw(http https)]);
-+is($ua->proxy('http'), undef);
-+is($ua->proxy('https'), undef);
-+diag "---- Subdomain of exact domain in no_proxy ----";
-+$ua = useragent(for_url => 'http://sub.example.com');
-+ok(! $ua->isa('LWPx::ParanoidAgent'), 'should use proxy instead of ParanoidAgent');
-+is_deeply([sort @{$ua->protocols_allowed}], [sort qw(http)]);
-+is($ua->proxy('http'), 'http://proxy:8080', 'should use proxy');
-+diag "---- example.net matches *.example.net ----";
-+$ua = useragent(for_url => 'https://example.net');
-+SKIP: {
-+	skip 'paranoid agent not available', 1 unless $have_paranoid_agent;
-+	ok($ua->isa('LWPx::ParanoidAgent'), 'uses ParanoidAgent if possible');
-+is_deeply([sort @{$ua->protocols_allowed}], [sort qw(http https)]);
-+is($ua->proxy('http'), undef);
-+is($ua->proxy('https'), undef);
-+diag "---- sub.example.net matches *.example.net ----";
-+$ua = useragent(for_url => 'https://sub.example.net');
-+SKIP: {
-+	skip 'paranoid agent not available', 1 unless $have_paranoid_agent;
-+	ok($ua->isa('LWPx::ParanoidAgent'), 'uses ParanoidAgent if possible');
-+is_deeply([sort @{$ua->protocols_allowed}], [sort qw(http https)]);
-+is($ua->proxy('http'), undef);
-+is($ua->proxy('https'), undef);
-+diag "---- badexample.net does not match *.example.net ----";
-+$ua = useragent(for_url => 'https://badexample.net');
-+ok(! $ua->isa('LWPx::ParanoidAgent'), 'should use proxy instead of ParanoidAgent');
-+is_deeply([sort @{$ua->protocols_allowed}], [sort qw(https)]);
-+is($ua->proxy('https'), 'http://sproxy:8080', 'should use proxy');
-+diag "==== One but not the other ====\n";
-+$ENV{http_proxy} = 'http://proxy:8080';
-+delete $ENV{https_proxy};
-+delete $ENV{HTTPS_PROXY};
-+delete $ENV{no_proxy};
-+delete $ENV{NO_PROXY};
-+$ua = useragent(for_url => undef);
-+ok(! $ua->isa('LWPx::ParanoidAgent'), 'should use proxy instead of ParanoidAgent');
-+is_deeply([sort @{$ua->protocols_allowed}], [sort qw(http https)]);
-+is($ua->proxy('http'), 'http://proxy:8080', 'should use proxy');
-+is($ua->proxy('https'), 'http://proxy:8080', 'should use proxy');
-+delete $ENV{http_proxy};
-+$ENV{https_proxy} = 'http://sproxy:8080';
-+delete $ENV{HTTPS_PROXY};
-+delete $ENV{no_proxy};
-+delete $ENV{NO_PROXY};
-+$ua = useragent(for_url => undef);
-+ok(! $ua->isa('LWPx::ParanoidAgent'), 'should use proxy instead of ParanoidAgent');
-+is_deeply([sort @{$ua->protocols_allowed}], [sort qw(http https)]);
-+is($ua->proxy('http'), 'http://sproxy:8080', 'should use proxy');
-+is($ua->proxy('https'), 'http://sproxy:8080', 'should use proxy');
diff -Nru ikiwiki-3.20141016.4+deb8u1/CVE-2019-9187-4.patch ikiwiki-3.20141016.4/CVE-2019-9187-4.patch
--- ikiwiki-3.20141016.4+deb8u1/CVE-2019-9187-4.patch	2019-03-07 17:26:55.000000000 +1100
+++ ikiwiki-3.20141016.4/CVE-2019-9187-4.patch	1970-01-01 10:00:00.000000000 +1000
@@ -1,175 +0,0 @@
-From 9a275b2f1846d7268c71a740975447e269383849 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Simon McVittie <smcv@debian.org>
-Date: Sun, 10 Feb 2019 16:56:41 +0000
-Subject: [PATCH] doc: Document security issues involving LWP::UserAgent
-Recommend the LWPx::ParanoidAgent module where appropriate.
-It is particularly important for openid, since unauthenticated users
-can control which URLs that plugin will contact. Conversely, it is
-non-critical for blogspam, since the URL to be contacted is under
-the wiki administrator's control.
-Signed-off-by: Simon McVittie <smcv@debian.org>
- doc/plugins/aggregate.mdwn  |  4 ++++
- doc/plugins/blogspam.mdwn   |  2 ++
- doc/plugins/openid.mdwn     |  7 +++++--
- doc/plugins/pinger.mdwn     |  8 +++++---
- doc/security.mdwn           | 49 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- doc/tips/using_a_proxy.mdwn | 22 ++++++++++++++++++++
- 6 files changed, 87 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
- create mode 100644 doc/tips/using_a_proxy.mdwn
-diff --git a/doc/plugins/aggregate.mdwn b/doc/plugins/aggregate.mdwn
-index 75123d923..b1db828d1 100644
---- a/doc/plugins/aggregate.mdwn
-+++ b/doc/plugins/aggregate.mdwn
-@@ -11,6 +11,10 @@ The [[meta]] and [[tag]] plugins are also recommended to be used with this
- one. Either the [[htmltidy]] or [[htmlbalance]] plugin is suggested, since
- feeds can easily contain html problems, some of which these plugins can fix.
-+Installing the [[!cpan LWPx::ParanoidAgent]] Perl module is strongly
-+recommended. The [[!cpan LWP]] module can also be used, but is susceptible
-+to server-side request forgery.
- ## triggering aggregation
- You will need to run ikiwiki periodically from a cron job, passing it the
-diff --git a/doc/plugins/blogspam.mdwn b/doc/plugins/blogspam.mdwn
-index 745fc48e2..0ebae7d84 100644
---- a/doc/plugins/blogspam.mdwn
-+++ b/doc/plugins/blogspam.mdwn
-@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ To check for and moderate comments, log in to the wiki as an admin,
- go to your Preferences page, and click the "Comment Moderation" button.
- The plugin requires the [[!cpan JSON]] perl module.
-+The [[!cpan LWPx::ParanoidAgent]] Perl module is recommended,
-+although this plugin can also fall back to [[!cpan LWP]].
- You can control how content is tested via the `blogspam_options` setting.
- The list of options is [here](http://blogspam.net/api/2.0/testComment.html#options).
-diff --git a/doc/plugins/openid.mdwn b/doc/plugins/openid.mdwn
-index 4c8e0d381..a061cb43f 100644
---- a/doc/plugins/openid.mdwn
-+++ b/doc/plugins/openid.mdwn
-@@ -7,8 +7,11 @@ into the wiki.
- The plugin needs the [[!cpan Net::OpenID::Consumer]] perl module.
- Version 1.x is needed in order for OpenID v2 to work.
--The [[!cpan LWPx::ParanoidAgent]] perl module is used if available, for
--added security. Finally, the [[!cpan Crypt::SSLeay]] perl module is needed
-+The [[!cpan LWPx::ParanoidAgent]] Perl module is strongly recommended.
-+The [[!cpan LWP]] module can also be used, but is susceptible to
-+server-side request forgery.
-+The [[!cpan Crypt::SSLeay]] Perl module is needed
- to support users entering "https" OpenID urls.
- This plugin is enabled by default, but can be turned off if you want to
-diff --git a/doc/plugins/pinger.mdwn b/doc/plugins/pinger.mdwn
-index 00d83e1bb..f37979ac6 100644
---- a/doc/plugins/pinger.mdwn
-+++ b/doc/plugins/pinger.mdwn
-@@ -10,9 +10,11 @@ can be kept up-to-date.
- To configure what URLs to ping, use the [[ikiwiki/directive/ping]]
- [[ikiwiki/directive]].
--The [[!cpan LWP]] perl module is used for pinging. Or the [[!cpan
--LWPx::ParanoidAgent]] perl module is used if available, for added security.
--Finally, the [[!cpan Crypt::SSLeay]] perl module is needed to support pinging
-+The [[!cpan LWPx::ParanoidAgent]] Perl module is strongly recommended.
-+The [[!cpan LWP]] module can also be used, but is susceptible
-+to server-side request forgery.
-+The [[!cpan Crypt::SSLeay]] perl module is needed to support pinging
- "https" urls.
- By default the pinger will try to ping a site for 15 seconds before timing
-diff --git a/doc/security.mdwn b/doc/security.mdwn
-index e7770dd27..378a2e4bc 100644
---- a/doc/security.mdwn
-+++ b/doc/security.mdwn
-@@ -611,3 +611,52 @@ This was fixed in ikiwiki 3.20170111, with fixes backported to Debian 8
- in version 3.20141016.4.
- ([[!debcve CVE-2017-0356]]/OVE-20170111-0001)
-+## Server-side request forgery via aggregate plugin
-+The ikiwiki maintainers discovered that the [[plugins/aggregate]] plugin
-+did not use [[!cpan LWPx::ParanoidAgent]]. On sites where the
-+aggregate plugin is enabled, authorized wiki editors could tell ikiwiki
-+to fetch potentially undesired URIs even if LWPx::ParanoidAgent was
-+* local files via `file:` URIs
-+* other URI schemes that might be misused by attackers, such as `gopher:`
-+* hosts that resolve to loopback IP addresses (127.x.x.x)
-+* hosts that resolve to RFC 1918 IP addresses (192.168.x.x etc.)
-+This could be used by an attacker to publish information that should not have
-+been accessible, cause denial of service by requesting "tarpit" URIs that are
-+slow to respond, or cause undesired side-effects if local web servers implement
-+["unsafe"](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7231#section-4.2.1) GET requests.
-+([[!debcve CVE-2019-9187]])
-+Additionally, if the LWPx::ParanoidAgent module was not installed, the
-+[[plugins/blogspam]], [[plugins/openid]] and [[plugins/pinger]] plugins
-+would fall back to [[!cpan LWP]], which is susceptible to similar attacks.
-+This is unlikely to be a practical problem for the blogspam plugin because
-+the URL it requests is under the control of the wiki administrator, but
-+the openid plugin can request URLs controlled by unauthenticated remote
-+users, and the pinger plugin can request URLs controlled by authorized
-+wiki editors.
-+This is addressed in ikiwiki 3.20190228 as follows, with the same fixes
-+backported to Debian 9 in version 3.20170111.1:
-+* URI schemes other than `http:` and `https:` are not accepted, preventing
-+  access to `file:`, `gopher:`, etc.
-+* If a proxy is [[configured in the ikiwiki setup file|tips/using_a_proxy]],
-+  it is used for all outgoing `http:` and `https:` requests. In this case
-+  the proxy is responsible for blocking any requests that are undesired,
-+  including loopback or RFC 1918 addresses.
-+* If a proxy is not configured, and LWPx::ParanoidAgent is installed,
-+  it will be used. This prevents loopback and RFC 1918 IP addresses, and
-+  sets a timeout to avoid denial of service via "tarpit" URIs.
-+* Otherwise, the ordinary LWP user-agent will be used. This allows requests
-+  to loopback and RFC 1918 IP addresses, and has less robust timeout
-+  behaviour. We are not treating this as a vulnerability: if this
-+  behaviour is not acceptable for your site, please make sure to install
-+  LWPx::ParanoidAgent or disable the affected plugins.
-diff --git a/doc/tips/using_a_proxy.mdwn b/doc/tips/using_a_proxy.mdwn
-new file mode 100644
-index 000000000..39df3c42a
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/doc/tips/using_a_proxy.mdwn
-@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
-+Some ikiwiki plugins make outgoing HTTP requests from the web server:
-+* [[plugins/aggregate]] (to download Atom and RSS feeds)
-+* [[plugins/blogspam]] (to check whether a comment or edit is spam)
-+* [[plugins/openid]] (to authenticate users)
-+* [[plugins/pinger]] (to ping other ikiwiki installations)
-+If your ikiwiki installation cannot contact the Internet without going
-+through a proxy, you can configure this in the [[setup file|setup]] by
-+setting environment variables:
-+    ENV:
-+        http_proxy: "http://proxy.example.com:8080";
-+        https_proxy: "http://proxy.example.com:8080";
-+        # optional
-+        no_proxy: ".example.com,www.example.org"
-+Note that some plugins will use the configured proxy for all destinations,
-+even if they are listed in `no_proxy`.
-+To avoid server-side request forgery attacks, ensure that your proxy does
-+not allow requests to addresses that are considered to be internal.
diff -Nru ikiwiki-3.20141016.4+deb8u1/debian/changelog ikiwiki-3.20141016.4/debian/changelog
--- ikiwiki-3.20141016.4+deb8u1/debian/changelog	2019-03-07 17:35:55.000000000 +1100
+++ ikiwiki-3.20141016.4/debian/changelog	2017-01-12 05:18:52.000000000 +1100
@@ -1,10 +1,3 @@
-ikiwiki (3.20141016.4+deb8u1) jessie-security; urgency=high
-  * Non-maintainer upload by the LTS Team.
-  * CVE-2019-9187: Fix server-side request forgery via aggregate plugin.
- -- Brian May <bam@debian.org>  Thu, 07 Mar 2019 17:35:55 +1100
 ikiwiki (3.20141016.4) jessie-security; urgency=high
   * Reference CVE-2016-4561 in 3.20141016.3 changelog
diff -Nru ikiwiki-3.20141016.4+deb8u1/debian/control ikiwiki-3.20141016.4/debian/control
--- ikiwiki-3.20141016.4+deb8u1/debian/control	2019-03-07 17:35:55.000000000 +1100
+++ ikiwiki-3.20141016.4/debian/control	2017-01-12 05:18:52.000000000 +1100
@@ -17,8 +17,7 @@
-  libxml-twig-perl,
-  liblwpx-paranoidagent-perl,
+  libxml-twig-perl
 Maintainer: Simon McVittie <smcv@debian.org>
 Uploaders: Josh Triplett <josh@freedesktop.org>
 Standards-Version: 3.9.5
diff -Nru ikiwiki-3.20141016.4+deb8u1/debian/patches/CVE-2019-9187-1.patch ikiwiki-3.20141016.4/debian/patches/CVE-2019-9187-1.patch
--- ikiwiki-3.20141016.4+deb8u1/debian/patches/CVE-2019-9187-1.patch	2019-03-07 17:32:31.000000000 +1100
+++ ikiwiki-3.20141016.4/debian/patches/CVE-2019-9187-1.patch	1970-01-01 10:00:00.000000000 +1000
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-From e7b0d4a0fff8ed45a90c2efe8ef294bdf7c9bdac Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Simon McVittie <smcv@debian.org>
-Date: Sun, 10 Feb 2019 16:29:19 +0000
-Subject: [PATCH] useragent: Raise an exception if the LWP module can't be
- loaded
-Signed-off-by: Simon McVittie <smcv@debian.org>
- IkiWiki.pm | 3 +++
- 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+)
---- a/IkiWiki.pm
-+++ b/IkiWiki.pm
-@@ -2368,6 +2368,9 @@
- }
- sub useragent () {
-+	eval q{use LWP};
-+	error($@) if $@;
- 	return LWP::UserAgent->new(
- 		cookie_jar => $config{cookiejar},
- 		env_proxy => 1,		# respect proxy env vars
diff -Nru ikiwiki-3.20141016.4+deb8u1/debian/patches/CVE-2019-9187-2.patch ikiwiki-3.20141016.4/debian/patches/CVE-2019-9187-2.patch
--- ikiwiki-3.20141016.4+deb8u1/debian/patches/CVE-2019-9187-2.patch	2019-03-07 17:32:43.000000000 +1100
+++ ikiwiki-3.20141016.4/debian/patches/CVE-2019-9187-2.patch	1970-01-01 10:00:00.000000000 +1000
@@ -1,224 +0,0 @@
-From 67543ce1d62161fdef9dca198289d7dd7dceacc0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Simon McVittie <smcv@debian.org>
-Date: Sun, 10 Feb 2019 16:30:07 +0000
-Subject: [PATCH] useragent: Don't allow non-HTTP protocols to be used
-This prevents the aggregate plugin from being used to read the contents
-of local files via file:/// URLs.
-Signed-off-by: Simon McVittie <smcv@debian.org>
- IkiWiki.pm                         |   1 +
- t/aggregate-file.t                 | 173 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- t/noparanoia/LWPx/ParanoidAgent.pm |   2 +
- t/secret.rss                       |  11 +++
- 4 files changed, 187 insertions(+)
- create mode 100755 t/aggregate-file.t
- create mode 100644 t/noparanoia/LWPx/ParanoidAgent.pm
- create mode 100644 t/secret.rss
---- a/IkiWiki.pm
-+++ b/IkiWiki.pm
-@@ -2375,6 +2375,7 @@
- 		cookie_jar => $config{cookiejar},
- 		env_proxy => 1,		# respect proxy env vars
- 		agent => $config{useragent},
-+		protocols_allowed => [qw(http https)],
- 	);
- }
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/t/aggregate-file.t
-@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
-+use utf8;
-+use warnings;
-+use strict;
-+use Encode;
-+use Test::More;
-+	plan(skip_all => "CGI not available")
-+		unless eval q{
-+			use CGI qw();
-+			1;
-+		};
-+	plan(skip_all => "IPC::Run not available")
-+		unless eval q{
-+			use IPC::Run qw(run);
-+			1;
-+		};
-+	use_ok('IkiWiki');
-+	use_ok('YAML::XS');
-+# We check for English error messages
-+$ENV{LC_ALL} = 'C';
-+use Cwd qw(getcwd);
-+use Errno qw(ENOENT);
-+my $installed = $ENV{INSTALLED_TESTS};
-+my @command;
-+if ($installed) {
-+	@command = qw(ikiwiki --plugin inline);
-+else {
-+	ok(! system("make -s ikiwiki.out"));
-+	@command = ("perl", "-I".getcwd."/blib/lib", './ikiwiki.out',
-+		'--underlaydir='.getcwd.'/underlays/basewiki',
-+		'--set', 'underlaydirbase='.getcwd.'/underlays',
-+		'--templatedir='.getcwd.'/templates');
-+sub write_old_file {
-+	my $name = shift;
-+	my $dir = shift;
-+	my $content = shift;
-+	writefile($name, $dir, $content);
-+	ok(utime(333333333, 333333333, "$dir/$name"));
-+sub write_setup_file {
-+	my %params = @_;
-+	my %setup = (
-+		wikiname => 'this is the name of my wiki',
-+		srcdir => getcwd.'/t/tmp/in',
-+		destdir => getcwd.'/t/tmp/out',
-+		url => 'http://example.com',
-+		cgiurl => 'http://example.com/cgi-bin/ikiwiki.cgi',
-+		cgi_wrapper => getcwd.'/t/tmp/ikiwiki.cgi',
-+		cgi_wrappermode => '0751',
-+		add_plugins => [qw(aggregate)],
-+		disable_plugins => [qw(emailauth openid passwordauth)],
-+		aggregate_webtrigger => 1,
-+	);
-+	if ($params{without_paranoia}) {
-+		$setup{libdirs} = [getcwd.'/t/noparanoia'];
-+	}
-+	unless ($installed) {
-+		$setup{ENV} = { 'PERL5LIB' => getcwd.'/blib/lib' };
-+	}
-+	writefile("test.setup", "t/tmp",
-+		"# IkiWiki::Setup::Yaml - YAML formatted setup file\n" .
-+		Dump(\%setup));
-+sub thoroughly_rebuild {
-+	ok(unlink("t/tmp/ikiwiki.cgi") || $!{ENOENT});
-+	ok(! system(@command, qw(--setup t/tmp/test.setup --rebuild --wrappers)));
-+sub run_cgi {
-+	my (%args) = @_;
-+	my ($in, $out);
-+	my $method = $args{method} || 'GET';
-+	my $environ = $args{environ} || {};
-+	my $params = $args{params} || { do => 'prefs' };
-+	my %defaults = (
-+		SCRIPT_NAME	=> '/cgi-bin/ikiwiki.cgi',
-+		HTTP_HOST	=> 'example.com',
-+	);
-+	my $cgi = CGI->new($args{params});
-+	my $query_string = $cgi->query_string();
-+	diag $query_string;
-+	if ($method eq 'POST') {
-+		$defaults{REQUEST_METHOD} = 'POST';
-+		$in = $query_string;
-+		$defaults{CONTENT_LENGTH} = length $in;
-+	} else {
-+		$defaults{REQUEST_METHOD} = 'GET';
-+		$defaults{QUERY_STRING} = $query_string;
-+	}
-+	my %envvars = (
-+		%defaults,
-+		%$environ,
-+	);
-+	run(["./t/tmp/ikiwiki.cgi"], \$in, \$out, init => sub {
-+		map {
-+			$ENV{$_} = $envvars{$_}
-+		} keys(%envvars);
-+	});
-+	return decode_utf8($out);
-+sub test {
-+	my $content;
-+	ok(! system(qw(rm -rf t/tmp)));
-+	ok(! system(qw(mkdir t/tmp)));
-+	write_old_file('aggregator.mdwn', 't/tmp/in',
-+		'[[!aggregate name="ssrf" url="file://'.getcwd.'/t/secret.rss"]]'
-+		.'[[!inline pages="internal(aggregator/*)"]]');
-+	write_setup_file();
-+	thoroughly_rebuild();
-+	$content = run_cgi(
-+		method => 'GET',
-+		params => {
-+			do => 'aggregate_webtrigger',
-+		},
-+	);
-+	unlike($content, qr{creating new page});
-+	unlike($content, qr{Secrets});
-+	ok(! -e 't/tmp/in/.ikiwiki/transient/aggregator/ssrf');
-+	ok(! -e 't/tmp/in/.ikiwiki/transient/aggregator/ssrf/Secrets_go_here._aggregated');
-+	thoroughly_rebuild();
-+	$content = readfile('t/tmp/out/aggregator/index.html');
-+	unlike($content, qr{Secrets});
-+	diag('Trying test again with LWPx::ParanoidAgent disabled');
-+	write_setup_file(without_paranoia => 1);
-+	thoroughly_rebuild();
-+	$content = run_cgi(
-+		method => 'GET',
-+		params => {
-+			do => 'aggregate_webtrigger',
-+		},
-+	);
-+	unlike($content, qr{creating new page});
-+	unlike($content, qr{Secrets});
-+	ok(! -e 't/tmp/in/.ikiwiki/transient/aggregator/ssrf');
-+	ok(! -e 't/tmp/in/.ikiwiki/transient/aggregator/ssrf/Secrets_go_here._aggregated');
-+	thoroughly_rebuild();
-+	$content = readfile('t/tmp/out/aggregator/index.html');
-+	unlike($content, qr{Secrets});
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/t/noparanoia/LWPx/ParanoidAgent.pm
-@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
-+# make import fail
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/t/secret.rss
-@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
-+<?xml version="1.0"?>
-+<rss version="2.0">
-+<title>Secrets go here</title>
-+<description>Secrets go here</description>
-+  <title>Secrets go here</title>
-+  <description>Secrets go here</description>
diff -Nru ikiwiki-3.20141016.4+deb8u1/debian/patches/CVE-2019-9187-3.patch ikiwiki-3.20141016.4/debian/patches/CVE-2019-9187-3.patch
--- ikiwiki-3.20141016.4+deb8u1/debian/patches/CVE-2019-9187-3.patch	2019-03-07 17:32:58.000000000 +1100
+++ ikiwiki-3.20141016.4/debian/patches/CVE-2019-9187-3.patch	1970-01-01 10:00:00.000000000 +1000
@@ -1,574 +0,0 @@
-From d283e4ca1aeb6ca8cc0951c8495f778071076013 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Simon McVittie <smcv@debian.org>
-Date: Sun, 10 Feb 2019 17:22:06 +0000
-Subject: [PATCH] useragent: Automatically choose whether to use
- LWPx::ParanoidAgent
-The simple implementation of this, which I'd prefer to use, would be:
-if we can import LWPx::ParanoidAgent, use it; otherwise, use
-However, aggregate has historically worked with proxies, and
-LWPx::ParanoidAgent quite reasonably refuses to work with proxies
-(because it can't know whether those proxies are going to do the same
-filtering that LWPx::ParanoidAgent would).
-Signed-off-by: Simon McVittie <smcv@debian.org>
- IkiWiki.pm                  | 123 ++++++++++++++++-
- IkiWiki/Plugin/aggregate.pm |   5 +-
- IkiWiki/Plugin/blogspam.pm  |  16 +--
- IkiWiki/Plugin/openid.pm    |  12 +-
- IkiWiki/Plugin/pinger.pm    |  21 ++-
- t/useragent.t               | 317 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- 6 files changed, 458 insertions(+), 36 deletions(-)
- create mode 100755 t/useragent.t
---- a/IkiWiki.pm
-+++ b/IkiWiki.pm
-@@ -2367,16 +2367,131 @@
- 	$autofiles{$file}{generator}=$generator;
- }
--sub useragent () {
-+sub useragent (@) {
-+	my %params = @_;
-+	my $for_url = delete $params{for_url};
-+	# Fail safe, in case a plugin calling this function is relying on
-+	# a future parameter to make the UA more strict
-+	foreach my $key (keys %params) {
-+		error "Internal error: useragent(\"$key\" => ...) not understood";
-+	}
- 	eval q{use LWP};
- 	error($@) if $@;
--	return LWP::UserAgent->new(
--		cookie_jar => $config{cookiejar},
--		env_proxy => 1,		# respect proxy env vars
-+	my %args = (
- 		agent => $config{useragent},
-+		cookie_jar => $config{cookiejar},
-+		env_proxy => 0,
- 		protocols_allowed => [qw(http https)],
- 	);
-+	my %proxies;
-+	if (defined $for_url) {
-+		# We know which URL we're going to fetch, so we can choose
-+		# whether it's going to go through a proxy or not.
-+		#
-+		# We reimplement http_proxy, https_proxy and no_proxy here, so
-+		# that we are not relying on LWP implementing them exactly the
-+		# same way we do.
-+		eval q{use URI};
-+		error($@) if $@;
-+		my $proxy;
-+		my $uri = URI->new($for_url);
-+		if ($uri->scheme eq 'http') {
-+			$proxy = $ENV{http_proxy};
-+			# HTTP_PROXY is deliberately not implemented
-+			# because the HTTP_* namespace is also used by CGI
-+		}
-+		elsif ($uri->scheme eq 'https') {
-+			$proxy = $ENV{https_proxy};
-+			$proxy = $ENV{HTTPS_PROXY} unless defined $proxy;
-+		}
-+		else {
-+			$proxy = undef;
-+		}
-+		foreach my $var (qw(no_proxy NO_PROXY)) {
-+			my $no_proxy = $ENV{$var};
-+			if (defined $no_proxy) {
-+				foreach my $domain (split /\s*,\s*/, $no_proxy) {
-+					if ($domain =~ s/^\*?\.//) {
-+						# no_proxy="*.example.com" or
-+						# ".example.com": match suffix
-+						# against .example.com
-+						if ($uri->host =~ m/(^|\.)\Q$domain\E$/i) {
-+							$proxy = undef;
-+						}
-+					}
-+					else {
-+						# no_proxy="example.com":
-+						# match exactly example.com
-+						if (lc $uri->host eq lc $domain) {
-+							$proxy = undef;
-+						}
-+					}
-+				}
-+			}
-+		}
-+		if (defined $proxy) {
-+			$proxies{$uri->scheme} = $proxy;
-+			# Paranoia: make sure we can't bypass the proxy
-+			$args{protocols_allowed} = [$uri->scheme];
-+		}
-+	}
-+	else {
-+		# The plugin doesn't know yet which URL(s) it's going to
-+		# fetch, so we have to make some conservative assumptions.
-+		my $http_proxy = $ENV{http_proxy};
-+		my $https_proxy = $ENV{https_proxy};
-+		$https_proxy = $ENV{HTTPS_PROXY} unless defined $https_proxy;
-+		# We don't respect no_proxy here: if we are not using the
-+		# paranoid user-agent, then we need to give the proxy the
-+		# opportunity to reject undesirable requests.
-+		# If we have one, we need the other: otherwise, neither
-+		# LWPx::ParanoidAgent nor the proxy would have the
-+		# opportunity to filter requests for the other protocol.
-+		if (defined $https_proxy && defined $http_proxy) {
-+			%proxies = (http => $http_proxy, https => $https_proxy);
-+		}
-+		elsif (defined $https_proxy) {
-+			%proxies = (http => $https_proxy, https => $https_proxy);
-+		}
-+		elsif (defined $http_proxy) {
-+			%proxies = (http => $http_proxy, https => $http_proxy);
-+		}
-+	}
-+	if (scalar keys %proxies) {
-+		# The configured proxy is responsible for deciding which
-+		# URLs are acceptable to fetch and which URLs are not.
-+		my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(%args);
-+		foreach my $scheme (@{$ua->protocols_allowed}) {
-+			unless ($proxies{$scheme}) {
-+				error "internal error: $scheme is allowed but has no proxy";
-+			}
-+		}
-+		# We can't pass the proxies in %args because that only
-+		# works since LWP 6.24.
-+		foreach my $scheme (keys %proxies) {
-+			$ua->proxy($scheme, $proxies{$scheme});
-+		}
-+		return $ua;
-+	}
-+	eval q{use LWPx::ParanoidAgent};
-+	if ($@) {
-+		print STDERR "warning: installing LWPx::ParanoidAgent is recommended\n";
-+		return LWP::UserAgent->new(%args);
-+	}
-+	return LWPx::ParanoidAgent->new(%args);
- }
- sub sortspec_translate ($$) {
---- a/IkiWiki/Plugin/aggregate.pm
-+++ b/IkiWiki/Plugin/aggregate.pm
-@@ -513,7 +513,10 @@
- 			}
- 			$feed->{feedurl}=pop @urls;
- 		}
--		my $ua=useragent();
-+		# Using the for_url parameter makes sure we crash if used
-+		# with an older IkiWiki.pm that didn't automatically try
-+		# to use LWPx::ParanoidAgent.
-+		my $ua=useragent(for_url => $feed->{feedurl});
- 		my $res=URI::Fetch->fetch($feed->{feedurl}, UserAgent=>$ua);
- 		if (! $res) {
- 			$feed->{message}=URI::Fetch->errstr;
---- a/IkiWiki/Plugin/blogspam.pm
-+++ b/IkiWiki/Plugin/blogspam.pm
-@@ -57,18 +57,10 @@
- 	};
- 	error $@ if $@;
--	eval q{use LWPx::ParanoidAgent};
--	if (!$@) {
--		$client=LWPx::ParanoidAgent->new(agent => $config{useragent});
--	}
--	else {
--		eval q{use LWP};
--		if ($@) {
--			error $@;
--			return;
--		}
--		$client=useragent();
--	}
-+	# Using the for_url parameter makes sure we crash if used
-+	# with an older IkiWiki.pm that didn't automatically try
-+	# to use LWPx::ParanoidAgent.
-+	$client=useragent(for_url => $config{blogspam_server});
- }
- sub checkcontent (@) {
---- a/IkiWiki/Plugin/openid.pm
-+++ b/IkiWiki/Plugin/openid.pm
-@@ -237,14 +237,10 @@
- 	eval q{use Net::OpenID::Consumer};
- 	error($@) if $@;
--	my $ua;
--	eval q{use LWPx::ParanoidAgent};
--	if (! $@) {
--		$ua=LWPx::ParanoidAgent->new(agent => $config{useragent});
--	}
--	else {
--		$ua=useragent();
--	}
-+	# We pass the for_url parameter, even though it's undef, because
-+	# that will make sure we crash if used with an older IkiWiki.pm
-+	# that didn't automatically try to use LWPx::ParanoidAgent.
-+	my $ua=useragent(for_url => undef);
- 	# Store the secret in the session.
- 	my $secret=$session->param("openid_secret");
---- a/IkiWiki/Plugin/pinger.pm
-+++ b/IkiWiki/Plugin/pinger.pm
-@@ -70,17 +70,16 @@
- 		eval q{use Net::INET6Glue::INET_is_INET6}; # may not be available
- 		my $ua;
--		eval q{use LWPx::ParanoidAgent};
--		if (!$@) {
--			$ua=LWPx::ParanoidAgent->new(agent => $config{useragent});
--		}
--		else {
--			eval q{use LWP};
--			if ($@) {
--				debug(gettext("LWP not found, not pinging"));
--				return;
--			}
--			$ua=useragent();
-+		eval {
-+			# We pass the for_url parameter, even though it's
-+			# undef, because that will make sure we crash if used
-+			# with an older IkiWiki.pm that didn't automatically
-+			# try to use LWPx::ParanoidAgent.
-+			$ua=useragent(for_url => undef);
-+		};
-+		if ($@) {
-+			debug(gettext("LWP not found, not pinging").": $@");
-+			return;
- 		}
- 		$ua->timeout($config{pinger_timeout} || 15);
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/t/useragent.t
-@@ -0,0 +1,317 @@
-+use warnings;
-+use strict;
-+use Test::More;
-+my $have_paranoid_agent;
-+	plan(skip_all => 'LWP not available')
-+		unless eval q{
-+			use LWP qw(); 1;
-+		};
-+	use_ok("IkiWiki");
-+	$have_paranoid_agent = eval q{
-+		use LWPx::ParanoidAgent qw(); 1;
-+	};
-+eval { useragent(future_feature => 1); };
-+ok($@, 'future features should cause useragent to fail');
-+diag "==== No proxy ====";
-+delete $ENV{http_proxy};
-+delete $ENV{https_proxy};
-+delete $ENV{no_proxy};
-+delete $ENV{HTTPS_PROXY};
-+delete $ENV{NO_PROXY};
-+diag "---- Unspecified URL ----";
-+my $ua = useragent(for_url => undef);
-+SKIP: {
-+	skip 'paranoid agent not available', 1 unless $have_paranoid_agent;
-+	ok($ua->isa('LWPx::ParanoidAgent'), 'uses ParanoidAgent if possible');
-+is_deeply([sort @{$ua->protocols_allowed}], [sort qw(http https)]);
-+is($ua->proxy('http'), undef, 'No http proxy');
-+is($ua->proxy('https'), undef, 'No https proxy');
-+diag "---- Specified URL ----";
-+$ua = useragent(for_url => 'http://example.com');
-+SKIP: {
-+	skip 'paranoid agent not available', 1 unless $have_paranoid_agent;
-+	ok($ua->isa('LWPx::ParanoidAgent'), 'uses ParanoidAgent if possible');
-+is_deeply([sort @{$ua->protocols_allowed}], [sort qw(http https)]);
-+is($ua->proxy('http'), undef, 'No http proxy');
-+is($ua->proxy('https'), undef, 'No https proxy');
-+diag "==== Proxy for everything ====";
-+$ENV{http_proxy} = 'http://proxy:8080';
-+$ENV{https_proxy} = 'http://sproxy:8080';
-+delete $ENV{no_proxy};
-+delete $ENV{HTTPS_PROXY};
-+delete $ENV{NO_PROXY};
-+diag "---- Unspecified URL ----";
-+$ua = useragent(for_url => undef);
-+ok(! $ua->isa('LWPx::ParanoidAgent'), 'should use proxy instead of ParanoidAgent');
-+is_deeply([sort @{$ua->protocols_allowed}], [sort qw(http https)]);
-+is($ua->proxy('http'), 'http://proxy:8080', 'should use proxy');
-+is($ua->proxy('https'), 'http://sproxy:8080', 'should use CONNECT proxy');
-+$ua = useragent(for_url => 'http://example.com');
-+ok(! $ua->isa('LWPx::ParanoidAgent'), 'should use proxy instead of ParanoidAgent');
-+is_deeply([sort @{$ua->protocols_allowed}], [sort qw(http)]);
-+is($ua->proxy('http'), 'http://proxy:8080', 'should use proxy');
-+# We don't care what $ua->proxy('https') is, because it won't be used
-+$ua = useragent(for_url => 'https://example.com');
-+ok(! $ua->isa('LWPx::ParanoidAgent'), 'should use proxy instead of ParanoidAgent');
-+is_deeply([sort @{$ua->protocols_allowed}], [sort qw(https)]);
-+# We don't care what $ua->proxy('http') is, because it won't be used
-+is($ua->proxy('https'), 'http://sproxy:8080', 'should use CONNECT proxy');
-+diag "==== Selective proxy ====";
-+$ENV{http_proxy} = 'http://proxy:8080';
-+$ENV{https_proxy} = 'http://sproxy:8080';
-+$ENV{no_proxy} = '*.example.net,example.com,.example.org';
-+delete $ENV{HTTPS_PROXY};
-+delete $ENV{NO_PROXY};
-+diag "---- Unspecified URL ----";
-+$ua = useragent(for_url => undef);
-+ok(! $ua->isa('LWPx::ParanoidAgent'), 'should use proxy instead of ParanoidAgent');
-+is_deeply([sort @{$ua->protocols_allowed}], [sort qw(http https)]);
-+is($ua->proxy('http'), 'http://proxy:8080', 'should use proxy');
-+is($ua->proxy('https'), 'http://sproxy:8080', 'should use CONNECT proxy');
-+diag "---- Exact match for no_proxy ----";
-+$ua = useragent(for_url => 'http://example.com');
-+SKIP: {
-+	skip 'paranoid agent not available', 1 unless $have_paranoid_agent;
-+	ok($ua->isa('LWPx::ParanoidAgent'), 'uses ParanoidAgent if possible');
-+is_deeply([sort @{$ua->protocols_allowed}], [sort qw(http https)]);
-+is($ua->proxy('http'), undef);
-+is($ua->proxy('https'), undef);
-+diag "---- Subdomain of exact domain in no_proxy ----";
-+$ua = useragent(for_url => 'http://sub.example.com');
-+ok(! $ua->isa('LWPx::ParanoidAgent'), 'should use proxy instead of ParanoidAgent');
-+is_deeply([sort @{$ua->protocols_allowed}], [sort qw(http)]);
-+is($ua->proxy('http'), 'http://proxy:8080', 'should use proxy');
-+diag "---- example.net matches *.example.net ----";
-+$ua = useragent(for_url => 'https://example.net');
-+SKIP: {
-+	skip 'paranoid agent not available', 1 unless $have_paranoid_agent;
-+	ok($ua->isa('LWPx::ParanoidAgent'), 'uses ParanoidAgent if possible');
-+is_deeply([sort @{$ua->protocols_allowed}], [sort qw(http https)]);
-+is($ua->proxy('http'), undef);
-+is($ua->proxy('https'), undef);
-+diag "---- sub.example.net matches *.example.net ----";
-+$ua = useragent(for_url => 'https://sub.example.net');
-+SKIP: {
-+	skip 'paranoid agent not available', 1 unless $have_paranoid_agent;
-+	ok($ua->isa('LWPx::ParanoidAgent'), 'uses ParanoidAgent if possible');
-+is_deeply([sort @{$ua->protocols_allowed}], [sort qw(http https)]);
-+is($ua->proxy('http'), undef);
-+is($ua->proxy('https'), undef);
-+diag "---- badexample.net does not match *.example.net ----";
-+$ua = useragent(for_url => 'https://badexample.net');
-+ok(! $ua->isa('LWPx::ParanoidAgent'), 'should use proxy instead of ParanoidAgent');
-+is_deeply([sort @{$ua->protocols_allowed}], [sort qw(https)]);
-+is($ua->proxy('https'), 'http://sproxy:8080', 'should use proxy');
-+diag "---- example.org matches .example.org ----";
-+$ua = useragent(for_url => 'https://example.org');
-+SKIP: {
-+	skip 'paranoid agent not available', 1 unless $have_paranoid_agent;
-+	ok($ua->isa('LWPx::ParanoidAgent'), 'uses ParanoidAgent if possible');
-+is_deeply([sort @{$ua->protocols_allowed}], [sort qw(http https)]);
-+is($ua->proxy('http'), undef);
-+is($ua->proxy('https'), undef);
-+diag "---- sub.example.org matches .example.org ----";
-+$ua = useragent(for_url => 'https://sub.example.org');
-+SKIP: {
-+	skip 'paranoid agent not available', 1 unless $have_paranoid_agent;
-+	ok($ua->isa('LWPx::ParanoidAgent'), 'uses ParanoidAgent if possible');
-+is_deeply([sort @{$ua->protocols_allowed}], [sort qw(http https)]);
-+is($ua->proxy('http'), undef);
-+is($ua->proxy('https'), undef);
-+diag "---- badexample.org does not match .example.org ----";
-+$ua = useragent(for_url => 'https://badexample.org');
-+ok(! $ua->isa('LWPx::ParanoidAgent'), 'should use proxy instead of ParanoidAgent');
-+is_deeply([sort @{$ua->protocols_allowed}], [sort qw(https)]);
-+is($ua->proxy('https'), 'http://sproxy:8080', 'should use proxy');
-+diag "==== Selective proxy (alternate variables) ====";
-+$ENV{http_proxy} = 'http://proxy:8080';
-+delete $ENV{https_proxy};
-+$ENV{HTTPS_PROXY} = 'http://sproxy:8080';
-+delete $ENV{no_proxy};
-+$ENV{NO_PROXY} = '*.example.net,example.com,.example.org';
-+diag "---- Unspecified URL ----";
-+$ua = useragent(for_url => undef);
-+ok(! $ua->isa('LWPx::ParanoidAgent'), 'should use proxy instead of ParanoidAgent');
-+is_deeply([sort @{$ua->protocols_allowed}], [sort qw(http https)]);
-+is($ua->proxy('http'), 'http://proxy:8080', 'should use proxy');
-+is($ua->proxy('https'), 'http://sproxy:8080', 'should use CONNECT proxy');
-+diag "---- Exact match for no_proxy ----";
-+$ua = useragent(for_url => 'http://example.com');
-+SKIP: {
-+	skip 'paranoid agent not available', 1 unless $have_paranoid_agent;
-+	ok($ua->isa('LWPx::ParanoidAgent'), 'uses ParanoidAgent if possible');
-+is_deeply([sort @{$ua->protocols_allowed}], [sort qw(http https)]);
-+is($ua->proxy('http'), undef);
-+is($ua->proxy('https'), undef);
-+diag "---- Subdomain of exact domain in no_proxy ----";
-+$ua = useragent(for_url => 'http://sub.example.com');
-+ok(! $ua->isa('LWPx::ParanoidAgent'), 'should use proxy instead of ParanoidAgent');
-+is_deeply([sort @{$ua->protocols_allowed}], [sort qw(http)]);
-+is($ua->proxy('http'), 'http://proxy:8080', 'should use proxy');
-+diag "---- example.net matches *.example.net ----";
-+$ua = useragent(for_url => 'https://example.net');
-+SKIP: {
-+	skip 'paranoid agent not available', 1 unless $have_paranoid_agent;
-+	ok($ua->isa('LWPx::ParanoidAgent'), 'uses ParanoidAgent if possible');
-+is_deeply([sort @{$ua->protocols_allowed}], [sort qw(http https)]);
-+is($ua->proxy('http'), undef);
-+is($ua->proxy('https'), undef);
-+diag "---- sub.example.net matches *.example.net ----";
-+$ua = useragent(for_url => 'https://sub.example.net');
-+SKIP: {
-+	skip 'paranoid agent not available', 1 unless $have_paranoid_agent;
-+	ok($ua->isa('LWPx::ParanoidAgent'), 'uses ParanoidAgent if possible');
-+is_deeply([sort @{$ua->protocols_allowed}], [sort qw(http https)]);
-+is($ua->proxy('http'), undef);
-+is($ua->proxy('https'), undef);
-+diag "---- badexample.net does not match *.example.net ----";
-+$ua = useragent(for_url => 'https://badexample.net');
-+ok(! $ua->isa('LWPx::ParanoidAgent'), 'should use proxy instead of ParanoidAgent');
-+is_deeply([sort @{$ua->protocols_allowed}], [sort qw(https)]);
-+is($ua->proxy('https'), 'http://sproxy:8080', 'should use proxy');
-+diag "---- example.org matches .example.org ----";
-+$ua = useragent(for_url => 'https://example.org');
-+SKIP: {
-+	skip 'paranoid agent not available', 1 unless $have_paranoid_agent;
-+	ok($ua->isa('LWPx::ParanoidAgent'), 'uses ParanoidAgent if possible');
-+is_deeply([sort @{$ua->protocols_allowed}], [sort qw(http https)]);
-+is($ua->proxy('http'), undef);
-+is($ua->proxy('https'), undef);
-+diag "---- sub.example.org matches .example.org ----";
-+$ua = useragent(for_url => 'https://sub.example.org');
-+SKIP: {
-+	skip 'paranoid agent not available', 1 unless $have_paranoid_agent;
-+	ok($ua->isa('LWPx::ParanoidAgent'), 'uses ParanoidAgent if possible');
-+is_deeply([sort @{$ua->protocols_allowed}], [sort qw(http https)]);
-+is($ua->proxy('http'), undef);
-+is($ua->proxy('https'), undef);
-+diag "---- badexample.org does not match .example.org ----";
-+$ua = useragent(for_url => 'https://badexample.org');
-+ok(! $ua->isa('LWPx::ParanoidAgent'), 'should use proxy instead of ParanoidAgent');
-+is_deeply([sort @{$ua->protocols_allowed}], [sort qw(https)]);
-+is($ua->proxy('https'), 'http://sproxy:8080', 'should use proxy');
-+diag "==== Selective proxy (many variables) ====";
-+$ENV{http_proxy} = 'http://proxy:8080';
-+$ENV{https_proxy} = 'http://sproxy:8080';
-+# This one should be ignored in favour of https_proxy
-+$ENV{HTTPS_PROXY} = 'http://not.preferred.proxy:3128';
-+# These two should be merged
-+$ENV{no_proxy} = '*.example.net,example.com';
-+$ENV{NO_PROXY} = '.example.org';
-+diag "---- Unspecified URL ----";
-+$ua = useragent(for_url => undef);
-+ok(! $ua->isa('LWPx::ParanoidAgent'), 'should use proxy instead of ParanoidAgent');
-+is_deeply([sort @{$ua->protocols_allowed}], [sort qw(http https)]);
-+is($ua->proxy('http'), 'http://proxy:8080', 'should use proxy');
-+is($ua->proxy('https'), 'http://sproxy:8080', 'should use CONNECT proxy');
-+diag "---- Exact match for no_proxy ----";
-+$ua = useragent(for_url => 'http://example.com');
-+SKIP: {
-+	skip 'paranoid agent not available', 1 unless $have_paranoid_agent;
-+	ok($ua->isa('LWPx::ParanoidAgent'), 'uses ParanoidAgent if possible');
-+is_deeply([sort @{$ua->protocols_allowed}], [sort qw(http https)]);
-+is($ua->proxy('http'), undef);
-+is($ua->proxy('https'), undef);
-+diag "---- Subdomain of exact domain in no_proxy ----";
-+$ua = useragent(for_url => 'http://sub.example.com');
-+ok(! $ua->isa('LWPx::ParanoidAgent'), 'should use proxy instead of ParanoidAgent');
-+is_deeply([sort @{$ua->protocols_allowed}], [sort qw(http)]);
-+is($ua->proxy('http'), 'http://proxy:8080', 'should use proxy');
-+diag "---- example.net matches *.example.net ----";
-+$ua = useragent(for_url => 'https://example.net');
-+SKIP: {
-+	skip 'paranoid agent not available', 1 unless $have_paranoid_agent;
-+	ok($ua->isa('LWPx::ParanoidAgent'), 'uses ParanoidAgent if possible');
-+is_deeply([sort @{$ua->protocols_allowed}], [sort qw(http https)]);
-+is($ua->proxy('http'), undef);
-+is($ua->proxy('https'), undef);
-+diag "---- sub.example.net matches *.example.net ----";
-+$ua = useragent(for_url => 'https://sub.example.net');
-+SKIP: {
-+	skip 'paranoid agent not available', 1 unless $have_paranoid_agent;
-+	ok($ua->isa('LWPx::ParanoidAgent'), 'uses ParanoidAgent if possible');
-+is_deeply([sort @{$ua->protocols_allowed}], [sort qw(http https)]);
-+is($ua->proxy('http'), undef);
-+is($ua->proxy('https'), undef);
-+diag "---- badexample.net does not match *.example.net ----";
-+$ua = useragent(for_url => 'https://badexample.net');
-+ok(! $ua->isa('LWPx::ParanoidAgent'), 'should use proxy instead of ParanoidAgent');
-+is_deeply([sort @{$ua->protocols_allowed}], [sort qw(https)]);
-+is($ua->proxy('https'), 'http://sproxy:8080', 'should use proxy');
-+diag "==== One but not the other ====\n";
-+$ENV{http_proxy} = 'http://proxy:8080';
-+delete $ENV{https_proxy};
-+delete $ENV{HTTPS_PROXY};
-+delete $ENV{no_proxy};
-+delete $ENV{NO_PROXY};
-+$ua = useragent(for_url => undef);
-+ok(! $ua->isa('LWPx::ParanoidAgent'), 'should use proxy instead of ParanoidAgent');
-+is_deeply([sort @{$ua->protocols_allowed}], [sort qw(http https)]);
-+is($ua->proxy('http'), 'http://proxy:8080', 'should use proxy');
-+is($ua->proxy('https'), 'http://proxy:8080', 'should use proxy');
-+delete $ENV{http_proxy};
-+$ENV{https_proxy} = 'http://sproxy:8080';
-+delete $ENV{HTTPS_PROXY};
-+delete $ENV{no_proxy};
-+delete $ENV{NO_PROXY};
-+$ua = useragent(for_url => undef);
-+ok(! $ua->isa('LWPx::ParanoidAgent'), 'should use proxy instead of ParanoidAgent');
-+is_deeply([sort @{$ua->protocols_allowed}], [sort qw(http https)]);
-+is($ua->proxy('http'), 'http://sproxy:8080', 'should use proxy');
-+is($ua->proxy('https'), 'http://sproxy:8080', 'should use proxy');
diff -Nru ikiwiki-3.20141016.4+deb8u1/debian/patches/CVE-2019-9187-4.patch ikiwiki-3.20141016.4/debian/patches/CVE-2019-9187-4.patch
--- ikiwiki-3.20141016.4+deb8u1/debian/patches/CVE-2019-9187-4.patch	2019-03-07 17:35:45.000000000 +1100
+++ ikiwiki-3.20141016.4/debian/patches/CVE-2019-9187-4.patch	1970-01-01 10:00:00.000000000 +1000
@@ -1,159 +0,0 @@
-From 9a275b2f1846d7268c71a740975447e269383849 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Simon McVittie <smcv@debian.org>
-Date: Sun, 10 Feb 2019 16:56:41 +0000
-Subject: [PATCH] doc: Document security issues involving LWP::UserAgent
-Recommend the LWPx::ParanoidAgent module where appropriate.
-It is particularly important for openid, since unauthenticated users
-can control which URLs that plugin will contact. Conversely, it is
-non-critical for blogspam, since the URL to be contacted is under
-the wiki administrator's control.
-Signed-off-by: Simon McVittie <smcv@debian.org>
- doc/plugins/aggregate.mdwn  |  4 ++++
- doc/plugins/blogspam.mdwn   |  2 ++
- doc/plugins/openid.mdwn     |  7 +++++--
- doc/plugins/pinger.mdwn     |  8 +++++---
- doc/security.mdwn           | 49 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- doc/tips/using_a_proxy.mdwn | 22 ++++++++++++++++++++
- 6 files changed, 87 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
- create mode 100644 doc/tips/using_a_proxy.mdwn
---- a/doc/plugins/aggregate.mdwn
-+++ b/doc/plugins/aggregate.mdwn
-@@ -11,6 +11,10 @@
- one. Either the [[htmltidy]] or [[htmlbalance]] plugin is suggested, since
- feeds can easily contain html problems, some of which these plugins can fix.
-+Installing the [[!cpan LWPx::ParanoidAgent]] Perl module is strongly
-+recommended. The [[!cpan LWP]] module can also be used, but is susceptible
-+to server-side request forgery.
- ## triggering aggregation
- You will need to run ikiwiki periodically from a cron job, passing it the
---- a/doc/plugins/blogspam.mdwn
-+++ b/doc/plugins/blogspam.mdwn
-@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@
- go to your Preferences page, and click the "Comment Moderation" button.
- The plugin requires the [[!cpan JSON]] perl module.
-+The [[!cpan LWPx::ParanoidAgent]] Perl module is recommended,
-+although this plugin can also fall back to [[!cpan LWP]].
- You can control how content is tested via the `blogspam_options` setting.
- The list of options is [here](http://blogspam.net/api/testComment.html#options).
---- a/doc/plugins/openid.mdwn
-+++ b/doc/plugins/openid.mdwn
-@@ -7,8 +7,11 @@
- The plugin needs the [[!cpan Net::OpenID::Consumer]] perl module.
- Version 1.x is needed in order for OpenID v2 to work.
--The [[!cpan LWPx::ParanoidAgent]] perl module is used if available, for
--added security. Finally, the [[!cpan Crypt::SSLeay]] perl module is needed
-+The [[!cpan LWPx::ParanoidAgent]] Perl module is strongly recommended.
-+The [[!cpan LWP]] module can also be used, but is susceptible to
-+server-side request forgery.
-+The [[!cpan Crypt::SSLeay]] Perl module is needed
- to support users entering "https" OpenID urls.
- This plugin is enabled by default, but can be turned off if you want to
---- a/doc/plugins/pinger.mdwn
-+++ b/doc/plugins/pinger.mdwn
-@@ -10,9 +10,11 @@
- To configure what URLs to ping, use the [[ikiwiki/directive/ping]]
- [[ikiwiki/directive]].
--The [[!cpan LWP]] perl module is used for pinging. Or the [[!cpan
--LWPx::ParanoidAgent]] perl module is used if available, for added security.
--Finally, the [[!cpan Crypt::SSLeay]] perl module is needed to support pinging
-+The [[!cpan LWPx::ParanoidAgent]] Perl module is strongly recommended.
-+The [[!cpan LWP]] module can also be used, but is susceptible
-+to server-side request forgery.
-+The [[!cpan Crypt::SSLeay]] perl module is needed to support pinging
- "https" urls.
- By default the pinger will try to ping a site for 15 seconds before timing
---- a/doc/security.mdwn
-+++ b/doc/security.mdwn
-@@ -526,3 +526,52 @@
- able to attach images. Upgrading ImageMagick to a version where
- CVE-2016-3714 has been fixed is also recommended, but at the time of
- writing no such version is available.
-+## Server-side request forgery via aggregate plugin
-+The ikiwiki maintainers discovered that the [[plugins/aggregate]] plugin
-+did not use [[!cpan LWPx::ParanoidAgent]]. On sites where the
-+aggregate plugin is enabled, authorized wiki editors could tell ikiwiki
-+to fetch potentially undesired URIs even if LWPx::ParanoidAgent was
-+* local files via `file:` URIs
-+* other URI schemes that might be misused by attackers, such as `gopher:`
-+* hosts that resolve to loopback IP addresses (127.x.x.x)
-+* hosts that resolve to RFC 1918 IP addresses (192.168.x.x etc.)
-+This could be used by an attacker to publish information that should not have
-+been accessible, cause denial of service by requesting "tarpit" URIs that are
-+slow to respond, or cause undesired side-effects if local web servers implement
-+["unsafe"](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7231#section-4.2.1) GET requests.
-+([[!debcve CVE-2019-9187]])
-+Additionally, if the LWPx::ParanoidAgent module was not installed, the
-+[[plugins/blogspam]], [[plugins/openid]] and [[plugins/pinger]] plugins
-+would fall back to [[!cpan LWP]], which is susceptible to similar attacks.
-+This is unlikely to be a practical problem for the blogspam plugin because
-+the URL it requests is under the control of the wiki administrator, but
-+the openid plugin can request URLs controlled by unauthenticated remote
-+users, and the pinger plugin can request URLs controlled by authorized
-+wiki editors.
-+This is addressed in ikiwiki 3.20190228 as follows, with the same fixes
-+backported to Debian 9 in version 3.20170111.1:
-+* URI schemes other than `http:` and `https:` are not accepted, preventing
-+  access to `file:`, `gopher:`, etc.
-+* If a proxy is [[configured in the ikiwiki setup file|tips/using_a_proxy]],
-+  it is used for all outgoing `http:` and `https:` requests. In this case
-+  the proxy is responsible for blocking any requests that are undesired,
-+  including loopback or RFC 1918 addresses.
-+* If a proxy is not configured, and LWPx::ParanoidAgent is installed,
-+  it will be used. This prevents loopback and RFC 1918 IP addresses, and
-+  sets a timeout to avoid denial of service via "tarpit" URIs.
-+* Otherwise, the ordinary LWP user-agent will be used. This allows requests
-+  to loopback and RFC 1918 IP addresses, and has less robust timeout
-+  behaviour. We are not treating this as a vulnerability: if this
-+  behaviour is not acceptable for your site, please make sure to install
-+  LWPx::ParanoidAgent or disable the affected plugins.
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/doc/tips/using_a_proxy.mdwn
-@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
-+Some ikiwiki plugins make outgoing HTTP requests from the web server:
-+* [[plugins/aggregate]] (to download Atom and RSS feeds)
-+* [[plugins/blogspam]] (to check whether a comment or edit is spam)
-+* [[plugins/openid]] (to authenticate users)
-+* [[plugins/pinger]] (to ping other ikiwiki installations)
-+If your ikiwiki installation cannot contact the Internet without going
-+through a proxy, you can configure this in the [[setup file|setup]] by
-+setting environment variables:
-+    ENV:
-+        http_proxy: "http://proxy.example.com:8080";
-+        https_proxy: "http://proxy.example.com:8080";
-+        # optional
-+        no_proxy: ".example.com,www.example.org"
-+Note that some plugins will use the configured proxy for all destinations,
-+even if they are listed in `no_proxy`.
-+To avoid server-side request forgery attacks, ensure that your proxy does
-+not allow requests to addresses that are considered to be internal.
diff -Nru ikiwiki-3.20141016.4+deb8u1/debian/patches/series ikiwiki-3.20141016.4/debian/patches/series
--- ikiwiki-3.20141016.4+deb8u1/debian/patches/series	2019-03-07 17:33:02.000000000 +1100
+++ ikiwiki-3.20141016.4/debian/patches/series	1970-01-01 10:00:00.000000000 +1000
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
diff -Nru ikiwiki-3.20141016.4+deb8u1/doc/plugins/aggregate.mdwn ikiwiki-3.20141016.4/doc/plugins/aggregate.mdwn
--- ikiwiki-3.20141016.4+deb8u1/doc/plugins/aggregate.mdwn	2019-03-07 17:33:15.000000000 +1100
+++ ikiwiki-3.20141016.4/doc/plugins/aggregate.mdwn	2017-01-12 05:18:52.000000000 +1100
@@ -11,10 +11,6 @@
 one. Either the [[htmltidy]] or [[htmlbalance]] plugin is suggested, since
 feeds can easily contain html problems, some of which these plugins can fix.
-Installing the [[!cpan LWPx::ParanoidAgent]] Perl module is strongly
-recommended. The [[!cpan LWP]] module can also be used, but is susceptible
-to server-side request forgery.
 ## triggering aggregation
 You will need to run ikiwiki periodically from a cron job, passing it the
diff -Nru ikiwiki-3.20141016.4+deb8u1/doc/plugins/blogspam.mdwn ikiwiki-3.20141016.4/doc/plugins/blogspam.mdwn
--- ikiwiki-3.20141016.4+deb8u1/doc/plugins/blogspam.mdwn	2019-03-07 17:33:15.000000000 +1100
+++ ikiwiki-3.20141016.4/doc/plugins/blogspam.mdwn	2017-01-12 05:18:52.000000000 +1100
@@ -11,8 +11,6 @@
 go to your Preferences page, and click the "Comment Moderation" button.
 The plugin requires the [[!cpan JSON]] perl module.
-The [[!cpan LWPx::ParanoidAgent]] Perl module is recommended,
-although this plugin can also fall back to [[!cpan LWP]].
 You can control how content is tested via the `blogspam_options` setting.
 The list of options is [here](http://blogspam.net/api/testComment.html#options).
diff -Nru ikiwiki-3.20141016.4+deb8u1/doc/plugins/openid.mdwn ikiwiki-3.20141016.4/doc/plugins/openid.mdwn
--- ikiwiki-3.20141016.4+deb8u1/doc/plugins/openid.mdwn	2019-03-07 17:33:15.000000000 +1100
+++ ikiwiki-3.20141016.4/doc/plugins/openid.mdwn	2017-01-12 05:18:52.000000000 +1100
@@ -7,11 +7,8 @@
 The plugin needs the [[!cpan Net::OpenID::Consumer]] perl module.
 Version 1.x is needed in order for OpenID v2 to work.
-The [[!cpan LWPx::ParanoidAgent]] Perl module is strongly recommended.
-The [[!cpan LWP]] module can also be used, but is susceptible to
-server-side request forgery.
-The [[!cpan Crypt::SSLeay]] Perl module is needed
+The [[!cpan LWPx::ParanoidAgent]] perl module is used if available, for
+added security. Finally, the [[!cpan Crypt::SSLeay]] perl module is needed
 to support users entering "https" OpenID urls.
 This plugin is enabled by default, but can be turned off if you want to
diff -Nru ikiwiki-3.20141016.4+deb8u1/doc/plugins/pinger.mdwn ikiwiki-3.20141016.4/doc/plugins/pinger.mdwn
--- ikiwiki-3.20141016.4+deb8u1/doc/plugins/pinger.mdwn	2019-03-07 17:33:15.000000000 +1100
+++ ikiwiki-3.20141016.4/doc/plugins/pinger.mdwn	2017-01-12 05:18:52.000000000 +1100
@@ -10,11 +10,9 @@
 To configure what URLs to ping, use the [[ikiwiki/directive/ping]]
-The [[!cpan LWPx::ParanoidAgent]] Perl module is strongly recommended.
-The [[!cpan LWP]] module can also be used, but is susceptible
-to server-side request forgery.
-The [[!cpan Crypt::SSLeay]] perl module is needed to support pinging
+The [[!cpan LWP]] perl module is used for pinging. Or the [[!cpan
+LWPx::ParanoidAgent]] perl module is used if available, for added security.
+Finally, the [[!cpan Crypt::SSLeay]] perl module is needed to support pinging
 "https" urls.
 By default the pinger will try to ping a site for 15 seconds before timing
diff -Nru ikiwiki-3.20141016.4+deb8u1/doc/security.mdwn ikiwiki-3.20141016.4/doc/security.mdwn
--- ikiwiki-3.20141016.4+deb8u1/doc/security.mdwn	2019-03-07 17:35:19.000000000 +1100
+++ ikiwiki-3.20141016.4/doc/security.mdwn	2017-01-12 05:18:52.000000000 +1100
@@ -526,52 +526,3 @@
 able to attach images. Upgrading ImageMagick to a version where
 CVE-2016-3714 has been fixed is also recommended, but at the time of
 writing no such version is available.
-## Server-side request forgery via aggregate plugin
-The ikiwiki maintainers discovered that the [[plugins/aggregate]] plugin
-did not use [[!cpan LWPx::ParanoidAgent]]. On sites where the
-aggregate plugin is enabled, authorized wiki editors could tell ikiwiki
-to fetch potentially undesired URIs even if LWPx::ParanoidAgent was
-* local files via `file:` URIs
-* other URI schemes that might be misused by attackers, such as `gopher:`
-* hosts that resolve to loopback IP addresses (127.x.x.x)
-* hosts that resolve to RFC 1918 IP addresses (192.168.x.x etc.)
-This could be used by an attacker to publish information that should not have
-been accessible, cause denial of service by requesting "tarpit" URIs that are
-slow to respond, or cause undesired side-effects if local web servers implement
-["unsafe"](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7231#section-4.2.1) GET requests.
-([[!debcve CVE-2019-9187]])
-Additionally, if the LWPx::ParanoidAgent module was not installed, the
-[[plugins/blogspam]], [[plugins/openid]] and [[plugins/pinger]] plugins
-would fall back to [[!cpan LWP]], which is susceptible to similar attacks.
-This is unlikely to be a practical problem for the blogspam plugin because
-the URL it requests is under the control of the wiki administrator, but
-the openid plugin can request URLs controlled by unauthenticated remote
-users, and the pinger plugin can request URLs controlled by authorized
-wiki editors.
-This is addressed in ikiwiki 3.20190228 as follows, with the same fixes
-backported to Debian 9 in version 3.20170111.1:
-* URI schemes other than `http:` and `https:` are not accepted, preventing
-  access to `file:`, `gopher:`, etc.
-* If a proxy is [[configured in the ikiwiki setup file|tips/using_a_proxy]],
-  it is used for all outgoing `http:` and `https:` requests. In this case
-  the proxy is responsible for blocking any requests that are undesired,
-  including loopback or RFC 1918 addresses.
-* If a proxy is not configured, and LWPx::ParanoidAgent is installed,
-  it will be used. This prevents loopback and RFC 1918 IP addresses, and
-  sets a timeout to avoid denial of service via "tarpit" URIs.
-* Otherwise, the ordinary LWP user-agent will be used. This allows requests
-  to loopback and RFC 1918 IP addresses, and has less robust timeout
-  behaviour. We are not treating this as a vulnerability: if this
-  behaviour is not acceptable for your site, please make sure to install
-  LWPx::ParanoidAgent or disable the affected plugins.
diff -Nru ikiwiki-3.20141016.4+deb8u1/doc/security.mdwn.rej ikiwiki-3.20141016.4/doc/security.mdwn.rej
--- ikiwiki-3.20141016.4+deb8u1/doc/security.mdwn.rej	2019-03-07 17:33:15.000000000 +1100
+++ ikiwiki-3.20141016.4/doc/security.mdwn.rej	1970-01-01 10:00:00.000000000 +1000
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
---- doc/security.mdwn
-+++ doc/security.mdwn
-@@ -611,3 +611,52 @@ This was fixed in ikiwiki 3.20170111, with fixes backported to Debian 8
- in version 3.20141016.4.
- ([[!debcve CVE-2017-0356]]/OVE-20170111-0001)
-+## Server-side request forgery via aggregate plugin
-+The ikiwiki maintainers discovered that the [[plugins/aggregate]] plugin
-+did not use [[!cpan LWPx::ParanoidAgent]]. On sites where the
-+aggregate plugin is enabled, authorized wiki editors could tell ikiwiki
-+to fetch potentially undesired URIs even if LWPx::ParanoidAgent was
-+* local files via `file:` URIs
-+* other URI schemes that might be misused by attackers, such as `gopher:`
-+* hosts that resolve to loopback IP addresses (127.x.x.x)
-+* hosts that resolve to RFC 1918 IP addresses (192.168.x.x etc.)
-+This could be used by an attacker to publish information that should not have
-+been accessible, cause denial of service by requesting "tarpit" URIs that are
-+slow to respond, or cause undesired side-effects if local web servers implement
-+["unsafe"](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7231#section-4.2.1) GET requests.
-+([[!debcve CVE-2019-9187]])
-+Additionally, if the LWPx::ParanoidAgent module was not installed, the
-+[[plugins/blogspam]], [[plugins/openid]] and [[plugins/pinger]] plugins
-+would fall back to [[!cpan LWP]], which is susceptible to similar attacks.
-+This is unlikely to be a practical problem for the blogspam plugin because
-+the URL it requests is under the control of the wiki administrator, but
-+the openid plugin can request URLs controlled by unauthenticated remote
-+users, and the pinger plugin can request URLs controlled by authorized
-+wiki editors.
-+This is addressed in ikiwiki 3.20190228 as follows, with the same fixes
-+backported to Debian 9 in version 3.20170111.1:
-+* URI schemes other than `http:` and `https:` are not accepted, preventing
-+  access to `file:`, `gopher:`, etc.
-+* If a proxy is [[configured in the ikiwiki setup file|tips/using_a_proxy]],
-+  it is used for all outgoing `http:` and `https:` requests. In this case
-+  the proxy is responsible for blocking any requests that are undesired,
-+  including loopback or RFC 1918 addresses.
-+* If a proxy is not configured, and LWPx::ParanoidAgent is installed,
-+  it will be used. This prevents loopback and RFC 1918 IP addresses, and
-+  sets a timeout to avoid denial of service via "tarpit" URIs.
-+* Otherwise, the ordinary LWP user-agent will be used. This allows requests
-+  to loopback and RFC 1918 IP addresses, and has less robust timeout
-+  behaviour. We are not treating this as a vulnerability: if this
-+  behaviour is not acceptable for your site, please make sure to install
-+  LWPx::ParanoidAgent or disable the affected plugins.
diff -Nru ikiwiki-3.20141016.4+deb8u1/doc/tips/using_a_proxy.mdwn ikiwiki-3.20141016.4/doc/tips/using_a_proxy.mdwn
--- ikiwiki-3.20141016.4+deb8u1/doc/tips/using_a_proxy.mdwn	2019-03-07 17:33:15.000000000 +1100
+++ ikiwiki-3.20141016.4/doc/tips/using_a_proxy.mdwn	1970-01-01 10:00:00.000000000 +1000
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-Some ikiwiki plugins make outgoing HTTP requests from the web server:
-* [[plugins/aggregate]] (to download Atom and RSS feeds)
-* [[plugins/blogspam]] (to check whether a comment or edit is spam)
-* [[plugins/openid]] (to authenticate users)
-* [[plugins/pinger]] (to ping other ikiwiki installations)
-If your ikiwiki installation cannot contact the Internet without going
-through a proxy, you can configure this in the [[setup file|setup]] by
-setting environment variables:
-    ENV:
-        http_proxy: "http://proxy.example.com:8080";
-        https_proxy: "http://proxy.example.com:8080";
-        # optional
-        no_proxy: ".example.com,www.example.org"
-Note that some plugins will use the configured proxy for all destinations,
-even if they are listed in `no_proxy`.
-To avoid server-side request forgery attacks, ensure that your proxy does
-not allow requests to addresses that are considered to be internal.
diff -Nru ikiwiki-3.20141016.4+deb8u1/IkiWiki/Plugin/aggregate.pm ikiwiki-3.20141016.4/IkiWiki/Plugin/aggregate.pm
--- ikiwiki-3.20141016.4+deb8u1/IkiWiki/Plugin/aggregate.pm	2019-03-07 17:32:54.000000000 +1100
+++ ikiwiki-3.20141016.4/IkiWiki/Plugin/aggregate.pm	2017-01-12 05:18:52.000000000 +1100
@@ -513,10 +513,7 @@
 			$feed->{feedurl}=pop @urls;
-		# Using the for_url parameter makes sure we crash if used
-		# with an older IkiWiki.pm that didn't automatically try
-		# to use LWPx::ParanoidAgent.
-		my $ua=useragent(for_url => $feed->{feedurl});
+		my $ua=useragent();
 		my $res=URI::Fetch->fetch($feed->{feedurl}, UserAgent=>$ua);
 		if (! $res) {
diff -Nru ikiwiki-3.20141016.4+deb8u1/IkiWiki/Plugin/blogspam.pm ikiwiki-3.20141016.4/IkiWiki/Plugin/blogspam.pm
--- ikiwiki-3.20141016.4+deb8u1/IkiWiki/Plugin/blogspam.pm	2019-03-07 17:32:54.000000000 +1100
+++ ikiwiki-3.20141016.4/IkiWiki/Plugin/blogspam.pm	2017-01-12 05:18:52.000000000 +1100
@@ -57,10 +57,18 @@
 	error $@ if $@;
-	# Using the for_url parameter makes sure we crash if used
-	# with an older IkiWiki.pm that didn't automatically try
-	# to use LWPx::ParanoidAgent.
-	$client=useragent(for_url => $config{blogspam_server});
+	eval q{use LWPx::ParanoidAgent};
+	if (!$@) {
+		$client=LWPx::ParanoidAgent->new(agent => $config{useragent});
+	}
+	else {
+		eval q{use LWP};
+		if ($@) {
+			error $@;
+			return;
+		}
+		$client=useragent();
+	}
 sub checkcontent (@) {
diff -Nru ikiwiki-3.20141016.4+deb8u1/IkiWiki/Plugin/openid.pm ikiwiki-3.20141016.4/IkiWiki/Plugin/openid.pm
--- ikiwiki-3.20141016.4+deb8u1/IkiWiki/Plugin/openid.pm	2019-03-07 17:32:54.000000000 +1100
+++ ikiwiki-3.20141016.4/IkiWiki/Plugin/openid.pm	2017-01-12 05:18:52.000000000 +1100
@@ -237,10 +237,14 @@
 	eval q{use Net::OpenID::Consumer};
 	error($@) if $@;
-	# We pass the for_url parameter, even though it's undef, because
-	# that will make sure we crash if used with an older IkiWiki.pm
-	# that didn't automatically try to use LWPx::ParanoidAgent.
-	my $ua=useragent(for_url => undef);
+	my $ua;
+	eval q{use LWPx::ParanoidAgent};
+	if (! $@) {
+		$ua=LWPx::ParanoidAgent->new(agent => $config{useragent});
+	}
+	else {
+		$ua=useragent();
+	}
 	# Store the secret in the session.
 	my $secret=$session->param("openid_secret");
diff -Nru ikiwiki-3.20141016.4+deb8u1/IkiWiki/Plugin/pinger.pm ikiwiki-3.20141016.4/IkiWiki/Plugin/pinger.pm
--- ikiwiki-3.20141016.4+deb8u1/IkiWiki/Plugin/pinger.pm	2019-03-07 17:32:54.000000000 +1100
+++ ikiwiki-3.20141016.4/IkiWiki/Plugin/pinger.pm	2017-01-12 05:18:52.000000000 +1100
@@ -70,16 +70,17 @@
 		eval q{use Net::INET6Glue::INET_is_INET6}; # may not be available
 		my $ua;
-		eval {
-			# We pass the for_url parameter, even though it's
-			# undef, because that will make sure we crash if used
-			# with an older IkiWiki.pm that didn't automatically
-			# try to use LWPx::ParanoidAgent.
-			$ua=useragent(for_url => undef);
-		};
-		if ($@) {
-			debug(gettext("LWP not found, not pinging").": $@");
-			return;
+		eval q{use LWPx::ParanoidAgent};
+		if (!$@) {
+			$ua=LWPx::ParanoidAgent->new(agent => $config{useragent});
+		}
+		else {
+			eval q{use LWP};
+			if ($@) {
+				debug(gettext("LWP not found, not pinging"));
+				return;
+			}
+			$ua=useragent();
 		$ua->timeout($config{pinger_timeout} || 15);
diff -Nru ikiwiki-3.20141016.4+deb8u1/IkiWiki.pm ikiwiki-3.20141016.4/IkiWiki.pm
--- ikiwiki-3.20141016.4+deb8u1/IkiWiki.pm	2019-03-07 17:32:54.000000000 +1100
+++ ikiwiki-3.20141016.4/IkiWiki.pm	2017-01-12 05:18:52.000000000 +1100
@@ -2367,131 +2367,12 @@
-sub useragent (@) {
-	my %params = @_;
-	my $for_url = delete $params{for_url};
-	# Fail safe, in case a plugin calling this function is relying on
-	# a future parameter to make the UA more strict
-	foreach my $key (keys %params) {
-		error "Internal error: useragent(\"$key\" => ...) not understood";
-	}
-	eval q{use LWP};
-	error($@) if $@;
-	my %args = (
-		agent => $config{useragent},
+sub useragent () {
+	return LWP::UserAgent->new(
 		cookie_jar => $config{cookiejar},
-		env_proxy => 0,
-		protocols_allowed => [qw(http https)],
+		env_proxy => 1,		# respect proxy env vars
+		agent => $config{useragent},
-	my %proxies;
-	if (defined $for_url) {
-		# We know which URL we're going to fetch, so we can choose
-		# whether it's going to go through a proxy or not.
-		#
-		# We reimplement http_proxy, https_proxy and no_proxy here, so
-		# that we are not relying on LWP implementing them exactly the
-		# same way we do.
-		eval q{use URI};
-		error($@) if $@;
-		my $proxy;
-		my $uri = URI->new($for_url);
-		if ($uri->scheme eq 'http') {
-			$proxy = $ENV{http_proxy};
-			# HTTP_PROXY is deliberately not implemented
-			# because the HTTP_* namespace is also used by CGI
-		}
-		elsif ($uri->scheme eq 'https') {
-			$proxy = $ENV{https_proxy};
-			$proxy = $ENV{HTTPS_PROXY} unless defined $proxy;
-		}
-		else {
-			$proxy = undef;
-		}
-		foreach my $var (qw(no_proxy NO_PROXY)) {
-			my $no_proxy = $ENV{$var};
-			if (defined $no_proxy) {
-				foreach my $domain (split /\s*,\s*/, $no_proxy) {
-					if ($domain =~ s/^\*?\.//) {
-						# no_proxy="*.example.com" or
-						# ".example.com": match suffix
-						# against .example.com
-						if ($uri->host =~ m/(^|\.)\Q$domain\E$/i) {
-							$proxy = undef;
-						}
-					}
-					else {
-						# no_proxy="example.com":
-						# match exactly example.com
-						if (lc $uri->host eq lc $domain) {
-							$proxy = undef;
-						}
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		if (defined $proxy) {
-			$proxies{$uri->scheme} = $proxy;
-			# Paranoia: make sure we can't bypass the proxy
-			$args{protocols_allowed} = [$uri->scheme];
-		}
-	}
-	else {
-		# The plugin doesn't know yet which URL(s) it's going to
-		# fetch, so we have to make some conservative assumptions.
-		my $http_proxy = $ENV{http_proxy};
-		my $https_proxy = $ENV{https_proxy};
-		$https_proxy = $ENV{HTTPS_PROXY} unless defined $https_proxy;
-		# We don't respect no_proxy here: if we are not using the
-		# paranoid user-agent, then we need to give the proxy the
-		# opportunity to reject undesirable requests.
-		# If we have one, we need the other: otherwise, neither
-		# LWPx::ParanoidAgent nor the proxy would have the
-		# opportunity to filter requests for the other protocol.
-		if (defined $https_proxy && defined $http_proxy) {
-			%proxies = (http => $http_proxy, https => $https_proxy);
-		}
-		elsif (defined $https_proxy) {
-			%proxies = (http => $https_proxy, https => $https_proxy);
-		}
-		elsif (defined $http_proxy) {
-			%proxies = (http => $http_proxy, https => $http_proxy);
-		}
-	}
-	if (scalar keys %proxies) {
-		# The configured proxy is responsible for deciding which
-		# URLs are acceptable to fetch and which URLs are not.
-		my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(%args);
-		foreach my $scheme (@{$ua->protocols_allowed}) {
-			unless ($proxies{$scheme}) {
-				error "internal error: $scheme is allowed but has no proxy";
-			}
-		}
-		# We can't pass the proxies in %args because that only
-		# works since LWP 6.24.
-		foreach my $scheme (keys %proxies) {
-			$ua->proxy($scheme, $proxies{$scheme});
-		}
-		return $ua;
-	}
-	eval q{use LWPx::ParanoidAgent};
-	if ($@) {
-		print STDERR "warning: installing LWPx::ParanoidAgent is recommended\n";
-		return LWP::UserAgent->new(%args);
-	}
-	return LWPx::ParanoidAgent->new(%args);
 sub sortspec_translate ($$) {
diff -Nru ikiwiki-3.20141016.4+deb8u1/.pc/applied-patches ikiwiki-3.20141016.4/.pc/applied-patches
--- ikiwiki-3.20141016.4+deb8u1/.pc/applied-patches	2019-03-07 17:33:15.000000000 +1100
+++ ikiwiki-3.20141016.4/.pc/applied-patches	1970-01-01 10:00:00.000000000 +1000
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
diff -Nru ikiwiki-3.20141016.4+deb8u1/.pc/CVE-2019-9187-1.patch/IkiWiki.pm ikiwiki-3.20141016.4/.pc/CVE-2019-9187-1.patch/IkiWiki.pm
--- ikiwiki-3.20141016.4+deb8u1/.pc/CVE-2019-9187-1.patch/IkiWiki.pm	2019-03-07 17:32:28.000000000 +1100
+++ ikiwiki-3.20141016.4/.pc/CVE-2019-9187-1.patch/IkiWiki.pm	1970-01-01 10:00:00.000000000 +1000
@@ -1,3028 +0,0 @@
-package IkiWiki;
-use warnings;
-use strict;
-use Encode;
-use URI::Escape q{uri_escape_utf8};
-use POSIX ();
-use Storable;
-use open qw{:utf8 :std};
-use vars qw{%config %links %oldlinks %pagemtime %pagectime %pagecase
-	%pagestate %wikistate %renderedfiles %oldrenderedfiles
-	%pagesources %delpagesources %destsources %depends %depends_simple
-	@mass_depends %hooks %forcerebuild %loaded_plugins %typedlinks
-	%oldtypedlinks %autofiles @underlayfiles $lastrev $phase};
-use Exporter q{import};
-our @EXPORT = qw(hook debug error htmlpage template template_depends
-	deptype add_depends pagespec_match pagespec_match_list bestlink
-	htmllink readfile writefile pagetype srcfile pagename
-	displaytime strftime_utf8 will_render gettext ngettext urlto targetpage
-	add_underlay pagetitle titlepage linkpage newpagefile
-	inject add_link add_autofile useragent
-	%config %links %pagestate %wikistate %renderedfiles
-	%pagesources %destsources %typedlinks);
-our $VERSION = 3.00; # plugin interface version, next is ikiwiki version
-our $version='unknown'; # VERSION_AUTOREPLACE done by Makefile, DNE
-our $installdir='/usr'; # INSTALLDIR_AUTOREPLACE done by Makefile, DNE
-# Page dependency types.
-# Phases of processing.
-sub PHASE_SCAN () { 0 }
-sub PHASE_RENDER () { 1 }
-$phase = PHASE_SCAN;
-# Optimisation.
-use Memoize;
-sub getsetup () {
-	wikiname => {
-		type => "string",
-		default => "wiki",
-		description => "name of the wiki",
-		safe => 1,
-		rebuild => 1,
-	},
-	adminemail => {
-		type => "string",
-		default => undef,
-		example => 'me@example.com',
-		description => "contact email for wiki",
-		safe => 1,
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	adminuser => {
-		type => "string",
-		default => [],
-		description => "users who are wiki admins",
-		safe => 1,
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	banned_users => {
-		type => "string",
-		default => [],
-		description => "users who are banned from the wiki",
-		safe => 1,
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	srcdir => {
-		type => "string",
-		default => undef,
-		example => "$ENV{HOME}/wiki",
-		description => "where the source of the wiki is located",
-		safe => 0, # path
-		rebuild => 1,
-	},
-	destdir => {
-		type => "string",
-		default => undef,
-		example => "/var/www/wiki",
-		description => "where to build the wiki",
-		safe => 0, # path
-		rebuild => 1,
-	},
-	url => {
-		type => "string",
-		default => '',
-		example => "http://example.com/wiki";,
-		description => "base url to the wiki",
-		safe => 1,
-		rebuild => 1,
-	},
-	cgiurl => {
-		type => "string",
-		default => '',
-		example => "http://example.com/wiki/ikiwiki.cgi";,
-		description => "url to the ikiwiki.cgi",
-		safe => 1,
-		rebuild => 1,
-	},
-	reverse_proxy => {
-		type => "boolean",
-		default => 0,
-		description => "do not adjust cgiurl if CGI is accessed via different URL",
-		advanced => 0,
-		safe => 1,
-		rebuild => 0, # only affects CGI requests
-	},
-	cgi_wrapper => {
-		type => "string",
-		default => '',
-		example => "/var/www/wiki/ikiwiki.cgi",
-		description => "filename of cgi wrapper to generate",
-		safe => 0, # file
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	cgi_wrappermode => {
-		type => "string",
-		default => '06755',
-		description => "mode for cgi_wrapper (can safely be made suid)",
-		safe => 0,
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	cgi_overload_delay => {
-		type => "string",
-		default => '',
-		example => "10",
-		description => "number of seconds to delay CGI requests when overloaded",
-		safe => 1,
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	cgi_overload_message => {
-		type => "string",
-		default => '',
-		example => "Please wait",
-		description => "message to display when overloaded (may contain html)",
-		safe => 1,
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	only_committed_changes => {
-		type => "boolean",
-		default => 0,
-		description => "enable optimization of only refreshing committed changes?",
-		safe => 1,
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	rcs => {
-		type => "string",
-		default => '',
-		description => "rcs backend to use",
-		safe => 0, # don't allow overriding
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	default_plugins => {
-		type => "internal",
-		default => [qw{mdwn link inline meta htmlscrubber passwordauth
-				openid signinedit lockedit conditional
-				recentchanges parentlinks editpage
-				templatebody}],
-		description => "plugins to enable by default",
-		safe => 0,
-		rebuild => 1,
-	},
-	add_plugins => {
-		type => "string",
-		default => [],
-		description => "plugins to add to the default configuration",
-		safe => 1,
-		rebuild => 1,
-	},
-	disable_plugins => {
-		type => "string",
-		default => [],
-		description => "plugins to disable",
-		safe => 1,
-		rebuild => 1,
-	},
-	templatedir => {
-		type => "string",
-		default => "$installdir/share/ikiwiki/templates",
-		description => "additional directory to search for template files",
-		advanced => 1,
-		safe => 0, # path
-		rebuild => 1,
-	},
-	underlaydir => {
-		type => "string",
-		default => "$installdir/share/ikiwiki/basewiki",
-		description => "base wiki source location",
-		advanced => 1,
-		safe => 0, # path
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	underlaydirbase => {
-		type => "internal",
-		default => "$installdir/share/ikiwiki",
-		description => "parent directory containing additional underlays",
-		safe => 0,
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	wrappers => {
-		type => "internal",
-		default => [],
-		description => "wrappers to generate",
-		safe => 0,
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	underlaydirs => {
-		type => "internal",
-		default => [],
-		description => "additional underlays to use",
-		safe => 0,
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	verbose => {
-		type => "boolean",
-		example => 1,
-		description => "display verbose messages?",
-		safe => 1,
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	syslog => {
-		type => "boolean",
-		example => 1,
-		description => "log to syslog?",
-		safe => 1,
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	usedirs => {
-		type => "boolean",
-		default => 1,
-		description => "create output files named page/index.html?",
-		safe => 0, # changing requires manual transition
-		rebuild => 1,
-	},
-	prefix_directives => {
-		type => "boolean",
-		default => 1,
-		description => "use '!'-prefixed preprocessor directives?",
-		safe => 0, # changing requires manual transition
-		rebuild => 1,
-	},
-	indexpages => {
-		type => "boolean",
-		default => 0,
-		description => "use page/index.mdwn source files",
-		safe => 1,
-		rebuild => 1,
-	},
-	discussion => {
-		type => "boolean",
-		default => 1,
-		description => "enable Discussion pages?",
-		safe => 1,
-		rebuild => 1,
-	},
-	discussionpage => {
-		type => "string",
-		default => gettext("Discussion"),
-		description => "name of Discussion pages",
-		safe => 1,
-		rebuild => 1,
-	},
-	html5 => {
-		type => "boolean",
-		default => 0,
-		description => "generate HTML5?",
-		advanced => 0,
-		safe => 1,
-		rebuild => 1,
-	},
-	sslcookie => {
-		type => "boolean",
-		default => 0,
-		description => "only send cookies over SSL connections?",
-		advanced => 1,
-		safe => 1,
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	default_pageext => {
-		type => "string",
-		default => "mdwn",
-		description => "extension to use for new pages",
-		safe => 0, # not sanitized
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	htmlext => {
-		type => "string",
-		default => "html",
-		description => "extension to use for html files",
-		safe => 0, # not sanitized
-		rebuild => 1,
-	},
-	timeformat => {
-		type => "string",
-		default => '%c',
-		description => "strftime format string to display date",
-		advanced => 1,
-		safe => 1,
-		rebuild => 1,
-	},
-	locale => {
-		type => "string",
-		default => undef,
-		example => "en_US.UTF-8",
-		description => "UTF-8 locale to use",
-		advanced => 1,
-		safe => 0,
-		rebuild => 1,
-	},
-	userdir => {
-		type => "string",
-		default => "",
-		example => "users",
-		description => "put user pages below specified page",
-		safe => 1,
-		rebuild => 1,
-	},
-	numbacklinks => {
-		type => "integer",
-		default => 10,
-		description => "how many backlinks to show before hiding excess (0 to show all)",
-		safe => 1,
-		rebuild => 1,
-	},
-	hardlink => {
-		type => "boolean",
-		default => 0,
-		description => "attempt to hardlink source files? (optimisation for large files)",
-		advanced => 1,
-		safe => 0, # paranoia
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	umask => {
-		type => "string",
-		example => "public",
-		description => "force ikiwiki to use a particular umask (keywords public, group or private, or a number)",
-		advanced => 1,
-		safe => 0, # paranoia
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	wrappergroup => {
-		type => "string",
-		example => "ikiwiki",
-		description => "group for wrappers to run in",
-		advanced => 1,
-		safe => 0, # paranoia
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	libdir => {
-		type => "string",
-		default => "",
-		example => "$ENV{HOME}/.ikiwiki/",
-		description => "extra library and plugin directory",
-		advanced => 1,
-		safe => 0, # directory
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	ENV => {
-		type => "string", 
-		default => {},
-		description => "environment variables",
-		safe => 0, # paranoia
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	timezone => {
-		type => "string", 
-		default => "",
-		example => "US/Eastern",
-		description => "time zone name",
-		safe => 1,
-		rebuild => 1,
-	},
-	include => {
-		type => "string",
-		default => undef,
-		example => '^\.htaccess$',
-		description => "regexp of normally excluded files to include",
-		advanced => 1,
-		safe => 0, # regexp
-		rebuild => 1,
-	},
-	exclude => {
-		type => "string",
-		default => undef,
-		example => '^(*\.private|Makefile)$',
-		description => "regexp of files that should be skipped",
-		advanced => 1,
-		safe => 0, # regexp
-		rebuild => 1,
-	},
-	wiki_file_prune_regexps => {
-		type => "internal",
-		default => [qr/(^|\/)\.\.(\/|$)/, qr/^\//, qr/^\./, qr/\/\./,
-			qr/\.x?html?$/, qr/\.ikiwiki-new$/,
-			qr/(^|\/).svn\//, qr/.arch-ids\//, qr/{arch}\//,
-			qr/(^|\/)_MTN\//, qr/(^|\/)_darcs\//,
-			qr/(^|\/)CVS\//, qr/\.dpkg-tmp$/],
-		description => "regexps of source files to ignore",
-		safe => 0,
-		rebuild => 1,
-	},
-	wiki_file_chars => {
-		type => "string",
-		description => "specifies the characters that are allowed in source filenames",
-		default => "-[:alnum:]+/.:_",
-		safe => 0,
-		rebuild => 1,
-	},
-	wiki_file_regexp => {
-		type => "internal",
-		description => "regexp of legal source files",
-		safe => 0,
-		rebuild => 1,
-	},
-	web_commit_regexp => {
-		type => "internal",
-		default => qr/^web commit (by (.*?(?=: |$))|from ([0-9a-fA-F:.]+[0-9a-fA-F])):?(.*)/,
-		description => "regexp to parse web commits from logs",
-		safe => 0,
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	cgi => {
-		type => "internal",
-		default => 0,
-		description => "run as a cgi",
-		safe => 0,
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	cgi_disable_uploads => {
-		type => "internal",
-		default => 1,
-		description => "whether CGI should accept file uploads",
-		safe => 0,
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	post_commit => {
-		type => "internal",
-		default => 0,
-		description => "run as a post-commit hook",
-		safe => 0,
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	rebuild => {
-		type => "internal",
-		default => 0,
-		description => "running in rebuild mode",
-		safe => 0,
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	setup => {
-		type => "internal",
-		default => undef,
-		description => "running in setup mode",
-		safe => 0,
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	clean => {
-		type => "internal",
-		default => 0,
-		description => "running in clean mode",
-		safe => 0,
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	refresh => {
-		type => "internal",
-		default => 0,
-		description => "running in refresh mode",
-		safe => 0,
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	test_receive => {
-		type => "internal",
-		default => 0,
-		description => "running in receive test mode",
-		safe => 0,
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	wrapper_background_command => {
-		type => "internal",
-		default => '',
-		description => "background shell command to run",
-		safe => 0,
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	gettime => {
-		type => "internal",
-		description => "running in gettime mode",
-		safe => 0,
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	w3mmode => {
-		type => "internal",
-		default => 0,
-		description => "running in w3mmode",
-		safe => 0,
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	wikistatedir => {
-		type => "internal",
-		default => undef,
-		description => "path to the .ikiwiki directory holding ikiwiki state",
-		safe => 0,
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	setupfile => {
-		type => "internal",
-		default => undef,
-		description => "path to setup file",
-		safe => 0,
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	setuptype => {
-		type => "internal",
-		default => "Yaml",
-		description => "perl class to use to dump setup file",
-		safe => 0,
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	allow_symlinks_before_srcdir => {
-		type => "boolean",
-		default => 0,
-		description => "allow symlinks in the path leading to the srcdir (potentially insecure)",
-		safe => 0,
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	cookiejar => {
-		type => "string",
-		default => { file => "$ENV{HOME}/.ikiwiki/cookies" },
-		description => "cookie control",
-		safe => 0, # hooks into perl module internals
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	useragent => {
-		type => "string",
-		default => "ikiwiki/$version",
-		example => "Wget/1.13.4 (linux-gnu)",
-		description => "set custom user agent string for outbound HTTP requests e.g. when fetching aggregated RSS feeds",
-		safe => 0,
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-sub defaultconfig () {
-	my %s=getsetup();
-	my @ret;
-	foreach my $key (keys %s) {
-		push @ret, $key, $s{$key}->{default};
-	}
-	return @ret;
-# URL to top of wiki as a path starting with /, valid from any wiki page or
-# the CGI; if that's not possible, an absolute URL. Either way, it ends with /
-my $local_url;
-# URL to CGI script, similar to $local_url
-my $local_cgiurl;
-sub checkconfig () {
-	# locale stuff; avoid LC_ALL since it overrides everything
-	if (defined $ENV{LC_ALL}) {
-		delete $ENV{LC_ALL};
-	}
-	if (defined $config{locale}) {
-		if (POSIX::setlocale(&POSIX::LC_ALL, $config{locale})) {
-			$ENV{LANG}=$config{locale};
-			define_gettext();
-		}
-	}
-	if (! defined $config{wiki_file_regexp}) {
-		$config{wiki_file_regexp}=qr/(^[$config{wiki_file_chars}]+$)/;
-	}
-	if (ref $config{ENV} eq 'HASH') {
-		foreach my $val (keys %{$config{ENV}}) {
-			$ENV{$val}=$config{ENV}{$val};
-		}
-	}
-	if (defined $config{timezone} && length $config{timezone}) {
-		$ENV{TZ}=$config{timezone};
-	}
-	else {
-		$config{timezone}=$ENV{TZ};
-	}
-	if ($config{w3mmode}) {
-		eval q{use Cwd q{abs_path}};
-		error($@) if $@;
-		$config{srcdir}=possibly_foolish_untaint(abs_path($config{srcdir}));
-		$config{destdir}=possibly_foolish_untaint(abs_path($config{destdir}));
-		$config{cgiurl}="file:///\$LIB/ikiwiki-w3m.cgi/".$config{cgiurl}
-			unless $config{cgiurl} =~ m!file:///!;
-		$config{url}="file://".$config{destdir};
-	}
-	if ($config{cgi} && ! length $config{url}) {
-		error(gettext("Must specify url to wiki with --url when using --cgi"));
-	}
-	if (defined $config{url} && length $config{url}) {
-		eval q{use URI};
-		my $baseurl = URI->new($config{url});
-		$local_url = $baseurl->path . "/";
-		$local_cgiurl = undef;
-		if (length $config{cgiurl}) {
-			my $cgiurl = URI->new($config{cgiurl});
-			$local_cgiurl = $cgiurl->path;
-			if ($cgiurl->scheme eq 'https' &&
-				$baseurl->scheme eq 'http') {
-				# We assume that the same content is available
-				# over both http and https, because if it
-				# wasn't, accessing the static content
-				# from the CGI would be mixed-content,
-				# which would be a security flaw.
-				if ($cgiurl->authority ne $baseurl->authority) {
-					# use protocol-relative URL for
-					# static content
-					$local_url = "$config{url}/";
-					$local_url =~ s{^http://}{//};
-				}
-				# else use host-relative URL for static content
-				# either way, CGI needs to be absolute
-				$local_cgiurl = $config{cgiurl};
-			}
-			elsif ($cgiurl->scheme ne $baseurl->scheme) {
-				# too far apart, fall back to absolute URLs
-				$local_url = "$config{url}/";
-				$local_cgiurl = $config{cgiurl};
-			}
-			elsif ($cgiurl->authority ne $baseurl->authority) {
-				# slightly too far apart, fall back to
-				# protocol-relative URLs
-				$local_url = "$config{url}/";
-				$local_url =~ s{^https?://}{//};
-				$local_cgiurl = $config{cgiurl};
-				$local_cgiurl =~ s{^https?://}{//};
-			}
-			# else keep host-relative URLs
-		}
-		$local_url =~ s{//$}{/};
-	}
-	else {
-		$local_cgiurl = $config{cgiurl};
-	}
-	$config{wikistatedir}="$config{srcdir}/.ikiwiki"
-		unless exists $config{wikistatedir} && defined $config{wikistatedir};
-	if (defined $config{umask}) {
-		my $u = possibly_foolish_untaint($config{umask});
-		if ($u =~ m/^\d+$/) {
-			umask($u);
-		}
-		elsif ($u eq 'private') {
-			umask(077);
-		}
-		elsif ($u eq 'group') {
-			umask(027);
-		}
-		elsif ($u eq 'public') {
-			umask(022);
-		}
-		else {
-			error(sprintf(gettext("unsupported umask setting %s"), $u));
-		}
-	}
-	run_hooks(checkconfig => sub { shift->() });
-	return 1;
-sub listplugins () {
-	my %ret;
-	foreach my $dir (@INC, $config{libdir}) {
-		next unless defined $dir && length $dir;
-		foreach my $file (glob("$dir/IkiWiki/Plugin/*.pm")) {
-			my ($plugin)=$file=~/.*\/(.*)\.pm$/;
-			$ret{$plugin}=1;
-		}
-	}
-	foreach my $dir ($config{libdir}, "$installdir/lib/ikiwiki") {
-		next unless defined $dir && length $dir;
-		foreach my $file (glob("$dir/plugins/*")) {
-			$ret{basename($file)}=1 if -x $file;
-		}
-	}
-	return keys %ret;
-sub loadplugins () {
-	if (defined $config{libdir} && length $config{libdir}) {
-		unshift @INC, possibly_foolish_untaint($config{libdir});
-	}
-	foreach my $plugin (@{$config{default_plugins}}, @{$config{add_plugins}}) {
-		loadplugin($plugin);
-	}
-	if ($config{rcs}) {
-		if (exists $hooks{rcs}) {
-			error(gettext("cannot use multiple rcs plugins"));
-		}
-		loadplugin($config{rcs});
-	}
-	if (! exists $hooks{rcs}) {
-		loadplugin("norcs");
-	}
-	run_hooks(getopt => sub { shift->() });
-	if (grep /^-/, @ARGV) {
-		print STDERR "Unknown option (or missing parameter): $_\n"
-			foreach grep /^-/, @ARGV;
-		usage();
-	}
-	return 1;
-sub loadplugin ($;$) {
-	my $plugin=shift;
-	my $force=shift;
-	return if ! $force && grep { $_ eq $plugin} @{$config{disable_plugins}};
-	foreach my $dir (defined $config{libdir} ? possibly_foolish_untaint($config{libdir}) : undef,
-	                 "$installdir/lib/ikiwiki") {
-		if (defined $dir && -x "$dir/plugins/$plugin") {
-			eval { require IkiWiki::Plugin::external };
-			if ($@) {
-				my $reason=$@;
-				error(sprintf(gettext("failed to load external plugin needed for %s plugin: %s"), $plugin, $reason));
-			}
-			import IkiWiki::Plugin::external "$dir/plugins/$plugin";
-			$loaded_plugins{$plugin}=1;
-			return 1;
-		}
-	}
-	my $mod="IkiWiki::Plugin::".possibly_foolish_untaint($plugin);
-	eval qq{use $mod};
-	if ($@) {
-		error("Failed to load plugin $mod: $@");
-	}
-	$loaded_plugins{$plugin}=1;
-	return 1;
-sub error ($;$) {
-	my $message=shift;
-	my $cleaner=shift;
-	log_message('err' => $message) if $config{syslog};
-	if (defined $cleaner) {
-		$cleaner->();
-	}
-	die $message."\n";
-sub debug ($) {
-	return unless $config{verbose};
-	return log_message(debug => @_);
-my $log_open=0;
-my $log_failed=0;
-sub log_message ($$) {
-	my $type=shift;
-	if ($config{syslog}) {
-		require Sys::Syslog;
-		if (! $log_open) {
-			Sys::Syslog::setlogsock('unix');
-			Sys::Syslog::openlog('ikiwiki', '', 'user');
-			$log_open=1;
-		}
-		eval {
-			# keep a copy to avoid editing the original config repeatedly
-			my $wikiname = $config{wikiname};
-			utf8::encode($wikiname);
-			Sys::Syslog::syslog($type, "[$wikiname] %s", join(" ", @_));
-		};
-                if ($@) {
-                    print STDERR "failed to syslog: $@" unless $log_failed;
-                    $log_failed=1;
-                    print STDERR "@_\n";
-                }
-                return $@;
-	}
-	elsif (! $config{cgi}) {
-		return print "@_\n";
-	}
-	else {
-		return print STDERR "@_\n";
-	}
-sub possibly_foolish_untaint ($) {
-	my $tainted=shift;
-	my ($untainted)=$tainted=~/(.*)/s;
-	return $untainted;
-sub basename ($) {
-	my $file=shift;
-	$file=~s!.*/+!!;
-	return $file;
-sub dirname ($) {
-	my $file=shift;
-	$file=~s!/*[^/]+$!!;
-	return $file;
-sub isinternal ($) {
-	my $page=shift;
-	return exists $pagesources{$page} &&
-		$pagesources{$page} =~ /\._([^.]+)$/;
-sub pagetype ($) {
-	my $file=shift;
-	if ($file =~ /\.([^.]+)$/) {
-		return $1 if exists $hooks{htmlize}{$1};
-	}
-	my $base=basename($file);
-	if (exists $hooks{htmlize}{$base} &&
-	    $hooks{htmlize}{$base}{noextension}) {
-		return $base;
-	}
-	return;
-my %pagename_cache;
-sub pagename ($) {
-	my $file=shift;
-	if (exists $pagename_cache{$file}) {
-		return $pagename_cache{$file};
-	}
-	my $type=pagetype($file);
-	my $page=$file;
-	$page=~s/\Q.$type\E*$//
-		if defined $type && !$hooks{htmlize}{$type}{keepextension}
-			&& !$hooks{htmlize}{$type}{noextension};
-	if ($config{indexpages} && $page=~/(.*)\/index$/) {
-		$page=$1;
-	}
-	$pagename_cache{$file} = $page;
-	return $page;
-sub newpagefile ($$) {
-	my $page=shift;
-	my $type=shift;
-	if (! $config{indexpages} || $page eq 'index') {
-		return $page.".".$type;
-	}
-	else {
-		return $page."/index.".$type;
-	}
-sub targetpage ($$;$) {
-	my $page=shift;
-	my $ext=shift;
-	my $filename=shift;
-	if (defined $filename) {
-		return $page."/".$filename.".".$ext;
-	}
-	elsif (! $config{usedirs} || $page eq 'index') {
-		return $page.".".$ext;
-	}
-	else {
-		return $page."/index.".$ext;
-	}
-sub htmlpage ($) {
-	my $page=shift;
-	return targetpage($page, $config{htmlext});
-sub srcfile_stat {
-	my $file=shift;
-	my $nothrow=shift;
-	return "$config{srcdir}/$file", stat(_) if -e "$config{srcdir}/$file";
-	foreach my $dir (@{$config{underlaydirs}}, $config{underlaydir}) {
-		return "$dir/$file", stat(_) if -e "$dir/$file";
-	}
-	error("internal error: $file cannot be found in $config{srcdir} or underlay") unless $nothrow;
-	return;
-sub srcfile ($;$) {
-	return (srcfile_stat(@_))[0];
-sub add_literal_underlay ($) {
-	my $dir=shift;
-	if (! grep { $_ eq $dir } @{$config{underlaydirs}}) {
-		unshift @{$config{underlaydirs}}, $dir;
-	}
-sub add_underlay ($) {
-	my $dir = shift;
-	if ($dir !~ /^\//) {
-		$dir="$config{underlaydirbase}/$dir";
-	}
-	add_literal_underlay($dir);
-	# why does it return 1? we just don't know
-	return 1;
-sub readfile ($;$$) {
-	my $file=shift;
-	my $binary=shift;
-	my $wantfd=shift;
-	if (-l $file) {
-		error("cannot read a symlink ($file)");
-	}
-	local $/=undef;
-	open (my $in, "<", $file) || error("failed to read $file: $!");
-	binmode($in) if ($binary);
-	return \*$in if $wantfd;
-	my $ret=<$in>;
-	# check for invalid utf-8, and toss it back to avoid crashes
-	if (! utf8::valid($ret)) {
-		$ret=encode_utf8($ret);
-	}
-	close $in || error("failed to read $file: $!");
-	return $ret;
-sub prep_writefile ($$) {
-	my $file=shift;
-	my $destdir=shift;
-	my $test=$file;
-	while (length $test) {
-		if (-l "$destdir/$test") {
-			error("cannot write to a symlink ($test)");
-		}
-		if (-f _ && $test ne $file) {
-			# Remove conflicting file.
-			foreach my $p (keys %renderedfiles, keys %oldrenderedfiles) {
-				foreach my $f (@{$renderedfiles{$p}}, @{$oldrenderedfiles{$p}}) {
-					if ($f eq $test) {
-						unlink("$destdir/$test");
-						last;
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		$test=dirname($test);
-	}
-	my $dir=dirname("$destdir/$file");
-	if (! -d $dir) {
-		my $d="";
-		foreach my $s (split(m!/+!, $dir)) {
-			$d.="$s/";
-			if (! -d $d) {
-				mkdir($d) || error("failed to create directory $d: $!");
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	return 1;
-sub writefile ($$$;$$) {
-	my $file=shift; # can include subdirs
-	my $destdir=shift; # directory to put file in
-	my $content=shift;
-	my $binary=shift;
-	my $writer=shift;
-	prep_writefile($file, $destdir);
-	my $newfile="$destdir/$file.ikiwiki-new";
-	if (-l $newfile) {
-		error("cannot write to a symlink ($newfile)");
-	}
-	my $cleanup = sub { unlink($newfile) };
-	open (my $out, '>', $newfile) || error("failed to write $newfile: $!", $cleanup);
-	binmode($out) if ($binary);
-	if ($writer) {
-		$writer->(\*$out, $cleanup);
-	}
-	else {
-		print $out $content or error("failed writing to $newfile: $!", $cleanup);
-	}
-	close $out || error("failed saving $newfile: $!", $cleanup);
-	rename($newfile, "$destdir/$file") || 
-		error("failed renaming $newfile to $destdir/$file: $!", $cleanup);
-	return 1;
-my %cleared;
-sub will_render ($$;$) {
-	my $page=shift;
-	my $dest=shift;
-	my $clear=shift;
-	# Important security check for independently created files.
-	if (-e "$config{destdir}/$dest" && ! $config{rebuild} &&
-	    ! grep { $_ eq $dest } (@{$renderedfiles{$page}}, @{$oldrenderedfiles{$page}}, @{$wikistate{editpage}{previews}})) {
-		my $from_other_page=0;
-	    	# Expensive, but rarely runs.
-		foreach my $p (keys %renderedfiles, keys %oldrenderedfiles) {
-			if (grep {
-				$_ eq $dest ||
-				dirname($_) eq $dest
-			    } @{$renderedfiles{$p}}, @{$oldrenderedfiles{$p}}) {
-				$from_other_page=1;
-				last;
-			}
-		}
-		error("$config{destdir}/$dest independently created, not overwriting with version from $page")
-			unless $from_other_page;
-	}
-	# If $dest exists as a directory, remove conflicting files in it
-	# rendered from other pages.
-	if (-d _) {
-		foreach my $p (keys %renderedfiles, keys %oldrenderedfiles) {
-			foreach my $f (@{$renderedfiles{$p}}, @{$oldrenderedfiles{$p}}) {
-				if (dirname($f) eq $dest) {
-					unlink("$config{destdir}/$f");
-					rmdir(dirname("$config{destdir}/$f"));
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	if (! $clear || $cleared{$page}) {
-		$renderedfiles{$page}=[$dest, grep { $_ ne $dest } @{$renderedfiles{$page}}];
-	}
-	else {
-		foreach my $old (@{$renderedfiles{$page}}) {
-			delete $destsources{$old};
-		}
-		$renderedfiles{$page}=[$dest];
-		$cleared{$page}=1;
-	}
-	$destsources{$dest}=$page;
-	return 1;
-sub bestlink ($$) {
-	my $page=shift;
-	my $link=shift;
-	my $cwd=$page;
-	if ($link=~s/^\/+//) {
-		# absolute links
-		$cwd="";
-	}
-	$link=~s/\/$//;
-	do {
-		my $l=$cwd;
-		$l.="/" if length $l;
-		$l.=$link;
-		if (exists $pagesources{$l}) {
-			return $l;
-		}
-		elsif (exists $pagecase{lc $l}) {
-			return $pagecase{lc $l};
-		}
-	} while $cwd=~s{/?[^/]+$}{};
-	if (length $config{userdir}) {
-		my $l = "$config{userdir}/".lc($link);
-		if (exists $pagesources{$l}) {
-			return $l;
-		}
-		elsif (exists $pagecase{lc $l}) {
-			return $pagecase{lc $l};
-		}
-	}
-	#print STDERR "warning: page $page, broken link: $link\n";
-	return "";
-sub isinlinableimage ($) {
-	my $file=shift;
-	return $file =~ /\.(png|gif|jpg|jpeg|svg)$/i;
-sub pagetitle ($;$) {
-	my $page=shift;
-	my $unescaped=shift;
-	if ($unescaped) {
-		$page=~s/(__(\d+)__|_)/$1 eq '_' ? ' ' : chr($2)/eg;
-	}
-	else {
-		$page=~s/(__(\d+)__|_)/$1 eq '_' ? ' ' : "&#$2;"/eg;
-	}
-	return $page;
-sub titlepage ($) {
-	my $title=shift;
-	# support use w/o %config set
-	my $chars = defined $config{wiki_file_chars} ? $config{wiki_file_chars} : "-[:alnum:]+/.:_";
-	$title=~s/([^$chars]|_)/$1 eq ' ' ? '_' : "__".ord($1)."__"/eg;
-	return $title;
-sub linkpage ($) {
-	my $link=shift;
-	my $chars = defined $config{wiki_file_chars} ? $config{wiki_file_chars} : "-[:alnum:]+/.:_";
-	$link=~s/([^$chars])/$1 eq ' ' ? '_' : "__".ord($1)."__"/eg;
-	return $link;
-sub cgiurl (@) {
-	my %params=@_;
-	my $cgiurl=$local_cgiurl;
-	if (exists $params{cgiurl}) {
-		$cgiurl=$params{cgiurl};
-		delete $params{cgiurl};
-	}
-	unless (%params) {
-		return $cgiurl;
-	}
-	return $cgiurl."?".
-		join("&amp;", map $_."=".uri_escape_utf8($params{$_}), keys %params);
-sub cgiurl_abs (@) {
-	eval q{use URI};
-	URI->new_abs(cgiurl(@_), $config{cgiurl});
-sub baseurl (;$) {
-	my $page=shift;
-	return $local_url if ! defined $page;
-	$page=htmlpage($page);
-	$page=~s/[^\/]+$//;
-	$page=~s/[^\/]+\//..\//g;
-	return $page;
-sub urlabs ($$) {
-	my $url=shift;
-	my $urlbase=shift;
-	return $url unless defined $urlbase && length $urlbase;
-	eval q{use URI};
-	URI->new_abs($url, $urlbase)->as_string;
-sub abs2rel ($$) {
-	# Work around very innefficient behavior in File::Spec if abs2rel
-	# is passed two relative paths. It's much faster if paths are
-	# absolute! (Debian bug #376658; fixed in debian unstable now)
-	my $path="/".shift;
-	my $base="/".shift;
-	require File::Spec;
-	my $ret=File::Spec->abs2rel($path, $base);
-	$ret=~s/^// if defined $ret;
-	return $ret;
-sub displaytime ($;$$) {
-	# Plugins can override this function to mark up the time to
-	# display.
-	my $time=formattime($_[0], $_[1]);
-	if ($config{html5}) {
-		return '<time datetime="'.date_3339($_[0]).'"'.
-			($_[2] ? ' pubdate="pubdate"' : '').
-			'>'.$time.'</time>';
-	}
-	else {
-		return '<span class="date">'.$time.'</span>';
-	}
-sub formattime ($;$) {
-	# Plugins can override this function to format the time.
-	my $time=shift;
-	my $format=shift;
-	if (! defined $format) {
-		$format=$config{timeformat};
-	}
-	return strftime_utf8($format, localtime($time));
-my $strftime_encoding;
-sub strftime_utf8 {
-	# strftime doesn't know about encodings, so make sure
-	# its output is properly treated as utf8.
-	# Note that this does not handle utf-8 in the format string.
-	($strftime_encoding) = POSIX::setlocale(&POSIX::LC_TIME) =~ m#\.([^@]+)#
-		unless defined $strftime_encoding;
-	$strftime_encoding
-		? Encode::decode($strftime_encoding, POSIX::strftime(@_))
-		: POSIX::strftime(@_);
-sub date_3339 ($) {
-	my $time=shift;
-	my $lc_time=POSIX::setlocale(&POSIX::LC_TIME);
-	POSIX::setlocale(&POSIX::LC_TIME, "C");
-	my $ret=POSIX::strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", gmtime($time));
-	POSIX::setlocale(&POSIX::LC_TIME, $lc_time);
-	return $ret;
-sub beautify_urlpath ($) {
-	my $url=shift;
-	# Ensure url is not an empty link, and if necessary,
-	# add ./ to avoid colon confusion.
-	if ($url !~ /^\// && $url !~ /^\.\.?\//) {
-		$url="./$url";
-	}
-	if ($config{usedirs}) {
-		$url =~ s!/index.$config{htmlext}$!/!;
-	}
-	return $url;
-sub urlto ($;$$) {
-	my $to=shift;
-	my $from=shift;
-	my $absolute=shift;
-	if (! length $to) {
-		$to = 'index';
-	}
-	if (! $destsources{$to}) {
-		$to=htmlpage($to);
-	}
-	if ($absolute) {
-		return $config{url}.beautify_urlpath("/".$to);
-	}
-	if (! defined $from) {
-		my $u = $local_url || '';
-		$u =~ s{/$}{};
-		return $u.beautify_urlpath("/".$to);
-	}
-	my $link = abs2rel($to, dirname(htmlpage($from)));
-	return beautify_urlpath($link);
-sub isselflink ($$) {
-	# Plugins can override this function to support special types
-	# of selflinks.
-	my $page=shift;
-	my $link=shift;
-	return $page eq $link;
-sub htmllink ($$$;@) {
-	my $lpage=shift; # the page doing the linking
-	my $page=shift; # the page that will contain the link (different for inline)
-	my $link=shift;
-	my %opts=@_;
-	$link=~s/\/$//;
-	my $bestlink;
-	if (! $opts{forcesubpage}) {
-		$bestlink=bestlink($lpage, $link);
-	}
-	else {
-		$bestlink="$lpage/".lc($link);
-	}
-	my $linktext;
-	if (defined $opts{linktext}) {
-		$linktext=$opts{linktext};
-	}
-	else {
-		$linktext=pagetitle(basename($link));
-	}
-	return "<span class=\"selflink\">$linktext</span>"
-		if length $bestlink && isselflink($page, $bestlink) &&
-		   ! defined $opts{anchor};
-	if (! $destsources{$bestlink}) {
-		$bestlink=htmlpage($bestlink);
-		if (! $destsources{$bestlink}) {
-			my $cgilink = "";
-			if (length $config{cgiurl}) {
-				$cgilink = "<a href=\"".
-					cgiurl(
-						do => "create",
-						page => $link,
-						from => $lpage
-					)."\" rel=\"nofollow\">?</a>";
-			}
-			return "<span class=\"createlink\">$cgilink$linktext</span>"
-		}
-	}
-	$bestlink=abs2rel($bestlink, dirname(htmlpage($page)));
-	$bestlink=beautify_urlpath($bestlink);
-	if (! $opts{noimageinline} && isinlinableimage($bestlink)) {
-		return "<img src=\"$bestlink\" alt=\"$linktext\" />";
-	}
-	if (defined $opts{anchor}) {
-		$bestlink.="#".$opts{anchor};
-	}
-	my @attrs;
-	foreach my $attr (qw{rel class title}) {
-		if (defined $opts{$attr}) {
-			push @attrs, " $attr=\"$opts{$attr}\"";
-		}
-	}
-	return "<a href=\"$bestlink\"@attrs>$linktext</a>";
-sub userpage ($) {
-	my $user=shift;
-	return length $config{userdir} ? "$config{userdir}/$user" : $user;
-sub openiduser ($) {
-	my $user=shift;
-	if (defined $user && $user =~ m!^https?://! &&
-	    eval q{use Net::OpenID::VerifiedIdentity; 1} && !$@) {
-		my $display;
-		if (Net::OpenID::VerifiedIdentity->can("DisplayOfURL")) {
-			$display = Net::OpenID::VerifiedIdentity::DisplayOfURL($user);
-		}
-		else {
-			# backcompat with old version
-			my $oid=Net::OpenID::VerifiedIdentity->new(identity => $user);
-			$display=$oid->display;
-		}
-		# Convert "user.somehost.com" to "user [somehost.com]"
-		# (also "user.somehost.co.uk")
-		if ($display !~ /\[/) {
-			$display=~s/^([-a-zA-Z0-9]+?)\.([-.a-zA-Z0-9]+\.[a-z]+)$/$1 [$2]/;
-		}
-		# Convert "http://somehost.com/user"; to "user [somehost.com]".
-		# (also "https://somehost.com/user/";)
-		if ($display !~ /\[/) {
-			$display=~s/^https?:\/\/(.+)\/([^\/#?]+)\/?(?:[#?].*)?$/$2 [$1]/;
-		}
-		$display=~s!^https?://!!; # make sure this is removed
-		eval q{use CGI 'escapeHTML'};
-		error($@) if $@;
-		return escapeHTML($display);
-	}
-	return;
-sub htmlize ($$$$) {
-	my $page=shift;
-	my $destpage=shift;
-	my $type=shift;
-	my $content=shift;
-	my $oneline = $content !~ /\n/;
-	if (exists $hooks{htmlize}{$type}) {
-		$content=$hooks{htmlize}{$type}{call}->(
-			page => $page,
-			content => $content,
-		);
-	}
-	else {
-		error("htmlization of $type not supported");
-	}
-	run_hooks(sanitize => sub {
-		$content=shift->(
-			page => $page,
-			destpage => $destpage,
-			content => $content,
-		);
-	});
-	if ($oneline) {
-		# hack to get rid of enclosing junk added by markdown
-		# and other htmlizers/sanitizers
-		$content=~s/^<p>//i;
-		$content=~s/<\/p>\n*$//i;
-	}
-	return $content;
-sub linkify ($$$) {
-	my $page=shift;
-	my $destpage=shift;
-	my $content=shift;
-	run_hooks(linkify => sub {
-		$content=shift->(
-			page => $page,
-			destpage => $destpage,
-			content => $content,
-		);
-	});
-	return $content;
-our %preprocessing;
-our $preprocess_preview=0;
-sub preprocess ($$$;$$) {
-	my $page=shift; # the page the data comes from
-	my $destpage=shift; # the page the data will appear in (different for inline)
-	my $content=shift;
-	my $scan=shift;
-	my $preview=shift;
-	# Using local because it needs to be set within any nested calls
-	# of this function.
-	local $preprocess_preview=$preview if defined $preview;
-	my $handle=sub {
-		my $escape=shift;
-		my $prefix=shift;
-		my $command=shift;
-		my $params=shift;
-		$params="" if ! defined $params;
-		if (length $escape) {
-			return "[[$prefix$command $params]]";
-		}
-		elsif (exists $hooks{preprocess}{$command}) {
-			return "" if $scan && ! $hooks{preprocess}{$command}{scan};
-			# Note: preserve order of params, some plugins may
-			# consider it significant.
-			my @params;
-			while ($params =~ m{
-				(?:([-.\w]+)=)?		# 1: named parameter key?
-				(?:
-					"""(.*?)"""	# 2: triple-quoted value
-				|
-					"([^"]*?)"	# 3: single-quoted value
-				|
-					'''(.*?)'''     # 4: triple-single-quote
-				|
-					<<([a-zA-Z]+)\n # 5: heredoc start
-					(.*?)\n\5	# 6: heredoc value
-				|
-					(\S+)		# 7: unquoted value
-				)
-				(?:\s+|$)		# delimiter to next param
-			}msgx) {
-				my $key=$1;
-				my $val;
-				if (defined $2) {
-					$val=$2;
-					$val=~s/\r\n/\n/mg;
-					$val=~s/^\n+//g;
-					$val=~s/\n+$//g;
-				}
-				elsif (defined $3) {
-					$val=$3;
-				}
-				elsif (defined $4) {
-					$val=$4;
-				}
-				elsif (defined $7) {
-					$val=$7;
-				}
-				elsif (defined $6) {
-					$val=$6;
-				}
-				if (defined $key) {
-					push @params, $key, $val;
-				}
-				else {
-					push @params, $val, '';
-				}
-			}
-			if ($preprocessing{$page}++ > 8) {
-				# Avoid loops of preprocessed pages preprocessing
-				# other pages that preprocess them, etc.
-				return "[[!$command <span class=\"error\">".
-					sprintf(gettext("preprocessing loop detected on %s at depth %i"),
-						$page, $preprocessing{$page}).
-					"</span>]]";
-			}
-			my $ret;
-			if (! $scan) {
-				$ret=eval {
-					$hooks{preprocess}{$command}{call}->(
-						@params,
-						page => $page,
-						destpage => $destpage,
-						preview => $preprocess_preview,
-					);
-				};
-				if ($@) {
-					my $error=$@;
-					chomp $error;
-					eval q{use HTML::Entities};
-					$error = encode_entities($error);
-				 	$ret="[[!$command <span class=\"error\">".
-						gettext("Error").": $error"."</span>]]";
-				}
-			}
-			else {
-				# use void context during scan pass
-				eval {
-					$hooks{preprocess}{$command}{call}->(
-						@params,
-						page => $page,
-						destpage => $destpage,
-						preview => $preprocess_preview,
-					);
-				};
-				$ret="";
-			}
-			$preprocessing{$page}--;
-			return $ret;
-		}
-		else {
-			return "[[$prefix$command $params]]";
-		}
-	};
-	my $regex;
-	if ($config{prefix_directives}) {
-		$regex = qr{
-			(\\?)		# 1: escape?
-			\[\[(!)		# directive open; 2: prefix
-			([-\w]+)	# 3: command
-			(		# 4: the parameters..
-				\s+	# Must have space if parameters present
-				(?:
-					(?:[-.\w]+=)?		# named parameter key?
-					(?:
-						""".*?"""	# triple-quoted value
-						|
-						"[^"]*?"	# single-quoted value
-						|
-						'''.*?'''	# triple-single-quote
-						|
-						<<([a-zA-Z]+)\n # 5: heredoc start
-						(?:.*?)\n\5	# heredoc value
-						|
-						[^"\s\]]+	# unquoted value
-					)
-					\s*			# whitespace or end
-								# of directive
-				)
-			*)?		# 0 or more parameters
-			\]\]		# directive closed
-		}sx;
-	}
-	else {
-		$regex = qr{
-			(\\?)		# 1: escape?
-			\[\[(!?)	# directive open; 2: optional prefix
-			([-\w]+)	# 3: command
-			\s+
-			(		# 4: the parameters..
-				(?:
-					(?:[-.\w]+=)?		# named parameter key?
-					(?:
-						""".*?"""	# triple-quoted value
-						|
-						"[^"]*?"	# single-quoted value
-						|
-						'''.*?'''       # triple-single-quote
-						|
-						<<([a-zA-Z]+)\n # 5: heredoc start
-						(?:.*?)\n\5	# heredoc value
-						|
-						[^"\s\]]+	# unquoted value
-					)
-					\s*			# whitespace or end
-								# of directive
-				)
-			*)		# 0 or more parameters
-			\]\]		# directive closed
-		}sx;
-	}
-	$content =~ s{$regex}{$handle->($1, $2, $3, $4)}eg;
-	return $content;
-sub filter ($$$) {
-	my $page=shift;
-	my $destpage=shift;
-	my $content=shift;
-	run_hooks(filter => sub {
-		$content=shift->(page => $page, destpage => $destpage, 
-			content => $content);
-	});
-	return $content;
-sub check_canedit ($$$;$) {
-	my $page=shift;
-	my $q=shift;
-	my $session=shift;
-	my $nonfatal=shift;
-	my $canedit;
-	run_hooks(canedit => sub {
-		return if defined $canedit;
-		my $ret=shift->($page, $q, $session);
-		if (defined $ret) {
-			if ($ret eq "") {
-				$canedit=1;
-			}
-			elsif (ref $ret eq 'CODE') {
-				$ret->() unless $nonfatal;
-				$canedit=0;
-			}
-			elsif (defined $ret) {
-				error($ret) unless $nonfatal;
-				$canedit=0;
-			}
-		}
-	});
-	return defined $canedit ? $canedit : 1;
-sub check_content (@) {
-	my %params=@_;
-	return 1 if ! exists $hooks{checkcontent}; # optimisation
-	if (exists $pagesources{$params{page}}) {
-		my @diff;
-		my %old=map { $_ => 1 }
-		        split("\n", readfile(srcfile($pagesources{$params{page}})));
-		foreach my $line (split("\n", $params{content})) {
-			push @diff, $line if ! exists $old{$line};
-		}
-		$params{diff}=join("\n", @diff);
-	}
-	my $ok;
-	run_hooks(checkcontent => sub {
-		return if defined $ok;
-		my $ret=shift->(%params);
-		if (defined $ret) {
-			if ($ret eq "") {
-				$ok=1;
-			}
-			elsif (ref $ret eq 'CODE') {
-				$ret->() unless $params{nonfatal};
-				$ok=0;
-			}
-			elsif (defined $ret) {
-				error($ret) unless $params{nonfatal};
-				$ok=0;
-			}
-		}
-	});
-	return defined $ok ? $ok : 1;
-sub check_canchange (@) {
-	my %params = @_;
-	my $cgi = $params{cgi};
-	my $session = $params{session};
-	my @changes = @{$params{changes}};
-	my %newfiles;
-	foreach my $change (@changes) {
-		# This untaint is safe because we check file_pruned and
-		# wiki_file_regexp.
-		my ($file)=$change->{file}=~/$config{wiki_file_regexp}/;
-		$file=possibly_foolish_untaint($file);
-		if (! defined $file || ! length $file ||
-		    file_pruned($file)) {
-			error(gettext("bad file name %s"), $file);
-		}
-		my $type=pagetype($file);
-		my $page=pagename($file) if defined $type;
-		if ($change->{action} eq 'add') {
-			$newfiles{$file}=1;
-		}
-		if ($change->{action} eq 'change' ||
-		    $change->{action} eq 'add') {
-			if (defined $page) {
-				check_canedit($page, $cgi, $session);
-				next;
-			}
-			else {
-				if (IkiWiki::Plugin::attachment->can("check_canattach")) {
-					IkiWiki::Plugin::attachment::check_canattach($session, $file, $change->{path});
-					check_canedit($file, $cgi, $session);
-					next;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		elsif ($change->{action} eq 'remove') {
-			# check_canremove tests to see if the file is present
-			# on disk. This will fail when a single commit adds a
-			# file and then removes it again. Avoid the problem
-			# by not testing the removal in such pairs of changes.
-			# (The add is still tested, just to make sure that
-			# no data is added to the repo that a web edit
-			# could not add.)
-			next if $newfiles{$file};
-			if (IkiWiki::Plugin::remove->can("check_canremove")) {
-				IkiWiki::Plugin::remove::check_canremove(defined $page ? $page : $file, $cgi, $session);
-				check_canedit(defined $page ? $page : $file, $cgi, $session);
-				next;
-			}
-		}
-		else {
-			error "unknown action ".$change->{action};
-		}
-		error sprintf(gettext("you are not allowed to change %s"), $file);
-	}
-my $wikilock;
-sub lockwiki () {
-	# Take an exclusive lock on the wiki to prevent multiple concurrent
-	# run issues. The lock will be dropped on program exit.
-	if (! -d $config{wikistatedir}) {
-		mkdir($config{wikistatedir});
-	}
-	open($wikilock, '>', "$config{wikistatedir}/lockfile") ||
-		error ("cannot write to $config{wikistatedir}/lockfile: $!");
-	if (! flock($wikilock, 2)) { # LOCK_EX
-		error("failed to get lock");
-	}
-	return 1;
-sub unlockwiki () {
-	return close($wikilock) if $wikilock;
-	return;
-my $commitlock;
-sub commit_hook_enabled () {
-	open($commitlock, '+>', "$config{wikistatedir}/commitlock") ||
-		error("cannot write to $config{wikistatedir}/commitlock: $!");
-	if (! flock($commitlock, 1 | 4)) { # LOCK_SH | LOCK_NB to test
-		close($commitlock) || error("failed closing commitlock: $!");
-		return 0;
-	}
-	close($commitlock) || error("failed closing commitlock: $!");
-	return 1;
-sub disable_commit_hook () {
-	open($commitlock, '>', "$config{wikistatedir}/commitlock") ||
-		error("cannot write to $config{wikistatedir}/commitlock: $!");
-	if (! flock($commitlock, 2)) { # LOCK_EX
-		error("failed to get commit lock");
-	}
-	return 1;
-sub enable_commit_hook () {
-	return close($commitlock) if $commitlock;
-	return;
-sub loadindex () {
-	%oldrenderedfiles=%pagectime=();
-	my $rebuild=$config{rebuild};
-	if (! $rebuild) {
-		%pagesources=%pagemtime=%oldlinks=%links=%depends=
-		%destsources=%renderedfiles=%pagecase=%pagestate=
-		%depends_simple=%typedlinks=%oldtypedlinks=();
-	}
-	my $in;
-	if (! open ($in, "<", "$config{wikistatedir}/indexdb")) {
-		if (-e "$config{wikistatedir}/index") {
-			system("ikiwiki-transition", "indexdb", $config{srcdir});
-			open ($in, "<", "$config{wikistatedir}/indexdb") || return;
-		}
-		else {
-			# gettime on first build
-			$config{gettime}=1 unless defined $config{gettime};
-			return;
-		}
-	}
-	my $index=Storable::fd_retrieve($in);
-	if (! defined $index) {
-		return 0;
-	}
-	my $pages;
-	if (exists $index->{version} && ! ref $index->{version}) {
-		$pages=$index->{page};
-		%wikistate=%{$index->{state}};
-		# Handle plugins that got disabled by loading a new setup.
-		if (exists $config{setupfile}) {
-			require IkiWiki::Setup;
-			IkiWiki::Setup::disabled_plugins(
-				grep { ! $loaded_plugins{$_} } keys %wikistate);
-		}
-	}
-	else {
-		$pages=$index;
-		%wikistate=();
-	}
-	foreach my $src (keys %$pages) {
-		my $d=$pages->{$src};
-		my $page;
-		if (exists $d->{page} && ! $rebuild) {
-			$page=$d->{page};
-		}
-		else {
-			$page=pagename($src);
-		}
-		$pagectime{$page}=$d->{ctime};
-		$pagesources{$page}=$src;
-		if (! $rebuild) {
-			$pagemtime{$page}=$d->{mtime};
-			$renderedfiles{$page}=$d->{dest};
-			if (exists $d->{links} && ref $d->{links}) {
-				$links{$page}=$d->{links};
-				$oldlinks{$page}=[@{$d->{links}}];
-			}
-			if (ref $d->{depends_simple} eq 'ARRAY') {
-				# old format
-				$depends_simple{$page}={
-					map { $_ => 1 } @{$d->{depends_simple}}
-				};
-			}
-			elsif (exists $d->{depends_simple}) {
-				$depends_simple{$page}=$d->{depends_simple};
-			}
-			if (exists $d->{dependslist}) {
-				# old format
-				$depends{$page}={
-					map { $_ => $DEPEND_CONTENT }
-						@{$d->{dependslist}}
-				};
-			}
-			elsif (exists $d->{depends} && ! ref $d->{depends}) {
-				# old format
-				$depends{$page}={$d->{depends} => $DEPEND_CONTENT };
-			}
-			elsif (exists $d->{depends}) {
-				$depends{$page}=$d->{depends};
-			}
-			if (exists $d->{state}) {
-				$pagestate{$page}=$d->{state};
-			}
-			if (exists $d->{typedlinks}) {
-				$typedlinks{$page}=$d->{typedlinks};
-				while (my ($type, $links) = each %{$typedlinks{$page}}) {
-					next unless %$links;
-					$oldtypedlinks{$page}{$type} = {%$links};
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		$oldrenderedfiles{$page}=[@{$d->{dest}}];
-	}
-	foreach my $page (keys %pagesources) {
-		$pagecase{lc $page}=$page;
-	}
-	foreach my $page (keys %renderedfiles) {
-		$destsources{$_}=$page foreach @{$renderedfiles{$page}};
-	}
-	$lastrev=$index->{lastrev};
-	@underlayfiles=@{$index->{underlayfiles}} if ref $index->{underlayfiles};
-	return close($in);
-sub saveindex () {
-	run_hooks(savestate => sub { shift->() });
-	my @plugins=keys %loaded_plugins;
-	if (! -d $config{wikistatedir}) {
-		mkdir($config{wikistatedir});
-	}
-	my $newfile="$config{wikistatedir}/indexdb.new";
-	my $cleanup = sub { unlink($newfile) };
-	open (my $out, '>', $newfile) || error("cannot write to $newfile: $!", $cleanup);
-	my %index;
-	foreach my $page (keys %pagemtime) {
-		next unless $pagemtime{$page};
-		my $src=$pagesources{$page};
-		$index{page}{$src}={
-			page => $page,
-			ctime => $pagectime{$page},
-			mtime => $pagemtime{$page},
-			dest => $renderedfiles{$page},
-			links => $links{$page},
-		};
-		if (exists $depends{$page}) {
-			$index{page}{$src}{depends} = $depends{$page};
-		}
-		if (exists $depends_simple{$page}) {
-			$index{page}{$src}{depends_simple} = $depends_simple{$page};
-		}
-		if (exists $typedlinks{$page} && %{$typedlinks{$page}}) {
-			$index{page}{$src}{typedlinks} = $typedlinks{$page};
-		}
-		if (exists $pagestate{$page}) {
-			$index{page}{$src}{state}=$pagestate{$page};
-		}
-	}
-	$index{state}={};
-	foreach my $id (@plugins) {
-		$index{state}{$id}={}; # used to detect disabled plugins
-		foreach my $key (keys %{$wikistate{$id}}) {
-			$index{state}{$id}{$key}=$wikistate{$id}{$key};
-		}
-	}
-	$index{lastrev}=$lastrev;
-	$index{underlayfiles}=\@underlayfiles;
-	$index{version}="3";
-	my $ret=Storable::nstore_fd(\%index, $out);
-	return if ! defined $ret || ! $ret;
-	close $out || error("failed saving to $newfile: $!", $cleanup);
-	rename($newfile, "$config{wikistatedir}/indexdb") ||
-		error("failed renaming $newfile to $config{wikistatedir}/indexdb", $cleanup);
-	return 1;
-sub template_file ($) {
-	my $name=shift;
-	my $tpage=($name =~ s/^\///) ? $name : "templates/$name";
-	my $template;
-	if ($name !~ /\.tmpl$/ && exists $pagesources{$tpage}) {
-		$template=srcfile($pagesources{$tpage}, 1);
-		$name.=".tmpl";
-	}
-	else {
-		$template=srcfile($tpage, 1);
-	}
-	if (defined $template) {
-		return $template, $tpage, 1 if wantarray;
-		return $template;
-	}
-	else {
-		$name=~s:/::; # avoid path traversal
-		foreach my $dir ($config{templatedir},
-		                 "$installdir/share/ikiwiki/templates") {
-			if (-e "$dir/$name") {
-				$template="$dir/$name";
-				last;
-			}
-		}
-		if (defined $template) {	
-			return $template, $tpage if wantarray;
-			return $template;
-		}
-	}
-	return;
-sub template_depends ($$;@) {
-	my $name=shift;
-	my $page=shift;
-	my ($filename, $tpage, $untrusted)=template_file($name);
-	if (! defined $filename) {
-		error(sprintf(gettext("template %s not found"), $name))
-	}
-	if (defined $page && defined $tpage) {
-		add_depends($page, $tpage);
-	}
-	my @opts=(
-		filter => sub {
-			my $text_ref = shift;
-			${$text_ref} = decode_utf8(${$text_ref});
-			run_hooks(readtemplate => sub {
-				${$text_ref} = shift->(
-					id => $name,
-					page => $tpage,
-					content => ${$text_ref},
-					untrusted => $untrusted,
-				);
-			});
-		},
-		loop_context_vars => 1,
-		die_on_bad_params => 0,
-		parent_global_vars => 1,
-		filename => $filename,
-		@_,
-		($untrusted ? (no_includes => 1) : ()),
-	);
-	return @opts if wantarray;
-	require HTML::Template;
-	return HTML::Template->new(@opts);
-sub template ($;@) {
-	template_depends(shift, undef, @_);
-sub templateactions ($$) {
-	my $template=shift;
-	my $page=shift;
-	my $have_actions=0;
-	my @actions;
-	run_hooks(pageactions => sub {
-		push @actions, map { { action => $_ } } 
-			grep { defined } shift->(page => $page);
-	});
-	$template->param(actions => \@actions);
-	if ($config{cgiurl} && exists $hooks{auth}) {
-		$template->param(prefsurl => cgiurl(do => "prefs"));
-		$have_actions=1;
-	}
-	if ($have_actions || @actions) {
-		$template->param(have_actions => 1);
-	}
-sub hook (@) {
-	my %param=@_;
-	if (! exists $param{type} || ! ref $param{call} || ! exists $param{id}) {
-		error 'hook requires type, call, and id parameters';
-	}
-	return if $param{no_override} && exists $hooks{$param{type}}{$param{id}};
-	$hooks{$param{type}}{$param{id}}=\%param;
-	return 1;
-sub run_hooks ($$) {
-	# Calls the given sub for each hook of the given type,
-	# passing it the hook function to call.
-	my $type=shift;
-	my $sub=shift;
-	if (exists $hooks{$type}) {
-		my (@first, @middle, @last);
-		foreach my $id (keys %{$hooks{$type}}) {
-			if ($hooks{$type}{$id}{first}) {
-				push @first, $id;
-			}
-			elsif ($hooks{$type}{$id}{last}) {
-				push @last, $id;
-			}
-			else {
-				push @middle, $id;
-			}
-		}
-		foreach my $id (@first, @middle, @last) {
-			$sub->($hooks{$type}{$id}{call});
-		}
-	}
-	return 1;
-sub rcs_update () {
-	$hooks{rcs}{rcs_update}{call}->(@_);
-sub rcs_prepedit ($) {
-	$hooks{rcs}{rcs_prepedit}{call}->(@_);
-sub rcs_commit (@) {
-	$hooks{rcs}{rcs_commit}{call}->(@_);
-sub rcs_commit_staged (@) {
-	$hooks{rcs}{rcs_commit_staged}{call}->(@_);
-sub rcs_add ($) {
-	$hooks{rcs}{rcs_add}{call}->(@_);
-sub rcs_remove ($) {
-	$hooks{rcs}{rcs_remove}{call}->(@_);
-sub rcs_rename ($$) {
-	$hooks{rcs}{rcs_rename}{call}->(@_);
-sub rcs_recentchanges ($) {
-	$hooks{rcs}{rcs_recentchanges}{call}->(@_);
-sub rcs_diff ($;$) {
-	$hooks{rcs}{rcs_diff}{call}->(@_);
-sub rcs_getctime ($) {
-	$hooks{rcs}{rcs_getctime}{call}->(@_);
-sub rcs_getmtime ($) {
-	$hooks{rcs}{rcs_getmtime}{call}->(@_);
-sub rcs_receive () {
-	$hooks{rcs}{rcs_receive}{call}->();
-sub add_depends ($$;$) {
-	my $page=shift;
-	my $pagespec=shift;
-	my $deptype=shift || $DEPEND_CONTENT;
-	# Is the pagespec a simple page name?
-	if ($pagespec =~ /$config{wiki_file_regexp}/ &&
-	    $pagespec !~ /[\s*?()!]/) {
-		$depends_simple{$page}{lc $pagespec} |= $deptype;
-		return 1;
-	}
-	# Add explicit dependencies for influences.
-	my $sub=pagespec_translate($pagespec);
-	return unless defined $sub;
-	foreach my $p (keys %pagesources) {
-		my $r=$sub->($p, location => $page);
-		my $i=$r->influences;
-		my $static=$r->influences_static;
-		foreach my $k (keys %$i) {
-			next unless $r || $static || $k eq $page;
-			$depends_simple{$page}{lc $k} |= $i->{$k};
-		}
-		last if $static;
-	}
-	$depends{$page}{$pagespec} |= $deptype;
-	return 1;
-sub deptype (@) {
-	my $deptype=0;
-	foreach my $type (@_) {
-		if ($type eq 'presence') {
-			$deptype |= $DEPEND_PRESENCE;
-		}
-		elsif ($type eq 'links') { 
-			$deptype |= $DEPEND_LINKS;
-		}
-		elsif ($type eq 'content') {
-			$deptype |= $DEPEND_CONTENT;
-		}
-	}
-	return $deptype;
-my $file_prune_regexp;
-sub file_pruned ($) {
-	my $file=shift;
-	if (defined $config{include} && length $config{include}) {
-		return 0 if $file =~ m/$config{include}/;
-	}
-	if (! defined $file_prune_regexp) {
-		$file_prune_regexp='('.join('|', @{$config{wiki_file_prune_regexps}}).')';
-		$file_prune_regexp=qr/$file_prune_regexp/;
-	}
-	return $file =~ m/$file_prune_regexp/;
-sub define_gettext () {
-	# If translation is needed, redefine the gettext function to do it.
-	# Otherwise, it becomes a quick no-op.
-	my $gettext_obj;
-	my $getobj;
-	if ((exists $ENV{LANG} && length $ENV{LANG}) ||
-	    (exists $ENV{LC_ALL} && length $ENV{LC_ALL}) ||
-	    (exists $ENV{LC_MESSAGES} && length $ENV{LC_MESSAGES})) {
-	    	$getobj=sub {
-			$gettext_obj=eval q{
-				use Locale::gettext q{textdomain};
-				Locale::gettext->domain('ikiwiki')
-			};
-		};
-	}
-	no warnings 'redefine';
-	*gettext=sub {
-		$getobj->() if $getobj;
-		if ($gettext_obj) {
-			$gettext_obj->get(shift);
-		}
-		else {
-			return shift;
-		}
-	};
-	*ngettext=sub {
-		$getobj->() if $getobj;
-		if ($gettext_obj) {
-			$gettext_obj->nget(@_);
-		}
-		else {
-			return ($_[2] == 1 ? $_[0] : $_[1])
-		}
-	};
-sub gettext {
-	define_gettext();
-	gettext(@_);
-sub ngettext {
-	define_gettext();
-	ngettext(@_);
-sub yesno ($) {
-	my $val=shift;
-	return (defined $val && (lc($val) eq gettext("yes") || lc($val) eq "yes" || $val eq "1"));
-sub inject {
-	# Injects a new function into the symbol table to replace an
-	# exported function.
-	my %params=@_;
-	# This is deep ugly perl foo, beware.
-	no strict;
-	no warnings;
-	if (! defined $params{parent}) {
-		$params{parent}='::';
-		$params{old}=\&{$params{name}};
-		$params{name}=~s/.*:://;
-	}
-	my $parent=$params{parent};
-	foreach my $ns (grep /^\w+::/, keys %{$parent}) {
-		$ns = $params{parent} . $ns;
-		inject(%params, parent => $ns) unless $ns eq '::main::';
-		*{$ns . $params{name}} = $params{call}
-			if exists ${$ns}{$params{name}} &&
-			   \&{${$ns}{$params{name}}} == $params{old};
-	}
-	use strict;
-	use warnings;
-sub add_link ($$;$) {
-	my $page=shift;
-	my $link=shift;
-	my $type=shift;
-	push @{$links{$page}}, $link
-		unless grep { $_ eq $link } @{$links{$page}};
-	if (defined $type) {
-		$typedlinks{$page}{$type}{$link} = 1;
-	}
-sub add_autofile ($$$) {
-	my $file=shift;
-	my $plugin=shift;
-	my $generator=shift;
-	$autofiles{$file}{plugin}=$plugin;
-	$autofiles{$file}{generator}=$generator;
-sub useragent () {
-	return LWP::UserAgent->new(
-		cookie_jar => $config{cookiejar},
-		env_proxy => 1,		# respect proxy env vars
-		agent => $config{useragent},
-	);
-sub sortspec_translate ($$) {
-	my $spec = shift;
-	my $reverse = shift;
-	my $code = "";
-	my @data;
-	while ($spec =~ m{
-		\s*
-		(-?)		# group 1: perhaps negated
-		\s*
-		(		# group 2: a word
-			\w+\([^\)]*\)	# command(params)
-			|
-			[^\s]+		# or anything else
-		)
-		\s*
-	}gx) {
-		my $negated = $1;
-		my $word = $2;
-		my $params = undef;
-		if ($word =~ m/^(\w+)\((.*)\)$/) {
-			# command with parameters
-			$params = $2;
-			$word = $1;
-		}
-		elsif ($word !~ m/^\w+$/) {
-			error(sprintf(gettext("invalid sort type %s"), $word));
-		}
-		if (length $code) {
-			$code .= " || ";
-		}
-		if ($negated) {
-			$code .= "-";
-		}
-		if (exists $IkiWiki::SortSpec::{"cmp_$word"}) {
-			if (defined $params) {
-				push @data, $params;
-				$code .= "IkiWiki::SortSpec::cmp_$word(\$data[$#data])";
-			}
-			else {
-				$code .= "IkiWiki::SortSpec::cmp_$word(undef)";
-			}
-		}
-		else {
-			error(sprintf(gettext("unknown sort type %s"), $word));
-		}
-	}
-	if (! length $code) {
-		# undefined sorting method... sort arbitrarily
-		return sub { 0 };
-	}
-	if ($reverse) {
-		$code="-($code)";
-	}
-	no warnings;
-	return eval 'sub { '.$code.' }';
-sub pagespec_translate ($) {
-	my $spec=shift;
-	# Convert spec to perl code.
-	my $code="";
-	my @data;
-	while ($spec=~m{
-		\s*		# ignore whitespace
-		(		# 1: match a single word
-			\!		# !
-		|
-			\(		# (
-		|
-			\)		# )
-		|
-			\w+\([^\)]*\)	# command(params)
-		|
-			[^\s()]+	# any other text
-		)
-		\s*		# ignore whitespace
-	}gx) {
-		my $word=$1;
-		if (lc $word eq 'and') {
-			$code.=' &';
-		}
-		elsif (lc $word eq 'or') {
-			$code.=' |';
-		}
-		elsif ($word eq "(" || $word eq ")" || $word eq "!") {
-			$code.=' '.$word;
-		}
-		elsif ($word =~ /^(\w+)\((.*)\)$/) {
-			if (exists $IkiWiki::PageSpec::{"match_$1"}) {
-				push @data, $2;
-				$code.="IkiWiki::PageSpec::match_$1(\$page, \$data[$#data], \@_)";
-			}
-			else {
-				push @data, qq{unknown function in pagespec "$word"};
-				$code.="IkiWiki::ErrorReason->new(\$data[$#data])";
-			}
-		}
-		else {
-			push @data, $word;
-			$code.=" IkiWiki::PageSpec::match_glob(\$page, \$data[$#data], \@_)";
-		}
-	}
-	if (! length $code) {
-		$code="IkiWiki::FailReason->new('empty pagespec')";
-	}
-	no warnings;
-	return eval 'sub { my $page=shift; '.$code.' }';
-sub pagespec_match ($$;@) {
-	my $page=shift;
-	my $spec=shift;
-	my @params=@_;
-	# Backwards compatability with old calling convention.
-	if (@params == 1) {
-		unshift @params, 'location';
-	}
-	my $sub=pagespec_translate($spec);
-	return IkiWiki::ErrorReason->new("syntax error in pagespec \"$spec\"")
-		if ! defined $sub;
-	return $sub->($page, @params);
-# e.g. @pages = sort_pages("title", \@pages, reverse => "yes")
-# Not exported yet, but could be in future if it is generally useful.
-# Note that this signature is not the same as IkiWiki::SortSpec::sort_pages,
-# which is "more internal".
-sub sort_pages ($$;@) {
-	my $sort = shift;
-	my $list = shift;
-	my %params = @_;
-	$sort = sortspec_translate($sort, $params{reverse});
-	return IkiWiki::SortSpec::sort_pages($sort, @$list);
-sub pagespec_match_list ($$;@) {
-	my $page=shift;
-	my $pagespec=shift;
-	my %params=@_;
-	# Backwards compatability with old calling convention.
-	if (ref $page) {
-		print STDERR "warning: a plugin (".caller().") is using pagespec_match_list in an obsolete way, and needs to be updated\n";
-		$params{list}=$page;
-		$page=$params{location}; # ugh!
-	}
-	my $sub=pagespec_translate($pagespec);
-	error "syntax error in pagespec \"$pagespec\""
-		if ! defined $sub;
-	my $sort=sortspec_translate($params{sort}, $params{reverse})
-		if defined $params{sort};
-	my @candidates;
-	if (exists $params{list}) {
-		@candidates=exists $params{filter}
-			? grep { ! $params{filter}->($_) } @{$params{list}}
-			: @{$params{list}};
-	}
-	else {
-		@candidates=exists $params{filter}
-			? grep { ! $params{filter}->($_) } keys %pagesources
-			: keys %pagesources;
-	}
-	# clear params, remainder is passed to pagespec
-	$depends{$page}{$pagespec} |= ($params{deptype} || $DEPEND_CONTENT);
-	my $num=$params{num};
-	delete @params{qw{num deptype reverse sort filter list}};
-	# when only the top matches will be returned, it's efficient to
-	# sort before matching to pagespec,
-	if (defined $num && defined $sort) {
-		@candidates=IkiWiki::SortSpec::sort_pages(
-			$sort, @candidates);
-	}
-	my @matches;
-	my $firstfail;
-	my $count=0;
-	my $accum=IkiWiki::SuccessReason->new();
-	foreach my $p (@candidates) {
-		my $r=$sub->($p, %params, location => $page);
-		error(sprintf(gettext("cannot match pages: %s"), $r))
-			if $r->isa("IkiWiki::ErrorReason");
-		unless ($r || $r->influences_static) {
-			$r->remove_influence($p);
-		}
-		$accum |= $r;
-		if ($r) {
-			push @matches, $p;
-			last if defined $num && ++$count == $num;
-		}
-	}
-	# Add simple dependencies for accumulated influences.
-	my $i=$accum->influences;
-	foreach my $k (keys %$i) {
-		$depends_simple{$page}{lc $k} |= $i->{$k};
-	}
-	# when all matches will be returned, it's efficient to
-	# sort after matching
-	if (! defined $num && defined $sort) {
-		return IkiWiki::SortSpec::sort_pages(
-			$sort, @matches);
-	}
-	else {
-		return @matches;
-	}
-sub pagespec_valid ($) {
-	my $spec=shift;
-	return defined pagespec_translate($spec);
-sub glob2re ($) {
-	my $re=quotemeta(shift);
-	$re=~s/\\\*/.*/g;
-	$re=~s/\\\?/./g;
-	return qr/^$re$/i;
-package IkiWiki::FailReason;
-use overload (
-	'""'	=> sub { $_[0][0] },
-	'0+'	=> sub { 0 },
-	'!'	=> sub { bless $_[0], 'IkiWiki::SuccessReason'},
-	'&'	=> sub { $_[0]->merge_influences($_[1], 1); $_[0] },
-	'|'	=> sub { $_[1]->merge_influences($_[0]); $_[1] },
-	fallback => 1,
-our @ISA = 'IkiWiki::SuccessReason';
-package IkiWiki::SuccessReason;
-# A blessed array-ref:
-# [0]: human-readable reason for success (or, in FailReason subclass, failure)
-# [1]{""}:
-#      - if absent or false, the influences of this evaluation are "static",
-#        see the influences_static method
-#      - if true, they are dynamic (not static)
-# [1]{any other key}:
-#      the dependency types of influences, as returned by the influences method
-use overload (
-	# in string context, it's the human-readable reason
-	'""'	=> sub { $_[0][0] },
-	# in boolean context, SuccessReason is 1 and FailReason is 0
-	'0+'	=> sub { 1 },
-	# negating a result gives the opposite result with the same influences
-	'!'	=> sub { bless $_[0], 'IkiWiki::FailReason'},
-	# A & B = (A ? B : A) with the influences of both
-	'&'	=> sub { $_[1]->merge_influences($_[0], 1); $_[1] },
-	# A | B = (A ? A : B) with the influences of both
-	'|'	=> sub { $_[0]->merge_influences($_[1]); $_[0] },
-	fallback => 1,
-# SuccessReason->new("human-readable reason", page => deptype, ...)
-sub new {
-	my $class = shift;
-	my $value = shift;
-	return bless [$value, {@_}], $class;
-# influences(): return a reference to a copy of the hash
-# { page => dependency type } describing the pages that indirectly influenced
-# this result, but would not cause a dependency through ikiwiki's core
-# dependency logic.
-# See [[todo/dependency_types]] for extensive discussion of what this means.
-# influences(page => deptype, ...): remove all influences, replace them
-# with the arguments, and return a reference to a copy of the new influences.
-sub influences {
-	my $this=shift;
-	$this->[1]={@_} if @_;
-	my %i=%{$this->[1]};
-	delete $i{""};
-	return \%i;
-# True if this result has the same influences whichever page it matches,
-# For instance, whether bar matches backlink(foo) is influenced only by
-# the set of links in foo, so its only influence is { foo => DEPEND_LINKS },
-# which does not mention bar anywhere.
-# False if this result would have different influences when matching
-# different pages. For instance, when testing whether link(foo) matches bar,
-# { bar => DEPEND_LINKS } is an influence on that result, because changing
-# bar's links could change the outcome; so its influences are not the same
-# as when testing whether link(foo) matches baz.
-# Static influences are one of the things that make pagespec_match_list
-# more efficient than repeated calls to pagespec_match.
-sub influences_static {
-	return ! $_[0][1]->{""};
-# Change the influences of $this to be the influences of "$this & $other"
-# or "$this | $other".
-# If both $this and $other are either successful or have influences,
-# or this is an "or" operation, the result has all the influences from
-# either of the arguments. It has dynamic influences if either argument
-# has dynamic influences.
-# If this is an "and" operation, and at least one argument is a
-# FailReason with no influences, the result has no influences, and they
-# are not dynamic. For instance, link(foo) matching bar is influenced
-# by bar, but enabled(ddate) has no influences. Suppose ddate is disabled;
-# then (link(foo) and enabled(ddate)) not matching bar is not influenced by
-# bar, because it would be false however often you edit bar.
-sub merge_influences {
-	my $this=shift;
-	my $other=shift;
-	my $anded=shift;
-	# This "if" is odd because it needs to avoid negating $this
-	# or $other, which would alter the objects in-place. Be careful.
-	if (! $anded || (($this || %{$this->[1]}) &&
-	                 ($other || %{$other->[1]}))) {
-		foreach my $influence (keys %{$other->[1]}) {
-			$this->[1]{$influence} |= $other->[1]{$influence};
-		}
-	}
-	else {
-		# influence blocker
-		$this->[1]={};
-	}
-# Change $this so it is not considered to be influenced by $torm.
-sub remove_influence {
-	my $this=shift;
-	my $torm=shift;
-	delete $this->[1]{$torm};
-package IkiWiki::ErrorReason;
-our @ISA = 'IkiWiki::FailReason';
-package IkiWiki::PageSpec;
-sub derel ($$) {
-	my $path=shift;
-	my $from=shift;
-	if ($path =~ m!^\.(/|$)!) {
-		if ($1) {
-			$from=~s#/?[^/]+$## if defined $from;
-			$path=~s#^\./##;
-			$path="$from/$path" if defined $from && length $from;
-		}
-		else {
-			$path = $from;
-			$path = "" unless defined $path;
-		}
-	}
-	return $path;
-my %glob_cache;
-sub match_glob ($$;@) {
-	my $page=shift;
-	my $glob=shift;
-	my %params=@_;
-	$glob=derel($glob, $params{location});
-	# Instead of converting the glob to a regex every time,
-	# cache the compiled regex to save time.
-	my $re=$glob_cache{$glob};
-	unless (defined $re) {
-		$glob_cache{$glob} = $re = IkiWiki::glob2re($glob);
-	}
-	if ($page =~ $re) {
-		if (! IkiWiki::isinternal($page) || $params{internal}) {
-			return IkiWiki::SuccessReason->new("$glob matches $page");
-		}
-		else {
-			return IkiWiki::FailReason->new("$glob matches $page, but the page is an internal page");
-		}
-	}
-	else {
-		return IkiWiki::FailReason->new("$glob does not match $page");
-	}
-sub match_internal ($$;@) {
-	return match_glob(shift, shift, @_, internal => 1)
-sub match_page ($$;@) {
-	my $page=shift;
-	my $match=match_glob($page, shift, @_);
-	if ($match) {
-		my $source=exists $IkiWiki::pagesources{$page} ?
-			$IkiWiki::pagesources{$page} :
-			$IkiWiki::delpagesources{$page};
-		my $type=defined $source ? IkiWiki::pagetype($source) : undef;
-		if (! defined $type) {	
-			return IkiWiki::FailReason->new("$page is not a page");
-		}
-	}
-	return $match;
-sub match_link ($$;@) {
-	my $page=shift;
-	my $link=lc(shift);
-	my %params=@_;
-	$link=derel($link, $params{location});
-	my $from=exists $params{location} ? $params{location} : '';
-	my $linktype=$params{linktype};
-	my $qualifier='';
-	if (defined $linktype) {
-		$qualifier=" with type $linktype";
-	}
-	my $links = $IkiWiki::links{$page};
-	return IkiWiki::FailReason->new("$page has no links", $page => $IkiWiki::DEPEND_LINKS, "" => 1)
-		unless $links && @{$links};
-	my $bestlink = IkiWiki::bestlink($from, $link);
-	foreach my $p (@{$links}) {
-		next unless (! defined $linktype || exists $IkiWiki::typedlinks{$page}{$linktype}{$p});
-		if (length $bestlink) {
-			if ($bestlink eq IkiWiki::bestlink($page, $p)) {
-				return IkiWiki::SuccessReason->new("$page links to $link$qualifier", $page => $IkiWiki::DEPEND_LINKS, "" => 1)
-			}
-		}
-		else {
-			if (match_glob($p, $link, %params)) {
-				return IkiWiki::SuccessReason->new("$page links to page $p$qualifier, matching $link", $page => $IkiWiki::DEPEND_LINKS, "" => 1)
-			}
-			my ($p_rel)=$p=~/^\/?(.*)/;
-			$link=~s/^\///;
-			if (match_glob($p_rel, $link, %params)) {
-				return IkiWiki::SuccessReason->new("$page links to page $p_rel$qualifier, matching $link", $page => $IkiWiki::DEPEND_LINKS, "" => 1)
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	return IkiWiki::FailReason->new("$page does not link to $link$qualifier", $page => $IkiWiki::DEPEND_LINKS, "" => 1);
-sub match_backlink ($$;@) {
-	my $page=shift;
-	my $testpage=shift;
-	my %params=@_;
-	if ($testpage eq '.') {
-		$testpage = $params{'location'}
-	}
-	my $ret=match_link($testpage, $page, @_);
-	$ret->influences($testpage => $IkiWiki::DEPEND_LINKS);
-	return $ret;
-sub match_created_before ($$;@) {
-	my $page=shift;
-	my $testpage=shift;
-	my %params=@_;
-	$testpage=derel($testpage, $params{location});
-	if (exists $IkiWiki::pagectime{$testpage}) {
-		if ($IkiWiki::pagectime{$page} < $IkiWiki::pagectime{$testpage}) {
-			return IkiWiki::SuccessReason->new("$page created before $testpage", $testpage => $IkiWiki::DEPEND_PRESENCE);
-		}
-		else {
-			return IkiWiki::FailReason->new("$page not created before $testpage", $testpage => $IkiWiki::DEPEND_PRESENCE);
-		}
-	}
-	else {
-		return IkiWiki::ErrorReason->new("$testpage does not exist", $testpage => $IkiWiki::DEPEND_PRESENCE);
-	}
-sub match_created_after ($$;@) {
-	my $page=shift;
-	my $testpage=shift;
-	my %params=@_;
-	$testpage=derel($testpage, $params{location});
-	if (exists $IkiWiki::pagectime{$testpage}) {
-		if ($IkiWiki::pagectime{$page} > $IkiWiki::pagectime{$testpage}) {
-			return IkiWiki::SuccessReason->new("$page created after $testpage", $testpage => $IkiWiki::DEPEND_PRESENCE);
-		}
-		else {
-			return IkiWiki::FailReason->new("$page not created after $testpage", $testpage => $IkiWiki::DEPEND_PRESENCE);
-		}
-	}
-	else {
-		return IkiWiki::ErrorReason->new("$testpage does not exist", $testpage => $IkiWiki::DEPEND_PRESENCE);
-	}
-sub match_creation_day ($$;@) {
-	my $page=shift;
-	my $d=shift;
-	if ($d !~ /^\d+$/) {
-		return IkiWiki::ErrorReason->new("invalid day $d");
-	}
-	if ((localtime($IkiWiki::pagectime{$page}))[3] == $d) {
-		return IkiWiki::SuccessReason->new('creation_day matched');
-	}
-	else {
-		return IkiWiki::FailReason->new('creation_day did not match');
-	}
-sub match_creation_month ($$;@) {
-	my $page=shift;
-	my $m=shift;
-	if ($m !~ /^\d+$/) {
-		return IkiWiki::ErrorReason->new("invalid month $m");
-	}
-	if ((localtime($IkiWiki::pagectime{$page}))[4] + 1 == $m) {
-		return IkiWiki::SuccessReason->new('creation_month matched');
-	}
-	else {
-		return IkiWiki::FailReason->new('creation_month did not match');
-	}
-sub match_creation_year ($$;@) {
-	my $page=shift;
-	my $y=shift;
-	if ($y !~ /^\d+$/) {
-		return IkiWiki::ErrorReason->new("invalid year $y");
-	}
-	if ((localtime($IkiWiki::pagectime{$page}))[5] + 1900 == $y) {
-		return IkiWiki::SuccessReason->new('creation_year matched');
-	}
-	else {
-		return IkiWiki::FailReason->new('creation_year did not match');
-	}
-sub match_user ($$;@) {
-	shift;
-	my $user=shift;
-	my %params=@_;
-	if (! exists $params{user}) {
-		return IkiWiki::ErrorReason->new("no user specified");
-	}
-	my $regexp=IkiWiki::glob2re($user);
-	if (defined $params{user} && $params{user}=~$regexp) {
-		return IkiWiki::SuccessReason->new("user is $user");
-	}
-	elsif (! defined $params{user}) {
-		return IkiWiki::FailReason->new("not logged in");
-	}
-	else {
-		return IkiWiki::FailReason->new("user is $params{user}, not $user");
-	}
-sub match_admin ($$;@) {
-	shift;
-	shift;
-	my %params=@_;
-	if (! exists $params{user}) {
-		return IkiWiki::ErrorReason->new("no user specified");
-	}
-	if (defined $params{user} && IkiWiki::is_admin($params{user})) {
-		return IkiWiki::SuccessReason->new("user is an admin");
-	}
-	elsif (! defined $params{user}) {
-		return IkiWiki::FailReason->new("not logged in");
-	}
-	else {
-		return IkiWiki::FailReason->new("user is not an admin");
-	}
-sub match_ip ($$;@) {
-	shift;
-	my $ip=shift;
-	my %params=@_;
-	if (! exists $params{ip}) {
-		return IkiWiki::ErrorReason->new("no IP specified");
-	}
-	my $regexp=IkiWiki::glob2re(lc $ip);
-	if (defined $params{ip} && lc $params{ip}=~$regexp) {
-		return IkiWiki::SuccessReason->new("IP is $ip");
-	}
-	else {
-		return IkiWiki::FailReason->new("IP is $params{ip}, not $ip");
-	}
-package IkiWiki::SortSpec;
-# This is in the SortSpec namespace so that the $a and $b that sort() uses
-# are easily available in this namespace, for cmp functions to use them.
-sub sort_pages {
-	my $f=shift;
-	sort $f @_
-sub cmp_title {
-	IkiWiki::pagetitle(IkiWiki::basename($a))
-	cmp
-	IkiWiki::pagetitle(IkiWiki::basename($b))
-sub cmp_path { IkiWiki::pagetitle($a) cmp IkiWiki::pagetitle($b) }
-sub cmp_mtime { $IkiWiki::pagemtime{$b} <=> $IkiWiki::pagemtime{$a} }
-sub cmp_age { $IkiWiki::pagectime{$b} <=> $IkiWiki::pagectime{$a} }
diff -Nru ikiwiki-3.20141016.4+deb8u1/.pc/CVE-2019-9187-2.patch/IkiWiki.pm ikiwiki-3.20141016.4/.pc/CVE-2019-9187-2.patch/IkiWiki.pm
--- ikiwiki-3.20141016.4+deb8u1/.pc/CVE-2019-9187-2.patch/IkiWiki.pm	2019-03-07 17:32:38.000000000 +1100
+++ ikiwiki-3.20141016.4/.pc/CVE-2019-9187-2.patch/IkiWiki.pm	1970-01-01 10:00:00.000000000 +1000
@@ -1,3031 +0,0 @@
-package IkiWiki;
-use warnings;
-use strict;
-use Encode;
-use URI::Escape q{uri_escape_utf8};
-use POSIX ();
-use Storable;
-use open qw{:utf8 :std};
-use vars qw{%config %links %oldlinks %pagemtime %pagectime %pagecase
-	%pagestate %wikistate %renderedfiles %oldrenderedfiles
-	%pagesources %delpagesources %destsources %depends %depends_simple
-	@mass_depends %hooks %forcerebuild %loaded_plugins %typedlinks
-	%oldtypedlinks %autofiles @underlayfiles $lastrev $phase};
-use Exporter q{import};
-our @EXPORT = qw(hook debug error htmlpage template template_depends
-	deptype add_depends pagespec_match pagespec_match_list bestlink
-	htmllink readfile writefile pagetype srcfile pagename
-	displaytime strftime_utf8 will_render gettext ngettext urlto targetpage
-	add_underlay pagetitle titlepage linkpage newpagefile
-	inject add_link add_autofile useragent
-	%config %links %pagestate %wikistate %renderedfiles
-	%pagesources %destsources %typedlinks);
-our $VERSION = 3.00; # plugin interface version, next is ikiwiki version
-our $version='unknown'; # VERSION_AUTOREPLACE done by Makefile, DNE
-our $installdir='/usr'; # INSTALLDIR_AUTOREPLACE done by Makefile, DNE
-# Page dependency types.
-# Phases of processing.
-sub PHASE_SCAN () { 0 }
-sub PHASE_RENDER () { 1 }
-$phase = PHASE_SCAN;
-# Optimisation.
-use Memoize;
-sub getsetup () {
-	wikiname => {
-		type => "string",
-		default => "wiki",
-		description => "name of the wiki",
-		safe => 1,
-		rebuild => 1,
-	},
-	adminemail => {
-		type => "string",
-		default => undef,
-		example => 'me@example.com',
-		description => "contact email for wiki",
-		safe => 1,
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	adminuser => {
-		type => "string",
-		default => [],
-		description => "users who are wiki admins",
-		safe => 1,
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	banned_users => {
-		type => "string",
-		default => [],
-		description => "users who are banned from the wiki",
-		safe => 1,
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	srcdir => {
-		type => "string",
-		default => undef,
-		example => "$ENV{HOME}/wiki",
-		description => "where the source of the wiki is located",
-		safe => 0, # path
-		rebuild => 1,
-	},
-	destdir => {
-		type => "string",
-		default => undef,
-		example => "/var/www/wiki",
-		description => "where to build the wiki",
-		safe => 0, # path
-		rebuild => 1,
-	},
-	url => {
-		type => "string",
-		default => '',
-		example => "http://example.com/wiki";,
-		description => "base url to the wiki",
-		safe => 1,
-		rebuild => 1,
-	},
-	cgiurl => {
-		type => "string",
-		default => '',
-		example => "http://example.com/wiki/ikiwiki.cgi";,
-		description => "url to the ikiwiki.cgi",
-		safe => 1,
-		rebuild => 1,
-	},
-	reverse_proxy => {
-		type => "boolean",
-		default => 0,
-		description => "do not adjust cgiurl if CGI is accessed via different URL",
-		advanced => 0,
-		safe => 1,
-		rebuild => 0, # only affects CGI requests
-	},
-	cgi_wrapper => {
-		type => "string",
-		default => '',
-		example => "/var/www/wiki/ikiwiki.cgi",
-		description => "filename of cgi wrapper to generate",
-		safe => 0, # file
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	cgi_wrappermode => {
-		type => "string",
-		default => '06755',
-		description => "mode for cgi_wrapper (can safely be made suid)",
-		safe => 0,
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	cgi_overload_delay => {
-		type => "string",
-		default => '',
-		example => "10",
-		description => "number of seconds to delay CGI requests when overloaded",
-		safe => 1,
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	cgi_overload_message => {
-		type => "string",
-		default => '',
-		example => "Please wait",
-		description => "message to display when overloaded (may contain html)",
-		safe => 1,
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	only_committed_changes => {
-		type => "boolean",
-		default => 0,
-		description => "enable optimization of only refreshing committed changes?",
-		safe => 1,
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	rcs => {
-		type => "string",
-		default => '',
-		description => "rcs backend to use",
-		safe => 0, # don't allow overriding
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	default_plugins => {
-		type => "internal",
-		default => [qw{mdwn link inline meta htmlscrubber passwordauth
-				openid signinedit lockedit conditional
-				recentchanges parentlinks editpage
-				templatebody}],
-		description => "plugins to enable by default",
-		safe => 0,
-		rebuild => 1,
-	},
-	add_plugins => {
-		type => "string",
-		default => [],
-		description => "plugins to add to the default configuration",
-		safe => 1,
-		rebuild => 1,
-	},
-	disable_plugins => {
-		type => "string",
-		default => [],
-		description => "plugins to disable",
-		safe => 1,
-		rebuild => 1,
-	},
-	templatedir => {
-		type => "string",
-		default => "$installdir/share/ikiwiki/templates",
-		description => "additional directory to search for template files",
-		advanced => 1,
-		safe => 0, # path
-		rebuild => 1,
-	},
-	underlaydir => {
-		type => "string",
-		default => "$installdir/share/ikiwiki/basewiki",
-		description => "base wiki source location",
-		advanced => 1,
-		safe => 0, # path
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	underlaydirbase => {
-		type => "internal",
-		default => "$installdir/share/ikiwiki",
-		description => "parent directory containing additional underlays",
-		safe => 0,
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	wrappers => {
-		type => "internal",
-		default => [],
-		description => "wrappers to generate",
-		safe => 0,
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	underlaydirs => {
-		type => "internal",
-		default => [],
-		description => "additional underlays to use",
-		safe => 0,
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	verbose => {
-		type => "boolean",
-		example => 1,
-		description => "display verbose messages?",
-		safe => 1,
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	syslog => {
-		type => "boolean",
-		example => 1,
-		description => "log to syslog?",
-		safe => 1,
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	usedirs => {
-		type => "boolean",
-		default => 1,
-		description => "create output files named page/index.html?",
-		safe => 0, # changing requires manual transition
-		rebuild => 1,
-	},
-	prefix_directives => {
-		type => "boolean",
-		default => 1,
-		description => "use '!'-prefixed preprocessor directives?",
-		safe => 0, # changing requires manual transition
-		rebuild => 1,
-	},
-	indexpages => {
-		type => "boolean",
-		default => 0,
-		description => "use page/index.mdwn source files",
-		safe => 1,
-		rebuild => 1,
-	},
-	discussion => {
-		type => "boolean",
-		default => 1,
-		description => "enable Discussion pages?",
-		safe => 1,
-		rebuild => 1,
-	},
-	discussionpage => {
-		type => "string",
-		default => gettext("Discussion"),
-		description => "name of Discussion pages",
-		safe => 1,
-		rebuild => 1,
-	},
-	html5 => {
-		type => "boolean",
-		default => 0,
-		description => "generate HTML5?",
-		advanced => 0,
-		safe => 1,
-		rebuild => 1,
-	},
-	sslcookie => {
-		type => "boolean",
-		default => 0,
-		description => "only send cookies over SSL connections?",
-		advanced => 1,
-		safe => 1,
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	default_pageext => {
-		type => "string",
-		default => "mdwn",
-		description => "extension to use for new pages",
-		safe => 0, # not sanitized
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	htmlext => {
-		type => "string",
-		default => "html",
-		description => "extension to use for html files",
-		safe => 0, # not sanitized
-		rebuild => 1,
-	},
-	timeformat => {
-		type => "string",
-		default => '%c',
-		description => "strftime format string to display date",
-		advanced => 1,
-		safe => 1,
-		rebuild => 1,
-	},
-	locale => {
-		type => "string",
-		default => undef,
-		example => "en_US.UTF-8",
-		description => "UTF-8 locale to use",
-		advanced => 1,
-		safe => 0,
-		rebuild => 1,
-	},
-	userdir => {
-		type => "string",
-		default => "",
-		example => "users",
-		description => "put user pages below specified page",
-		safe => 1,
-		rebuild => 1,
-	},
-	numbacklinks => {
-		type => "integer",
-		default => 10,
-		description => "how many backlinks to show before hiding excess (0 to show all)",
-		safe => 1,
-		rebuild => 1,
-	},
-	hardlink => {
-		type => "boolean",
-		default => 0,
-		description => "attempt to hardlink source files? (optimisation for large files)",
-		advanced => 1,
-		safe => 0, # paranoia
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	umask => {
-		type => "string",
-		example => "public",
-		description => "force ikiwiki to use a particular umask (keywords public, group or private, or a number)",
-		advanced => 1,
-		safe => 0, # paranoia
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	wrappergroup => {
-		type => "string",
-		example => "ikiwiki",
-		description => "group for wrappers to run in",
-		advanced => 1,
-		safe => 0, # paranoia
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	libdir => {
-		type => "string",
-		default => "",
-		example => "$ENV{HOME}/.ikiwiki/",
-		description => "extra library and plugin directory",
-		advanced => 1,
-		safe => 0, # directory
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	ENV => {
-		type => "string", 
-		default => {},
-		description => "environment variables",
-		safe => 0, # paranoia
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	timezone => {
-		type => "string", 
-		default => "",
-		example => "US/Eastern",
-		description => "time zone name",
-		safe => 1,
-		rebuild => 1,
-	},
-	include => {
-		type => "string",
-		default => undef,
-		example => '^\.htaccess$',
-		description => "regexp of normally excluded files to include",
-		advanced => 1,
-		safe => 0, # regexp
-		rebuild => 1,
-	},
-	exclude => {
-		type => "string",
-		default => undef,
-		example => '^(*\.private|Makefile)$',
-		description => "regexp of files that should be skipped",
-		advanced => 1,
-		safe => 0, # regexp
-		rebuild => 1,
-	},
-	wiki_file_prune_regexps => {
-		type => "internal",
-		default => [qr/(^|\/)\.\.(\/|$)/, qr/^\//, qr/^\./, qr/\/\./,
-			qr/\.x?html?$/, qr/\.ikiwiki-new$/,
-			qr/(^|\/).svn\//, qr/.arch-ids\//, qr/{arch}\//,
-			qr/(^|\/)_MTN\//, qr/(^|\/)_darcs\//,
-			qr/(^|\/)CVS\//, qr/\.dpkg-tmp$/],
-		description => "regexps of source files to ignore",
-		safe => 0,
-		rebuild => 1,
-	},
-	wiki_file_chars => {
-		type => "string",
-		description => "specifies the characters that are allowed in source filenames",
-		default => "-[:alnum:]+/.:_",
-		safe => 0,
-		rebuild => 1,
-	},
-	wiki_file_regexp => {
-		type => "internal",
-		description => "regexp of legal source files",
-		safe => 0,
-		rebuild => 1,
-	},
-	web_commit_regexp => {
-		type => "internal",
-		default => qr/^web commit (by (.*?(?=: |$))|from ([0-9a-fA-F:.]+[0-9a-fA-F])):?(.*)/,
-		description => "regexp to parse web commits from logs",
-		safe => 0,
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	cgi => {
-		type => "internal",
-		default => 0,
-		description => "run as a cgi",
-		safe => 0,
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	cgi_disable_uploads => {
-		type => "internal",
-		default => 1,
-		description => "whether CGI should accept file uploads",
-		safe => 0,
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	post_commit => {
-		type => "internal",
-		default => 0,
-		description => "run as a post-commit hook",
-		safe => 0,
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	rebuild => {
-		type => "internal",
-		default => 0,
-		description => "running in rebuild mode",
-		safe => 0,
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	setup => {
-		type => "internal",
-		default => undef,
-		description => "running in setup mode",
-		safe => 0,
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	clean => {
-		type => "internal",
-		default => 0,
-		description => "running in clean mode",
-		safe => 0,
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	refresh => {
-		type => "internal",
-		default => 0,
-		description => "running in refresh mode",
-		safe => 0,
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	test_receive => {
-		type => "internal",
-		default => 0,
-		description => "running in receive test mode",
-		safe => 0,
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	wrapper_background_command => {
-		type => "internal",
-		default => '',
-		description => "background shell command to run",
-		safe => 0,
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	gettime => {
-		type => "internal",
-		description => "running in gettime mode",
-		safe => 0,
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	w3mmode => {
-		type => "internal",
-		default => 0,
-		description => "running in w3mmode",
-		safe => 0,
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	wikistatedir => {
-		type => "internal",
-		default => undef,
-		description => "path to the .ikiwiki directory holding ikiwiki state",
-		safe => 0,
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	setupfile => {
-		type => "internal",
-		default => undef,
-		description => "path to setup file",
-		safe => 0,
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	setuptype => {
-		type => "internal",
-		default => "Yaml",
-		description => "perl class to use to dump setup file",
-		safe => 0,
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	allow_symlinks_before_srcdir => {
-		type => "boolean",
-		default => 0,
-		description => "allow symlinks in the path leading to the srcdir (potentially insecure)",
-		safe => 0,
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	cookiejar => {
-		type => "string",
-		default => { file => "$ENV{HOME}/.ikiwiki/cookies" },
-		description => "cookie control",
-		safe => 0, # hooks into perl module internals
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	useragent => {
-		type => "string",
-		default => "ikiwiki/$version",
-		example => "Wget/1.13.4 (linux-gnu)",
-		description => "set custom user agent string for outbound HTTP requests e.g. when fetching aggregated RSS feeds",
-		safe => 0,
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-sub defaultconfig () {
-	my %s=getsetup();
-	my @ret;
-	foreach my $key (keys %s) {
-		push @ret, $key, $s{$key}->{default};
-	}
-	return @ret;
-# URL to top of wiki as a path starting with /, valid from any wiki page or
-# the CGI; if that's not possible, an absolute URL. Either way, it ends with /
-my $local_url;
-# URL to CGI script, similar to $local_url
-my $local_cgiurl;
-sub checkconfig () {
-	# locale stuff; avoid LC_ALL since it overrides everything
-	if (defined $ENV{LC_ALL}) {
-		delete $ENV{LC_ALL};
-	}
-	if (defined $config{locale}) {
-		if (POSIX::setlocale(&POSIX::LC_ALL, $config{locale})) {
-			$ENV{LANG}=$config{locale};
-			define_gettext();
-		}
-	}
-	if (! defined $config{wiki_file_regexp}) {
-		$config{wiki_file_regexp}=qr/(^[$config{wiki_file_chars}]+$)/;
-	}
-	if (ref $config{ENV} eq 'HASH') {
-		foreach my $val (keys %{$config{ENV}}) {
-			$ENV{$val}=$config{ENV}{$val};
-		}
-	}
-	if (defined $config{timezone} && length $config{timezone}) {
-		$ENV{TZ}=$config{timezone};
-	}
-	else {
-		$config{timezone}=$ENV{TZ};
-	}
-	if ($config{w3mmode}) {
-		eval q{use Cwd q{abs_path}};
-		error($@) if $@;
-		$config{srcdir}=possibly_foolish_untaint(abs_path($config{srcdir}));
-		$config{destdir}=possibly_foolish_untaint(abs_path($config{destdir}));
-		$config{cgiurl}="file:///\$LIB/ikiwiki-w3m.cgi/".$config{cgiurl}
-			unless $config{cgiurl} =~ m!file:///!;
-		$config{url}="file://".$config{destdir};
-	}
-	if ($config{cgi} && ! length $config{url}) {
-		error(gettext("Must specify url to wiki with --url when using --cgi"));
-	}
-	if (defined $config{url} && length $config{url}) {
-		eval q{use URI};
-		my $baseurl = URI->new($config{url});
-		$local_url = $baseurl->path . "/";
-		$local_cgiurl = undef;
-		if (length $config{cgiurl}) {
-			my $cgiurl = URI->new($config{cgiurl});
-			$local_cgiurl = $cgiurl->path;
-			if ($cgiurl->scheme eq 'https' &&
-				$baseurl->scheme eq 'http') {
-				# We assume that the same content is available
-				# over both http and https, because if it
-				# wasn't, accessing the static content
-				# from the CGI would be mixed-content,
-				# which would be a security flaw.
-				if ($cgiurl->authority ne $baseurl->authority) {
-					# use protocol-relative URL for
-					# static content
-					$local_url = "$config{url}/";
-					$local_url =~ s{^http://}{//};
-				}
-				# else use host-relative URL for static content
-				# either way, CGI needs to be absolute
-				$local_cgiurl = $config{cgiurl};
-			}
-			elsif ($cgiurl->scheme ne $baseurl->scheme) {
-				# too far apart, fall back to absolute URLs
-				$local_url = "$config{url}/";
-				$local_cgiurl = $config{cgiurl};
-			}
-			elsif ($cgiurl->authority ne $baseurl->authority) {
-				# slightly too far apart, fall back to
-				# protocol-relative URLs
-				$local_url = "$config{url}/";
-				$local_url =~ s{^https?://}{//};
-				$local_cgiurl = $config{cgiurl};
-				$local_cgiurl =~ s{^https?://}{//};
-			}
-			# else keep host-relative URLs
-		}
-		$local_url =~ s{//$}{/};
-	}
-	else {
-		$local_cgiurl = $config{cgiurl};
-	}
-	$config{wikistatedir}="$config{srcdir}/.ikiwiki"
-		unless exists $config{wikistatedir} && defined $config{wikistatedir};
-	if (defined $config{umask}) {
-		my $u = possibly_foolish_untaint($config{umask});
-		if ($u =~ m/^\d+$/) {
-			umask($u);
-		}
-		elsif ($u eq 'private') {
-			umask(077);
-		}
-		elsif ($u eq 'group') {
-			umask(027);
-		}
-		elsif ($u eq 'public') {
-			umask(022);
-		}
-		else {
-			error(sprintf(gettext("unsupported umask setting %s"), $u));
-		}
-	}
-	run_hooks(checkconfig => sub { shift->() });
-	return 1;
-sub listplugins () {
-	my %ret;
-	foreach my $dir (@INC, $config{libdir}) {
-		next unless defined $dir && length $dir;
-		foreach my $file (glob("$dir/IkiWiki/Plugin/*.pm")) {
-			my ($plugin)=$file=~/.*\/(.*)\.pm$/;
-			$ret{$plugin}=1;
-		}
-	}
-	foreach my $dir ($config{libdir}, "$installdir/lib/ikiwiki") {
-		next unless defined $dir && length $dir;
-		foreach my $file (glob("$dir/plugins/*")) {
-			$ret{basename($file)}=1 if -x $file;
-		}
-	}
-	return keys %ret;
-sub loadplugins () {
-	if (defined $config{libdir} && length $config{libdir}) {
-		unshift @INC, possibly_foolish_untaint($config{libdir});
-	}
-	foreach my $plugin (@{$config{default_plugins}}, @{$config{add_plugins}}) {
-		loadplugin($plugin);
-	}
-	if ($config{rcs}) {
-		if (exists $hooks{rcs}) {
-			error(gettext("cannot use multiple rcs plugins"));
-		}
-		loadplugin($config{rcs});
-	}
-	if (! exists $hooks{rcs}) {
-		loadplugin("norcs");
-	}
-	run_hooks(getopt => sub { shift->() });
-	if (grep /^-/, @ARGV) {
-		print STDERR "Unknown option (or missing parameter): $_\n"
-			foreach grep /^-/, @ARGV;
-		usage();
-	}
-	return 1;
-sub loadplugin ($;$) {
-	my $plugin=shift;
-	my $force=shift;
-	return if ! $force && grep { $_ eq $plugin} @{$config{disable_plugins}};
-	foreach my $dir (defined $config{libdir} ? possibly_foolish_untaint($config{libdir}) : undef,
-	                 "$installdir/lib/ikiwiki") {
-		if (defined $dir && -x "$dir/plugins/$plugin") {
-			eval { require IkiWiki::Plugin::external };
-			if ($@) {
-				my $reason=$@;
-				error(sprintf(gettext("failed to load external plugin needed for %s plugin: %s"), $plugin, $reason));
-			}
-			import IkiWiki::Plugin::external "$dir/plugins/$plugin";
-			$loaded_plugins{$plugin}=1;
-			return 1;
-		}
-	}
-	my $mod="IkiWiki::Plugin::".possibly_foolish_untaint($plugin);
-	eval qq{use $mod};
-	if ($@) {
-		error("Failed to load plugin $mod: $@");
-	}
-	$loaded_plugins{$plugin}=1;
-	return 1;
-sub error ($;$) {
-	my $message=shift;
-	my $cleaner=shift;
-	log_message('err' => $message) if $config{syslog};
-	if (defined $cleaner) {
-		$cleaner->();
-	}
-	die $message."\n";
-sub debug ($) {
-	return unless $config{verbose};
-	return log_message(debug => @_);
-my $log_open=0;
-my $log_failed=0;
-sub log_message ($$) {
-	my $type=shift;
-	if ($config{syslog}) {
-		require Sys::Syslog;
-		if (! $log_open) {
-			Sys::Syslog::setlogsock('unix');
-			Sys::Syslog::openlog('ikiwiki', '', 'user');
-			$log_open=1;
-		}
-		eval {
-			# keep a copy to avoid editing the original config repeatedly
-			my $wikiname = $config{wikiname};
-			utf8::encode($wikiname);
-			Sys::Syslog::syslog($type, "[$wikiname] %s", join(" ", @_));
-		};
-                if ($@) {
-                    print STDERR "failed to syslog: $@" unless $log_failed;
-                    $log_failed=1;
-                    print STDERR "@_\n";
-                }
-                return $@;
-	}
-	elsif (! $config{cgi}) {
-		return print "@_\n";
-	}
-	else {
-		return print STDERR "@_\n";
-	}
-sub possibly_foolish_untaint ($) {
-	my $tainted=shift;
-	my ($untainted)=$tainted=~/(.*)/s;
-	return $untainted;
-sub basename ($) {
-	my $file=shift;
-	$file=~s!.*/+!!;
-	return $file;
-sub dirname ($) {
-	my $file=shift;
-	$file=~s!/*[^/]+$!!;
-	return $file;
-sub isinternal ($) {
-	my $page=shift;
-	return exists $pagesources{$page} &&
-		$pagesources{$page} =~ /\._([^.]+)$/;
-sub pagetype ($) {
-	my $file=shift;
-	if ($file =~ /\.([^.]+)$/) {
-		return $1 if exists $hooks{htmlize}{$1};
-	}
-	my $base=basename($file);
-	if (exists $hooks{htmlize}{$base} &&
-	    $hooks{htmlize}{$base}{noextension}) {
-		return $base;
-	}
-	return;
-my %pagename_cache;
-sub pagename ($) {
-	my $file=shift;
-	if (exists $pagename_cache{$file}) {
-		return $pagename_cache{$file};
-	}
-	my $type=pagetype($file);
-	my $page=$file;
-	$page=~s/\Q.$type\E*$//
-		if defined $type && !$hooks{htmlize}{$type}{keepextension}
-			&& !$hooks{htmlize}{$type}{noextension};
-	if ($config{indexpages} && $page=~/(.*)\/index$/) {
-		$page=$1;
-	}
-	$pagename_cache{$file} = $page;
-	return $page;
-sub newpagefile ($$) {
-	my $page=shift;
-	my $type=shift;
-	if (! $config{indexpages} || $page eq 'index') {
-		return $page.".".$type;
-	}
-	else {
-		return $page."/index.".$type;
-	}
-sub targetpage ($$;$) {
-	my $page=shift;
-	my $ext=shift;
-	my $filename=shift;
-	if (defined $filename) {
-		return $page."/".$filename.".".$ext;
-	}
-	elsif (! $config{usedirs} || $page eq 'index') {
-		return $page.".".$ext;
-	}
-	else {
-		return $page."/index.".$ext;
-	}
-sub htmlpage ($) {
-	my $page=shift;
-	return targetpage($page, $config{htmlext});
-sub srcfile_stat {
-	my $file=shift;
-	my $nothrow=shift;
-	return "$config{srcdir}/$file", stat(_) if -e "$config{srcdir}/$file";
-	foreach my $dir (@{$config{underlaydirs}}, $config{underlaydir}) {
-		return "$dir/$file", stat(_) if -e "$dir/$file";
-	}
-	error("internal error: $file cannot be found in $config{srcdir} or underlay") unless $nothrow;
-	return;
-sub srcfile ($;$) {
-	return (srcfile_stat(@_))[0];
-sub add_literal_underlay ($) {
-	my $dir=shift;
-	if (! grep { $_ eq $dir } @{$config{underlaydirs}}) {
-		unshift @{$config{underlaydirs}}, $dir;
-	}
-sub add_underlay ($) {
-	my $dir = shift;
-	if ($dir !~ /^\//) {
-		$dir="$config{underlaydirbase}/$dir";
-	}
-	add_literal_underlay($dir);
-	# why does it return 1? we just don't know
-	return 1;
-sub readfile ($;$$) {
-	my $file=shift;
-	my $binary=shift;
-	my $wantfd=shift;
-	if (-l $file) {
-		error("cannot read a symlink ($file)");
-	}
-	local $/=undef;
-	open (my $in, "<", $file) || error("failed to read $file: $!");
-	binmode($in) if ($binary);
-	return \*$in if $wantfd;
-	my $ret=<$in>;
-	# check for invalid utf-8, and toss it back to avoid crashes
-	if (! utf8::valid($ret)) {
-		$ret=encode_utf8($ret);
-	}
-	close $in || error("failed to read $file: $!");
-	return $ret;
-sub prep_writefile ($$) {
-	my $file=shift;
-	my $destdir=shift;
-	my $test=$file;
-	while (length $test) {
-		if (-l "$destdir/$test") {
-			error("cannot write to a symlink ($test)");
-		}
-		if (-f _ && $test ne $file) {
-			# Remove conflicting file.
-			foreach my $p (keys %renderedfiles, keys %oldrenderedfiles) {
-				foreach my $f (@{$renderedfiles{$p}}, @{$oldrenderedfiles{$p}}) {
-					if ($f eq $test) {
-						unlink("$destdir/$test");
-						last;
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		$test=dirname($test);
-	}
-	my $dir=dirname("$destdir/$file");
-	if (! -d $dir) {
-		my $d="";
-		foreach my $s (split(m!/+!, $dir)) {
-			$d.="$s/";
-			if (! -d $d) {
-				mkdir($d) || error("failed to create directory $d: $!");
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	return 1;
-sub writefile ($$$;$$) {
-	my $file=shift; # can include subdirs
-	my $destdir=shift; # directory to put file in
-	my $content=shift;
-	my $binary=shift;
-	my $writer=shift;
-	prep_writefile($file, $destdir);
-	my $newfile="$destdir/$file.ikiwiki-new";
-	if (-l $newfile) {
-		error("cannot write to a symlink ($newfile)");
-	}
-	my $cleanup = sub { unlink($newfile) };
-	open (my $out, '>', $newfile) || error("failed to write $newfile: $!", $cleanup);
-	binmode($out) if ($binary);
-	if ($writer) {
-		$writer->(\*$out, $cleanup);
-	}
-	else {
-		print $out $content or error("failed writing to $newfile: $!", $cleanup);
-	}
-	close $out || error("failed saving $newfile: $!", $cleanup);
-	rename($newfile, "$destdir/$file") || 
-		error("failed renaming $newfile to $destdir/$file: $!", $cleanup);
-	return 1;
-my %cleared;
-sub will_render ($$;$) {
-	my $page=shift;
-	my $dest=shift;
-	my $clear=shift;
-	# Important security check for independently created files.
-	if (-e "$config{destdir}/$dest" && ! $config{rebuild} &&
-	    ! grep { $_ eq $dest } (@{$renderedfiles{$page}}, @{$oldrenderedfiles{$page}}, @{$wikistate{editpage}{previews}})) {
-		my $from_other_page=0;
-	    	# Expensive, but rarely runs.
-		foreach my $p (keys %renderedfiles, keys %oldrenderedfiles) {
-			if (grep {
-				$_ eq $dest ||
-				dirname($_) eq $dest
-			    } @{$renderedfiles{$p}}, @{$oldrenderedfiles{$p}}) {
-				$from_other_page=1;
-				last;
-			}
-		}
-		error("$config{destdir}/$dest independently created, not overwriting with version from $page")
-			unless $from_other_page;
-	}
-	# If $dest exists as a directory, remove conflicting files in it
-	# rendered from other pages.
-	if (-d _) {
-		foreach my $p (keys %renderedfiles, keys %oldrenderedfiles) {
-			foreach my $f (@{$renderedfiles{$p}}, @{$oldrenderedfiles{$p}}) {
-				if (dirname($f) eq $dest) {
-					unlink("$config{destdir}/$f");
-					rmdir(dirname("$config{destdir}/$f"));
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	if (! $clear || $cleared{$page}) {
-		$renderedfiles{$page}=[$dest, grep { $_ ne $dest } @{$renderedfiles{$page}}];
-	}
-	else {
-		foreach my $old (@{$renderedfiles{$page}}) {
-			delete $destsources{$old};
-		}
-		$renderedfiles{$page}=[$dest];
-		$cleared{$page}=1;
-	}
-	$destsources{$dest}=$page;
-	return 1;
-sub bestlink ($$) {
-	my $page=shift;
-	my $link=shift;
-	my $cwd=$page;
-	if ($link=~s/^\/+//) {
-		# absolute links
-		$cwd="";
-	}
-	$link=~s/\/$//;
-	do {
-		my $l=$cwd;
-		$l.="/" if length $l;
-		$l.=$link;
-		if (exists $pagesources{$l}) {
-			return $l;
-		}
-		elsif (exists $pagecase{lc $l}) {
-			return $pagecase{lc $l};
-		}
-	} while $cwd=~s{/?[^/]+$}{};
-	if (length $config{userdir}) {
-		my $l = "$config{userdir}/".lc($link);
-		if (exists $pagesources{$l}) {
-			return $l;
-		}
-		elsif (exists $pagecase{lc $l}) {
-			return $pagecase{lc $l};
-		}
-	}
-	#print STDERR "warning: page $page, broken link: $link\n";
-	return "";
-sub isinlinableimage ($) {
-	my $file=shift;
-	return $file =~ /\.(png|gif|jpg|jpeg|svg)$/i;
-sub pagetitle ($;$) {
-	my $page=shift;
-	my $unescaped=shift;
-	if ($unescaped) {
-		$page=~s/(__(\d+)__|_)/$1 eq '_' ? ' ' : chr($2)/eg;
-	}
-	else {
-		$page=~s/(__(\d+)__|_)/$1 eq '_' ? ' ' : "&#$2;"/eg;
-	}
-	return $page;
-sub titlepage ($) {
-	my $title=shift;
-	# support use w/o %config set
-	my $chars = defined $config{wiki_file_chars} ? $config{wiki_file_chars} : "-[:alnum:]+/.:_";
-	$title=~s/([^$chars]|_)/$1 eq ' ' ? '_' : "__".ord($1)."__"/eg;
-	return $title;
-sub linkpage ($) {
-	my $link=shift;
-	my $chars = defined $config{wiki_file_chars} ? $config{wiki_file_chars} : "-[:alnum:]+/.:_";
-	$link=~s/([^$chars])/$1 eq ' ' ? '_' : "__".ord($1)."__"/eg;
-	return $link;
-sub cgiurl (@) {
-	my %params=@_;
-	my $cgiurl=$local_cgiurl;
-	if (exists $params{cgiurl}) {
-		$cgiurl=$params{cgiurl};
-		delete $params{cgiurl};
-	}
-	unless (%params) {
-		return $cgiurl;
-	}
-	return $cgiurl."?".
-		join("&amp;", map $_."=".uri_escape_utf8($params{$_}), keys %params);
-sub cgiurl_abs (@) {
-	eval q{use URI};
-	URI->new_abs(cgiurl(@_), $config{cgiurl});
-sub baseurl (;$) {
-	my $page=shift;
-	return $local_url if ! defined $page;
-	$page=htmlpage($page);
-	$page=~s/[^\/]+$//;
-	$page=~s/[^\/]+\//..\//g;
-	return $page;
-sub urlabs ($$) {
-	my $url=shift;
-	my $urlbase=shift;
-	return $url unless defined $urlbase && length $urlbase;
-	eval q{use URI};
-	URI->new_abs($url, $urlbase)->as_string;
-sub abs2rel ($$) {
-	# Work around very innefficient behavior in File::Spec if abs2rel
-	# is passed two relative paths. It's much faster if paths are
-	# absolute! (Debian bug #376658; fixed in debian unstable now)
-	my $path="/".shift;
-	my $base="/".shift;
-	require File::Spec;
-	my $ret=File::Spec->abs2rel($path, $base);
-	$ret=~s/^// if defined $ret;
-	return $ret;
-sub displaytime ($;$$) {
-	# Plugins can override this function to mark up the time to
-	# display.
-	my $time=formattime($_[0], $_[1]);
-	if ($config{html5}) {
-		return '<time datetime="'.date_3339($_[0]).'"'.
-			($_[2] ? ' pubdate="pubdate"' : '').
-			'>'.$time.'</time>';
-	}
-	else {
-		return '<span class="date">'.$time.'</span>';
-	}
-sub formattime ($;$) {
-	# Plugins can override this function to format the time.
-	my $time=shift;
-	my $format=shift;
-	if (! defined $format) {
-		$format=$config{timeformat};
-	}
-	return strftime_utf8($format, localtime($time));
-my $strftime_encoding;
-sub strftime_utf8 {
-	# strftime doesn't know about encodings, so make sure
-	# its output is properly treated as utf8.
-	# Note that this does not handle utf-8 in the format string.
-	($strftime_encoding) = POSIX::setlocale(&POSIX::LC_TIME) =~ m#\.([^@]+)#
-		unless defined $strftime_encoding;
-	$strftime_encoding
-		? Encode::decode($strftime_encoding, POSIX::strftime(@_))
-		: POSIX::strftime(@_);
-sub date_3339 ($) {
-	my $time=shift;
-	my $lc_time=POSIX::setlocale(&POSIX::LC_TIME);
-	POSIX::setlocale(&POSIX::LC_TIME, "C");
-	my $ret=POSIX::strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", gmtime($time));
-	POSIX::setlocale(&POSIX::LC_TIME, $lc_time);
-	return $ret;
-sub beautify_urlpath ($) {
-	my $url=shift;
-	# Ensure url is not an empty link, and if necessary,
-	# add ./ to avoid colon confusion.
-	if ($url !~ /^\// && $url !~ /^\.\.?\//) {
-		$url="./$url";
-	}
-	if ($config{usedirs}) {
-		$url =~ s!/index.$config{htmlext}$!/!;
-	}
-	return $url;
-sub urlto ($;$$) {
-	my $to=shift;
-	my $from=shift;
-	my $absolute=shift;
-	if (! length $to) {
-		$to = 'index';
-	}
-	if (! $destsources{$to}) {
-		$to=htmlpage($to);
-	}
-	if ($absolute) {
-		return $config{url}.beautify_urlpath("/".$to);
-	}
-	if (! defined $from) {
-		my $u = $local_url || '';
-		$u =~ s{/$}{};
-		return $u.beautify_urlpath("/".$to);
-	}
-	my $link = abs2rel($to, dirname(htmlpage($from)));
-	return beautify_urlpath($link);
-sub isselflink ($$) {
-	# Plugins can override this function to support special types
-	# of selflinks.
-	my $page=shift;
-	my $link=shift;
-	return $page eq $link;
-sub htmllink ($$$;@) {
-	my $lpage=shift; # the page doing the linking
-	my $page=shift; # the page that will contain the link (different for inline)
-	my $link=shift;
-	my %opts=@_;
-	$link=~s/\/$//;
-	my $bestlink;
-	if (! $opts{forcesubpage}) {
-		$bestlink=bestlink($lpage, $link);
-	}
-	else {
-		$bestlink="$lpage/".lc($link);
-	}
-	my $linktext;
-	if (defined $opts{linktext}) {
-		$linktext=$opts{linktext};
-	}
-	else {
-		$linktext=pagetitle(basename($link));
-	}
-	return "<span class=\"selflink\">$linktext</span>"
-		if length $bestlink && isselflink($page, $bestlink) &&
-		   ! defined $opts{anchor};
-	if (! $destsources{$bestlink}) {
-		$bestlink=htmlpage($bestlink);
-		if (! $destsources{$bestlink}) {
-			my $cgilink = "";
-			if (length $config{cgiurl}) {
-				$cgilink = "<a href=\"".
-					cgiurl(
-						do => "create",
-						page => $link,
-						from => $lpage
-					)."\" rel=\"nofollow\">?</a>";
-			}
-			return "<span class=\"createlink\">$cgilink$linktext</span>"
-		}
-	}
-	$bestlink=abs2rel($bestlink, dirname(htmlpage($page)));
-	$bestlink=beautify_urlpath($bestlink);
-	if (! $opts{noimageinline} && isinlinableimage($bestlink)) {
-		return "<img src=\"$bestlink\" alt=\"$linktext\" />";
-	}
-	if (defined $opts{anchor}) {
-		$bestlink.="#".$opts{anchor};
-	}
-	my @attrs;
-	foreach my $attr (qw{rel class title}) {
-		if (defined $opts{$attr}) {
-			push @attrs, " $attr=\"$opts{$attr}\"";
-		}
-	}
-	return "<a href=\"$bestlink\"@attrs>$linktext</a>";
-sub userpage ($) {
-	my $user=shift;
-	return length $config{userdir} ? "$config{userdir}/$user" : $user;
-sub openiduser ($) {
-	my $user=shift;
-	if (defined $user && $user =~ m!^https?://! &&
-	    eval q{use Net::OpenID::VerifiedIdentity; 1} && !$@) {
-		my $display;
-		if (Net::OpenID::VerifiedIdentity->can("DisplayOfURL")) {
-			$display = Net::OpenID::VerifiedIdentity::DisplayOfURL($user);
-		}
-		else {
-			# backcompat with old version
-			my $oid=Net::OpenID::VerifiedIdentity->new(identity => $user);
-			$display=$oid->display;
-		}
-		# Convert "user.somehost.com" to "user [somehost.com]"
-		# (also "user.somehost.co.uk")
-		if ($display !~ /\[/) {
-			$display=~s/^([-a-zA-Z0-9]+?)\.([-.a-zA-Z0-9]+\.[a-z]+)$/$1 [$2]/;
-		}
-		# Convert "http://somehost.com/user"; to "user [somehost.com]".
-		# (also "https://somehost.com/user/";)
-		if ($display !~ /\[/) {
-			$display=~s/^https?:\/\/(.+)\/([^\/#?]+)\/?(?:[#?].*)?$/$2 [$1]/;
-		}
-		$display=~s!^https?://!!; # make sure this is removed
-		eval q{use CGI 'escapeHTML'};
-		error($@) if $@;
-		return escapeHTML($display);
-	}
-	return;
-sub htmlize ($$$$) {
-	my $page=shift;
-	my $destpage=shift;
-	my $type=shift;
-	my $content=shift;
-	my $oneline = $content !~ /\n/;
-	if (exists $hooks{htmlize}{$type}) {
-		$content=$hooks{htmlize}{$type}{call}->(
-			page => $page,
-			content => $content,
-		);
-	}
-	else {
-		error("htmlization of $type not supported");
-	}
-	run_hooks(sanitize => sub {
-		$content=shift->(
-			page => $page,
-			destpage => $destpage,
-			content => $content,
-		);
-	});
-	if ($oneline) {
-		# hack to get rid of enclosing junk added by markdown
-		# and other htmlizers/sanitizers
-		$content=~s/^<p>//i;
-		$content=~s/<\/p>\n*$//i;
-	}
-	return $content;
-sub linkify ($$$) {
-	my $page=shift;
-	my $destpage=shift;
-	my $content=shift;
-	run_hooks(linkify => sub {
-		$content=shift->(
-			page => $page,
-			destpage => $destpage,
-			content => $content,
-		);
-	});
-	return $content;
-our %preprocessing;
-our $preprocess_preview=0;
-sub preprocess ($$$;$$) {
-	my $page=shift; # the page the data comes from
-	my $destpage=shift; # the page the data will appear in (different for inline)
-	my $content=shift;
-	my $scan=shift;
-	my $preview=shift;
-	# Using local because it needs to be set within any nested calls
-	# of this function.
-	local $preprocess_preview=$preview if defined $preview;
-	my $handle=sub {
-		my $escape=shift;
-		my $prefix=shift;
-		my $command=shift;
-		my $params=shift;
-		$params="" if ! defined $params;
-		if (length $escape) {
-			return "[[$prefix$command $params]]";
-		}
-		elsif (exists $hooks{preprocess}{$command}) {
-			return "" if $scan && ! $hooks{preprocess}{$command}{scan};
-			# Note: preserve order of params, some plugins may
-			# consider it significant.
-			my @params;
-			while ($params =~ m{
-				(?:([-.\w]+)=)?		# 1: named parameter key?
-				(?:
-					"""(.*?)"""	# 2: triple-quoted value
-				|
-					"([^"]*?)"	# 3: single-quoted value
-				|
-					'''(.*?)'''     # 4: triple-single-quote
-				|
-					<<([a-zA-Z]+)\n # 5: heredoc start
-					(.*?)\n\5	# 6: heredoc value
-				|
-					(\S+)		# 7: unquoted value
-				)
-				(?:\s+|$)		# delimiter to next param
-			}msgx) {
-				my $key=$1;
-				my $val;
-				if (defined $2) {
-					$val=$2;
-					$val=~s/\r\n/\n/mg;
-					$val=~s/^\n+//g;
-					$val=~s/\n+$//g;
-				}
-				elsif (defined $3) {
-					$val=$3;
-				}
-				elsif (defined $4) {
-					$val=$4;
-				}
-				elsif (defined $7) {
-					$val=$7;
-				}
-				elsif (defined $6) {
-					$val=$6;
-				}
-				if (defined $key) {
-					push @params, $key, $val;
-				}
-				else {
-					push @params, $val, '';
-				}
-			}
-			if ($preprocessing{$page}++ > 8) {
-				# Avoid loops of preprocessed pages preprocessing
-				# other pages that preprocess them, etc.
-				return "[[!$command <span class=\"error\">".
-					sprintf(gettext("preprocessing loop detected on %s at depth %i"),
-						$page, $preprocessing{$page}).
-					"</span>]]";
-			}
-			my $ret;
-			if (! $scan) {
-				$ret=eval {
-					$hooks{preprocess}{$command}{call}->(
-						@params,
-						page => $page,
-						destpage => $destpage,
-						preview => $preprocess_preview,
-					);
-				};
-				if ($@) {
-					my $error=$@;
-					chomp $error;
-					eval q{use HTML::Entities};
-					$error = encode_entities($error);
-				 	$ret="[[!$command <span class=\"error\">".
-						gettext("Error").": $error"."</span>]]";
-				}
-			}
-			else {
-				# use void context during scan pass
-				eval {
-					$hooks{preprocess}{$command}{call}->(
-						@params,
-						page => $page,
-						destpage => $destpage,
-						preview => $preprocess_preview,
-					);
-				};
-				$ret="";
-			}
-			$preprocessing{$page}--;
-			return $ret;
-		}
-		else {
-			return "[[$prefix$command $params]]";
-		}
-	};
-	my $regex;
-	if ($config{prefix_directives}) {
-		$regex = qr{
-			(\\?)		# 1: escape?
-			\[\[(!)		# directive open; 2: prefix
-			([-\w]+)	# 3: command
-			(		# 4: the parameters..
-				\s+	# Must have space if parameters present
-				(?:
-					(?:[-.\w]+=)?		# named parameter key?
-					(?:
-						""".*?"""	# triple-quoted value
-						|
-						"[^"]*?"	# single-quoted value
-						|
-						'''.*?'''	# triple-single-quote
-						|
-						<<([a-zA-Z]+)\n # 5: heredoc start
-						(?:.*?)\n\5	# heredoc value
-						|
-						[^"\s\]]+	# unquoted value
-					)
-					\s*			# whitespace or end
-								# of directive
-				)
-			*)?		# 0 or more parameters
-			\]\]		# directive closed
-		}sx;
-	}
-	else {
-		$regex = qr{
-			(\\?)		# 1: escape?
-			\[\[(!?)	# directive open; 2: optional prefix
-			([-\w]+)	# 3: command
-			\s+
-			(		# 4: the parameters..
-				(?:
-					(?:[-.\w]+=)?		# named parameter key?
-					(?:
-						""".*?"""	# triple-quoted value
-						|
-						"[^"]*?"	# single-quoted value
-						|
-						'''.*?'''       # triple-single-quote
-						|
-						<<([a-zA-Z]+)\n # 5: heredoc start
-						(?:.*?)\n\5	# heredoc value
-						|
-						[^"\s\]]+	# unquoted value
-					)
-					\s*			# whitespace or end
-								# of directive
-				)
-			*)		# 0 or more parameters
-			\]\]		# directive closed
-		}sx;
-	}
-	$content =~ s{$regex}{$handle->($1, $2, $3, $4)}eg;
-	return $content;
-sub filter ($$$) {
-	my $page=shift;
-	my $destpage=shift;
-	my $content=shift;
-	run_hooks(filter => sub {
-		$content=shift->(page => $page, destpage => $destpage, 
-			content => $content);
-	});
-	return $content;
-sub check_canedit ($$$;$) {
-	my $page=shift;
-	my $q=shift;
-	my $session=shift;
-	my $nonfatal=shift;
-	my $canedit;
-	run_hooks(canedit => sub {
-		return if defined $canedit;
-		my $ret=shift->($page, $q, $session);
-		if (defined $ret) {
-			if ($ret eq "") {
-				$canedit=1;
-			}
-			elsif (ref $ret eq 'CODE') {
-				$ret->() unless $nonfatal;
-				$canedit=0;
-			}
-			elsif (defined $ret) {
-				error($ret) unless $nonfatal;
-				$canedit=0;
-			}
-		}
-	});
-	return defined $canedit ? $canedit : 1;
-sub check_content (@) {
-	my %params=@_;
-	return 1 if ! exists $hooks{checkcontent}; # optimisation
-	if (exists $pagesources{$params{page}}) {
-		my @diff;
-		my %old=map { $_ => 1 }
-		        split("\n", readfile(srcfile($pagesources{$params{page}})));
-		foreach my $line (split("\n", $params{content})) {
-			push @diff, $line if ! exists $old{$line};
-		}
-		$params{diff}=join("\n", @diff);
-	}
-	my $ok;
-	run_hooks(checkcontent => sub {
-		return if defined $ok;
-		my $ret=shift->(%params);
-		if (defined $ret) {
-			if ($ret eq "") {
-				$ok=1;
-			}
-			elsif (ref $ret eq 'CODE') {
-				$ret->() unless $params{nonfatal};
-				$ok=0;
-			}
-			elsif (defined $ret) {
-				error($ret) unless $params{nonfatal};
-				$ok=0;
-			}
-		}
-	});
-	return defined $ok ? $ok : 1;
-sub check_canchange (@) {
-	my %params = @_;
-	my $cgi = $params{cgi};
-	my $session = $params{session};
-	my @changes = @{$params{changes}};
-	my %newfiles;
-	foreach my $change (@changes) {
-		# This untaint is safe because we check file_pruned and
-		# wiki_file_regexp.
-		my ($file)=$change->{file}=~/$config{wiki_file_regexp}/;
-		$file=possibly_foolish_untaint($file);
-		if (! defined $file || ! length $file ||
-		    file_pruned($file)) {
-			error(gettext("bad file name %s"), $file);
-		}
-		my $type=pagetype($file);
-		my $page=pagename($file) if defined $type;
-		if ($change->{action} eq 'add') {
-			$newfiles{$file}=1;
-		}
-		if ($change->{action} eq 'change' ||
-		    $change->{action} eq 'add') {
-			if (defined $page) {
-				check_canedit($page, $cgi, $session);
-				next;
-			}
-			else {
-				if (IkiWiki::Plugin::attachment->can("check_canattach")) {
-					IkiWiki::Plugin::attachment::check_canattach($session, $file, $change->{path});
-					check_canedit($file, $cgi, $session);
-					next;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		elsif ($change->{action} eq 'remove') {
-			# check_canremove tests to see if the file is present
-			# on disk. This will fail when a single commit adds a
-			# file and then removes it again. Avoid the problem
-			# by not testing the removal in such pairs of changes.
-			# (The add is still tested, just to make sure that
-			# no data is added to the repo that a web edit
-			# could not add.)
-			next if $newfiles{$file};
-			if (IkiWiki::Plugin::remove->can("check_canremove")) {
-				IkiWiki::Plugin::remove::check_canremove(defined $page ? $page : $file, $cgi, $session);
-				check_canedit(defined $page ? $page : $file, $cgi, $session);
-				next;
-			}
-		}
-		else {
-			error "unknown action ".$change->{action};
-		}
-		error sprintf(gettext("you are not allowed to change %s"), $file);
-	}
-my $wikilock;
-sub lockwiki () {
-	# Take an exclusive lock on the wiki to prevent multiple concurrent
-	# run issues. The lock will be dropped on program exit.
-	if (! -d $config{wikistatedir}) {
-		mkdir($config{wikistatedir});
-	}
-	open($wikilock, '>', "$config{wikistatedir}/lockfile") ||
-		error ("cannot write to $config{wikistatedir}/lockfile: $!");
-	if (! flock($wikilock, 2)) { # LOCK_EX
-		error("failed to get lock");
-	}
-	return 1;
-sub unlockwiki () {
-	return close($wikilock) if $wikilock;
-	return;
-my $commitlock;
-sub commit_hook_enabled () {
-	open($commitlock, '+>', "$config{wikistatedir}/commitlock") ||
-		error("cannot write to $config{wikistatedir}/commitlock: $!");
-	if (! flock($commitlock, 1 | 4)) { # LOCK_SH | LOCK_NB to test
-		close($commitlock) || error("failed closing commitlock: $!");
-		return 0;
-	}
-	close($commitlock) || error("failed closing commitlock: $!");
-	return 1;
-sub disable_commit_hook () {
-	open($commitlock, '>', "$config{wikistatedir}/commitlock") ||
-		error("cannot write to $config{wikistatedir}/commitlock: $!");
-	if (! flock($commitlock, 2)) { # LOCK_EX
-		error("failed to get commit lock");
-	}
-	return 1;
-sub enable_commit_hook () {
-	return close($commitlock) if $commitlock;
-	return;
-sub loadindex () {
-	%oldrenderedfiles=%pagectime=();
-	my $rebuild=$config{rebuild};
-	if (! $rebuild) {
-		%pagesources=%pagemtime=%oldlinks=%links=%depends=
-		%destsources=%renderedfiles=%pagecase=%pagestate=
-		%depends_simple=%typedlinks=%oldtypedlinks=();
-	}
-	my $in;
-	if (! open ($in, "<", "$config{wikistatedir}/indexdb")) {
-		if (-e "$config{wikistatedir}/index") {
-			system("ikiwiki-transition", "indexdb", $config{srcdir});
-			open ($in, "<", "$config{wikistatedir}/indexdb") || return;
-		}
-		else {
-			# gettime on first build
-			$config{gettime}=1 unless defined $config{gettime};
-			return;
-		}
-	}
-	my $index=Storable::fd_retrieve($in);
-	if (! defined $index) {
-		return 0;
-	}
-	my $pages;
-	if (exists $index->{version} && ! ref $index->{version}) {
-		$pages=$index->{page};
-		%wikistate=%{$index->{state}};
-		# Handle plugins that got disabled by loading a new setup.
-		if (exists $config{setupfile}) {
-			require IkiWiki::Setup;
-			IkiWiki::Setup::disabled_plugins(
-				grep { ! $loaded_plugins{$_} } keys %wikistate);
-		}
-	}
-	else {
-		$pages=$index;
-		%wikistate=();
-	}
-	foreach my $src (keys %$pages) {
-		my $d=$pages->{$src};
-		my $page;
-		if (exists $d->{page} && ! $rebuild) {
-			$page=$d->{page};
-		}
-		else {
-			$page=pagename($src);
-		}
-		$pagectime{$page}=$d->{ctime};
-		$pagesources{$page}=$src;
-		if (! $rebuild) {
-			$pagemtime{$page}=$d->{mtime};
-			$renderedfiles{$page}=$d->{dest};
-			if (exists $d->{links} && ref $d->{links}) {
-				$links{$page}=$d->{links};
-				$oldlinks{$page}=[@{$d->{links}}];
-			}
-			if (ref $d->{depends_simple} eq 'ARRAY') {
-				# old format
-				$depends_simple{$page}={
-					map { $_ => 1 } @{$d->{depends_simple}}
-				};
-			}
-			elsif (exists $d->{depends_simple}) {
-				$depends_simple{$page}=$d->{depends_simple};
-			}
-			if (exists $d->{dependslist}) {
-				# old format
-				$depends{$page}={
-					map { $_ => $DEPEND_CONTENT }
-						@{$d->{dependslist}}
-				};
-			}
-			elsif (exists $d->{depends} && ! ref $d->{depends}) {
-				# old format
-				$depends{$page}={$d->{depends} => $DEPEND_CONTENT };
-			}
-			elsif (exists $d->{depends}) {
-				$depends{$page}=$d->{depends};
-			}
-			if (exists $d->{state}) {
-				$pagestate{$page}=$d->{state};
-			}
-			if (exists $d->{typedlinks}) {
-				$typedlinks{$page}=$d->{typedlinks};
-				while (my ($type, $links) = each %{$typedlinks{$page}}) {
-					next unless %$links;
-					$oldtypedlinks{$page}{$type} = {%$links};
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		$oldrenderedfiles{$page}=[@{$d->{dest}}];
-	}
-	foreach my $page (keys %pagesources) {
-		$pagecase{lc $page}=$page;
-	}
-	foreach my $page (keys %renderedfiles) {
-		$destsources{$_}=$page foreach @{$renderedfiles{$page}};
-	}
-	$lastrev=$index->{lastrev};
-	@underlayfiles=@{$index->{underlayfiles}} if ref $index->{underlayfiles};
-	return close($in);
-sub saveindex () {
-	run_hooks(savestate => sub { shift->() });
-	my @plugins=keys %loaded_plugins;
-	if (! -d $config{wikistatedir}) {
-		mkdir($config{wikistatedir});
-	}
-	my $newfile="$config{wikistatedir}/indexdb.new";
-	my $cleanup = sub { unlink($newfile) };
-	open (my $out, '>', $newfile) || error("cannot write to $newfile: $!", $cleanup);
-	my %index;
-	foreach my $page (keys %pagemtime) {
-		next unless $pagemtime{$page};
-		my $src=$pagesources{$page};
-		$index{page}{$src}={
-			page => $page,
-			ctime => $pagectime{$page},
-			mtime => $pagemtime{$page},
-			dest => $renderedfiles{$page},
-			links => $links{$page},
-		};
-		if (exists $depends{$page}) {
-			$index{page}{$src}{depends} = $depends{$page};
-		}
-		if (exists $depends_simple{$page}) {
-			$index{page}{$src}{depends_simple} = $depends_simple{$page};
-		}
-		if (exists $typedlinks{$page} && %{$typedlinks{$page}}) {
-			$index{page}{$src}{typedlinks} = $typedlinks{$page};
-		}
-		if (exists $pagestate{$page}) {
-			$index{page}{$src}{state}=$pagestate{$page};
-		}
-	}
-	$index{state}={};
-	foreach my $id (@plugins) {
-		$index{state}{$id}={}; # used to detect disabled plugins
-		foreach my $key (keys %{$wikistate{$id}}) {
-			$index{state}{$id}{$key}=$wikistate{$id}{$key};
-		}
-	}
-	$index{lastrev}=$lastrev;
-	$index{underlayfiles}=\@underlayfiles;
-	$index{version}="3";
-	my $ret=Storable::nstore_fd(\%index, $out);
-	return if ! defined $ret || ! $ret;
-	close $out || error("failed saving to $newfile: $!", $cleanup);
-	rename($newfile, "$config{wikistatedir}/indexdb") ||
-		error("failed renaming $newfile to $config{wikistatedir}/indexdb", $cleanup);
-	return 1;
-sub template_file ($) {
-	my $name=shift;
-	my $tpage=($name =~ s/^\///) ? $name : "templates/$name";
-	my $template;
-	if ($name !~ /\.tmpl$/ && exists $pagesources{$tpage}) {
-		$template=srcfile($pagesources{$tpage}, 1);
-		$name.=".tmpl";
-	}
-	else {
-		$template=srcfile($tpage, 1);
-	}
-	if (defined $template) {
-		return $template, $tpage, 1 if wantarray;
-		return $template;
-	}
-	else {
-		$name=~s:/::; # avoid path traversal
-		foreach my $dir ($config{templatedir},
-		                 "$installdir/share/ikiwiki/templates") {
-			if (-e "$dir/$name") {
-				$template="$dir/$name";
-				last;
-			}
-		}
-		if (defined $template) {	
-			return $template, $tpage if wantarray;
-			return $template;
-		}
-	}
-	return;
-sub template_depends ($$;@) {
-	my $name=shift;
-	my $page=shift;
-	my ($filename, $tpage, $untrusted)=template_file($name);
-	if (! defined $filename) {
-		error(sprintf(gettext("template %s not found"), $name))
-	}
-	if (defined $page && defined $tpage) {
-		add_depends($page, $tpage);
-	}
-	my @opts=(
-		filter => sub {
-			my $text_ref = shift;
-			${$text_ref} = decode_utf8(${$text_ref});
-			run_hooks(readtemplate => sub {
-				${$text_ref} = shift->(
-					id => $name,
-					page => $tpage,
-					content => ${$text_ref},
-					untrusted => $untrusted,
-				);
-			});
-		},
-		loop_context_vars => 1,
-		die_on_bad_params => 0,
-		parent_global_vars => 1,
-		filename => $filename,
-		@_,
-		($untrusted ? (no_includes => 1) : ()),
-	);
-	return @opts if wantarray;
-	require HTML::Template;
-	return HTML::Template->new(@opts);
-sub template ($;@) {
-	template_depends(shift, undef, @_);
-sub templateactions ($$) {
-	my $template=shift;
-	my $page=shift;
-	my $have_actions=0;
-	my @actions;
-	run_hooks(pageactions => sub {
-		push @actions, map { { action => $_ } } 
-			grep { defined } shift->(page => $page);
-	});
-	$template->param(actions => \@actions);
-	if ($config{cgiurl} && exists $hooks{auth}) {
-		$template->param(prefsurl => cgiurl(do => "prefs"));
-		$have_actions=1;
-	}
-	if ($have_actions || @actions) {
-		$template->param(have_actions => 1);
-	}
-sub hook (@) {
-	my %param=@_;
-	if (! exists $param{type} || ! ref $param{call} || ! exists $param{id}) {
-		error 'hook requires type, call, and id parameters';
-	}
-	return if $param{no_override} && exists $hooks{$param{type}}{$param{id}};
-	$hooks{$param{type}}{$param{id}}=\%param;
-	return 1;
-sub run_hooks ($$) {
-	# Calls the given sub for each hook of the given type,
-	# passing it the hook function to call.
-	my $type=shift;
-	my $sub=shift;
-	if (exists $hooks{$type}) {
-		my (@first, @middle, @last);
-		foreach my $id (keys %{$hooks{$type}}) {
-			if ($hooks{$type}{$id}{first}) {
-				push @first, $id;
-			}
-			elsif ($hooks{$type}{$id}{last}) {
-				push @last, $id;
-			}
-			else {
-				push @middle, $id;
-			}
-		}
-		foreach my $id (@first, @middle, @last) {
-			$sub->($hooks{$type}{$id}{call});
-		}
-	}
-	return 1;
-sub rcs_update () {
-	$hooks{rcs}{rcs_update}{call}->(@_);
-sub rcs_prepedit ($) {
-	$hooks{rcs}{rcs_prepedit}{call}->(@_);
-sub rcs_commit (@) {
-	$hooks{rcs}{rcs_commit}{call}->(@_);
-sub rcs_commit_staged (@) {
-	$hooks{rcs}{rcs_commit_staged}{call}->(@_);
-sub rcs_add ($) {
-	$hooks{rcs}{rcs_add}{call}->(@_);
-sub rcs_remove ($) {
-	$hooks{rcs}{rcs_remove}{call}->(@_);
-sub rcs_rename ($$) {
-	$hooks{rcs}{rcs_rename}{call}->(@_);
-sub rcs_recentchanges ($) {
-	$hooks{rcs}{rcs_recentchanges}{call}->(@_);
-sub rcs_diff ($;$) {
-	$hooks{rcs}{rcs_diff}{call}->(@_);
-sub rcs_getctime ($) {
-	$hooks{rcs}{rcs_getctime}{call}->(@_);
-sub rcs_getmtime ($) {
-	$hooks{rcs}{rcs_getmtime}{call}->(@_);
-sub rcs_receive () {
-	$hooks{rcs}{rcs_receive}{call}->();
-sub add_depends ($$;$) {
-	my $page=shift;
-	my $pagespec=shift;
-	my $deptype=shift || $DEPEND_CONTENT;
-	# Is the pagespec a simple page name?
-	if ($pagespec =~ /$config{wiki_file_regexp}/ &&
-	    $pagespec !~ /[\s*?()!]/) {
-		$depends_simple{$page}{lc $pagespec} |= $deptype;
-		return 1;
-	}
-	# Add explicit dependencies for influences.
-	my $sub=pagespec_translate($pagespec);
-	return unless defined $sub;
-	foreach my $p (keys %pagesources) {
-		my $r=$sub->($p, location => $page);
-		my $i=$r->influences;
-		my $static=$r->influences_static;
-		foreach my $k (keys %$i) {
-			next unless $r || $static || $k eq $page;
-			$depends_simple{$page}{lc $k} |= $i->{$k};
-		}
-		last if $static;
-	}
-	$depends{$page}{$pagespec} |= $deptype;
-	return 1;
-sub deptype (@) {
-	my $deptype=0;
-	foreach my $type (@_) {
-		if ($type eq 'presence') {
-			$deptype |= $DEPEND_PRESENCE;
-		}
-		elsif ($type eq 'links') { 
-			$deptype |= $DEPEND_LINKS;
-		}
-		elsif ($type eq 'content') {
-			$deptype |= $DEPEND_CONTENT;
-		}
-	}
-	return $deptype;
-my $file_prune_regexp;
-sub file_pruned ($) {
-	my $file=shift;
-	if (defined $config{include} && length $config{include}) {
-		return 0 if $file =~ m/$config{include}/;
-	}
-	if (! defined $file_prune_regexp) {
-		$file_prune_regexp='('.join('|', @{$config{wiki_file_prune_regexps}}).')';
-		$file_prune_regexp=qr/$file_prune_regexp/;
-	}
-	return $file =~ m/$file_prune_regexp/;
-sub define_gettext () {
-	# If translation is needed, redefine the gettext function to do it.
-	# Otherwise, it becomes a quick no-op.
-	my $gettext_obj;
-	my $getobj;
-	if ((exists $ENV{LANG} && length $ENV{LANG}) ||
-	    (exists $ENV{LC_ALL} && length $ENV{LC_ALL}) ||
-	    (exists $ENV{LC_MESSAGES} && length $ENV{LC_MESSAGES})) {
-	    	$getobj=sub {
-			$gettext_obj=eval q{
-				use Locale::gettext q{textdomain};
-				Locale::gettext->domain('ikiwiki')
-			};
-		};
-	}
-	no warnings 'redefine';
-	*gettext=sub {
-		$getobj->() if $getobj;
-		if ($gettext_obj) {
-			$gettext_obj->get(shift);
-		}
-		else {
-			return shift;
-		}
-	};
-	*ngettext=sub {
-		$getobj->() if $getobj;
-		if ($gettext_obj) {
-			$gettext_obj->nget(@_);
-		}
-		else {
-			return ($_[2] == 1 ? $_[0] : $_[1])
-		}
-	};
-sub gettext {
-	define_gettext();
-	gettext(@_);
-sub ngettext {
-	define_gettext();
-	ngettext(@_);
-sub yesno ($) {
-	my $val=shift;
-	return (defined $val && (lc($val) eq gettext("yes") || lc($val) eq "yes" || $val eq "1"));
-sub inject {
-	# Injects a new function into the symbol table to replace an
-	# exported function.
-	my %params=@_;
-	# This is deep ugly perl foo, beware.
-	no strict;
-	no warnings;
-	if (! defined $params{parent}) {
-		$params{parent}='::';
-		$params{old}=\&{$params{name}};
-		$params{name}=~s/.*:://;
-	}
-	my $parent=$params{parent};
-	foreach my $ns (grep /^\w+::/, keys %{$parent}) {
-		$ns = $params{parent} . $ns;
-		inject(%params, parent => $ns) unless $ns eq '::main::';
-		*{$ns . $params{name}} = $params{call}
-			if exists ${$ns}{$params{name}} &&
-			   \&{${$ns}{$params{name}}} == $params{old};
-	}
-	use strict;
-	use warnings;
-sub add_link ($$;$) {
-	my $page=shift;
-	my $link=shift;
-	my $type=shift;
-	push @{$links{$page}}, $link
-		unless grep { $_ eq $link } @{$links{$page}};
-	if (defined $type) {
-		$typedlinks{$page}{$type}{$link} = 1;
-	}
-sub add_autofile ($$$) {
-	my $file=shift;
-	my $plugin=shift;
-	my $generator=shift;
-	$autofiles{$file}{plugin}=$plugin;
-	$autofiles{$file}{generator}=$generator;
-sub useragent () {
-	eval q{use LWP};
-	error($@) if $@;
-	return LWP::UserAgent->new(
-		cookie_jar => $config{cookiejar},
-		env_proxy => 1,		# respect proxy env vars
-		agent => $config{useragent},
-	);
-sub sortspec_translate ($$) {
-	my $spec = shift;
-	my $reverse = shift;
-	my $code = "";
-	my @data;
-	while ($spec =~ m{
-		\s*
-		(-?)		# group 1: perhaps negated
-		\s*
-		(		# group 2: a word
-			\w+\([^\)]*\)	# command(params)
-			|
-			[^\s]+		# or anything else
-		)
-		\s*
-	}gx) {
-		my $negated = $1;
-		my $word = $2;
-		my $params = undef;
-		if ($word =~ m/^(\w+)\((.*)\)$/) {
-			# command with parameters
-			$params = $2;
-			$word = $1;
-		}
-		elsif ($word !~ m/^\w+$/) {
-			error(sprintf(gettext("invalid sort type %s"), $word));
-		}
-		if (length $code) {
-			$code .= " || ";
-		}
-		if ($negated) {
-			$code .= "-";
-		}
-		if (exists $IkiWiki::SortSpec::{"cmp_$word"}) {
-			if (defined $params) {
-				push @data, $params;
-				$code .= "IkiWiki::SortSpec::cmp_$word(\$data[$#data])";
-			}
-			else {
-				$code .= "IkiWiki::SortSpec::cmp_$word(undef)";
-			}
-		}
-		else {
-			error(sprintf(gettext("unknown sort type %s"), $word));
-		}
-	}
-	if (! length $code) {
-		# undefined sorting method... sort arbitrarily
-		return sub { 0 };
-	}
-	if ($reverse) {
-		$code="-($code)";
-	}
-	no warnings;
-	return eval 'sub { '.$code.' }';
-sub pagespec_translate ($) {
-	my $spec=shift;
-	# Convert spec to perl code.
-	my $code="";
-	my @data;
-	while ($spec=~m{
-		\s*		# ignore whitespace
-		(		# 1: match a single word
-			\!		# !
-		|
-			\(		# (
-		|
-			\)		# )
-		|
-			\w+\([^\)]*\)	# command(params)
-		|
-			[^\s()]+	# any other text
-		)
-		\s*		# ignore whitespace
-	}gx) {
-		my $word=$1;
-		if (lc $word eq 'and') {
-			$code.=' &';
-		}
-		elsif (lc $word eq 'or') {
-			$code.=' |';
-		}
-		elsif ($word eq "(" || $word eq ")" || $word eq "!") {
-			$code.=' '.$word;
-		}
-		elsif ($word =~ /^(\w+)\((.*)\)$/) {
-			if (exists $IkiWiki::PageSpec::{"match_$1"}) {
-				push @data, $2;
-				$code.="IkiWiki::PageSpec::match_$1(\$page, \$data[$#data], \@_)";
-			}
-			else {
-				push @data, qq{unknown function in pagespec "$word"};
-				$code.="IkiWiki::ErrorReason->new(\$data[$#data])";
-			}
-		}
-		else {
-			push @data, $word;
-			$code.=" IkiWiki::PageSpec::match_glob(\$page, \$data[$#data], \@_)";
-		}
-	}
-	if (! length $code) {
-		$code="IkiWiki::FailReason->new('empty pagespec')";
-	}
-	no warnings;
-	return eval 'sub { my $page=shift; '.$code.' }';
-sub pagespec_match ($$;@) {
-	my $page=shift;
-	my $spec=shift;
-	my @params=@_;
-	# Backwards compatability with old calling convention.
-	if (@params == 1) {
-		unshift @params, 'location';
-	}
-	my $sub=pagespec_translate($spec);
-	return IkiWiki::ErrorReason->new("syntax error in pagespec \"$spec\"")
-		if ! defined $sub;
-	return $sub->($page, @params);
-# e.g. @pages = sort_pages("title", \@pages, reverse => "yes")
-# Not exported yet, but could be in future if it is generally useful.
-# Note that this signature is not the same as IkiWiki::SortSpec::sort_pages,
-# which is "more internal".
-sub sort_pages ($$;@) {
-	my $sort = shift;
-	my $list = shift;
-	my %params = @_;
-	$sort = sortspec_translate($sort, $params{reverse});
-	return IkiWiki::SortSpec::sort_pages($sort, @$list);
-sub pagespec_match_list ($$;@) {
-	my $page=shift;
-	my $pagespec=shift;
-	my %params=@_;
-	# Backwards compatability with old calling convention.
-	if (ref $page) {
-		print STDERR "warning: a plugin (".caller().") is using pagespec_match_list in an obsolete way, and needs to be updated\n";
-		$params{list}=$page;
-		$page=$params{location}; # ugh!
-	}
-	my $sub=pagespec_translate($pagespec);
-	error "syntax error in pagespec \"$pagespec\""
-		if ! defined $sub;
-	my $sort=sortspec_translate($params{sort}, $params{reverse})
-		if defined $params{sort};
-	my @candidates;
-	if (exists $params{list}) {
-		@candidates=exists $params{filter}
-			? grep { ! $params{filter}->($_) } @{$params{list}}
-			: @{$params{list}};
-	}
-	else {
-		@candidates=exists $params{filter}
-			? grep { ! $params{filter}->($_) } keys %pagesources
-			: keys %pagesources;
-	}
-	# clear params, remainder is passed to pagespec
-	$depends{$page}{$pagespec} |= ($params{deptype} || $DEPEND_CONTENT);
-	my $num=$params{num};
-	delete @params{qw{num deptype reverse sort filter list}};
-	# when only the top matches will be returned, it's efficient to
-	# sort before matching to pagespec,
-	if (defined $num && defined $sort) {
-		@candidates=IkiWiki::SortSpec::sort_pages(
-			$sort, @candidates);
-	}
-	my @matches;
-	my $firstfail;
-	my $count=0;
-	my $accum=IkiWiki::SuccessReason->new();
-	foreach my $p (@candidates) {
-		my $r=$sub->($p, %params, location => $page);
-		error(sprintf(gettext("cannot match pages: %s"), $r))
-			if $r->isa("IkiWiki::ErrorReason");
-		unless ($r || $r->influences_static) {
-			$r->remove_influence($p);
-		}
-		$accum |= $r;
-		if ($r) {
-			push @matches, $p;
-			last if defined $num && ++$count == $num;
-		}
-	}
-	# Add simple dependencies for accumulated influences.
-	my $i=$accum->influences;
-	foreach my $k (keys %$i) {
-		$depends_simple{$page}{lc $k} |= $i->{$k};
-	}
-	# when all matches will be returned, it's efficient to
-	# sort after matching
-	if (! defined $num && defined $sort) {
-		return IkiWiki::SortSpec::sort_pages(
-			$sort, @matches);
-	}
-	else {
-		return @matches;
-	}
-sub pagespec_valid ($) {
-	my $spec=shift;
-	return defined pagespec_translate($spec);
-sub glob2re ($) {
-	my $re=quotemeta(shift);
-	$re=~s/\\\*/.*/g;
-	$re=~s/\\\?/./g;
-	return qr/^$re$/i;
-package IkiWiki::FailReason;
-use overload (
-	'""'	=> sub { $_[0][0] },
-	'0+'	=> sub { 0 },
-	'!'	=> sub { bless $_[0], 'IkiWiki::SuccessReason'},
-	'&'	=> sub { $_[0]->merge_influences($_[1], 1); $_[0] },
-	'|'	=> sub { $_[1]->merge_influences($_[0]); $_[1] },
-	fallback => 1,
-our @ISA = 'IkiWiki::SuccessReason';
-package IkiWiki::SuccessReason;
-# A blessed array-ref:
-# [0]: human-readable reason for success (or, in FailReason subclass, failure)
-# [1]{""}:
-#      - if absent or false, the influences of this evaluation are "static",
-#        see the influences_static method
-#      - if true, they are dynamic (not static)
-# [1]{any other key}:
-#      the dependency types of influences, as returned by the influences method
-use overload (
-	# in string context, it's the human-readable reason
-	'""'	=> sub { $_[0][0] },
-	# in boolean context, SuccessReason is 1 and FailReason is 0
-	'0+'	=> sub { 1 },
-	# negating a result gives the opposite result with the same influences
-	'!'	=> sub { bless $_[0], 'IkiWiki::FailReason'},
-	# A & B = (A ? B : A) with the influences of both
-	'&'	=> sub { $_[1]->merge_influences($_[0], 1); $_[1] },
-	# A | B = (A ? A : B) with the influences of both
-	'|'	=> sub { $_[0]->merge_influences($_[1]); $_[0] },
-	fallback => 1,
-# SuccessReason->new("human-readable reason", page => deptype, ...)
-sub new {
-	my $class = shift;
-	my $value = shift;
-	return bless [$value, {@_}], $class;
-# influences(): return a reference to a copy of the hash
-# { page => dependency type } describing the pages that indirectly influenced
-# this result, but would not cause a dependency through ikiwiki's core
-# dependency logic.
-# See [[todo/dependency_types]] for extensive discussion of what this means.
-# influences(page => deptype, ...): remove all influences, replace them
-# with the arguments, and return a reference to a copy of the new influences.
-sub influences {
-	my $this=shift;
-	$this->[1]={@_} if @_;
-	my %i=%{$this->[1]};
-	delete $i{""};
-	return \%i;
-# True if this result has the same influences whichever page it matches,
-# For instance, whether bar matches backlink(foo) is influenced only by
-# the set of links in foo, so its only influence is { foo => DEPEND_LINKS },
-# which does not mention bar anywhere.
-# False if this result would have different influences when matching
-# different pages. For instance, when testing whether link(foo) matches bar,
-# { bar => DEPEND_LINKS } is an influence on that result, because changing
-# bar's links could change the outcome; so its influences are not the same
-# as when testing whether link(foo) matches baz.
-# Static influences are one of the things that make pagespec_match_list
-# more efficient than repeated calls to pagespec_match.
-sub influences_static {
-	return ! $_[0][1]->{""};
-# Change the influences of $this to be the influences of "$this & $other"
-# or "$this | $other".
-# If both $this and $other are either successful or have influences,
-# or this is an "or" operation, the result has all the influences from
-# either of the arguments. It has dynamic influences if either argument
-# has dynamic influences.
-# If this is an "and" operation, and at least one argument is a
-# FailReason with no influences, the result has no influences, and they
-# are not dynamic. For instance, link(foo) matching bar is influenced
-# by bar, but enabled(ddate) has no influences. Suppose ddate is disabled;
-# then (link(foo) and enabled(ddate)) not matching bar is not influenced by
-# bar, because it would be false however often you edit bar.
-sub merge_influences {
-	my $this=shift;
-	my $other=shift;
-	my $anded=shift;
-	# This "if" is odd because it needs to avoid negating $this
-	# or $other, which would alter the objects in-place. Be careful.
-	if (! $anded || (($this || %{$this->[1]}) &&
-	                 ($other || %{$other->[1]}))) {
-		foreach my $influence (keys %{$other->[1]}) {
-			$this->[1]{$influence} |= $other->[1]{$influence};
-		}
-	}
-	else {
-		# influence blocker
-		$this->[1]={};
-	}
-# Change $this so it is not considered to be influenced by $torm.
-sub remove_influence {
-	my $this=shift;
-	my $torm=shift;
-	delete $this->[1]{$torm};
-package IkiWiki::ErrorReason;
-our @ISA = 'IkiWiki::FailReason';
-package IkiWiki::PageSpec;
-sub derel ($$) {
-	my $path=shift;
-	my $from=shift;
-	if ($path =~ m!^\.(/|$)!) {
-		if ($1) {
-			$from=~s#/?[^/]+$## if defined $from;
-			$path=~s#^\./##;
-			$path="$from/$path" if defined $from && length $from;
-		}
-		else {
-			$path = $from;
-			$path = "" unless defined $path;
-		}
-	}
-	return $path;
-my %glob_cache;
-sub match_glob ($$;@) {
-	my $page=shift;
-	my $glob=shift;
-	my %params=@_;
-	$glob=derel($glob, $params{location});
-	# Instead of converting the glob to a regex every time,
-	# cache the compiled regex to save time.
-	my $re=$glob_cache{$glob};
-	unless (defined $re) {
-		$glob_cache{$glob} = $re = IkiWiki::glob2re($glob);
-	}
-	if ($page =~ $re) {
-		if (! IkiWiki::isinternal($page) || $params{internal}) {
-			return IkiWiki::SuccessReason->new("$glob matches $page");
-		}
-		else {
-			return IkiWiki::FailReason->new("$glob matches $page, but the page is an internal page");
-		}
-	}
-	else {
-		return IkiWiki::FailReason->new("$glob does not match $page");
-	}
-sub match_internal ($$;@) {
-	return match_glob(shift, shift, @_, internal => 1)
-sub match_page ($$;@) {
-	my $page=shift;
-	my $match=match_glob($page, shift, @_);
-	if ($match) {
-		my $source=exists $IkiWiki::pagesources{$page} ?
-			$IkiWiki::pagesources{$page} :
-			$IkiWiki::delpagesources{$page};
-		my $type=defined $source ? IkiWiki::pagetype($source) : undef;
-		if (! defined $type) {	
-			return IkiWiki::FailReason->new("$page is not a page");
-		}
-	}
-	return $match;
-sub match_link ($$;@) {
-	my $page=shift;
-	my $link=lc(shift);
-	my %params=@_;
-	$link=derel($link, $params{location});
-	my $from=exists $params{location} ? $params{location} : '';
-	my $linktype=$params{linktype};
-	my $qualifier='';
-	if (defined $linktype) {
-		$qualifier=" with type $linktype";
-	}
-	my $links = $IkiWiki::links{$page};
-	return IkiWiki::FailReason->new("$page has no links", $page => $IkiWiki::DEPEND_LINKS, "" => 1)
-		unless $links && @{$links};
-	my $bestlink = IkiWiki::bestlink($from, $link);
-	foreach my $p (@{$links}) {
-		next unless (! defined $linktype || exists $IkiWiki::typedlinks{$page}{$linktype}{$p});
-		if (length $bestlink) {
-			if ($bestlink eq IkiWiki::bestlink($page, $p)) {
-				return IkiWiki::SuccessReason->new("$page links to $link$qualifier", $page => $IkiWiki::DEPEND_LINKS, "" => 1)
-			}
-		}
-		else {
-			if (match_glob($p, $link, %params)) {
-				return IkiWiki::SuccessReason->new("$page links to page $p$qualifier, matching $link", $page => $IkiWiki::DEPEND_LINKS, "" => 1)
-			}
-			my ($p_rel)=$p=~/^\/?(.*)/;
-			$link=~s/^\///;
-			if (match_glob($p_rel, $link, %params)) {
-				return IkiWiki::SuccessReason->new("$page links to page $p_rel$qualifier, matching $link", $page => $IkiWiki::DEPEND_LINKS, "" => 1)
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	return IkiWiki::FailReason->new("$page does not link to $link$qualifier", $page => $IkiWiki::DEPEND_LINKS, "" => 1);
-sub match_backlink ($$;@) {
-	my $page=shift;
-	my $testpage=shift;
-	my %params=@_;
-	if ($testpage eq '.') {
-		$testpage = $params{'location'}
-	}
-	my $ret=match_link($testpage, $page, @_);
-	$ret->influences($testpage => $IkiWiki::DEPEND_LINKS);
-	return $ret;
-sub match_created_before ($$;@) {
-	my $page=shift;
-	my $testpage=shift;
-	my %params=@_;
-	$testpage=derel($testpage, $params{location});
-	if (exists $IkiWiki::pagectime{$testpage}) {
-		if ($IkiWiki::pagectime{$page} < $IkiWiki::pagectime{$testpage}) {
-			return IkiWiki::SuccessReason->new("$page created before $testpage", $testpage => $IkiWiki::DEPEND_PRESENCE);
-		}
-		else {
-			return IkiWiki::FailReason->new("$page not created before $testpage", $testpage => $IkiWiki::DEPEND_PRESENCE);
-		}
-	}
-	else {
-		return IkiWiki::ErrorReason->new("$testpage does not exist", $testpage => $IkiWiki::DEPEND_PRESENCE);
-	}
-sub match_created_after ($$;@) {
-	my $page=shift;
-	my $testpage=shift;
-	my %params=@_;
-	$testpage=derel($testpage, $params{location});
-	if (exists $IkiWiki::pagectime{$testpage}) {
-		if ($IkiWiki::pagectime{$page} > $IkiWiki::pagectime{$testpage}) {
-			return IkiWiki::SuccessReason->new("$page created after $testpage", $testpage => $IkiWiki::DEPEND_PRESENCE);
-		}
-		else {
-			return IkiWiki::FailReason->new("$page not created after $testpage", $testpage => $IkiWiki::DEPEND_PRESENCE);
-		}
-	}
-	else {
-		return IkiWiki::ErrorReason->new("$testpage does not exist", $testpage => $IkiWiki::DEPEND_PRESENCE);
-	}
-sub match_creation_day ($$;@) {
-	my $page=shift;
-	my $d=shift;
-	if ($d !~ /^\d+$/) {
-		return IkiWiki::ErrorReason->new("invalid day $d");
-	}
-	if ((localtime($IkiWiki::pagectime{$page}))[3] == $d) {
-		return IkiWiki::SuccessReason->new('creation_day matched');
-	}
-	else {
-		return IkiWiki::FailReason->new('creation_day did not match');
-	}
-sub match_creation_month ($$;@) {
-	my $page=shift;
-	my $m=shift;
-	if ($m !~ /^\d+$/) {
-		return IkiWiki::ErrorReason->new("invalid month $m");
-	}
-	if ((localtime($IkiWiki::pagectime{$page}))[4] + 1 == $m) {
-		return IkiWiki::SuccessReason->new('creation_month matched');
-	}
-	else {
-		return IkiWiki::FailReason->new('creation_month did not match');
-	}
-sub match_creation_year ($$;@) {
-	my $page=shift;
-	my $y=shift;
-	if ($y !~ /^\d+$/) {
-		return IkiWiki::ErrorReason->new("invalid year $y");
-	}
-	if ((localtime($IkiWiki::pagectime{$page}))[5] + 1900 == $y) {
-		return IkiWiki::SuccessReason->new('creation_year matched');
-	}
-	else {
-		return IkiWiki::FailReason->new('creation_year did not match');
-	}
-sub match_user ($$;@) {
-	shift;
-	my $user=shift;
-	my %params=@_;
-	if (! exists $params{user}) {
-		return IkiWiki::ErrorReason->new("no user specified");
-	}
-	my $regexp=IkiWiki::glob2re($user);
-	if (defined $params{user} && $params{user}=~$regexp) {
-		return IkiWiki::SuccessReason->new("user is $user");
-	}
-	elsif (! defined $params{user}) {
-		return IkiWiki::FailReason->new("not logged in");
-	}
-	else {
-		return IkiWiki::FailReason->new("user is $params{user}, not $user");
-	}
-sub match_admin ($$;@) {
-	shift;
-	shift;
-	my %params=@_;
-	if (! exists $params{user}) {
-		return IkiWiki::ErrorReason->new("no user specified");
-	}
-	if (defined $params{user} && IkiWiki::is_admin($params{user})) {
-		return IkiWiki::SuccessReason->new("user is an admin");
-	}
-	elsif (! defined $params{user}) {
-		return IkiWiki::FailReason->new("not logged in");
-	}
-	else {
-		return IkiWiki::FailReason->new("user is not an admin");
-	}
-sub match_ip ($$;@) {
-	shift;
-	my $ip=shift;
-	my %params=@_;
-	if (! exists $params{ip}) {
-		return IkiWiki::ErrorReason->new("no IP specified");
-	}
-	my $regexp=IkiWiki::glob2re(lc $ip);
-	if (defined $params{ip} && lc $params{ip}=~$regexp) {
-		return IkiWiki::SuccessReason->new("IP is $ip");
-	}
-	else {
-		return IkiWiki::FailReason->new("IP is $params{ip}, not $ip");
-	}
-package IkiWiki::SortSpec;
-# This is in the SortSpec namespace so that the $a and $b that sort() uses
-# are easily available in this namespace, for cmp functions to use them.
-sub sort_pages {
-	my $f=shift;
-	sort $f @_
-sub cmp_title {
-	IkiWiki::pagetitle(IkiWiki::basename($a))
-	cmp
-	IkiWiki::pagetitle(IkiWiki::basename($b))
-sub cmp_path { IkiWiki::pagetitle($a) cmp IkiWiki::pagetitle($b) }
-sub cmp_mtime { $IkiWiki::pagemtime{$b} <=> $IkiWiki::pagemtime{$a} }
-sub cmp_age { $IkiWiki::pagectime{$b} <=> $IkiWiki::pagectime{$a} }
diff -Nru ikiwiki-3.20141016.4+deb8u1/.pc/CVE-2019-9187-3.patch/IkiWiki/Plugin/aggregate.pm ikiwiki-3.20141016.4/.pc/CVE-2019-9187-3.patch/IkiWiki/Plugin/aggregate.pm
--- ikiwiki-3.20141016.4+deb8u1/.pc/CVE-2019-9187-3.patch/IkiWiki/Plugin/aggregate.pm	2019-03-07 17:32:54.000000000 +1100
+++ ikiwiki-3.20141016.4/.pc/CVE-2019-9187-3.patch/IkiWiki/Plugin/aggregate.pm	1970-01-01 10:00:00.000000000 +1000
@@ -1,789 +0,0 @@
-# Feed aggregation plugin.
-package IkiWiki::Plugin::aggregate;
-use warnings;
-use strict;
-use IkiWiki 3.00;
-use HTML::Parser;
-use HTML::Tagset;
-use HTML::Entities;
-use open qw{:utf8 :std};
-my %feeds;
-my %guids;
-sub import {
-	hook(type => "getopt", id => "aggregate", call => \&getopt);
-	hook(type => "getsetup", id => "aggregate", call => \&getsetup);
-	hook(type => "checkconfig", id => "aggregate", call => \&checkconfig,
-		last => 1);
-	hook(type => "needsbuild", id => "aggregate", call => \&needsbuild);
-	hook(type => "preprocess", id => "aggregate", call => \&preprocess);
-        hook(type => "delete", id => "aggregate", call => \&delete);
-	hook(type => "savestate", id => "aggregate", call => \&savestate);
-	hook(type => "htmlize", id => "_aggregated", call => \&htmlize);
-	if (exists $config{aggregate_webtrigger} && $config{aggregate_webtrigger}) {
-		hook(type => "cgi", id => "aggregate", call => \&cgi);
-	}
-sub getopt () {
-        eval q{use Getopt::Long};
-	error($@) if $@;
-        Getopt::Long::Configure('pass_through');
-        GetOptions(
-		"aggregate" => \$config{aggregate},
-		"aggregateinternal!" => \$config{aggregateinternal},
-	);
-sub getsetup () {
-	return
-		plugin => {
-			safe => 1,
-			rebuild => undef,
-		},
-		aggregateinternal => {
-			type => "boolean",
-			example => 1,
-			description => "enable aggregation to internal pages?",
-			safe => 0, # enabling needs manual transition
-			rebuild => 0,
-		},
-		aggregate_webtrigger => {
-			type => "boolean",
-			example => 0,
-			description => "allow aggregation to be triggered via the web?",
-			safe => 1,
-			rebuild => 0,
-		},
-sub checkconfig () {
-	if (! defined $config{aggregateinternal}) {
-		$config{aggregateinternal}=1;
-	}
-	# This is done here rather than in a refresh hook because it
-	# needs to run before the wiki is locked.
-	if ($config{aggregate} && ! ($config{post_commit} && 
-	                             IkiWiki::commit_hook_enabled())) {
-		launchaggregation();
-	}
-sub cgi ($) {
-	my $cgi=shift;
-	if (defined $cgi->param('do') &&
-	    $cgi->param("do") eq "aggregate_webtrigger") {
-		$|=1;
-		print "Content-Type: text/plain\n\n";
-		$config{cgi}=0;
-		$config{verbose}=1;
-		$config{syslog}=0;
-		print gettext("Aggregation triggered via web.")."\n\n";
-		if (launchaggregation()) {
-			IkiWiki::lockwiki();
-			IkiWiki::loadindex();
-			require IkiWiki::Render;
-			IkiWiki::refresh();
-			IkiWiki::saveindex();
-		}
-		else {
-			print gettext("Nothing to do right now, all feeds are up-to-date!")."\n";
-		}
-		exit 0;
-	}
-sub launchaggregation () {
-	# See if any feeds need aggregation.
-	loadstate();
-	my @feeds=needsaggregate();
-	return unless @feeds;
-	if (! lockaggregate()) {
-		error("an aggregation process is already running");
-	}
-	# force a later rebuild of source pages
-	$IkiWiki::forcerebuild{$_->{sourcepage}}=1
-		foreach @feeds;
-	# Fork a child process to handle the aggregation.
-	# The parent process will then handle building the
-	# result. This avoids messy code to clear state
-	# accumulated while aggregating.
-	defined(my $pid = fork) or error("Can't fork: $!");
-	if (! $pid) {
-		IkiWiki::loadindex();
-		# Aggregation happens without the main wiki lock
-		# being held. This allows editing pages etc while
-		# aggregation is running.
-		aggregate(@feeds);
-		IkiWiki::lockwiki;
-		# Merge changes, since aggregation state may have
-		# changed on disk while the aggregation was happening.
-		mergestate();
-		expire();
-		savestate();
-		IkiWiki::unlockwiki;
-		exit 0;
-	}
-	waitpid($pid,0);
-	if ($?) {
-		error "aggregation failed with code $?";
-	}
-	clearstate();
-	unlockaggregate();
-	return 1;
-#  Pages with extension _aggregated have plain html markup, pass through.
-sub htmlize (@) {
-	my %params=@_;
-	return $params{content};
-# Used by ikiwiki-transition aggregateinternal.
-sub migrate_to_internal {
-	if (! lockaggregate()) {
-		error("an aggregation process is currently running");
-	}
-	IkiWiki::lockwiki();
-	loadstate();
-	$config{verbose}=1;
-	foreach my $data (values %guids) {
-		next unless $data->{page};
-		next if $data->{expired};
-		$config{aggregateinternal} = 0;
-		my $oldname = "$config{srcdir}/".htmlfn($data->{page});
-		if (! -e $oldname) {
-			$oldname = $IkiWiki::Plugin::transient::transientdir."/".htmlfn($data->{page});
-		}
-		my $oldoutput = $config{destdir}."/".IkiWiki::htmlpage($data->{page});
-		$config{aggregateinternal} = 1;
-		my $newname = $IkiWiki::Plugin::transient::transientdir."/".htmlfn($data->{page});
-		debug "moving $oldname -> $newname";
-		if (-e $newname) {
-			if (-e $oldname) {
-				error("$newname already exists");
-			}
-			else {
-				debug("already renamed to $newname?");
-			}
-		}
-		elsif (-e $oldname) {
-			rename($oldname, $newname) || error("$!");
-		}
-		else {
-			debug("$oldname not found");
-		}
-		if (-e $oldoutput) {
-			require IkiWiki::Render;
-			debug("removing output file $oldoutput");
-			IkiWiki::prune($oldoutput, $config{destdir});
-		}
-	}
-	savestate();
-	IkiWiki::unlockwiki;
-	unlockaggregate();
-sub needsbuild (@) {
-	my $needsbuild=shift;
-	loadstate();
-	foreach my $feed (values %feeds) {
-		if (exists $pagesources{$feed->{sourcepage}} && 
-		    grep { $_ eq $pagesources{$feed->{sourcepage}} } @$needsbuild) {
-			# Mark all feeds originating on this page as 
-			# not yet seen; preprocess will unmark those that
-			# still exist.
-			markunseen($feed->{sourcepage});
-		}
-	}
-	return $needsbuild;
-sub preprocess (@) {
-	my %params=@_;
-	foreach my $required (qw{name url}) {
-		if (! exists $params{$required}) {
-			error sprintf(gettext("missing %s parameter"), $required)
-		}
-	}
-	my $feed={};
-	my $name=$params{name};
-	if (exists $feeds{$name}) {
-		$feed=$feeds{$name};
-	}
-	else {
-		$feeds{$name}=$feed;
-	}
-	$feed->{name}=$name;
-	$feed->{sourcepage}=$params{page};
-	$feed->{url}=$params{url};
-	my $dir=exists $params{dir} ? $params{dir} : $params{page}."/".titlepage($params{name});
-	$dir=~s/^\/+//;
-	($dir)=$dir=~/$config{wiki_file_regexp}/;
-	$feed->{dir}=$dir;
-	$feed->{feedurl}=defined $params{feedurl} ? $params{feedurl} : "";
-	$feed->{updateinterval}=defined $params{updateinterval} ? $params{updateinterval} * 60 : 15 * 60;
-	$feed->{expireage}=defined $params{expireage} ? $params{expireage} : 0;
-	$feed->{expirecount}=defined $params{expirecount} ? $params{expirecount} : 0;
-        if (exists $params{template}) {
-                $params{template}=~s/[^-_a-zA-Z0-9]+//g;
-        }
-        else {
-                $params{template} = "aggregatepost"
-        }
-	$feed->{template}=$params{template} . ".tmpl";
-	delete $feed->{unseen};
-	$feed->{lastupdate}=0 unless defined $feed->{lastupdate};
-	$feed->{lasttry}=$feed->{lastupdate} unless defined $feed->{lasttry};
-	$feed->{numposts}=0 unless defined $feed->{numposts};
-	$feed->{newposts}=0 unless defined $feed->{newposts};
-	$feed->{message}=gettext("new feed") unless defined $feed->{message};
-	$feed->{error}=0 unless defined $feed->{error};
-	$feed->{tags}=[];
-	while (@_) {
-		my $key=shift;
-		my $value=shift;
-		if ($key eq 'tag') {
-			push @{$feed->{tags}}, $value;
-		}
-	}
-	return "<a href=\"".$feed->{url}."\">".$feed->{name}."</a>: ".
-	       ($feed->{error} ? "<em>" : "").$feed->{message}.
-	       ($feed->{error} ? "</em>" : "").
-	       " (".$feed->{numposts}." ".gettext("posts").
-	       ($feed->{newposts} ? "; ".$feed->{newposts}.
-	                            " ".gettext("new") : "").
-	       ")";
-sub delete (@) {
-	my @files=@_;
-	# Remove feed data for removed pages.
-	foreach my $file (@files) {
-		my $page=pagename($file);
-		markunseen($page);
-	}
-sub markunseen ($) {
-	my $page=shift;
-	foreach my $id (keys %feeds) {
-		if ($feeds{$id}->{sourcepage} eq $page) {
-			$feeds{$id}->{unseen}=1;
-		}
-	}
-my $state_loaded=0;
-sub loadstate () {
-	return if $state_loaded;
-	$state_loaded=1;
-	if (-e "$config{wikistatedir}/aggregate") {
-		open(IN, "<", "$config{wikistatedir}/aggregate") ||
-			die "$config{wikistatedir}/aggregate: $!";
-		while (<IN>) {
-			$_=IkiWiki::possibly_foolish_untaint($_);
-			chomp;
-			my $data={};
-			foreach my $i (split(/ /, $_)) {
-				my ($field, $val)=split(/=/, $i, 2);
-				if ($field eq "name" || $field eq "feed" ||
-				    $field eq "guid" || $field eq "message") {
-					$data->{$field}=decode_entities($val, " \t\n");
-				}
-				elsif ($field eq "tag") {
-					push @{$data->{tags}}, $val;
-				}
-				else {
-					$data->{$field}=$val;
-				}
-			}
-			if (exists $data->{name}) {
-				$feeds{$data->{name}}=$data;
-			}
-			elsif (exists $data->{guid}) {
-				$guids{$data->{guid}}=$data;
-			}
-		}
-		close IN;
-	}
-sub savestate () {
-	return unless $state_loaded;
-	garbage_collect();
-	my $newfile="$config{wikistatedir}/aggregate.new";
-	my $cleanup = sub { unlink($newfile) };
-	open (OUT, ">", $newfile) || error("open $newfile: $!", $cleanup);
-	foreach my $data (values %feeds, values %guids) {
-		my @line;
-		foreach my $field (keys %$data) {
-			if ($field eq "name" || $field eq "feed" ||
-			    $field eq "guid" || $field eq "message") {
-				push @line, "$field=".encode_entities($data->{$field}, " \t\n");
-			}
-			elsif ($field eq "tags") {
-				push @line, "tag=$_" foreach @{$data->{tags}};
-			}
-			else {
-				push @line, "$field=".$data->{$field}
-					if defined $data->{$field};
-			}
-		}
-		print OUT join(" ", @line)."\n" || error("write $newfile: $!", $cleanup);
-	}
-	close OUT || error("save $newfile: $!", $cleanup);
-	rename($newfile, "$config{wikistatedir}/aggregate") ||
-		error("rename $newfile: $!", $cleanup);
-	my $timestamp=undef;
-	foreach my $feed (keys %feeds) {
-		my $t=$feeds{$feed}->{lastupdate}+$feeds{$feed}->{updateinterval};
-		if (! defined $timestamp || $timestamp > $t) {
-			$timestamp=$t;
-		}
-	}
-	$newfile=~s/\.new$/time/;
-	open (OUT, ">", $newfile) || error("open $newfile: $!", $cleanup);
-	if (defined $timestamp) {
-		print OUT $timestamp."\n";
-	}
-	close OUT || error("save $newfile: $!", $cleanup);
-sub garbage_collect () {
-	foreach my $name (keys %feeds) {
-		# remove any feeds that were not seen while building the pages
-		# that used to contain them
-		if ($feeds{$name}->{unseen}) {
-			delete $feeds{$name};
-		}
-	}
-	foreach my $guid (values %guids) {
-		# any guid whose feed is gone should be removed
-		if (! exists $feeds{$guid->{feed}}) {
-			if (exists $guid->{page}) {
-				unlink $IkiWiki::Plugin::transient::transientdir."/".htmlfn($guid->{page})
-					|| unlink "$config{srcdir}/".htmlfn($guid->{page});
-			}
-			delete $guids{$guid->{guid}};
-		}
-		# handle expired guids
-		elsif ($guid->{expired} && exists $guid->{page}) {
-			unlink "$config{srcdir}/".htmlfn($guid->{page});
-			unlink $IkiWiki::Plugin::transient::transientdir."/".htmlfn($guid->{page});
-			delete $guid->{page};
-			delete $guid->{md5};
-		}
-	}
-sub mergestate () {
-	# Load the current state in from disk, and merge into it
-	# values from the state in memory that might have changed
-	# during aggregation.
-	my %myfeeds=%feeds;
-	my %myguids=%guids;
-	clearstate();
-	loadstate();
-	# All that can change in feed state during aggregation is a few
-	# fields.
-	foreach my $name (keys %myfeeds) {
-		if (exists $feeds{$name}) {
-			foreach my $field (qw{message lastupdate lasttry
-			                      numposts newposts error}) {
-				$feeds{$name}->{$field}=$myfeeds{$name}->{$field};
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	# New guids can be created during aggregation.
-	# Guids have a few fields that may be updated during aggregation.
-	# It's also possible that guids were removed from the on-disk state
-	# while the aggregation was in process. That would only happen if
-	# their feed was also removed, so any removed guids added back here
-	# will be garbage collected later.
-	foreach my $guid (keys %myguids) {
-		if (! exists $guids{$guid}) {
-			$guids{$guid}=$myguids{$guid};
-		}
-		else {
-			foreach my $field (qw{md5}) {
-				$guids{$guid}->{$field}=$myguids{$guid}->{$field};
-			}
-		}
-	}
-sub clearstate () {
-	%feeds=();
-	%guids=();
-	$state_loaded=0;
-sub expire () {
-	foreach my $feed (values %feeds) {
-		next unless $feed->{expireage} || $feed->{expirecount};
-		my $count=0;
-		my %seen;
-		foreach my $item (sort { ($IkiWiki::pagectime{$b->{page}} || 0) <=> ($IkiWiki::pagectime{$a->{page}} || 0) }
-		                  grep { exists $_->{page} && $_->{feed} eq $feed->{name} }
-		                  values %guids) {
-			if ($feed->{expireage}) {
-				my $days_old = (time - ($IkiWiki::pagectime{$item->{page}} || 0)) / 60 / 60 / 24;
-				if ($days_old > $feed->{expireage}) {
-					debug(sprintf(gettext("expiring %s (%s days old)"),
-						$item->{page}, int($days_old)));
-					$item->{expired}=1;
-				}
-			}
-			elsif ($feed->{expirecount} &&
-			       $count >= $feed->{expirecount}) {
-				debug(sprintf(gettext("expiring %s"), $item->{page}));
-				$item->{expired}=1;
-			}
-			else {
-				if (! $seen{$item->{page}}) {
-					$seen{$item->{page}}=1;
-					$count++;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-sub needsaggregate () {
-	return values %feeds if $config{rebuild};
-	return grep { time - $_->{lastupdate} >= $_->{updateinterval} } values %feeds;
-sub aggregate (@) {
-	eval q{use Net::INET6Glue::INET_is_INET6}; # may not be available
-	eval q{use XML::Feed};
-	error($@) if $@;
-	eval q{use URI::Fetch};
-	error($@) if $@;
-	foreach my $feed (@_) {
-		$feed->{lasttry}=time;
-		$feed->{newposts}=0;
-		$feed->{message}=sprintf(gettext("last checked %s"),
-			displaytime($feed->{lasttry}));
-		$feed->{error}=0;
-		debug(sprintf(gettext("checking feed %s ..."), $feed->{name}));
-		if (! length $feed->{feedurl}) {
-			my @urls=XML::Feed->find_feeds($feed->{url});
-			if (! @urls) {
-				$feed->{message}=sprintf(gettext("could not find feed at %s"), $feed->{url});
-				$feed->{error}=1;
-				debug($feed->{message});
-				next;
-			}
-			$feed->{feedurl}=pop @urls;
-		}
-		my $ua=useragent();
-		my $res=URI::Fetch->fetch($feed->{feedurl}, UserAgent=>$ua);
-		if (! $res) {
-			$feed->{message}=URI::Fetch->errstr;
-			$feed->{error}=1;
-			debug($feed->{message});
-			next;
-		}
-		# lastupdate is only set if we were able to contact the server
-		$feed->{lastupdate}=$feed->{lasttry};
-		if ($res->status == URI::Fetch::URI_GONE()) {
-			$feed->{message}=gettext("feed not found");
-			$feed->{error}=1;
-			debug($feed->{message});
-			next;
-		}
-		my $content=$res->content;
-		my $f=eval{XML::Feed->parse(\$content)};
-		if ($@) {
-			# One common cause of XML::Feed crashing is a feed
-			# that contains invalid UTF-8 sequences. Convert
-			# feed to ascii to try to work around.
-			$feed->{message}.=" ".sprintf(gettext("(invalid UTF-8 stripped from feed)"));
-			$f=eval {
-				$content=Encode::decode_utf8($content, 0);
-				XML::Feed->parse(\$content)
-			};
-		}
-		if ($@) {
-			# Another possibility is badly escaped entities.
-			$feed->{message}.=" ".sprintf(gettext("(feed entities escaped)"));
-			$content=~s/\&(?!amp)(\w+);/&amp;$1;/g;
-			$f=eval {
-				$content=Encode::decode_utf8($content, 0);
-				XML::Feed->parse(\$content)
-			};
-		}
-		if ($@) {
-			# gettext can clobber $@
-			my $error = $@;
-			$feed->{message}=gettext("feed crashed XML::Feed!")." ($error)";
-			$feed->{error}=1;
-			debug($feed->{message});
-			next;
-		}
-		if (! $f) {
-			$feed->{message}=XML::Feed->errstr;
-			$feed->{error}=1;
-			debug($feed->{message});
-			next;
-		}
-		foreach my $entry ($f->entries) {
-			# XML::Feed doesn't work around XML::Atom's bizarre
-			# API, so we will. Real unicode strings? Yes please.
-			# See [[bugs/Aggregated_Atom_feeds_are_double-encoded]]
-			local $XML::Atom::ForceUnicode = 1;
-			my $c=$entry->content;
-			# atom feeds may have no content, only a summary
-			if (! defined $c && ref $entry->summary) {
-				$c=$entry->summary;
-			}
-			add_page(
-				feed => $feed,
-				copyright => $f->copyright,
-				title => defined $entry->title ? decode_entities($entry->title) : "untitled",
-				author => defined $entry->author ? decode_entities($entry->author) : "",
-				link => $entry->link,
-				content => (defined $c && defined $c->body) ? $c->body : "",
-				guid => defined $entry->id ? $entry->id : time."_".$feed->{name},
-				ctime => $entry->issued ? ($entry->issued->epoch || time) : time,
-				base => (defined $c && $c->can("base")) ? $c->base : undef,
-			);
-		}
-	}
-sub add_page (@) {
-	my %params=@_;
-	my $feed=$params{feed};
-	my $guid={};
-	my $mtime;
-	if (exists $guids{$params{guid}}) {
-		# updating an existing post
-		$guid=$guids{$params{guid}};
-		return if $guid->{expired};
-		write_page($feed, $guid, $mtime, \%params);
-	}
-	else {
-		# new post
-		$guid->{guid}=$params{guid};
-		$guids{$params{guid}}=$guid;
-		$mtime=$params{ctime};
-		$feed->{numposts}++;
-		$feed->{newposts}++;
-		# assign it an unused page
-		my $page=titlepage($params{title});
-		# escape slashes and periods in title so it doesn't specify
-		# directory name or trigger ".." disallowing code.
-		$page=~s!([/.])!"__".ord($1)."__"!eg;
-		$page=$feed->{dir}."/".$page;
-		($page)=$page=~/$config{wiki_file_regexp}/;
-		if (! defined $page || ! length $page) {
-			$page=$feed->{dir}."/item";
-		}
-		my $c="";
-		while (exists $IkiWiki::pagecase{lc $page.$c} ||
-		       -e $IkiWiki::Plugin::transient::transientdir."/".htmlfn($page.$c) ||
-		       -e "$config{srcdir}/".htmlfn($page.$c)) {
-			$c++
-		}
-		$page=$page.$c;
-		$guid->{page}=$page;
-		eval { write_page($feed, $guid, $mtime, \%params) };
-		if ($@) {
-			# assume failure was due to a too long filename
-			$c="";
-			$page=$feed->{dir}."/item";
-			while (exists $IkiWiki::pagecase{lc $page.$c} ||
-			      -e $IkiWiki::Plugin::transient::transientdir."/".htmlfn($page.$c) ||
-			      -e "$config{srcdir}/".htmlfn($page.$c)) {
-				$c++
-			}
-			$page=$page.$c;
-			$guid->{page}=$page;
-			write_page($feed, $guid, $mtime, \%params);
-		}
-		debug(sprintf(gettext("creating new page %s"), $page));
-	}
-sub write_page ($$$$$) {
-	my $feed=shift;
-	my $guid=shift;
-	my $mtime=shift;
-	my %params=%{shift()};
-	$guid->{feed}=$feed->{name};
-	# To write or not to write? Need to avoid writing unchanged pages
-	# to avoid unneccessary rebuilding. The mtime from rss cannot be
-	# trusted; let's use a digest.
-	eval q{use Digest::MD5 'md5_hex'};
-	error($@) if $@;
-	require Encode;
-	my $digest=md5_hex(Encode::encode_utf8($params{content}));
-	return unless ! exists $guid->{md5} || $guid->{md5} ne $digest || $config{rebuild};
-	$guid->{md5}=$digest;
-	# Create the page.
-	my $template;
-	eval {
-		$template=template($feed->{template}, blind_cache => 1);
-	};
-	if ($@) {
-		# gettext can clobber $@
-		my $error = $@;
-		print STDERR gettext("failed to process template:")." $error";
-		return;
-	}
-	$template->param(title => $params{title})
-		if defined $params{title} && length($params{title});
-	$template->param(author => $params{author})
-		if defined $params{author} && length($params{author}
-			&& $params{author} ne $feed->{name});
-	$template->param(content => wikiescape(htmlabs($params{content},
-		defined $params{base} ? $params{base} : $feed->{feedurl})));
-	$template->param(name => $feed->{name});
-	$template->param(url => $feed->{url});
-	$template->param(copyright => $params{copyright})
-		if defined $params{copyright} && length $params{copyright};
-	$template->param(permalink => IkiWiki::urlabs($params{link}, $feed->{feedurl}))
-		if defined $params{link};
-	if (ref $feed->{tags}) {
-		$template->param(tags => [map { tag => $_ }, @{$feed->{tags}}]);
-	}
-	writefile(htmlfn($guid->{page}),
-		$IkiWiki::Plugin::transient::transientdir, $template->output);
-	if (defined $mtime && $mtime <= time) {
-		# Set the mtime, this lets the build process get the right
-		# creation time on record for the new page.
-		utime $mtime, $mtime,
-			$IkiWiki::Plugin::transient::transientdir."/".htmlfn($guid->{page});
-		# Store it in pagectime for expiry code to use also.
-		$IkiWiki::pagectime{$guid->{page}}=$mtime
-			unless exists $IkiWiki::pagectime{$guid->{page}};
-	}
-	else {
-		# Dummy value for expiry code.
-		$IkiWiki::pagectime{$guid->{page}}=time
-			unless exists $IkiWiki::pagectime{$guid->{page}};
-	}
-sub wikiescape ($) {
-	# escape accidental wikilinks and preprocessor stuff
-	return encode_entities(shift, '\[\]');
-sub htmlabs ($$) {
-	# Convert links in html from relative to absolute.
-	# Note that this is a heuristic, which is not specified by the rss
-	# spec and may not be right for all feeds. Also, see Debian
-	# bug #381359.
-	my $html=shift;
-	my $urlbase=shift;
-	my $ret="";
-	my $p = HTML::Parser->new(api_version => 3);
-	$p->handler(default => sub { $ret.=join("", @_) }, "text");
-	$p->handler(start => sub {
-		my ($tagname, $pos, $text) = @_;
-		if (ref $HTML::Tagset::linkElements{$tagname}) {
-			while (4 <= @$pos) {
-				# use attribute sets from right to left
-				# to avoid invalidating the offsets
-				# when replacing the values
-				my($k_offset, $k_len, $v_offset, $v_len) =
-					splice(@$pos, -4);
-				my $attrname = lc(substr($text, $k_offset, $k_len));
-				next unless grep { $_ eq $attrname } @{$HTML::Tagset::linkElements{$tagname}};
-				next unless $v_offset; # 0 v_offset means no value
-				my $v = substr($text, $v_offset, $v_len);
-				$v =~ s/^([\'\"])(.*)\1$/$2/;
-				my $new_v=IkiWiki::urlabs($v, $urlbase);
-				$new_v =~ s/\"/&quot;/g; # since we quote with ""
-				substr($text, $v_offset, $v_len) = qq("$new_v");
-			}
-		}
-		$ret.=$text;
-	}, "tagname, tokenpos, text");
-	$p->parse($html);
-	$p->eof;
-	return $ret;
-sub htmlfn ($) {
-	return shift().".".($config{aggregateinternal} ? "_aggregated" : $config{htmlext});
-my $aggregatelock;
-sub lockaggregate () {
-	# Take an exclusive lock to prevent multiple concurrent aggregators.
-	# Returns true if the lock was aquired.
-	if (! -d $config{wikistatedir}) {
-		mkdir($config{wikistatedir});
-	}
-	open($aggregatelock, '>', "$config{wikistatedir}/aggregatelock") ||
-		error ("cannot open to $config{wikistatedir}/aggregatelock: $!");
-	if (! flock($aggregatelock, 2 | 4)) { # LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB
-		close($aggregatelock) || error("failed closing aggregatelock: $!");
-		return 0;
-	}
-	return 1;
-sub unlockaggregate () {
-	return close($aggregatelock) if $aggregatelock;
-	return;
diff -Nru ikiwiki-3.20141016.4+deb8u1/.pc/CVE-2019-9187-3.patch/IkiWiki/Plugin/blogspam.pm ikiwiki-3.20141016.4/.pc/CVE-2019-9187-3.patch/IkiWiki/Plugin/blogspam.pm
--- ikiwiki-3.20141016.4+deb8u1/.pc/CVE-2019-9187-3.patch/IkiWiki/Plugin/blogspam.pm	2019-03-07 17:32:54.000000000 +1100
+++ ikiwiki-3.20141016.4/.pc/CVE-2019-9187-3.patch/IkiWiki/Plugin/blogspam.pm	1970-01-01 10:00:00.000000000 +1000
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
-package IkiWiki::Plugin::blogspam;
-use warnings;
-use strict;
-use IkiWiki 3.00;
-use Encode;
-my $defaulturl='http://test.blogspam.net:9999/';
-my $client;
-sub import {
-	hook(type => "getsetup", id => "blogspam",  call => \&getsetup);
-	hook(type => "checkconfig", id => "blogspam", call => \&checkconfig);
-	hook(type => "checkcontent", id => "blogspam", call => \&checkcontent);
-sub getsetup () {
-	return
-		plugin => {
-			safe => 1,
-			rebuild => 0,
-			section => "auth",
-		},
-		blogspam_pagespec => {
-			type => 'pagespec',
-			example => 'postcomment(*)',
-			description => 'PageSpec of pages to check for spam',
-			link => 'ikiwiki/PageSpec',
-			safe => 1,
-			rebuild => 0,
-		},
-		blogspam_options => {
-			type => "string",
-			example => "blacklist=,blacklist=,max-links=10",
-			description => "options to send to blogspam server",
-			link => "http://blogspam.net/api/2.0/testComment.html#options";,
-			safe => 1,
-			rebuild => 0,
-		},
-		blogspam_server => {
-			type => "string",
-			default => $defaulturl,
-			description => "blogspam server JSON url",
-			safe => 1,
-			rebuild => 0,
-		},
-sub checkconfig () {
-	# This is done at checkconfig time because printing an error
-	# if the module is missing when a spam is posted would not
-	# let the admin know about the problem.
-	eval q{
-		use JSON;
-		use HTTP::Request;
-	};
-	error $@ if $@;
-	eval q{use LWPx::ParanoidAgent};
-	if (!$@) {
-		$client=LWPx::ParanoidAgent->new(agent => $config{useragent});
-	}
-	else {
-		eval q{use LWP};
-		if ($@) {
-			error $@;
-			return;
-		}
-		$client=useragent();
-	}
-sub checkcontent (@) {
-	my %params=@_;
-	my $session=$params{session};
-	my $spec='!admin()';
- 	if (exists $config{blogspam_pagespec} &&
-	    length $config{blogspam_pagespec}) {
-		$spec.=" and (".$config{blogspam_pagespec}.")";
-	}
-	my $user=$session->param("name");
-	return undef unless pagespec_match($params{page}, $spec,
-		(defined $user ? (user => $user) : ()),
-		(defined $session->remote_addr() ? (ip => $session->remote_addr()) : ()),
-		location => $params{page});
-	my $url=$defaulturl;
-	$url = $config{blogspam_server} if exists $config{blogspam_server};
-	my @options = split(",", $config{blogspam_options})
-		if exists $config{blogspam_options};
-	# Allow short comments and whitespace-only edits, unless the user
-	# has overridden min-words themselves.
-	push @options, "min-words=0"
-		unless grep /^min-words=/i, @options;
-	# Wiki pages can have a lot of urls, unless the user specifically
-	# wants to limit them.
-	push @options, "exclude=lotsaurls"
-		unless grep /^max-links/i, @options;
-	# Unless the user specified a size check, disable such checking.
-	push @options, "exclude=size"
-		unless grep /^(?:max|min)-size/i, @options;
-	# This test has absurd false positives on words like "alpha"
-	# and "buy".
-	push @options, "exclude=stopwords";
-	my %req=(
-		ip => $session->remote_addr(),
-		comment => encode_utf8(defined $params{diff} ? $params{diff} : $params{content}),
-		subject => encode_utf8(defined $params{subject} ? $params{subject} : ""),
-		name => encode_utf8(defined $params{author} ? $params{author} : ""),
-		link => encode_utf8(exists $params{url} ? $params{url} : ""),
-		options => join(",", @options),
-		site => encode_utf8($config{url}),
-		version => "ikiwiki ".$IkiWiki::version,
-	);
-	eval q{use JSON; use HTTP::Request}; # errors handled in checkconfig()
-	my $res = $client->request(
-		HTTP::Request->new(
-			'POST',
-			$url,
-			[ 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' ],
-			to_json(\%req),
-		),
-	);
-	if (! ref $res || ! $res->is_success()) {
-		debug("failed to get response from blogspam server ($url)");
-		return undef;
-	}
-	my $details = from_json($res->content);
-	if ($details->{result} eq 'SPAM') {
-		eval q{use Data::Dumper};
-		debug("blogspam server reports $details->{reason}: ".Dumper(\%req));
-		return gettext("Sorry, but that looks like spam to <a href=\"http://blogspam.net/\";>blogspam</a>: ").$details->{reason};
-	}
-	elsif ($details->{result} ne 'OK') {
-		debug("blogspam server failure: ".$res->content);
-		return undef;
-	}
-	else {
-		return undef;
-	}
diff -Nru ikiwiki-3.20141016.4+deb8u1/.pc/CVE-2019-9187-3.patch/IkiWiki/Plugin/openid.pm ikiwiki-3.20141016.4/.pc/CVE-2019-9187-3.patch/IkiWiki/Plugin/openid.pm
--- ikiwiki-3.20141016.4+deb8u1/.pc/CVE-2019-9187-3.patch/IkiWiki/Plugin/openid.pm	2019-03-07 17:32:54.000000000 +1100
+++ ikiwiki-3.20141016.4/.pc/CVE-2019-9187-3.patch/IkiWiki/Plugin/openid.pm	1970-01-01 10:00:00.000000000 +1000
@@ -1,286 +0,0 @@
-# OpenID support.
-package IkiWiki::Plugin::openid;
-use warnings;
-use strict;
-use IkiWiki 3.00;
-sub import {
-	add_underlay("openid-selector");
-	add_underlay("jquery");
-	hook(type => "checkconfig", id => "openid", call => \&checkconfig);
-	hook(type => "getsetup", id => "openid", call => \&getsetup);
-	hook(type => "auth", id => "openid", call => \&auth);
-	hook(type => "formbuilder_setup", id => "openid",
-		call => \&formbuilder_setup, last => 1);
-sub checkconfig () {
-	if ($config{cgi}) {
-		# Intercept normal signin form, so the openid selector
-		# can be displayed.
-		# 
-		# When other auth hooks are registered, give the selector
-		# a reference to the normal signin form.
-		require IkiWiki::CGI;
-		my $real_cgi_signin;
-		if (keys %{$IkiWiki::hooks{auth}} > 1) {
-			$real_cgi_signin=\&IkiWiki::cgi_signin;
-		}
-		inject(name => "IkiWiki::cgi_signin", call => sub ($$) {
-			openid_selector($real_cgi_signin, @_);
-		});
-	}
-sub getsetup () {
-	return
-		plugin => {
-			safe => 1,
-			rebuild => 0,
-			section => "auth",
-		},
-		openid_realm => {
-			type => "string",
-			description => "url pattern of openid realm (default is cgiurl)",
-			safe => 0,
-			rebuild => 0,
-		},
-		openid_cgiurl => {
-			type => "string",
-			description => "url to ikiwiki cgi to use for openid authentication (default is cgiurl)",
-			safe => 0,
-			rebuild => 0,
-		},
-sub openid_selector {
-	my $real_cgi_signin=shift;
-        my $q=shift;
-        my $session=shift;
-	my $openid_url=$q->param('openid_identifier');
-	my $openid_error;
-	if (! load_openid_module()) {
-		if ($real_cgi_signin) {
-			$real_cgi_signin->($q, $session);
-			exit;
-		}
-		error(sprintf(gettext("failed to load openid module: "), @_));
-	}
-	elsif (defined $q->param("action") && $q->param("action") eq "verify") {
-		validate($q, $session, $openid_url, sub {
-			$openid_error=shift;
-		});
-	}
-	my $template=IkiWiki::template("openid-selector.tmpl");
-	$template->param(
-		cgiurl => IkiWiki::cgiurl(),
-		(defined $openid_error ? (openid_error => $openid_error) : ()),
-		(defined $openid_url ? (openid_url => $openid_url) : ()),
-		($real_cgi_signin ? (nonopenidform => $real_cgi_signin->($q, $session, 1)) : ()),
-	);
-	IkiWiki::printheader($session);
-	print IkiWiki::cgitemplate($q, "signin", $template->output);
-	exit;
-sub formbuilder_setup (@) {
-	my %params=@_;
-	my $form=$params{form};
-	my $session=$params{session};
-	my $cgi=$params{cgi};
-	if ($form->title eq "preferences" &&
-	       IkiWiki::openiduser($session->param("name"))) {
-		$form->field(name => "openid_identifier", disabled => 1,
-			label => htmllink("", "", "ikiwiki/OpenID", noimageinline => 1),
-			value => "", 
-			size => 1, force => 1,
-			fieldset => "login",
-			comment => $session->param("name"));
-		$form->field(name => "email", type => "hidden");
-	}
-sub validate ($$$;$) {
-	my $q=shift;
-	my $session=shift;
-	my $openid_url=shift;
-	my $errhandler=shift;
-	my $csr=getobj($q, $session);
-	my $claimed_identity = $csr->claimed_identity($openid_url);
-	if (! $claimed_identity) {
-		if ($errhandler) {
-			if (ref($errhandler) eq 'CODE') {
-				$errhandler->($csr->err);
-			}
-			return 0;
-		}
-		else {
-			error($csr->err);
-		}
-	}
-	# Ask for client to provide a name and email, if possible.
-	# Try sreg and ax
-	if ($claimed_identity->can("set_extension_args")) {
-		$claimed_identity->set_extension_args(
-			'http://openid.net/extensions/sreg/1.1',
-			{
-				optional => 'email,fullname,nickname',
-			},
-		);
-		$claimed_identity->set_extension_args(
-			'http://openid.net/srv/ax/1.0',
-			{
-				mode => 'fetch_request',
-				'required' => 'email,fullname,nickname,firstname',
-				'type.email' => "http://schema.openid.net/contact/email";,
-				'type.fullname' => "http://axschema.org/namePerson";,
-				'type.nickname' => "http://axschema.org/namePerson/friendly";,
-				'type.firstname' => "http://axschema.org/namePerson/first";,
-			},
-		);
-	}
-	my $cgiurl=$config{openid_cgiurl};
-	$cgiurl=$q->url if ! defined $cgiurl;
-	my $trust_root=$config{openid_realm};
-	$trust_root=$cgiurl if ! defined $trust_root;
-	my $check_url = $claimed_identity->check_url(
-		return_to => auto_upgrade_https($q, "$cgiurl?do=postsignin"),
-		trust_root => auto_upgrade_https($q, $trust_root),
-		delayed_return => 1,
-	);
-	# Redirect the user to the OpenID server, which will
-	# eventually bounce them back to auth()
-	IkiWiki::redirect($q, $check_url);
-	exit 0;
-sub auth ($$) {
-	my $q=shift;
-	my $session=shift;
-	if (defined $q->param('openid.mode')) {
-		my $csr=getobj($q, $session);
-		if (my $setup_url = $csr->user_setup_url) {
-			IkiWiki::redirect($q, $setup_url);
-		}
-		elsif ($csr->user_cancel) {
-			IkiWiki::redirect($q, IkiWiki::baseurl(undef));
-		}
-		elsif (my $vident = $csr->verified_identity) {
-			$session->param(name => $vident->url);
-			my @extensions;
-			if ($vident->can("signed_extension_fields")) {
-				@extensions=grep { defined } (
-					$vident->signed_extension_fields('http://openid.net/extensions/sreg/1.1'),
-					$vident->signed_extension_fields('http://openid.net/srv/ax/1.0'),
-				);
-			}
-			my $nickname;
-			foreach my $ext (@extensions) {
-				foreach my $field (qw{value.email email}) {
-					if (exists $ext->{$field} &&
-					    defined $ext->{$field} &&
-					    length $ext->{$field}) {
-						$session->param(email => $ext->{$field});
-						if (! defined $nickname &&
-						    $ext->{$field}=~/(.+)@.+/) {
-							$nickname = $1;
-						}
-						last;
-					}
-				}
-				foreach my $field (qw{value.nickname nickname value.fullname fullname value.firstname}) {
-					if (exists $ext->{$field} &&
-					    defined $ext->{$field} &&
-					    length $ext->{$field}) {
-						$nickname=$ext->{$field};
-						last;
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			if (defined $nickname) {
-				$session->param(nickname =>
-					Encode::decode_utf8($nickname));
-			}
-		}
-		else {
-			error("OpenID failure: ".$csr->err);
-		}
-	}
-	elsif (defined $q->param('openid_identifier')) {
-		# myopenid.com affiliate support
-		validate($q, $session, scalar $q->param('openid_identifier'));
-	}
-sub getobj ($$) {
-	my $q=shift;
-	my $session=shift;
-	eval q{use Net::INET6Glue::INET_is_INET6}; # may not be available
-	eval q{use Net::OpenID::Consumer};
-	error($@) if $@;
-	my $ua;
-	eval q{use LWPx::ParanoidAgent};
-	if (! $@) {
-		$ua=LWPx::ParanoidAgent->new(agent => $config{useragent});
-	}
-	else {
-		$ua=useragent();
-	}
-	# Store the secret in the session.
-	my $secret=$session->param("openid_secret");
-	if (! defined $secret) {
-		$secret=rand;
-		$session->param(openid_secret => $secret);
-	}
-	my $cgiurl=$config{openid_cgiurl};
-	$cgiurl=$q->url if ! defined $cgiurl;
-	return Net::OpenID::Consumer->new(
-		ua => $ua,
-		args => $q,
-		consumer_secret => sub { return shift()+$secret },
-		required_root => auto_upgrade_https($q, $cgiurl),
-	);
-sub auto_upgrade_https {
-	my $q=shift;
-	my $url=shift;
-	if ($q->https()) {
-		$url=~s/^http:/https:/i;
-	}
-	return $url;
-sub load_openid_module {
-	# Give up if module is unavailable to avoid needing to depend on it.
-	eval q{use Net::OpenID::Consumer};
-	if ($@) {
-		debug("unable to load Net::OpenID::Consumer, not enabling OpenID login ($@)");
-		return;
-	}
-	return 1;
diff -Nru ikiwiki-3.20141016.4+deb8u1/.pc/CVE-2019-9187-3.patch/IkiWiki/Plugin/pinger.pm ikiwiki-3.20141016.4/.pc/CVE-2019-9187-3.patch/IkiWiki/Plugin/pinger.pm
--- ikiwiki-3.20141016.4+deb8u1/.pc/CVE-2019-9187-3.patch/IkiWiki/Plugin/pinger.pm	2019-03-07 17:32:54.000000000 +1100
+++ ikiwiki-3.20141016.4/.pc/CVE-2019-9187-3.patch/IkiWiki/Plugin/pinger.pm	1970-01-01 10:00:00.000000000 +1000
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-package IkiWiki::Plugin::pinger;
-use warnings;
-use strict;
-use IkiWiki 3.00;
-my %pages;
-my $pinged=0;
-sub import {
-	hook(type => "getsetup", id => "pinger", call => \&getsetup);
-	hook(type => "needsbuild", id => "pinger", call => \&needsbuild);
-	hook(type => "preprocess", id => "ping", call => \&preprocess);
-	hook(type => "delete", id => "pinger", call => \&ping);
-	hook(type => "rendered", id => "pinger", call => \&ping);
-sub getsetup () {
-	return
-		plugin => {
-			safe => 1,
-			rebuild => 0,
-		},
-		pinger_timeout => {
-			type => "integer",
-			example => 15,
-			description => "how many seconds to try pinging before timing out",
-			safe => 1,
-			rebuild => 0,
-		},
-sub needsbuild (@) {
-	my $needsbuild=shift;
-	foreach my $page (keys %pagestate) {
-		if (exists $pagestate{$page}{pinger}) {
-			$pages{$page}=1;
-			if (exists $pagesources{$page} &&
-			    grep { $_ eq $pagesources{$page} } @$needsbuild) {
-				# remove state, will be re-added if
-				# the ping directive is still present
-				# on rebuild.
-				delete $pagestate{$page}{pinger};
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	return $needsbuild;
-sub preprocess (@) {
-	my %params=@_;
-	if (! exists $params{from} || ! exists $params{to}) {
-		error gettext("requires 'from' and 'to' parameters");
-	}
-	if ($params{from} eq $config{url}) {
-		$pagestate{$params{destpage}}{pinger}{$params{to}}=1;
-		$pages{$params{destpage}}=1;
-		return sprintf(gettext("Will ping %s"), $params{to});
-	}
-	else {
-		return sprintf(gettext("Ignoring ping directive for wiki %s (this wiki is %s)"), $params{from}, $config{url});
-	}
-sub ping {
-	if (! $pinged && %pages) {
-		$pinged=1;
-		eval q{use Net::INET6Glue::INET_is_INET6}; # may not be available
-		my $ua;
-		eval q{use LWPx::ParanoidAgent};
-		if (!$@) {
-			$ua=LWPx::ParanoidAgent->new(agent => $config{useragent});
-		}
-		else {
-			eval q{use LWP};
-			if ($@) {
-				debug(gettext("LWP not found, not pinging"));
-				return;
-			}
-			$ua=useragent();
-		}
-		$ua->timeout($config{pinger_timeout} || 15);
-		# daemonise here so slow pings don't slow down wiki updates
-		defined(my $pid = fork) or error("Can't fork: $!");
-		return if $pid;
-		chdir '/';
-		open STDIN, '/dev/null';
-		open STDOUT, '>/dev/null';
-		POSIX::setsid() or error("Can't start a new session: $!");
-		open STDERR, '>&STDOUT' or error("Can't dup stdout: $!");
-		# Don't need to keep a lock on the wiki as a daemon.
-		IkiWiki::unlockwiki();
-		my %urls;
-		foreach my $page (%pages) {
-			if (exists $pagestate{$page}{pinger}) {
-				$urls{$_}=1 foreach keys %{$pagestate{$page}{pinger}};
-			}
-		}
-		foreach my $url (keys %urls) {
-			# Try to avoid pinging ourselves. If this check
-			# fails, it's not the end of the world, since we
-			# only ping when a page was changed, so a ping loop
-			# will still be avoided.
-			next if $url=~/^\Q$config{cgiurl}\E/;
-			my $local_cgiurl = IkiWiki::cgiurl();
-			next if $url=~/^\Q$local_cgiurl\E/;
-			$ua->get($url);
-		}
-		exit 0;
-	}
diff -Nru ikiwiki-3.20141016.4+deb8u1/.pc/CVE-2019-9187-3.patch/IkiWiki.pm ikiwiki-3.20141016.4/.pc/CVE-2019-9187-3.patch/IkiWiki.pm
--- ikiwiki-3.20141016.4+deb8u1/.pc/CVE-2019-9187-3.patch/IkiWiki.pm	2019-03-07 17:32:54.000000000 +1100
+++ ikiwiki-3.20141016.4/.pc/CVE-2019-9187-3.patch/IkiWiki.pm	1970-01-01 10:00:00.000000000 +1000
@@ -1,3032 +0,0 @@
-package IkiWiki;
-use warnings;
-use strict;
-use Encode;
-use URI::Escape q{uri_escape_utf8};
-use POSIX ();
-use Storable;
-use open qw{:utf8 :std};
-use vars qw{%config %links %oldlinks %pagemtime %pagectime %pagecase
-	%pagestate %wikistate %renderedfiles %oldrenderedfiles
-	%pagesources %delpagesources %destsources %depends %depends_simple
-	@mass_depends %hooks %forcerebuild %loaded_plugins %typedlinks
-	%oldtypedlinks %autofiles @underlayfiles $lastrev $phase};
-use Exporter q{import};
-our @EXPORT = qw(hook debug error htmlpage template template_depends
-	deptype add_depends pagespec_match pagespec_match_list bestlink
-	htmllink readfile writefile pagetype srcfile pagename
-	displaytime strftime_utf8 will_render gettext ngettext urlto targetpage
-	add_underlay pagetitle titlepage linkpage newpagefile
-	inject add_link add_autofile useragent
-	%config %links %pagestate %wikistate %renderedfiles
-	%pagesources %destsources %typedlinks);
-our $VERSION = 3.00; # plugin interface version, next is ikiwiki version
-our $version='unknown'; # VERSION_AUTOREPLACE done by Makefile, DNE
-our $installdir='/usr'; # INSTALLDIR_AUTOREPLACE done by Makefile, DNE
-# Page dependency types.
-# Phases of processing.
-sub PHASE_SCAN () { 0 }
-sub PHASE_RENDER () { 1 }
-$phase = PHASE_SCAN;
-# Optimisation.
-use Memoize;
-sub getsetup () {
-	wikiname => {
-		type => "string",
-		default => "wiki",
-		description => "name of the wiki",
-		safe => 1,
-		rebuild => 1,
-	},
-	adminemail => {
-		type => "string",
-		default => undef,
-		example => 'me@example.com',
-		description => "contact email for wiki",
-		safe => 1,
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	adminuser => {
-		type => "string",
-		default => [],
-		description => "users who are wiki admins",
-		safe => 1,
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	banned_users => {
-		type => "string",
-		default => [],
-		description => "users who are banned from the wiki",
-		safe => 1,
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	srcdir => {
-		type => "string",
-		default => undef,
-		example => "$ENV{HOME}/wiki",
-		description => "where the source of the wiki is located",
-		safe => 0, # path
-		rebuild => 1,
-	},
-	destdir => {
-		type => "string",
-		default => undef,
-		example => "/var/www/wiki",
-		description => "where to build the wiki",
-		safe => 0, # path
-		rebuild => 1,
-	},
-	url => {
-		type => "string",
-		default => '',
-		example => "http://example.com/wiki";,
-		description => "base url to the wiki",
-		safe => 1,
-		rebuild => 1,
-	},
-	cgiurl => {
-		type => "string",
-		default => '',
-		example => "http://example.com/wiki/ikiwiki.cgi";,
-		description => "url to the ikiwiki.cgi",
-		safe => 1,
-		rebuild => 1,
-	},
-	reverse_proxy => {
-		type => "boolean",
-		default => 0,
-		description => "do not adjust cgiurl if CGI is accessed via different URL",
-		advanced => 0,
-		safe => 1,
-		rebuild => 0, # only affects CGI requests
-	},
-	cgi_wrapper => {
-		type => "string",
-		default => '',
-		example => "/var/www/wiki/ikiwiki.cgi",
-		description => "filename of cgi wrapper to generate",
-		safe => 0, # file
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	cgi_wrappermode => {
-		type => "string",
-		default => '06755',
-		description => "mode for cgi_wrapper (can safely be made suid)",
-		safe => 0,
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	cgi_overload_delay => {
-		type => "string",
-		default => '',
-		example => "10",
-		description => "number of seconds to delay CGI requests when overloaded",
-		safe => 1,
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	cgi_overload_message => {
-		type => "string",
-		default => '',
-		example => "Please wait",
-		description => "message to display when overloaded (may contain html)",
-		safe => 1,
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	only_committed_changes => {
-		type => "boolean",
-		default => 0,
-		description => "enable optimization of only refreshing committed changes?",
-		safe => 1,
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	rcs => {
-		type => "string",
-		default => '',
-		description => "rcs backend to use",
-		safe => 0, # don't allow overriding
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	default_plugins => {
-		type => "internal",
-		default => [qw{mdwn link inline meta htmlscrubber passwordauth
-				openid signinedit lockedit conditional
-				recentchanges parentlinks editpage
-				templatebody}],
-		description => "plugins to enable by default",
-		safe => 0,
-		rebuild => 1,
-	},
-	add_plugins => {
-		type => "string",
-		default => [],
-		description => "plugins to add to the default configuration",
-		safe => 1,
-		rebuild => 1,
-	},
-	disable_plugins => {
-		type => "string",
-		default => [],
-		description => "plugins to disable",
-		safe => 1,
-		rebuild => 1,
-	},
-	templatedir => {
-		type => "string",
-		default => "$installdir/share/ikiwiki/templates",
-		description => "additional directory to search for template files",
-		advanced => 1,
-		safe => 0, # path
-		rebuild => 1,
-	},
-	underlaydir => {
-		type => "string",
-		default => "$installdir/share/ikiwiki/basewiki",
-		description => "base wiki source location",
-		advanced => 1,
-		safe => 0, # path
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	underlaydirbase => {
-		type => "internal",
-		default => "$installdir/share/ikiwiki",
-		description => "parent directory containing additional underlays",
-		safe => 0,
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	wrappers => {
-		type => "internal",
-		default => [],
-		description => "wrappers to generate",
-		safe => 0,
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	underlaydirs => {
-		type => "internal",
-		default => [],
-		description => "additional underlays to use",
-		safe => 0,
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	verbose => {
-		type => "boolean",
-		example => 1,
-		description => "display verbose messages?",
-		safe => 1,
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	syslog => {
-		type => "boolean",
-		example => 1,
-		description => "log to syslog?",
-		safe => 1,
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	usedirs => {
-		type => "boolean",
-		default => 1,
-		description => "create output files named page/index.html?",
-		safe => 0, # changing requires manual transition
-		rebuild => 1,
-	},
-	prefix_directives => {
-		type => "boolean",
-		default => 1,
-		description => "use '!'-prefixed preprocessor directives?",
-		safe => 0, # changing requires manual transition
-		rebuild => 1,
-	},
-	indexpages => {
-		type => "boolean",
-		default => 0,
-		description => "use page/index.mdwn source files",
-		safe => 1,
-		rebuild => 1,
-	},
-	discussion => {
-		type => "boolean",
-		default => 1,
-		description => "enable Discussion pages?",
-		safe => 1,
-		rebuild => 1,
-	},
-	discussionpage => {
-		type => "string",
-		default => gettext("Discussion"),
-		description => "name of Discussion pages",
-		safe => 1,
-		rebuild => 1,
-	},
-	html5 => {
-		type => "boolean",
-		default => 0,
-		description => "generate HTML5?",
-		advanced => 0,
-		safe => 1,
-		rebuild => 1,
-	},
-	sslcookie => {
-		type => "boolean",
-		default => 0,
-		description => "only send cookies over SSL connections?",
-		advanced => 1,
-		safe => 1,
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	default_pageext => {
-		type => "string",
-		default => "mdwn",
-		description => "extension to use for new pages",
-		safe => 0, # not sanitized
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	htmlext => {
-		type => "string",
-		default => "html",
-		description => "extension to use for html files",
-		safe => 0, # not sanitized
-		rebuild => 1,
-	},
-	timeformat => {
-		type => "string",
-		default => '%c',
-		description => "strftime format string to display date",
-		advanced => 1,
-		safe => 1,
-		rebuild => 1,
-	},
-	locale => {
-		type => "string",
-		default => undef,
-		example => "en_US.UTF-8",
-		description => "UTF-8 locale to use",
-		advanced => 1,
-		safe => 0,
-		rebuild => 1,
-	},
-	userdir => {
-		type => "string",
-		default => "",
-		example => "users",
-		description => "put user pages below specified page",
-		safe => 1,
-		rebuild => 1,
-	},
-	numbacklinks => {
-		type => "integer",
-		default => 10,
-		description => "how many backlinks to show before hiding excess (0 to show all)",
-		safe => 1,
-		rebuild => 1,
-	},
-	hardlink => {
-		type => "boolean",
-		default => 0,
-		description => "attempt to hardlink source files? (optimisation for large files)",
-		advanced => 1,
-		safe => 0, # paranoia
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	umask => {
-		type => "string",
-		example => "public",
-		description => "force ikiwiki to use a particular umask (keywords public, group or private, or a number)",
-		advanced => 1,
-		safe => 0, # paranoia
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	wrappergroup => {
-		type => "string",
-		example => "ikiwiki",
-		description => "group for wrappers to run in",
-		advanced => 1,
-		safe => 0, # paranoia
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	libdir => {
-		type => "string",
-		default => "",
-		example => "$ENV{HOME}/.ikiwiki/",
-		description => "extra library and plugin directory",
-		advanced => 1,
-		safe => 0, # directory
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	ENV => {
-		type => "string", 
-		default => {},
-		description => "environment variables",
-		safe => 0, # paranoia
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	timezone => {
-		type => "string", 
-		default => "",
-		example => "US/Eastern",
-		description => "time zone name",
-		safe => 1,
-		rebuild => 1,
-	},
-	include => {
-		type => "string",
-		default => undef,
-		example => '^\.htaccess$',
-		description => "regexp of normally excluded files to include",
-		advanced => 1,
-		safe => 0, # regexp
-		rebuild => 1,
-	},
-	exclude => {
-		type => "string",
-		default => undef,
-		example => '^(*\.private|Makefile)$',
-		description => "regexp of files that should be skipped",
-		advanced => 1,
-		safe => 0, # regexp
-		rebuild => 1,
-	},
-	wiki_file_prune_regexps => {
-		type => "internal",
-		default => [qr/(^|\/)\.\.(\/|$)/, qr/^\//, qr/^\./, qr/\/\./,
-			qr/\.x?html?$/, qr/\.ikiwiki-new$/,
-			qr/(^|\/).svn\//, qr/.arch-ids\//, qr/{arch}\//,
-			qr/(^|\/)_MTN\//, qr/(^|\/)_darcs\//,
-			qr/(^|\/)CVS\//, qr/\.dpkg-tmp$/],
-		description => "regexps of source files to ignore",
-		safe => 0,
-		rebuild => 1,
-	},
-	wiki_file_chars => {
-		type => "string",
-		description => "specifies the characters that are allowed in source filenames",
-		default => "-[:alnum:]+/.:_",
-		safe => 0,
-		rebuild => 1,
-	},
-	wiki_file_regexp => {
-		type => "internal",
-		description => "regexp of legal source files",
-		safe => 0,
-		rebuild => 1,
-	},
-	web_commit_regexp => {
-		type => "internal",
-		default => qr/^web commit (by (.*?(?=: |$))|from ([0-9a-fA-F:.]+[0-9a-fA-F])):?(.*)/,
-		description => "regexp to parse web commits from logs",
-		safe => 0,
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	cgi => {
-		type => "internal",
-		default => 0,
-		description => "run as a cgi",
-		safe => 0,
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	cgi_disable_uploads => {
-		type => "internal",
-		default => 1,
-		description => "whether CGI should accept file uploads",
-		safe => 0,
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	post_commit => {
-		type => "internal",
-		default => 0,
-		description => "run as a post-commit hook",
-		safe => 0,
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	rebuild => {
-		type => "internal",
-		default => 0,
-		description => "running in rebuild mode",
-		safe => 0,
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	setup => {
-		type => "internal",
-		default => undef,
-		description => "running in setup mode",
-		safe => 0,
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	clean => {
-		type => "internal",
-		default => 0,
-		description => "running in clean mode",
-		safe => 0,
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	refresh => {
-		type => "internal",
-		default => 0,
-		description => "running in refresh mode",
-		safe => 0,
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	test_receive => {
-		type => "internal",
-		default => 0,
-		description => "running in receive test mode",
-		safe => 0,
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	wrapper_background_command => {
-		type => "internal",
-		default => '',
-		description => "background shell command to run",
-		safe => 0,
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	gettime => {
-		type => "internal",
-		description => "running in gettime mode",
-		safe => 0,
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	w3mmode => {
-		type => "internal",
-		default => 0,
-		description => "running in w3mmode",
-		safe => 0,
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	wikistatedir => {
-		type => "internal",
-		default => undef,
-		description => "path to the .ikiwiki directory holding ikiwiki state",
-		safe => 0,
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	setupfile => {
-		type => "internal",
-		default => undef,
-		description => "path to setup file",
-		safe => 0,
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	setuptype => {
-		type => "internal",
-		default => "Yaml",
-		description => "perl class to use to dump setup file",
-		safe => 0,
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	allow_symlinks_before_srcdir => {
-		type => "boolean",
-		default => 0,
-		description => "allow symlinks in the path leading to the srcdir (potentially insecure)",
-		safe => 0,
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	cookiejar => {
-		type => "string",
-		default => { file => "$ENV{HOME}/.ikiwiki/cookies" },
-		description => "cookie control",
-		safe => 0, # hooks into perl module internals
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-	useragent => {
-		type => "string",
-		default => "ikiwiki/$version",
-		example => "Wget/1.13.4 (linux-gnu)",
-		description => "set custom user agent string for outbound HTTP requests e.g. when fetching aggregated RSS feeds",
-		safe => 0,
-		rebuild => 0,
-	},
-sub defaultconfig () {
-	my %s=getsetup();
-	my @ret;
-	foreach my $key (keys %s) {
-		push @ret, $key, $s{$key}->{default};
-	}
-	return @ret;
-# URL to top of wiki as a path starting with /, valid from any wiki page or
-# the CGI; if that's not possible, an absolute URL. Either way, it ends with /
-my $local_url;
-# URL to CGI script, similar to $local_url
-my $local_cgiurl;
-sub checkconfig () {
-	# locale stuff; avoid LC_ALL since it overrides everything
-	if (defined $ENV{LC_ALL}) {
-		delete $ENV{LC_ALL};
-	}
-	if (defined $config{locale}) {
-		if (POSIX::setlocale(&POSIX::LC_ALL, $config{locale})) {
-			$ENV{LANG}=$config{locale};
-			define_gettext();
-		}
-	}
-	if (! defined $config{wiki_file_regexp}) {
-		$config{wiki_file_regexp}=qr/(^[$config{wiki_file_chars}]+$)/;
-	}
-	if (ref $config{ENV} eq 'HASH') {
-		foreach my $val (keys %{$config{ENV}}) {
-			$ENV{$val}=$config{ENV}{$val};
-		}
-	}
-	if (defined $config{timezone} && length $config{timezone}) {
-		$ENV{TZ}=$config{timezone};
-	}
-	else {
-		$config{timezone}=$ENV{TZ};
-	}
-	if ($config{w3mmode}) {
-		eval q{use Cwd q{abs_path}};
-		error($@) if $@;
-		$config{srcdir}=possibly_foolish_untaint(abs_path($config{srcdir}));
-		$config{destdir}=possibly_foolish_untaint(abs_path($config{destdir}));
-		$config{cgiurl}="file:///\$LIB/ikiwiki-w3m.cgi/".$config{cgiurl}
-			unless $config{cgiurl} =~ m!file:///!;
-		$config{url}="file://".$config{destdir};
-	}
-	if ($config{cgi} && ! length $config{url}) {
-		error(gettext("Must specify url to wiki with --url when using --cgi"));
-	}
-	if (defined $config{url} && length $config{url}) {
-		eval q{use URI};
-		my $baseurl = URI->new($config{url});
-		$local_url = $baseurl->path . "/";
-		$local_cgiurl = undef;
-		if (length $config{cgiurl}) {
-			my $cgiurl = URI->new($config{cgiurl});
-			$local_cgiurl = $cgiurl->path;
-			if ($cgiurl->scheme eq 'https' &&
-				$baseurl->scheme eq 'http') {
-				# We assume that the same content is available
-				# over both http and https, because if it
-				# wasn't, accessing the static content
-				# from the CGI would be mixed-content,
-				# which would be a security flaw.
-				if ($cgiurl->authority ne $baseurl->authority) {
-					# use protocol-relative URL for
-					# static content
-					$local_url = "$config{url}/";
-					$local_url =~ s{^http://}{//};
-				}
-				# else use host-relative URL for static content
-				# either way, CGI needs to be absolute
-				$local_cgiurl = $config{cgiurl};
-			}
-			elsif ($cgiurl->scheme ne $baseurl->scheme) {
-				# too far apart, fall back to absolute URLs
-				$local_url = "$config{url}/";
-				$local_cgiurl = $config{cgiurl};
-			}
-			elsif ($cgiurl->authority ne $baseurl->authority) {
-				# slightly too far apart, fall back to
-				# protocol-relative URLs
-				$local_url = "$config{url}/";
-				$local_url =~ s{^https?://}{//};
-				$local_cgiurl = $config{cgiurl};
-				$local_cgiurl =~ s{^https?://}{//};
-			}
-			# else keep host-relative URLs
-		}
-		$local_url =~ s{//$}{/};
-	}
-	else {
-		$local_cgiurl = $config{cgiurl};
-	}
-	$config{wikistatedir}="$config{srcdir}/.ikiwiki"
-		unless exists $config{wikistatedir} && defined $config{wikistatedir};
-	if (defined $config{umask}) {
-		my $u = possibly_foolish_untaint($config{umask});
-		if ($u =~ m/^\d+$/) {
-			umask($u);
-		}
-		elsif ($u eq 'private') {
-			umask(077);
-		}
-		elsif ($u eq 'group') {
-			umask(027);
-		}
-		elsif ($u eq 'public') {
-			umask(022);
-		}
-		else {
-			error(sprintf(gettext("unsupported umask setting %s"), $u));
-		}
-	}
-	run_hooks(checkconfig => sub { shift->() });
-	return 1;
-sub listplugins () {
-	my %ret;
-	foreach my $dir (@INC, $config{libdir}) {
-		next unless defined $dir && length $dir;
-		foreach my $file (glob("$dir/IkiWiki/Plugin/*.pm")) {
-			my ($plugin)=$file=~/.*\/(.*)\.pm$/;
-			$ret{$plugin}=1;
-		}
-	}
-	foreach my $dir ($config{libdir}, "$installdir/lib/ikiwiki") {
-		next unless defined $dir && length $dir;
-		foreach my $file (glob("$dir/plugins/*")) {
-			$ret{basename($file)}=1 if -x $file;
-		}
-	}
-	return keys %ret;
-sub loadplugins () {
-	if (defined $config{libdir} && length $config{libdir}) {
-		unshift @INC, possibly_foolish_untaint($config{libdir});
-	}
-	foreach my $plugin (@{$config{default_plugins}}, @{$config{add_plugins}}) {
-		loadplugin($plugin);
-	}
-	if ($config{rcs}) {
-		if (exists $hooks{rcs}) {
-			error(gettext("cannot use multiple rcs plugins"));
-		}
-		loadplugin($config{rcs});
-	}
-	if (! exists $hooks{rcs}) {
-		loadplugin("norcs");
-	}
-	run_hooks(getopt => sub { shift->() });
-	if (grep /^-/, @ARGV) {
-		print STDERR "Unknown option (or missing parameter): $_\n"
-			foreach grep /^-/, @ARGV;
-		usage();
-	}
-	return 1;
-sub loadplugin ($;$) {
-	my $plugin=shift;
-	my $force=shift;
-	return if ! $force && grep { $_ eq $plugin} @{$config{disable_plugins}};
-	foreach my $dir (defined $config{libdir} ? possibly_foolish_untaint($config{libdir}) : undef,
-	                 "$installdir/lib/ikiwiki") {
-		if (defined $dir && -x "$dir/plugins/$plugin") {
-			eval { require IkiWiki::Plugin::external };
-			if ($@) {
-				my $reason=$@;
-				error(sprintf(gettext("failed to load external plugin needed for %s plugin: %s"), $plugin, $reason));
-			}
-			import IkiWiki::Plugin::external "$dir/plugins/$plugin";
-			$loaded_plugins{$plugin}=1;
-			return 1;
-		}
-	}
-	my $mod="IkiWiki::Plugin::".possibly_foolish_untaint($plugin);
-	eval qq{use $mod};
-	if ($@) {
-		error("Failed to load plugin $mod: $@");
-	}
-	$loaded_plugins{$plugin}=1;
-	return 1;
-sub error ($;$) {
-	my $message=shift;
-	my $cleaner=shift;
-	log_message('err' => $message) if $config{syslog};
-	if (defined $cleaner) {
-		$cleaner->();
-	}
-	die $message."\n";
-sub debug ($) {
-	return unless $config{verbose};
-	return log_message(debug => @_);
-my $log_open=0;
-my $log_failed=0;
-sub log_message ($$) {
-	my $type=shift;
-	if ($config{syslog}) {
-		require Sys::Syslog;
-		if (! $log_open) {
-			Sys::Syslog::setlogsock('unix');
-			Sys::Syslog::openlog('ikiwiki', '', 'user');
-			$log_open=1;
-		}
-		eval {
-			# keep a copy to avoid editing the original config repeatedly
-			my $wikiname = $config{wikiname};
-			utf8::encode($wikiname);
-			Sys::Syslog::syslog($type, "[$wikiname] %s", join(" ", @_));
-		};
-                if ($@) {
-                    print STDERR "failed to syslog: $@" unless $log_failed;
-                    $log_failed=1;
-                    print STDERR "@_\n";
-                }
-                return $@;
-	}
-	elsif (! $config{cgi}) {
-		return print "@_\n";
-	}
-	else {
-		return print STDERR "@_\n";
-	}
-sub possibly_foolish_untaint ($) {
-	my $tainted=shift;
-	my ($untainted)=$tainted=~/(.*)/s;
-	return $untainted;
-sub basename ($) {
-	my $file=shift;
-	$file=~s!.*/+!!;
-	return $file;
-sub dirname ($) {
-	my $file=shift;
-	$file=~s!/*[^/]+$!!;
-	return $file;
-sub isinternal ($) {
-	my $page=shift;
-	return exists $pagesources{$page} &&
-		$pagesources{$page} =~ /\._([^.]+)$/;
-sub pagetype ($) {
-	my $file=shift;
-	if ($file =~ /\.([^.]+)$/) {
-		return $1 if exists $hooks{htmlize}{$1};
-	}
-	my $base=basename($file);
-	if (exists $hooks{htmlize}{$base} &&
-	    $hooks{htmlize}{$base}{noextension}) {
-		return $base;
-	}
-	return;
-my %pagename_cache;
-sub pagename ($) {
-	my $file=shift;
-	if (exists $pagename_cache{$file}) {
-		return $pagename_cache{$file};
-	}
-	my $type=pagetype($file);
-	my $page=$file;
-	$page=~s/\Q.$type\E*$//
-		if defined $type && !$hooks{htmlize}{$type}{keepextension}
-			&& !$hooks{htmlize}{$type}{noextension};
-	if ($config{indexpages} && $page=~/(.*)\/index$/) {
-		$page=$1;
-	}
-	$pagename_cache{$file} = $page;
-	return $page;
-sub newpagefile ($$) {
-	my $page=shift;
-	my $type=shift;
-	if (! $config{indexpages} || $page eq 'index') {
-		return $page.".".$type;
-	}
-	else {
-		return $page."/index.".$type;
-	}
-sub targetpage ($$;$) {
-	my $page=shift;
-	my $ext=shift;
-	my $filename=shift;
-	if (defined $filename) {
-		return $page."/".$filename.".".$ext;
-	}
-	elsif (! $config{usedirs} || $page eq 'index') {
-		return $page.".".$ext;
-	}
-	else {
-		return $page."/index.".$ext;
-	}
-sub htmlpage ($) {
-	my $page=shift;
-	return targetpage($page, $config{htmlext});
-sub srcfile_stat {
-	my $file=shift;
-	my $nothrow=shift;
-	return "$config{srcdir}/$file", stat(_) if -e "$config{srcdir}/$file";
-	foreach my $dir (@{$config{underlaydirs}}, $config{underlaydir}) {
-		return "$dir/$file", stat(_) if -e "$dir/$file";
-	}
-	error("internal error: $file cannot be found in $config{srcdir} or underlay") unless $nothrow;
-	return;
-sub srcfile ($;$) {
-	return (srcfile_stat(@_))[0];
-sub add_literal_underlay ($) {
-	my $dir=shift;
-	if (! grep { $_ eq $dir } @{$config{underlaydirs}}) {
-		unshift @{$config{underlaydirs}}, $dir;
-	}
-sub add_underlay ($) {
-	my $dir = shift;
-	if ($dir !~ /^\//) {
-		$dir="$config{underlaydirbase}/$dir";
-	}
-	add_literal_underlay($dir);
-	# why does it return 1? we just don't know
-	return 1;
-sub readfile ($;$$) {
-	my $file=shift;
-	my $binary=shift;
-	my $wantfd=shift;
-	if (-l $file) {
-		error("cannot read a symlink ($file)");
-	}
-	local $/=undef;
-	open (my $in, "<", $file) || error("failed to read $file: $!");
-	binmode($in) if ($binary);
-	return \*$in if $wantfd;
-	my $ret=<$in>;
-	# check for invalid utf-8, and toss it back to avoid crashes
-	if (! utf8::valid($ret)) {
-		$ret=encode_utf8($ret);
-	}
-	close $in || error("failed to read $file: $!");
-	return $ret;
-sub prep_writefile ($$) {
-	my $file=shift;
-	my $destdir=shift;
-	my $test=$file;
-	while (length $test) {
-		if (-l "$destdir/$test") {
-			error("cannot write to a symlink ($test)");
-		}
-		if (-f _ && $test ne $file) {
-			# Remove conflicting file.
-			foreach my $p (keys %renderedfiles, keys %oldrenderedfiles) {
-				foreach my $f (@{$renderedfiles{$p}}, @{$oldrenderedfiles{$p}}) {
-					if ($f eq $test) {
-						unlink("$destdir/$test");
-						last;
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		$test=dirname($test);
-	}
-	my $dir=dirname("$destdir/$file");
-	if (! -d $dir) {
-		my $d="";
-		foreach my $s (split(m!/+!, $dir)) {
-			$d.="$s/";
-			if (! -d $d) {
-				mkdir($d) || error("failed to create directory $d: $!");
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	return 1;
-sub writefile ($$$;$$) {
-	my $file=shift; # can include subdirs
-	my $destdir=shift; # directory to put file in
-	my $content=shift;
-	my $binary=shift;
-	my $writer=shift;
-	prep_writefile($file, $destdir);
-	my $newfile="$destdir/$file.ikiwiki-new";
-	if (-l $newfile) {
-		error("cannot write to a symlink ($newfile)");
-	}
-	my $cleanup = sub { unlink($newfile) };
-	open (my $out, '>', $newfile) || error("failed to write $newfile: $!", $cleanup);
-	binmode($out) if ($binary);
-	if ($writer) {
-		$writer->(\*$out, $cleanup);
-	}
-	else {
-		print $out $content or error("failed writing to $newfile: $!", $cleanup);
-	}
-	close $out || error("failed saving $newfile: $!", $cleanup);
-	rename($newfile, "$destdir/$file") || 
-		error("failed renaming $newfile to $destdir/$file: $!", $cleanup);
-	return 1;
-my %cleared;
-sub will_render ($$;$) {
-	my $page=shift;
-	my $dest=shift;
-	my $clear=shift;
-	# Important security check for independently created files.
-	if (-e "$config{destdir}/$dest" && ! $config{rebuild} &&
-	    ! grep { $_ eq $dest } (@{$renderedfiles{$page}}, @{$oldrenderedfiles{$page}}, @{$wikistate{editpage}{previews}})) {
-		my $from_other_page=0;
-	    	# Expensive, but rarely runs.
-		foreach my $p (keys %renderedfiles, keys %oldrenderedfiles) {
-			if (grep {
-				$_ eq $dest ||
-				dirname($_) eq $dest
-			    } @{$renderedfiles{$p}}, @{$oldrenderedfiles{$p}}) {
-				$from_other_page=1;
-				last;
-			}
-		}
-		error("$config{destdir}/$dest independently created, not overwriting with version from $page")
-			unless $from_other_page;
-	}
-	# If $dest exists as a directory, remove conflicting files in it
-	# rendered from other pages.
-	if (-d _) {
-		foreach my $p (keys %renderedfiles, keys %oldrenderedfiles) {
-			foreach my $f (@{$renderedfiles{$p}}, @{$oldrenderedfiles{$p}}) {
-				if (dirname($f) eq $dest) {
-					unlink("$config{destdir}/$f");
-					rmdir(dirname("$config{destdir}/$f"));
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	if (! $clear || $cleared{$page}) {
-		$renderedfiles{$page}=[$dest, grep { $_ ne $dest } @{$renderedfiles{$page}}];
-	}
-	else {
-		foreach my $old (@{$renderedfiles{$page}}) {
-			delete $destsources{$old};
-		}
-		$renderedfiles{$page}=[$dest];
-		$cleared{$page}=1;
-	}
-	$destsources{$dest}=$page;
-	return 1;
-sub bestlink ($$) {
-	my $page=shift;
-	my $link=shift;
-	my $cwd=$page;
-	if ($link=~s/^\/+//) {
-		# absolute links
-		$cwd="";
-	}
-	$link=~s/\/$//;
-	do {
-		my $l=$cwd;
-		$l.="/" if length $l;
-		$l.=$link;
-		if (exists $pagesources{$l}) {
-			return $l;
-		}
-		elsif (exists $pagecase{lc $l}) {
-			return $pagecase{lc $l};
-		}
-	} while $cwd=~s{/?[^/]+$}{};
-	if (length $config{userdir}) {
-		my $l = "$config{userdir}/".lc($link);
-		if (exists $pagesources{$l}) {
-			return $l;
-		}
-		elsif (exists $pagecase{lc $l}) {
-			return $pagecase{lc $l};
-		}
-	}
-	#print STDERR "warning: page $page, broken link: $link\n";
-	return "";
-sub isinlinableimage ($) {
-	my $file=shift;
-	return $file =~ /\.(png|gif|jpg|jpeg|svg)$/i;
-sub pagetitle ($;$) {
-	my $page=shift;
-	my $unescaped=shift;
-	if ($unescaped) {
-		$page=~s/(__(\d+)__|_)/$1 eq '_' ? ' ' : chr($2)/eg;
-	}
-	else {
-		$page=~s/(__(\d+)__|_)/$1 eq '_' ? ' ' : "&#$2;"/eg;
-	}
-	return $page;
-sub titlepage ($) {
-	my $title=shift;
-	# support use w/o %config set
-	my $chars = defined $config{wiki_file_chars} ? $config{wiki_file_chars} : "-[:alnum:]+/.:_";
-	$title=~s/([^$chars]|_)/$1 eq ' ' ? '_' : "__".ord($1)."__"/eg;
-	return $title;
-sub linkpage ($) {
-	my $link=shift;
-	my $chars = defined $config{wiki_file_chars} ? $config{wiki_file_chars} : "-[:alnum:]+/.:_";
-	$link=~s/([^$chars])/$1 eq ' ' ? '_' : "__".ord($1)."__"/eg;
-	return $link;
-sub cgiurl (@) {
-	my %params=@_;
-	my $cgiurl=$local_cgiurl;
-	if (exists $params{cgiurl}) {
-		$cgiurl=$params{cgiurl};
-		delete $params{cgiurl};
-	}
-	unless (%params) {
-		return $cgiurl;
-	}
-	return $cgiurl."?".
-		join("&amp;", map $_."=".uri_escape_utf8($params{$_}), keys %params);
-sub cgiurl_abs (@) {
-	eval q{use URI};
-	URI->new_abs(cgiurl(@_), $config{cgiurl});
-sub baseurl (;$) {
-	my $page=shift;
-	return $local_url if ! defined $page;
-	$page=htmlpage($page);
-	$page=~s/[^\/]+$//;
-	$page=~s/[^\/]+\//..\//g;
-	return $page;
-sub urlabs ($$) {
-	my $url=shift;
-	my $urlbase=shift;
-	return $url unless defined $urlbase && length $urlbase;
-	eval q{use URI};
-	URI->new_abs($url, $urlbase)->as_string;
-sub abs2rel ($$) {
-	# Work around very innefficient behavior in File::Spec if abs2rel
-	# is passed two relative paths. It's much faster if paths are
-	# absolute! (Debian bug #376658; fixed in debian unstable now)
-	my $path="/".shift;
-	my $base="/".shift;
-	require File::Spec;
-	my $ret=File::Spec->abs2rel($path, $base);
-	$ret=~s/^// if defined $ret;
-	return $ret;
-sub displaytime ($;$$) {
-	# Plugins can override this function to mark up the time to
-	# display.
-	my $time=formattime($_[0], $_[1]);
-	if ($config{html5}) {
-		return '<time datetime="'.date_3339($_[0]).'"'.
-			($_[2] ? ' pubdate="pubdate"' : '').
-			'>'.$time.'</time>';
-	}
-	else {
-		return '<span class="date">'.$time.'</span>';
-	}
-sub formattime ($;$) {
-	# Plugins can override this function to format the time.
-	my $time=shift;
-	my $format=shift;
-	if (! defined $format) {
-		$format=$config{timeformat};
-	}
-	return strftime_utf8($format, localtime($time));
-my $strftime_encoding;
-sub strftime_utf8 {
-	# strftime doesn't know about encodings, so make sure
-	# its output is properly treated as utf8.
-	# Note that this does not handle utf-8 in the format string.
-	($strftime_encoding) = POSIX::setlocale(&POSIX::LC_TIME) =~ m#\.([^@]+)#
-		unless defined $strftime_encoding;
-	$strftime_encoding
-		? Encode::decode($strftime_encoding, POSIX::strftime(@_))
-		: POSIX::strftime(@_);
-sub date_3339 ($) {
-	my $time=shift;
-	my $lc_time=POSIX::setlocale(&POSIX::LC_TIME);
-	POSIX::setlocale(&POSIX::LC_TIME, "C");
-	my $ret=POSIX::strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", gmtime($time));
-	POSIX::setlocale(&POSIX::LC_TIME, $lc_time);
-	return $ret;
-sub beautify_urlpath ($) {
-	my $url=shift;
-	# Ensure url is not an empty link, and if necessary,
-	# add ./ to avoid colon confusion.
-	if ($url !~ /^\// && $url !~ /^\.\.?\//) {
-		$url="./$url";
-	}
-	if ($config{usedirs}) {
-		$url =~ s!/index.$config{htmlext}$!/!;
-	}
-	return $url;
-sub urlto ($;$$) {
-	my $to=shift;
-	my $from=shift;
-	my $absolute=shift;
-	if (! length $to) {
-		$to = 'index';
-	}
-	if (! $destsources{$to}) {
-		$to=htmlpage($to);
-	}
-	if ($absolute) {
-		return $config{url}.beautify_urlpath("/".$to);
-	}
-	if (! defined $from) {
-		my $u = $local_url || '';
-		$u =~ s{/$}{};
-		return $u.beautify_urlpath("/".$to);
-	}
-	my $link = abs2rel($to, dirname(htmlpage($from)));
-	return beautify_urlpath($link);
-sub isselflink ($$) {
-	# Plugins can override this function to support special types
-	# of selflinks.
-	my $page=shift;
-	my $link=shift;
-	return $page eq $link;
-sub htmllink ($$$;@) {
-	my $lpage=shift; # the page doing the linking
-	my $page=shift; # the page that will contain the link (different for inline)
-	my $link=shift;
-	my %opts=@_;
-	$link=~s/\/$//;
-	my $bestlink;
-	if (! $opts{forcesubpage}) {
-		$bestlink=bestlink($lpage, $link);
-	}
-	else {
-		$bestlink="$lpage/".lc($link);
-	}
-	my $linktext;
-	if (defined $opts{linktext}) {
-		$linktext=$opts{linktext};
-	}
-	else {
-		$linktext=pagetitle(basename($link));
-	}
-	return "<span class=\"selflink\">$linktext</span>"
-		if length $bestlink && isselflink($page, $bestlink) &&
-		   ! defined $opts{anchor};
-	if (! $destsources{$bestlink}) {
-		$bestlink=htmlpage($bestlink);
-		if (! $destsources{$bestlink}) {
-			my $cgilink = "";
-			if (length $config{cgiurl}) {
-				$cgilink = "<a href=\"".
-					cgiurl(
-						do => "create",
-						page => $link,
-						from => $lpage
-					)."\" rel=\"nofollow\">?</a>";
-			}
-			return "<span class=\"createlink\">$cgilink$linktext</span>"
-		}
-	}
-	$bestlink=abs2rel($bestlink, dirname(htmlpage($page)));
-	$bestlink=beautify_urlpath($bestlink);
-	if (! $opts{noimageinline} && isinlinableimage($bestlink)) {
-		return "<img src=\"$bestlink\" alt=\"$linktext\" />";
-	}
-	if (defined $opts{anchor}) {
-		$bestlink.="#".$opts{anchor};
-	}
-	my @attrs;
-	foreach my $attr (qw{rel class title}) {
-		if (defined $opts{$attr}) {
-			push @attrs, " $attr=\"$opts{$attr}\"";
-		}
-	}
-	return "<a href=\"$bestlink\"@attrs>$linktext</a>";
-sub userpage ($) {
-	my $user=shift;
-	return length $config{userdir} ? "$config{userdir}/$user" : $user;
-sub openiduser ($) {
-	my $user=shift;
-	if (defined $user && $user =~ m!^https?://! &&
-	    eval q{use Net::OpenID::VerifiedIdentity; 1} && !$@) {
-		my $display;
-		if (Net::OpenID::VerifiedIdentity->can("DisplayOfURL")) {
-			$display = Net::OpenID::VerifiedIdentity::DisplayOfURL($user);
-		}
-		else {
-			# backcompat with old version
-			my $oid=Net::OpenID::VerifiedIdentity->new(identity => $user);
-			$display=$oid->display;
-		}
-		# Convert "user.somehost.com" to "user [somehost.com]"
-		# (also "user.somehost.co.uk")
-		if ($display !~ /\[/) {
-			$display=~s/^([-a-zA-Z0-9]+?)\.([-.a-zA-Z0-9]+\.[a-z]+)$/$1 [$2]/;
-		}
-		# Convert "http://somehost.com/user"; to "user [somehost.com]".
-		# (also "https://somehost.com/user/";)
-		if ($display !~ /\[/) {
-			$display=~s/^https?:\/\/(.+)\/([^\/#?]+)\/?(?:[#?].*)?$/$2 [$1]/;
-		}
-		$display=~s!^https?://!!; # make sure this is removed
-		eval q{use CGI 'escapeHTML'};
-		error($@) if $@;
-		return escapeHTML($display);
-	}
-	return;
-sub htmlize ($$$$) {
-	my $page=shift;
-	my $destpage=shift;
-	my $type=shift;
-	my $content=shift;
-	my $oneline = $content !~ /\n/;
-	if (exists $hooks{htmlize}{$type}) {
-		$content=$hooks{htmlize}{$type}{call}->(
-			page => $page,
-			content => $content,
-		);
-	}
-	else {
-		error("htmlization of $type not supported");
-	}
-	run_hooks(sanitize => sub {
-		$content=shift->(
-			page => $page,
-			destpage => $destpage,
-			content => $content,
-		);
-	});
-	if ($oneline) {
-		# hack to get rid of enclosing junk added by markdown
-		# and other htmlizers/sanitizers
-		$content=~s/^<p>//i;
-		$content=~s/<\/p>\n*$//i;
-	}
-	return $content;
-sub linkify ($$$) {
-	my $page=shift;
-	my $destpage=shift;
-	my $content=shift;
-	run_hooks(linkify => sub {
-		$content=shift->(
-			page => $page,
-			destpage => $destpage,
-			content => $content,
-		);
-	});
-	return $content;
-our %preprocessing;
-our $preprocess_preview=0;
-sub preprocess ($$$;$$) {
-	my $page=shift; # the page the data comes from
-	my $destpage=shift; # the page the data will appear in (different for inline)
-	my $content=shift;
-	my $scan=shift;
-	my $preview=shift;
-	# Using local because it needs to be set within any nested calls
-	# of this function.
-	local $preprocess_preview=$preview if defined $preview;
-	my $handle=sub {
-		my $escape=shift;
-		my $prefix=shift;
-		my $command=shift;
-		my $params=shift;
-		$params="" if ! defined $params;
-		if (length $escape) {
-			return "[[$prefix$command $params]]";
-		}
-		elsif (exists $hooks{preprocess}{$command}) {
-			return "" if $scan && ! $hooks{preprocess}{$command}{scan};
-			# Note: preserve order of params, some plugins may
-			# consider it significant.
-			my @params;
-			while ($params =~ m{
-				(?:([-.\w]+)=)?		# 1: named parameter key?
-				(?:
-					"""(.*?)"""	# 2: triple-quoted value
-				|
-					"([^"]*?)"	# 3: single-quoted value
-				|
-					'''(.*?)'''     # 4: triple-single-quote
-				|
-					<<([a-zA-Z]+)\n # 5: heredoc start
-					(.*?)\n\5	# 6: heredoc value
-				|
-					(\S+)		# 7: unquoted value
-				)
-				(?:\s+|$)		# delimiter to next param
-			}msgx) {
-				my $key=$1;
-				my $val;
-				if (defined $2) {
-					$val=$2;
-					$val=~s/\r\n/\n/mg;
-					$val=~s/^\n+//g;
-					$val=~s/\n+$//g;
-				}
-				elsif (defined $3) {
-					$val=$3;
-				}
-				elsif (defined $4) {
-					$val=$4;
-				}
-				elsif (defined $7) {
-					$val=$7;
-				}
-				elsif (defined $6) {
-					$val=$6;
-				}
-				if (defined $key) {
-					push @params, $key, $val;
-				}
-				else {
-					push @params, $val, '';
-				}
-			}
-			if ($preprocessing{$page}++ > 8) {
-				# Avoid loops of preprocessed pages preprocessing
-				# other pages that preprocess them, etc.
-				return "[[!$command <span class=\"error\">".
-					sprintf(gettext("preprocessing loop detected on %s at depth %i"),
-						$page, $preprocessing{$page}).
-					"</span>]]";
-			}
-			my $ret;
-			if (! $scan) {
-				$ret=eval {
-					$hooks{preprocess}{$command}{call}->(
-						@params,
-						page => $page,
-						destpage => $destpage,
-						preview => $preprocess_preview,
-					);
-				};
-				if ($@) {
-					my $error=$@;
-					chomp $error;
-					eval q{use HTML::Entities};
-					$error = encode_entities($error);
-				 	$ret="[[!$command <span class=\"error\">".
-						gettext("Error").": $error"."</span>]]";
-				}
-			}
-			else {
-				# use void context during scan pass
-				eval {
-					$hooks{preprocess}{$command}{call}->(
-						@params,
-						page => $page,
-						destpage => $destpage,
-						preview => $preprocess_preview,
-					);
-				};
-				$ret="";
-			}
-			$preprocessing{$page}--;
-			return $ret;
-		}
-		else {
-			return "[[$prefix$command $params]]";
-		}
-	};
-	my $regex;
-	if ($config{prefix_directives}) {
-		$regex = qr{
-			(\\?)		# 1: escape?
-			\[\[(!)		# directive open; 2: prefix
-			([-\w]+)	# 3: command
-			(		# 4: the parameters..
-				\s+	# Must have space if parameters present
-				(?:
-					(?:[-.\w]+=)?		# named parameter key?
-					(?:
-						""".*?"""	# triple-quoted value
-						|
-						"[^"]*?"	# single-quoted value
-						|
-						'''.*?'''	# triple-single-quote
-						|
-						<<([a-zA-Z]+)\n # 5: heredoc start
-						(?:.*?)\n\5	# heredoc value
-						|
-						[^"\s\]]+	# unquoted value
-					)
-					\s*			# whitespace or end
-								# of directive
-				)
-			*)?		# 0 or more parameters
-			\]\]		# directive closed
-		}sx;
-	}
-	else {
-		$regex = qr{
-			(\\?)		# 1: escape?
-			\[\[(!?)	# directive open; 2: optional prefix
-			([-\w]+)	# 3: command
-			\s+
-			(		# 4: the parameters..
-				(?:
-					(?:[-.\w]+=)?		# named parameter key?
-					(?:
-						""".*?"""	# triple-quoted value
-						|
-						"[^"]*?"	# single-quoted value
-						|
-						'''.*?'''       # triple-single-quote
-						|
-						<<([a-zA-Z]+)\n # 5: heredoc start
-						(?:.*?)\n\5	# heredoc value
-						|
-						[^"\s\]]+	# unquoted value
-					)
-					\s*			# whitespace or end
-								# of directive
-				)
-			*)		# 0 or more parameters
-			\]\]		# directive closed
-		}sx;
-	}
-	$content =~ s{$regex}{$handle->($1, $2, $3, $4)}eg;
-	return $content;
-sub filter ($$$) {
-	my $page=shift;
-	my $destpage=shift;
-	my $content=shift;
-	run_hooks(filter => sub {
-		$content=shift->(page => $page, destpage => $destpage, 
-			content => $content);
-	});
-	return $content;
-sub check_canedit ($$$;$) {
-	my $page=shift;
-	my $q=shift;
-	my $session=shift;
-	my $nonfatal=shift;
-	my $canedit;
-	run_hooks(canedit => sub {
-		return if defined $canedit;
-		my $ret=shift->($page, $q, $session);
-		if (defined $ret) {
-			if ($ret eq "") {
-				$canedit=1;
-			}
-			elsif (ref $ret eq 'CODE') {
-				$ret->() unless $nonfatal;
-				$canedit=0;
-			}
-			elsif (defined $ret) {
-				error($ret) unless $nonfatal;
-				$canedit=0;
-			}
-		}
-	});
-	return defined $canedit ? $canedit : 1;
-sub check_content (@) {
-	my %params=@_;
-	return 1 if ! exists $hooks{checkcontent}; # optimisation
-	if (exists $pagesources{$params{page}}) {
-		my @diff;
-		my %old=map { $_ => 1 }
-		        split("\n", readfile(srcfile($pagesources{$params{page}})));
-		foreach my $line (split("\n", $params{content})) {
-			push @diff, $line if ! exists $old{$line};
-		}
-		$params{diff}=join("\n", @diff);
-	}
-	my $ok;
-	run_hooks(checkcontent => sub {
-		return if defined $ok;
-		my $ret=shift->(%params);
-		if (defined $ret) {
-			if ($ret eq "") {
-				$ok=1;
-			}
-			elsif (ref $ret eq 'CODE') {
-				$ret->() unless $params{nonfatal};
-				$ok=0;
-			}
-			elsif (defined $ret) {
-				error($ret) unless $params{nonfatal};
-				$ok=0;
-			}
-		}
-	});
-	return defined $ok ? $ok : 1;
-sub check_canchange (@) {
-	my %params = @_;
-	my $cgi = $params{cgi};
-	my $session = $params{session};
-	my @changes = @{$params{changes}};
-	my %newfiles;
-	foreach my $change (@changes) {
-		# This untaint is safe because we check file_pruned and
-		# wiki_file_regexp.
-		my ($file)=$change->{file}=~/$config{wiki_file_regexp}/;
-		$file=possibly_foolish_untaint($file);
-		if (! defined $file || ! length $file ||
-		    file_pruned($file)) {
-			error(gettext("bad file name %s"), $file);
-		}
-		my $type=pagetype($file);
-		my $page=pagename($file) if defined $type;
-		if ($change->{action} eq 'add') {
-			$newfiles{$file}=1;
-		}
-		if ($change->{action} eq 'change' ||
-		    $change->{action} eq 'add') {
-			if (defined $page) {
-				check_canedit($page, $cgi, $session);
-				next;
-			}
-			else {
-				if (IkiWiki::Plugin::attachment->can("check_canattach")) {
-					IkiWiki::Plugin::attachment::check_canattach($session, $file, $change->{path});
-					check_canedit($file, $cgi, $session);
-					next;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		elsif ($change->{action} eq 'remove') {
-			# check_canremove tests to see if the file is present
-			# on disk. This will fail when a single commit adds a
-			# file and then removes it again. Avoid the problem
-			# by not testing the removal in such pairs of changes.
-			# (The add is still tested, just to make sure that
-			# no data is added to the repo that a web edit
-			# could not add.)
-			next if $newfiles{$file};
-			if (IkiWiki::Plugin::remove->can("check_canremove")) {
-				IkiWiki::Plugin::remove::check_canremove(defined $page ? $page : $file, $cgi, $session);
-				check_canedit(defined $page ? $page : $file, $cgi, $session);
-				next;
-			}
-		}
-		else {
-			error "unknown action ".$change->{action};
-		}
-		error sprintf(gettext("you are not allowed to change %s"), $file);
-	}
-my $wikilock;
-sub lockwiki () {
-	# Take an exclusive lock on the wiki to prevent multiple concurrent
-	# run issues. The lock will be dropped on program exit.
-	if (! -d $config{wikistatedir}) {
-		mkdir($config{wikistatedir});
-	}
-	open($wikilock, '>', "$config{wikistatedir}/lockfile") ||
-		error ("cannot write to $config{wikistatedir}/lockfile: $!");
-	if (! flock($wikilock, 2)) { # LOCK_EX
-		error("failed to get lock");
-	}
-	return 1;
-sub unlockwiki () {
-	return close($wikilock) if $wikilock;
-	return;
-my $commitlock;
-sub commit_hook_enabled () {
-	open($commitlock, '+>', "$config{wikistatedir}/commitlock") ||
-		error("cannot write to $config{wikistatedir}/commitlock: $!");
-	if (! flock($commitlock, 1 | 4)) { # LOCK_SH | LOCK_NB to test
-		close($commitlock) || error("failed closing commitlock: $!");
-		return 0;
-	}
-	close($commitlock) || error("failed closing commitlock: $!");
-	return 1;
-sub disable_commit_hook () {
-	open($commitlock, '>', "$config{wikistatedir}/commitlock") ||
-		error("cannot write to $config{wikistatedir}/commitlock: $!");
-	if (! flock($commitlock, 2)) { # LOCK_EX
-		error("failed to get commit lock");
-	}
-	return 1;
-sub enable_commit_hook () {
-	return close($commitlock) if $commitlock;
-	return;
-sub loadindex () {
-	%oldrenderedfiles=%pagectime=();
-	my $rebuild=$config{rebuild};
-	if (! $rebuild) {
-		%pagesources=%pagemtime=%oldlinks=%links=%depends=
-		%destsources=%renderedfiles=%pagecase=%pagestate=
-		%depends_simple=%typedlinks=%oldtypedlinks=();
-	}
-	my $in;
-	if (! open ($in, "<", "$config{wikistatedir}/indexdb")) {
-		if (-e "$config{wikistatedir}/index") {
-			system("ikiwiki-transition", "indexdb", $config{srcdir});
-			open ($in, "<", "$config{wikistatedir}/indexdb") || return;
-		}
-		else {
-			# gettime on first build
-			$config{gettime}=1 unless defined $config{gettime};
-			return;
-		}
-	}
-	my $index=Storable::fd_retrieve($in);
-	if (! defined $index) {
-		return 0;
-	}
-	my $pages;
-	if (exists $index->{version} && ! ref $index->{version}) {
-		$pages=$index->{page};
-		%wikistate=%{$index->{state}};
-		# Handle plugins that got disabled by loading a new setup.
-		if (exists $config{setupfile}) {
-			require IkiWiki::Setup;
-			IkiWiki::Setup::disabled_plugins(
-				grep { ! $loaded_plugins{$_} } keys %wikistate);
-		}
-	}
-	else {
-		$pages=$index;
-		%wikistate=();
-	}
-	foreach my $src (keys %$pages) {
-		my $d=$pages->{$src};
-		my $page;
-		if (exists $d->{page} && ! $rebuild) {
-			$page=$d->{page};
-		}
-		else {
-			$page=pagename($src);
-		}
-		$pagectime{$page}=$d->{ctime};
-		$pagesources{$page}=$src;
-		if (! $rebuild) {
-			$pagemtime{$page}=$d->{mtime};
-			$renderedfiles{$page}=$d->{dest};
-			if (exists $d->{links} && ref $d->{links}) {
-				$links{$page}=$d->{links};
-				$oldlinks{$page}=[@{$d->{links}}];
-			}
-			if (ref $d->{depends_simple} eq 'ARRAY') {
-				# old format
-				$depends_simple{$page}={
-					map { $_ => 1 } @{$d->{depends_simple}}
-				};
-			}
-			elsif (exists $d->{depends_simple}) {
-				$depends_simple{$page}=$d->{depends_simple};
-			}
-			if (exists $d->{dependslist}) {
-				# old format
-				$depends{$page}={
-					map { $_ => $DEPEND_CONTENT }
-						@{$d->{dependslist}}
-				};
-			}
-			elsif (exists $d->{depends} && ! ref $d->{depends}) {
-				# old format
-				$depends{$page}={$d->{depends} => $DEPEND_CONTENT };
-			}
-			elsif (exists $d->{depends}) {
-				$depends{$page}=$d->{depends};
-			}
-			if (exists $d->{state}) {
-				$pagestate{$page}=$d->{state};
-			}
-			if (exists $d->{typedlinks}) {
-				$typedlinks{$page}=$d->{typedlinks};
-				while (my ($type, $links) = each %{$typedlinks{$page}}) {
-					next unless %$links;
-					$oldtypedlinks{$page}{$type} = {%$links};
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		$oldrenderedfiles{$page}=[@{$d->{dest}}];
-	}
-	foreach my $page (keys %pagesources) {
-		$pagecase{lc $page}=$page;
-	}
-	foreach my $page (keys %renderedfiles) {
-		$destsources{$_}=$page foreach @{$renderedfiles{$page}};
-	}
-	$lastrev=$index->{lastrev};
-	@underlayfiles=@{$index->{underlayfiles}} if ref $index->{underlayfiles};
-	return close($in);
-sub saveindex () {
-	run_hooks(savestate => sub { shift->() });
-	my @plugins=keys %loaded_plugins;
-	if (! -d $config{wikistatedir}) {
-		mkdir($config{wikistatedir});
-	}
-	my $newfile="$config{wikistatedir}/indexdb.new";
-	my $cleanup = sub { unlink($newfile) };
-	open (my $out, '>', $newfile) || error("cannot write to $newfile: $!", $cleanup);
-	my %index;
-	foreach my $page (keys %pagemtime) {
-		next unless $pagemtime{$page};
-		my $src=$pagesources{$page};
-		$index{page}{$src}={
-			page => $page,
-			ctime => $pagectime{$page},
-			mtime => $pagemtime{$page},
-			dest => $renderedfiles{$page},
-			links => $links{$page},
-		};
-		if (exists $depends{$page}) {
-			$index{page}{$src}{depends} = $depends{$page};
-		}
-		if (exists $depends_simple{$page}) {
-			$index{page}{$src}{depends_simple} = $depends_simple{$page};
-		}
-		if (exists $typedlinks{$page} && %{$typedlinks{$page}}) {
-			$index{page}{$src}{typedlinks} = $typedlinks{$page};
-		}
-		if (exists $pagestate{$page}) {
-			$index{page}{$src}{state}=$pagestate{$page};
-		}
-	}
-	$index{state}={};
-	foreach my $id (@plugins) {
-		$index{state}{$id}={}; # used to detect disabled plugins
-		foreach my $key (keys %{$wikistate{$id}}) {
-			$index{state}{$id}{$key}=$wikistate{$id}{$key};
-		}
-	}
-	$index{lastrev}=$lastrev;
-	$index{underlayfiles}=\@underlayfiles;
-	$index{version}="3";
-	my $ret=Storable::nstore_fd(\%index, $out);
-	return if ! defined $ret || ! $ret;
-	close $out || error("failed saving to $newfile: $!", $cleanup);
-	rename($newfile, "$config{wikistatedir}/indexdb") ||
-		error("failed renaming $newfile to $config{wikistatedir}/indexdb", $cleanup);
-	return 1;
-sub template_file ($) {
-	my $name=shift;
-	my $tpage=($name =~ s/^\///) ? $name : "templates/$name";
-	my $template;
-	if ($name !~ /\.tmpl$/ && exists $pagesources{$tpage}) {
-		$template=srcfile($pagesources{$tpage}, 1);
-		$name.=".tmpl";
-	}
-	else {
-		$template=srcfile($tpage, 1);
-	}
-	if (defined $template) {
-		return $template, $tpage, 1 if wantarray;
-		return $template;
-	}
-	else {
-		$name=~s:/::; # avoid path traversal
-		foreach my $dir ($config{templatedir},
-		                 "$installdir/share/ikiwiki/templates") {
-			if (-e "$dir/$name") {
-				$template="$dir/$name";
-				last;
-			}
-		}
-		if (defined $template) {	
-			return $template, $tpage if wantarray;
-			return $template;
-		}
-	}
-	return;
-sub template_depends ($$;@) {
-	my $name=shift;
-	my $page=shift;
-	my ($filename, $tpage, $untrusted)=template_file($name);
-	if (! defined $filename) {
-		error(sprintf(gettext("template %s not found"), $name))
-	}
-	if (defined $page && defined $tpage) {
-		add_depends($page, $tpage);
-	}
-	my @opts=(
-		filter => sub {
-			my $text_ref = shift;
-			${$text_ref} = decode_utf8(${$text_ref});
-			run_hooks(readtemplate => sub {
-				${$text_ref} = shift->(
-					id => $name,
-					page => $tpage,
-					content => ${$text_ref},
-					untrusted => $untrusted,
-				);
-			});
-		},
-		loop_context_vars => 1,
-		die_on_bad_params => 0,
-		parent_global_vars => 1,
-		filename => $filename,
-		@_,
-		($untrusted ? (no_includes => 1) : ()),
-	);
-	return @opts if wantarray;
-	require HTML::Template;
-	return HTML::Template->new(@opts);
-sub template ($;@) {
-	template_depends(shift, undef, @_);
-sub templateactions ($$) {
-	my $template=shift;
-	my $page=shift;
-	my $have_actions=0;
-	my @actions;
-	run_hooks(pageactions => sub {
-		push @actions, map { { action => $_ } } 
-			grep { defined } shift->(page => $page);
-	});
-	$template->param(actions => \@actions);
-	if ($config{cgiurl} && exists $hooks{auth}) {
-		$template->param(prefsurl => cgiurl(do => "prefs"));
-		$have_actions=1;
-	}
-	if ($have_actions || @actions) {
-		$template->param(have_actions => 1);
-	}
-sub hook (@) {
-	my %param=@_;
-	if (! exists $param{type} || ! ref $param{call} || ! exists $param{id}) {
-		error 'hook requires type, call, and id parameters';
-	}
-	return if $param{no_override} && exists $hooks{$param{type}}{$param{id}};
-	$hooks{$param{type}}{$param{id}}=\%param;
-	return 1;
-sub run_hooks ($$) {
-	# Calls the given sub for each hook of the given type,
-	# passing it the hook function to call.
-	my $type=shift;
-	my $sub=shift;
-	if (exists $hooks{$type}) {
-		my (@first, @middle, @last);
-		foreach my $id (keys %{$hooks{$type}}) {
-			if ($hooks{$type}{$id}{first}) {
-				push @first, $id;
-			}
-			elsif ($hooks{$type}{$id}{last}) {
-				push @last, $id;
-			}
-			else {
-				push @middle, $id;
-			}
-		}
-		foreach my $id (@first, @middle, @last) {
-			$sub->($hooks{$type}{$id}{call});
-		}
-	}
-	return 1;
-sub rcs_update () {
-	$hooks{rcs}{rcs_update}{call}->(@_);
-sub rcs_prepedit ($) {
-	$hooks{rcs}{rcs_prepedit}{call}->(@_);
-sub rcs_commit (@) {
-	$hooks{rcs}{rcs_commit}{call}->(@_);
-sub rcs_commit_staged (@) {
-	$hooks{rcs}{rcs_commit_staged}{call}->(@_);
-sub rcs_add ($) {
-	$hooks{rcs}{rcs_add}{call}->(@_);
-sub rcs_remove ($) {
-	$hooks{rcs}{rcs_remove}{call}->(@_);
-sub rcs_rename ($$) {
-	$hooks{rcs}{rcs_rename}{call}->(@_);
-sub rcs_recentchanges ($) {
-	$hooks{rcs}{rcs_recentchanges}{call}->(@_);
-sub rcs_diff ($;$) {
-	$hooks{rcs}{rcs_diff}{call}->(@_);
-sub rcs_getctime ($) {
-	$hooks{rcs}{rcs_getctime}{call}->(@_);
-sub rcs_getmtime ($) {
-	$hooks{rcs}{rcs_getmtime}{call}->(@_);
-sub rcs_receive () {
-	$hooks{rcs}{rcs_receive}{call}->();
-sub add_depends ($$;$) {
-	my $page=shift;
-	my $pagespec=shift;
-	my $deptype=shift || $DEPEND_CONTENT;
-	# Is the pagespec a simple page name?
-	if ($pagespec =~ /$config{wiki_file_regexp}/ &&
-	    $pagespec !~ /[\s*?()!]/) {
-		$depends_simple{$page}{lc $pagespec} |= $deptype;
-		return 1;
-	}
-	# Add explicit dependencies for influences.
-	my $sub=pagespec_translate($pagespec);
-	return unless defined $sub;
-	foreach my $p (keys %pagesources) {
-		my $r=$sub->($p, location => $page);
-		my $i=$r->influences;
-		my $static=$r->influences_static;
-		foreach my $k (keys %$i) {
-			next unless $r || $static || $k eq $page;
-			$depends_simple{$page}{lc $k} |= $i->{$k};
-		}
-		last if $static;
-	}
-	$depends{$page}{$pagespec} |= $deptype;
-	return 1;
-sub deptype (@) {
-	my $deptype=0;
-	foreach my $type (@_) {
-		if ($type eq 'presence') {
-			$deptype |= $DEPEND_PRESENCE;
-		}
-		elsif ($type eq 'links') { 
-			$deptype |= $DEPEND_LINKS;
-		}
-		elsif ($type eq 'content') {
-			$deptype |= $DEPEND_CONTENT;
-		}
-	}
-	return $deptype;
-my $file_prune_regexp;
-sub file_pruned ($) {
-	my $file=shift;
-	if (defined $config{include} && length $config{include}) {
-		return 0 if $file =~ m/$config{include}/;
-	}
-	if (! defined $file_prune_regexp) {
-		$file_prune_regexp='('.join('|', @{$config{wiki_file_prune_regexps}}).')';
-		$file_prune_regexp=qr/$file_prune_regexp/;
-	}
-	return $file =~ m/$file_prune_regexp/;
-sub define_gettext () {
-	# If translation is needed, redefine the gettext function to do it.
-	# Otherwise, it becomes a quick no-op.
-	my $gettext_obj;
-	my $getobj;
-	if ((exists $ENV{LANG} && length $ENV{LANG}) ||
-	    (exists $ENV{LC_ALL} && length $ENV{LC_ALL}) ||
-	    (exists $ENV{LC_MESSAGES} && length $ENV{LC_MESSAGES})) {
-	    	$getobj=sub {
-			$gettext_obj=eval q{
-				use Locale::gettext q{textdomain};
-				Locale::gettext->domain('ikiwiki')
-			};
-		};
-	}
-	no warnings 'redefine';
-	*gettext=sub {
-		$getobj->() if $getobj;
-		if ($gettext_obj) {
-			$gettext_obj->get(shift);
-		}
-		else {
-			return shift;
-		}
-	};
-	*ngettext=sub {
-		$getobj->() if $getobj;
-		if ($gettext_obj) {
-			$gettext_obj->nget(@_);
-		}
-		else {
-			return ($_[2] == 1 ? $_[0] : $_[1])
-		}
-	};
-sub gettext {
-	define_gettext();
-	gettext(@_);
-sub ngettext {
-	define_gettext();
-	ngettext(@_);
-sub yesno ($) {
-	my $val=shift;
-	return (defined $val && (lc($val) eq gettext("yes") || lc($val) eq "yes" || $val eq "1"));
-sub inject {
-	# Injects a new function into the symbol table to replace an
-	# exported function.
-	my %params=@_;
-	# This is deep ugly perl foo, beware.
-	no strict;
-	no warnings;
-	if (! defined $params{parent}) {
-		$params{parent}='::';
-		$params{old}=\&{$params{name}};
-		$params{name}=~s/.*:://;
-	}
-	my $parent=$params{parent};
-	foreach my $ns (grep /^\w+::/, keys %{$parent}) {
-		$ns = $params{parent} . $ns;
-		inject(%params, parent => $ns) unless $ns eq '::main::';
-		*{$ns . $params{name}} = $params{call}
-			if exists ${$ns}{$params{name}} &&
-			   \&{${$ns}{$params{name}}} == $params{old};
-	}
-	use strict;
-	use warnings;
-sub add_link ($$;$) {
-	my $page=shift;
-	my $link=shift;
-	my $type=shift;
-	push @{$links{$page}}, $link
-		unless grep { $_ eq $link } @{$links{$page}};
-	if (defined $type) {
-		$typedlinks{$page}{$type}{$link} = 1;
-	}
-sub add_autofile ($$$) {
-	my $file=shift;
-	my $plugin=shift;
-	my $generator=shift;
-	$autofiles{$file}{plugin}=$plugin;
-	$autofiles{$file}{generator}=$generator;
-sub useragent () {
-	eval q{use LWP};
-	error($@) if $@;
-	return LWP::UserAgent->new(
-		cookie_jar => $config{cookiejar},
-		env_proxy => 1,		# respect proxy env vars
-		agent => $config{useragent},
-		protocols_allowed => [qw(http https)],
-	);
-sub sortspec_translate ($$) {
-	my $spec = shift;
-	my $reverse = shift;
-	my $code = "";
-	my @data;
-	while ($spec =~ m{
-		\s*
-		(-?)		# group 1: perhaps negated
-		\s*
-		(		# group 2: a word
-			\w+\([^\)]*\)	# command(params)
-			|
-			[^\s]+		# or anything else
-		)
-		\s*
-	}gx) {
-		my $negated = $1;
-		my $word = $2;
-		my $params = undef;
-		if ($word =~ m/^(\w+)\((.*)\)$/) {
-			# command with parameters
-			$params = $2;
-			$word = $1;
-		}
-		elsif ($word !~ m/^\w+$/) {
-			error(sprintf(gettext("invalid sort type %s"), $word));
-		}
-		if (length $code) {
-			$code .= " || ";
-		}
-		if ($negated) {
-			$code .= "-";
-		}
-		if (exists $IkiWiki::SortSpec::{"cmp_$word"}) {
-			if (defined $params) {
-				push @data, $params;
-				$code .= "IkiWiki::SortSpec::cmp_$word(\$data[$#data])";
-			}
-			else {
-				$code .= "IkiWiki::SortSpec::cmp_$word(undef)";
-			}
-		}
-		else {
-			error(sprintf(gettext("unknown sort type %s"), $word));
-		}
-	}
-	if (! length $code) {
-		# undefined sorting method... sort arbitrarily
-		return sub { 0 };
-	}
-	if ($reverse) {
-		$code="-($code)";
-	}
-	no warnings;
-	return eval 'sub { '.$code.' }';
-sub pagespec_translate ($) {
-	my $spec=shift;
-	# Convert spec to perl code.
-	my $code="";
-	my @data;
-	while ($spec=~m{
-		\s*		# ignore whitespace
-		(		# 1: match a single word
-			\!		# !
-		|
-			\(		# (
-		|
-			\)		# )
-		|
-			\w+\([^\)]*\)	# command(params)
-		|
-			[^\s()]+	# any other text
-		)
-		\s*		# ignore whitespace
-	}gx) {
-		my $word=$1;
-		if (lc $word eq 'and') {
-			$code.=' &';
-		}
-		elsif (lc $word eq 'or') {
-			$code.=' |';
-		}
-		elsif ($word eq "(" || $word eq ")" || $word eq "!") {
-			$code.=' '.$word;
-		}
-		elsif ($word =~ /^(\w+)\((.*)\)$/) {
-			if (exists $IkiWiki::PageSpec::{"match_$1"}) {
-				push @data, $2;
-				$code.="IkiWiki::PageSpec::match_$1(\$page, \$data[$#data], \@_)";
-			}
-			else {
-				push @data, qq{unknown function in pagespec "$word"};
-				$code.="IkiWiki::ErrorReason->new(\$data[$#data])";
-			}
-		}
-		else {
-			push @data, $word;
-			$code.=" IkiWiki::PageSpec::match_glob(\$page, \$data[$#data], \@_)";
-		}
-	}
-	if (! length $code) {
-		$code="IkiWiki::FailReason->new('empty pagespec')";
-	}
-	no warnings;
-	return eval 'sub { my $page=shift; '.$code.' }';
-sub pagespec_match ($$;@) {
-	my $page=shift;
-	my $spec=shift;
-	my @params=@_;
-	# Backwards compatability with old calling convention.
-	if (@params == 1) {
-		unshift @params, 'location';
-	}
-	my $sub=pagespec_translate($spec);
-	return IkiWiki::ErrorReason->new("syntax error in pagespec \"$spec\"")
-		if ! defined $sub;
-	return $sub->($page, @params);
-# e.g. @pages = sort_pages("title", \@pages, reverse => "yes")
-# Not exported yet, but could be in future if it is generally useful.
-# Note that this signature is not the same as IkiWiki::SortSpec::sort_pages,
-# which is "more internal".
-sub sort_pages ($$;@) {
-	my $sort = shift;
-	my $list = shift;
-	my %params = @_;
-	$sort = sortspec_translate($sort, $params{reverse});
-	return IkiWiki::SortSpec::sort_pages($sort, @$list);
-sub pagespec_match_list ($$;@) {
-	my $page=shift;
-	my $pagespec=shift;
-	my %params=@_;
-	# Backwards compatability with old calling convention.
-	if (ref $page) {
-		print STDERR "warning: a plugin (".caller().") is using pagespec_match_list in an obsolete way, and needs to be updated\n";
-		$params{list}=$page;
-		$page=$params{location}; # ugh!
-	}
-	my $sub=pagespec_translate($pagespec);
-	error "syntax error in pagespec \"$pagespec\""
-		if ! defined $sub;
-	my $sort=sortspec_translate($params{sort}, $params{reverse})
-		if defined $params{sort};
-	my @candidates;
-	if (exists $params{list}) {
-		@candidates=exists $params{filter}
-			? grep { ! $params{filter}->($_) } @{$params{list}}
-			: @{$params{list}};
-	}
-	else {
-		@candidates=exists $params{filter}
-			? grep { ! $params{filter}->($_) } keys %pagesources
-			: keys %pagesources;
-	}
-	# clear params, remainder is passed to pagespec
-	$depends{$page}{$pagespec} |= ($params{deptype} || $DEPEND_CONTENT);
-	my $num=$params{num};
-	delete @params{qw{num deptype reverse sort filter list}};
-	# when only the top matches will be returned, it's efficient to
-	# sort before matching to pagespec,
-	if (defined $num && defined $sort) {
-		@candidates=IkiWiki::SortSpec::sort_pages(
-			$sort, @candidates);
-	}
-	my @matches;
-	my $firstfail;
-	my $count=0;
-	my $accum=IkiWiki::SuccessReason->new();
-	foreach my $p (@candidates) {
-		my $r=$sub->($p, %params, location => $page);
-		error(sprintf(gettext("cannot match pages: %s"), $r))
-			if $r->isa("IkiWiki::ErrorReason");
-		unless ($r || $r->influences_static) {
-			$r->remove_influence($p);
-		}
-		$accum |= $r;
-		if ($r) {
-			push @matches, $p;
-			last if defined $num && ++$count == $num;
-		}
-	}
-	# Add simple dependencies for accumulated influences.
-	my $i=$accum->influences;
-	foreach my $k (keys %$i) {
-		$depends_simple{$page}{lc $k} |= $i->{$k};
-	}
-	# when all matches will be returned, it's efficient to
-	# sort after matching
-	if (! defined $num && defined $sort) {
-		return IkiWiki::SortSpec::sort_pages(
-			$sort, @matches);
-	}
-	else {
-		return @matches;
-	}
-sub pagespec_valid ($) {
-	my $spec=shift;
-	return defined pagespec_translate($spec);
-sub glob2re ($) {
-	my $re=quotemeta(shift);
-	$re=~s/\\\*/.*/g;
-	$re=~s/\\\?/./g;
-	return qr/^$re$/i;
-package IkiWiki::FailReason;
-use overload (
-	'""'	=> sub { $_[0][0] },
-	'0+'	=> sub { 0 },
-	'!'	=> sub { bless $_[0], 'IkiWiki::SuccessReason'},
-	'&'	=> sub { $_[0]->merge_influences($_[1], 1); $_[0] },
-	'|'	=> sub { $_[1]->merge_influences($_[0]); $_[1] },
-	fallback => 1,
-our @ISA = 'IkiWiki::SuccessReason';
-package IkiWiki::SuccessReason;
-# A blessed array-ref:
-# [0]: human-readable reason for success (or, in FailReason subclass, failure)
-# [1]{""}:
-#      - if absent or false, the influences of this evaluation are "static",
-#        see the influences_static method
-#      - if true, they are dynamic (not static)
-# [1]{any other key}:
-#      the dependency types of influences, as returned by the influences method
-use overload (
-	# in string context, it's the human-readable reason
-	'""'	=> sub { $_[0][0] },
-	# in boolean context, SuccessReason is 1 and FailReason is 0
-	'0+'	=> sub { 1 },
-	# negating a result gives the opposite result with the same influences
-	'!'	=> sub { bless $_[0], 'IkiWiki::FailReason'},
-	# A & B = (A ? B : A) with the influences of both
-	'&'	=> sub { $_[1]->merge_influences($_[0], 1); $_[1] },
-	# A | B = (A ? A : B) with the influences of both
-	'|'	=> sub { $_[0]->merge_influences($_[1]); $_[0] },
-	fallback => 1,
-# SuccessReason->new("human-readable reason", page => deptype, ...)
-sub new {
-	my $class = shift;
-	my $value = shift;
-	return bless [$value, {@_}], $class;
-# influences(): return a reference to a copy of the hash
-# { page => dependency type } describing the pages that indirectly influenced
-# this result, but would not cause a dependency through ikiwiki's core
-# dependency logic.
-# See [[todo/dependency_types]] for extensive discussion of what this means.
-# influences(page => deptype, ...): remove all influences, replace them
-# with the arguments, and return a reference to a copy of the new influences.
-sub influences {
-	my $this=shift;
-	$this->[1]={@_} if @_;
-	my %i=%{$this->[1]};
-	delete $i{""};
-	return \%i;
-# True if this result has the same influences whichever page it matches,
-# For instance, whether bar matches backlink(foo) is influenced only by
-# the set of links in foo, so its only influence is { foo => DEPEND_LINKS },
-# which does not mention bar anywhere.
-# False if this result would have different influences when matching
-# different pages. For instance, when testing whether link(foo) matches bar,
-# { bar => DEPEND_LINKS } is an influence on that result, because changing
-# bar's links could change the outcome; so its influences are not the same
-# as when testing whether link(foo) matches baz.
-# Static influences are one of the things that make pagespec_match_list
-# more efficient than repeated calls to pagespec_match.
-sub influences_static {
-	return ! $_[0][1]->{""};
-# Change the influences of $this to be the influences of "$this & $other"
-# or "$this | $other".
-# If both $this and $other are either successful or have influences,
-# or this is an "or" operation, the result has all the influences from
-# either of the arguments. It has dynamic influences if either argument
-# has dynamic influences.
-# If this is an "and" operation, and at least one argument is a
-# FailReason with no influences, the result has no influences, and they
-# are not dynamic. For instance, link(foo) matching bar is influenced
-# by bar, but enabled(ddate) has no influences. Suppose ddate is disabled;
-# then (link(foo) and enabled(ddate)) not matching bar is not influenced by
-# bar, because it would be false however often you edit bar.
-sub merge_influences {
-	my $this=shift;
-	my $other=shift;
-	my $anded=shift;
-	# This "if" is odd because it needs to avoid negating $this
-	# or $other, which would alter the objects in-place. Be careful.
-	if (! $anded || (($this || %{$this->[1]}) &&
-	                 ($other || %{$other->[1]}))) {
-		foreach my $influence (keys %{$other->[1]}) {
-			$this->[1]{$influence} |= $other->[1]{$influence};
-		}
-	}
-	else {
-		# influence blocker
-		$this->[1]={};
-	}
-# Change $this so it is not considered to be influenced by $torm.
-sub remove_influence {
-	my $this=shift;
-	my $torm=shift;
-	delete $this->[1]{$torm};
-package IkiWiki::ErrorReason;
-our @ISA = 'IkiWiki::FailReason';
-package IkiWiki::PageSpec;
-sub derel ($$) {
-	my $path=shift;
-	my $from=shift;
-	if ($path =~ m!^\.(/|$)!) {
-		if ($1) {
-			$from=~s#/?[^/]+$## if defined $from;
-			$path=~s#^\./##;
-			$path="$from/$path" if defined $from && length $from;
-		}
-		else {
-			$path = $from;
-			$path = "" unless defined $path;
-		}
-	}
-	return $path;
-my %glob_cache;
-sub match_glob ($$;@) {
-	my $page=shift;
-	my $glob=shift;
-	my %params=@_;
-	$glob=derel($glob, $params{location});
-	# Instead of converting the glob to a regex every time,
-	# cache the compiled regex to save time.
-	my $re=$glob_cache{$glob};
-	unless (defined $re) {
-		$glob_cache{$glob} = $re = IkiWiki::glob2re($glob);
-	}
-	if ($page =~ $re) {
-		if (! IkiWiki::isinternal($page) || $params{internal}) {
-			return IkiWiki::SuccessReason->new("$glob matches $page");
-		}
-		else {
-			return IkiWiki::FailReason->new("$glob matches $page, but the page is an internal page");
-		}
-	}
-	else {
-		return IkiWiki::FailReason->new("$glob does not match $page");
-	}
-sub match_internal ($$;@) {
-	return match_glob(shift, shift, @_, internal => 1)
-sub match_page ($$;@) {
-	my $page=shift;
-	my $match=match_glob($page, shift, @_);
-	if ($match) {
-		my $source=exists $IkiWiki::pagesources{$page} ?
-			$IkiWiki::pagesources{$page} :
-			$IkiWiki::delpagesources{$page};
-		my $type=defined $source ? IkiWiki::pagetype($source) : undef;
-		if (! defined $type) {	
-			return IkiWiki::FailReason->new("$page is not a page");
-		}
-	}
-	return $match;
-sub match_link ($$;@) {
-	my $page=shift;
-	my $link=lc(shift);
-	my %params=@_;
-	$link=derel($link, $params{location});
-	my $from=exists $params{location} ? $params{location} : '';
-	my $linktype=$params{linktype};
-	my $qualifier='';
-	if (defined $linktype) {
-		$qualifier=" with type $linktype";
-	}
-	my $links = $IkiWiki::links{$page};
-	return IkiWiki::FailReason->new("$page has no links", $page => $IkiWiki::DEPEND_LINKS, "" => 1)
-		unless $links && @{$links};
-	my $bestlink = IkiWiki::bestlink($from, $link);
-	foreach my $p (@{$links}) {
-		next unless (! defined $linktype || exists $IkiWiki::typedlinks{$page}{$linktype}{$p});
-		if (length $bestlink) {
-			if ($bestlink eq IkiWiki::bestlink($page, $p)) {
-				return IkiWiki::SuccessReason->new("$page links to $link$qualifier", $page => $IkiWiki::DEPEND_LINKS, "" => 1)
-			}
-		}
-		else {
-			if (match_glob($p, $link, %params)) {
-				return IkiWiki::SuccessReason->new("$page links to page $p$qualifier, matching $link", $page => $IkiWiki::DEPEND_LINKS, "" => 1)
-			}
-			my ($p_rel)=$p=~/^\/?(.*)/;
-			$link=~s/^\///;
-			if (match_glob($p_rel, $link, %params)) {
-				return IkiWiki::SuccessReason->new("$page links to page $p_rel$qualifier, matching $link", $page => $IkiWiki::DEPEND_LINKS, "" => 1)
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	return IkiWiki::FailReason->new("$page does not link to $link$qualifier", $page => $IkiWiki::DEPEND_LINKS, "" => 1);
-sub match_backlink ($$;@) {
-	my $page=shift;
-	my $testpage=shift;
-	my %params=@_;
-	if ($testpage eq '.') {
-		$testpage = $params{'location'}
-	}
-	my $ret=match_link($testpage, $page, @_);
-	$ret->influences($testpage => $IkiWiki::DEPEND_LINKS);
-	return $ret;
-sub match_created_before ($$;@) {
-	my $page=shift;
-	my $testpage=shift;
-	my %params=@_;
-	$testpage=derel($testpage, $params{location});
-	if (exists $IkiWiki::pagectime{$testpage}) {
-		if ($IkiWiki::pagectime{$page} < $IkiWiki::pagectime{$testpage}) {
-			return IkiWiki::SuccessReason->new("$page created before $testpage", $testpage => $IkiWiki::DEPEND_PRESENCE);
-		}
-		else {
-			return IkiWiki::FailReason->new("$page not created before $testpage", $testpage => $IkiWiki::DEPEND_PRESENCE);
-		}
-	}
-	else {
-		return IkiWiki::ErrorReason->new("$testpage does not exist", $testpage => $IkiWiki::DEPEND_PRESENCE);
-	}
-sub match_created_after ($$;@) {
-	my $page=shift;
-	my $testpage=shift;
-	my %params=@_;
-	$testpage=derel($testpage, $params{location});
-	if (exists $IkiWiki::pagectime{$testpage}) {
-		if ($IkiWiki::pagectime{$page} > $IkiWiki::pagectime{$testpage}) {
-			return IkiWiki::SuccessReason->new("$page created after $testpage", $testpage => $IkiWiki::DEPEND_PRESENCE);
-		}
-		else {
-			return IkiWiki::FailReason->new("$page not created after $testpage", $testpage => $IkiWiki::DEPEND_PRESENCE);
-		}
-	}
-	else {
-		return IkiWiki::ErrorReason->new("$testpage does not exist", $testpage => $IkiWiki::DEPEND_PRESENCE);
-	}
-sub match_creation_day ($$;@) {
-	my $page=shift;
-	my $d=shift;
-	if ($d !~ /^\d+$/) {
-		return IkiWiki::ErrorReason->new("invalid day $d");
-	}
-	if ((localtime($IkiWiki::pagectime{$page}))[3] == $d) {
-		return IkiWiki::SuccessReason->new('creation_day matched');
-	}
-	else {
-		return IkiWiki::FailReason->new('creation_day did not match');
-	}
-sub match_creation_month ($$;@) {
-	my $page=shift;
-	my $m=shift;
-	if ($m !~ /^\d+$/) {
-		return IkiWiki::ErrorReason->new("invalid month $m");
-	}
-	if ((localtime($IkiWiki::pagectime{$page}))[4] + 1 == $m) {
-		return IkiWiki::SuccessReason->new('creation_month matched');
-	}
-	else {
-		return IkiWiki::FailReason->new('creation_month did not match');
-	}
-sub match_creation_year ($$;@) {
-	my $page=shift;
-	my $y=shift;
-	if ($y !~ /^\d+$/) {
-		return IkiWiki::ErrorReason->new("invalid year $y");
-	}
-	if ((localtime($IkiWiki::pagectime{$page}))[5] + 1900 == $y) {
-		return IkiWiki::SuccessReason->new('creation_year matched');
-	}
-	else {
-		return IkiWiki::FailReason->new('creation_year did not match');
-	}
-sub match_user ($$;@) {
-	shift;
-	my $user=shift;
-	my %params=@_;
-	if (! exists $params{user}) {
-		return IkiWiki::ErrorReason->new("no user specified");
-	}
-	my $regexp=IkiWiki::glob2re($user);
-	if (defined $params{user} && $params{user}=~$regexp) {
-		return IkiWiki::SuccessReason->new("user is $user");
-	}
-	elsif (! defined $params{user}) {
-		return IkiWiki::FailReason->new("not logged in");
-	}
-	else {
-		return IkiWiki::FailReason->new("user is $params{user}, not $user");
-	}
-sub match_admin ($$;@) {
-	shift;
-	shift;
-	my %params=@_;
-	if (! exists $params{user}) {
-		return IkiWiki::ErrorReason->new("no user specified");
-	}
-	if (defined $params{user} && IkiWiki::is_admin($params{user})) {
-		return IkiWiki::SuccessReason->new("user is an admin");
-	}
-	elsif (! defined $params{user}) {
-		return IkiWiki::FailReason->new("not logged in");
-	}
-	else {
-		return IkiWiki::FailReason->new("user is not an admin");
-	}
-sub match_ip ($$;@) {
-	shift;
-	my $ip=shift;
-	my %params=@_;
-	if (! exists $params{ip}) {
-		return IkiWiki::ErrorReason->new("no IP specified");
-	}
-	my $regexp=IkiWiki::glob2re(lc $ip);
-	if (defined $params{ip} && lc $params{ip}=~$regexp) {
-		return IkiWiki::SuccessReason->new("IP is $ip");
-	}
-	else {
-		return IkiWiki::FailReason->new("IP is $params{ip}, not $ip");
-	}
-package IkiWiki::SortSpec;
-# This is in the SortSpec namespace so that the $a and $b that sort() uses
-# are easily available in this namespace, for cmp functions to use them.
-sub sort_pages {
-	my $f=shift;
-	sort $f @_
-sub cmp_title {
-	IkiWiki::pagetitle(IkiWiki::basename($a))
-	cmp
-	IkiWiki::pagetitle(IkiWiki::basename($b))
-sub cmp_path { IkiWiki::pagetitle($a) cmp IkiWiki::pagetitle($b) }
-sub cmp_mtime { $IkiWiki::pagemtime{$b} <=> $IkiWiki::pagemtime{$a} }
-sub cmp_age { $IkiWiki::pagectime{$b} <=> $IkiWiki::pagectime{$a} }
diff -Nru ikiwiki-3.20141016.4+deb8u1/.pc/CVE-2019-9187-4.patch/doc/plugins/aggregate.mdwn ikiwiki-3.20141016.4/.pc/CVE-2019-9187-4.patch/doc/plugins/aggregate.mdwn
--- ikiwiki-3.20141016.4+deb8u1/.pc/CVE-2019-9187-4.patch/doc/plugins/aggregate.mdwn	2019-03-07 17:33:15.000000000 +1100
+++ ikiwiki-3.20141016.4/.pc/CVE-2019-9187-4.patch/doc/plugins/aggregate.mdwn	1970-01-01 10:00:00.000000000 +1000
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-[[!template id=plugin name=aggregate author="[[Joey]]"]]
-[[!tag type/special-purpose]]
-This plugin allows content from other feeds to be aggregated into the
-wiki. To specify feeds to aggregate, use the
-[[ikiwiki/directive/aggregate]] [[ikiwiki/directive]].
-## requirements
-The [[meta]] and [[tag]] plugins are also recommended to be used with this
-one. Either the [[htmltidy]] or [[htmlbalance]] plugin is suggested, since
-feeds can easily contain html problems, some of which these plugins can fix.
-## triggering aggregation
-You will need to run ikiwiki periodically from a cron job, passing it the
---aggregate parameter, to make it check for new posts. Here's an example
-crontab entry:
-	*/15 * * * * ikiwiki --setup my.wiki --aggregate --refresh
-The plugin updates a file `.ikiwiki/aggregatetime` with the unix time stamp
-when the next aggregation run could occur. (The file may be empty, if no
-aggregation is required.) This can be integrated into more complex cron
-jobs or systems to trigger aggregation only when needed.
-Alternatively, you can allow `ikiwiki.cgi` to trigger the aggregation. You
-should only need this if for some reason you cannot use cron, and instead
-want to use a service such as [WebCron](http://webcron.org). To enable
-this, turn on `aggregate_webtrigger` in your setup file. The url to
-visit is `http://whatever/ikiwiki.cgi?do=aggregate_webtrigger`. Anyone
-can visit the url to trigger an aggregation run, but it will only check
-each feed if its `updateinterval` has passed.
-## aggregated pages
-This plugin creates a page for each aggregated item. 
-If the `aggregateinternal` option is enabled in the setup file (which is
-the default), aggregated pages are stored in the source directory with a
-"._aggregated" extension. These pages cannot be edited by web users, and
-do not generate first-class wiki pages. They can still be inlined into a
-blog, but you have to use `internal` in [[PageSpecs|IkiWiki/PageSpec]],
-like `internal(blog/*)`.
-If `aggregateinternal` is disabled, you will need to enable the [[html]]
-plugin as well as aggregate itself, since feed entries will be stored as
-HTML, and as first-class wiki pages -- each one generates
-a separate HTML page in the output, and they can even be edited. This
-option is provided only for backwards compatability.
-## cookies
-The `cookiejar` option can be used to configure how [[!cpan LWP::UserAgent]]
-handles cookies. The default is to read them from a file
-`~/.ikiwiki/cookies`, which can be populated using standard perl cookie
-tools like [[!cpan HTTP::Cookies]].
diff -Nru ikiwiki-3.20141016.4+deb8u1/.pc/CVE-2019-9187-4.patch/doc/plugins/blogspam.mdwn ikiwiki-3.20141016.4/.pc/CVE-2019-9187-4.patch/doc/plugins/blogspam.mdwn
--- ikiwiki-3.20141016.4+deb8u1/.pc/CVE-2019-9187-4.patch/doc/plugins/blogspam.mdwn	2019-03-07 17:33:15.000000000 +1100
+++ ikiwiki-3.20141016.4/.pc/CVE-2019-9187-4.patch/doc/plugins/blogspam.mdwn	1970-01-01 10:00:00.000000000 +1000
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-[[!template id=plugin name=blogspam author="[[Joey]]"]]
-[[!tag type/auth type/comments]]
-This plugin adds antispam support to ikiwiki, using the
-[blogspam.net](http://blogspam.net/) API. Both page edits and
-[[comment|comments]] postings can be checked for spam. Page edits that
-appear to contain spam will be rejected; comments that look spammy will be
-stored in a queue for moderation by an admin.
-To check for and moderate comments, log in to the wiki as an admin,
-go to your Preferences page, and click the "Comment Moderation" button.
-The plugin requires the [[!cpan JSON]] perl module.
-You can control how content is tested via the `blogspam_options` setting.
-The list of options is [here](http://blogspam.net/api/testComment.html#options).
-By default, the options are configured in a way that is appropriate for
-wiki content. This includes turning off some of the more problematic tests.
-An interesting option for testing is `fail`, by setting it (e.g.,
-`blogspam_options => 'fail'`), *all* comments will be marked as SPAM, so that
-you can check whether the interaction with blogspam.net works.
-The `blogspam_pagespec` setting is a [[ikiwiki/PageSpec]] that can be
-used to configure which pages are checked for spam. The default is to check
-all edits. If you only want to check [[comments]] (not wiki page edits),
-set it to "postcomment(*)". Posts by admins are never checked for spam.
-By default, the blogspam.net server is used to do the spam checking. To
-change this, the `blogspam_server` option can be set to the url for a
-different server implementing the same API. Note that content is sent
-unencrypted over the internet to the server, and the server sees
-the full text of the content.
diff -Nru ikiwiki-3.20141016.4+deb8u1/.pc/CVE-2019-9187-4.patch/doc/plugins/openid.mdwn ikiwiki-3.20141016.4/.pc/CVE-2019-9187-4.patch/doc/plugins/openid.mdwn
--- ikiwiki-3.20141016.4+deb8u1/.pc/CVE-2019-9187-4.patch/doc/plugins/openid.mdwn	2019-03-07 17:33:15.000000000 +1100
+++ ikiwiki-3.20141016.4/.pc/CVE-2019-9187-4.patch/doc/plugins/openid.mdwn	1970-01-01 10:00:00.000000000 +1000
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-[[!template id=plugin name=openid core=1 author="[[Joey]]"]]
-[[!tag type/auth]]
-This plugin allows users to use their [OpenID](http://openid.net/) to log
-into the wiki.
-The plugin needs the [[!cpan Net::OpenID::Consumer]] perl module.
-Version 1.x is needed in order for OpenID v2 to work.
-The [[!cpan LWPx::ParanoidAgent]] perl module is used if available, for
-added security. Finally, the [[!cpan Crypt::SSLeay]] perl module is needed
-to support users entering "https" OpenID urls.
-This plugin is enabled by default, but can be turned off if you want to
-only use some other form of authentication, such as [[passwordauth]].
-## options
-These options do not normally need to be set, but can be useful in
-certain setups.
-* `openid_realm` can be used to control the scope of the openid request.
-  It defaults to the `cgiurl` (or `openid_cgiurl` if set); only allowing
-  ikiwiki's [[CGI]] to authenticate. If you have multiple ikiwiki instances,
-  or other things using openid on the same site, you may choose to put them
-  all in the same realm to improve the user's openid experience. It is an
-  url pattern, so can be set to eg "http://*.example.com/";
-* `openid_cgiurl` can be used to cause a different than usual `cgiurl`
-  to be used when doing openid authentication. The `openid_cgiurl` must
-  point to an ikiwiki [[CGI]], and it will need to match the `openid_realm`
-  to work.
-## troubleshooting
-See [[plugins/openid/troubleshooting]] for a number of issues that may
-need to be addressed when setting up ikiwiki to accept OpenID logins reliably.
diff -Nru ikiwiki-3.20141016.4+deb8u1/.pc/CVE-2019-9187-4.patch/doc/plugins/pinger.mdwn ikiwiki-3.20141016.4/.pc/CVE-2019-9187-4.patch/doc/plugins/pinger.mdwn
--- ikiwiki-3.20141016.4+deb8u1/.pc/CVE-2019-9187-4.patch/doc/plugins/pinger.mdwn	2019-03-07 17:33:15.000000000 +1100
+++ ikiwiki-3.20141016.4/.pc/CVE-2019-9187-4.patch/doc/plugins/pinger.mdwn	1970-01-01 10:00:00.000000000 +1000
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-[[!template id=plugin name=pinger author="[[Joey]]"]]
-[[!tag type/special-purpose]]
-This plugin allows ikiwiki to be configured to hit a URL each time it
-updates the wiki. One way to use this is in conjunction with the [[pingee]]
-plugin to set up a loosely coupled mirror network, or a branched version of
-a wiki. By pinging the mirror or branch each time the main wiki changes, it
-can be kept up-to-date.
-To configure what URLs to ping, use the [[ikiwiki/directive/ping]]
-The [[!cpan LWP]] perl module is used for pinging. Or the [[!cpan
-LWPx::ParanoidAgent]] perl module is used if available, for added security.
-Finally, the [[!cpan Crypt::SSLeay]] perl module is needed to support pinging
-"https" urls.
-By default the pinger will try to ping a site for 15 seconds before timing
-out. This timeout can be changed by setting the `pinger_timeout`
-configuration setting in the setup file.
diff -Nru ikiwiki-3.20141016.4+deb8u1/.pc/CVE-2019-9187-4.patch/doc/security.mdwn ikiwiki-3.20141016.4/.pc/CVE-2019-9187-4.patch/doc/security.mdwn
--- ikiwiki-3.20141016.4+deb8u1/.pc/CVE-2019-9187-4.patch/doc/security.mdwn	2019-03-07 17:34:53.000000000 +1100
+++ ikiwiki-3.20141016.4/.pc/CVE-2019-9187-4.patch/doc/security.mdwn	1970-01-01 10:00:00.000000000 +1000
@@ -1,528 +0,0 @@
-Let's do an ikiwiki security analysis.
-If you are using ikiwiki to render pages that only you can edit, do not
-generate any wrappers, and do not use the cgi, then there are no more
-security issues with this program than with cat(1). If, however, you let
-others edit pages in your wiki, then some possible security issues do need
-to be kept in mind.
-[[!toc levels=2]]
-# Probable holes
-_(The list of things to fix.)_
-## commit spoofing
-Anyone with direct commit access can forge "web commit from foo" and
-make it appear on [[RecentChanges]] like foo committed. One way to avoid
-this would be to limit web commits to those done by a certain user.
-## other stuff to look at
-I have been meaning to see if any CRLF injection type things can be
-done in the CGI code.
-# Potential gotchas
-_(Things not to do.)_
-## image file etc attacks
-If it enounters a file type it does not understand, ikiwiki just copies it
-into place. So if you let users add any kind of file they like, they can
-upload images, movies, windows executables, css files, etc (though not html
-files). If these files exploit security holes in the browser of someone
-who's viewing the wiki, that can be a security problem.
-Of course nobody else seems to worry about this in other wikis, so should we?
-People with direct commit access can upload such files
-(and if you wanted to you could block that with a pre-commit hook).
-The attachments plugin is not enabled by default. If you choose to
-enable it, you should make use of its powerful abilities to filter allowed
-types of attachments, and only let trusted users upload.
-It is possible to embed an image in a page edited over the web, by using
-`img src="data:image/png;"`. Ikiwiki's htmlscrubber only allows `data:`
-urls to be used for `image/*` mime types. It's possible that some broken
-browser might ignore the mime type and if the data provided is not an
-image, instead run it as javascript, or something evil like that. Hopefully
-not many browsers are that broken.
-## multiple accessors of wiki directory
-If multiple people can directly write to the source directory ikiwiki is
-using, or to the destination directory it writes files to, then one can
-cause trouble for the other when they run ikiwiki through symlink attacks.
-So it's best if only one person can ever directly write to those directories.
-## setup files
-Setup files are not safe to keep in the same revision control repository
-with the rest of the wiki. Just don't do it.
-## page locking can be bypassed via direct commits
-A locked page can only be edited on the web by an admin, but anyone who is
-allowed to commit directly to the repository can bypass this. This is by
-design, although a pre-commit hook could be used to prevent editing of
-locked pages, if you really need to.
-## web server attacks
-If your web server does any parsing of special sorts of files (for example,
-server parsed html files), then if you let anyone else add files to the wiki,
-they can try to use this to exploit your web server.
-# Hopefully non-holes
-_(AKA, the assumptions that will be the root of most security holes...)_
-## exploiting ikiwiki with bad content
-Someone could add bad content to the wiki and hope to exploit ikiwiki.
-Note that ikiwiki runs with perl taint checks on, so this is unlikely.
-One fun thing in ikiwiki is its handling of a PageSpec, which involves
-translating it into perl and running the perl. Of course, this is done
-*very* carefully to guard against injecting arbitrary perl code.
-## publishing cgi scripts
-ikiwiki does not allow cgi scripts to be published as part of the wiki. Or
-rather, the script is published, but it's not marked executable (except in
-the case of "destination directory file replacement" below), so hopefully
-your web server will not run it.
-## suid wrappers
-`ikiwiki --wrapper` is intended to generate a wrapper program that
-runs ikiwiki to update a given wiki. The wrapper can in turn be made suid,
-for example to be used in a [[post-commit]] hook by people who cannot write
-to the html pages, etc.
-If the wrapper program is made suid, then any bugs in this wrapper would be
-security holes. The wrapper is written as securely as I know how, is based
-on code that has a history of security use long before ikiwiki, and there's
-been no problem yet.
-## shell exploits
-ikiwiki does not expose untrusted data to the shell. In fact it doesn't use
-`system(3)` at all, and the only use of backticks is on data supplied by the
-wiki admin and untainted filenames. 
-Ikiwiki was developed and used for a long time with perl's taint checking
-turned on as a second layer of defense against shell and other exploits. Due
-to a strange [bug](http://bugs.debian.org/411786) in perl, taint checking
-is currently disabled for production builds of ikiwiki.
-## cgi data security
-When ikiwiki runs as a cgi to edit a page, it is passed the name of the
-page to edit. It has to make sure to sanitise this page, to prevent eg,
-editing of ../../../foo, or editing of files that are not part of the wiki,
-such as subversion dotfiles. This is done by sanitising the filename
-removing unallowed characters, then making sure it doesn't start with "/"
-or contain ".." or "/.svn/", etc. Annoyingly ad-hoc, this kind of code is
-where security holes breed. It needs a test suite at the very least.
-## CGI::Session security
-I've audited this module and it is massively insecure by default. ikiwiki
-uses it in one of the few secure ways; by forcing it to write to a
-directory it controls (and not /tmp) and by setting a umask that makes the
-file not be world readable.
-## cgi password security
-Login to the wiki using [[plugins/passwordauth]] involves sending a password
-in cleartext over the net. Cracking the password only allows editing the wiki
-as that user though. If you care, you can use https, I suppose. If you do use
-https either for all of the wiki, or just the cgi access, then consider using
-the sslcookie option. Using [[plugins/openid]] is a potentially better option.
-## XSS holes in CGI output
-ikiwiki has been audited to ensure that all cgi script input/output
-is sanitised to prevent XSS attacks. For example, a user can't register
-with a username containing html code (anymore).
-It's difficult to know for sure if all such avenues have really been
-closed though.
-## HTML::Template security
-If the [[plugins/template]] plugin is enabled, all users can modify templates
-like any other part of the wiki. Some trusted users can modify templates
-without it too. This assumes that HTML::Template is secure
-when used with untrusted/malicious templates. (Note that includes are not
-# Plugins
-The security of [[plugins]] depends on how well they're written and what
-external tools they use. The plugins included in ikiwiki are all held to
-the same standards as the rest of ikiwiki, but with that said, here are
-some security notes for them.
-* The [[plugins/img]] plugin assumes that imagemagick/perlmagick are secure
-  from malformed image attacks for at least the formats listed in
-  `img_allowed_formats`. Imagemagick has had security holes in the
-  past. To be able to exploit such a hole, a user would need to be able to
-  upload images to the wiki.
-# Fixed holes
-_(Unless otherwise noted, these were discovered and immediately fixed by the
-ikiwiki developers.)_
-## destination directory file replacement
-Any file in the destination directory that is a valid page filename can be
-replaced, even if it was not originally rendered from a page. For example,
-ikiwiki.cgi could be edited in the wiki, and it would write out a
-replacement. File permission is preseved. Yipes!
-This was fixed by making ikiwiki check if the file it's writing to exists;
-if it does then it has to be a file that it's aware of creating before, or
-it will refuse to create it.
-Still, this sort of attack is something to keep in mind.
-## symlink attacks
-Could a committer trick ikiwiki into following a symlink and operating on
-some other tree that it shouldn't? svn supports symlinks, so one can get
-into the repo. ikiwiki uses File::Find to traverse the repo, and does not
-tell it to follow symlinks, but it might be possible to race replacing a
-directory with a symlink and trick it into following the link.
-Also, if someone checks in a symlink to /etc/passwd, ikiwiki would read and
-publish that, which could be used to expose files a committer otherwise
-wouldn't see.
-To avoid this, ikiwiki will skip over symlinks when scanning for pages, and
-uses locking to prevent more than one instance running at a time. The lock
-prevents one ikiwiki from running a svn up/git pull/etc at the wrong time
-to race another ikiwiki. So only attackers who can write to the working
-copy on their own can race it.
-## symlink + cgi attacks
-Similarly, a commit of a symlink could be made, ikiwiki ignores it
-because of the above, but the symlink is still there, and then you edit the
-page from the web, which follows the symlink when reading the page
-(exposing the content), and again when saving the changed page (changing
-the content).
-This was fixed for page saving by making ikiwiki refuse to write to files
-that are symlinks, or that are in subdirectories that are symlinks,
-combined with the above locking.
-For page editing, it's fixed by ikiwiki checking to make sure that it
-already has found a page by scanning the tree, before loading it for
-editing, which as described above, also is done in a way that avoids
-symlink attacks.
-## underlaydir override attacks
-ikiwiki also scans an underlaydir for pages, this is used to provide stock
-pages to all wikis w/o needing to copy them into the wiki. Since ikiwiki
-internally stores only the base filename from the underlaydir or srcdir,
-and searches for a file in either directory when reading a page source,
-there is the potential for ikiwiki's scanner to reject a file from the
-srcdir for some reason (such as it being contained in a directory that is
-symlinked in), find a valid copy of the file in the underlaydir, and then
-when loading the file, mistakenly load the bad file from the srcdir.
-This attack is avoided by making ikiwiki refuse to add any files from the
-underlaydir if a file also exists in the srcdir with the same name.
-## multiple page source issues
-Note that I previously worried that underlay override attacks could also be
-accomplished if ikiwiki were extended to support other page markup
-languages besides markdown. However, a closer look indicates that this is
-not a problem: ikiwiki does preserve the file extension when storing the
-source filename of a page, so a file with another extension that renders to
-the same page name can't bypass the check. Ie, ikiwiki won't skip foo.rst
-in the srcdir, find foo.mdwn in the underlay, decide to render page foo and
-then read the bad foo.mdwn. Instead it will remember the .rst extension and
-only render a file with that extension.
-## XSS attacks in page content
-ikiwiki supports protecting users from their own broken browsers via the
-[[plugins/htmlscrubber]] plugin, which is enabled by default.
-## svn commit logs
-It's was possible to force a whole series of svn commits to appear to
-have come just before yours, by forging svn log output. This was
-guarded against by using svn log --xml.
-ikiwiki escapes any html in svn commit logs to prevent other mischief.
-## XML::Parser
-XML::Parser is used by the aggregation plugin, and has some security holes. 
-Bug #[378411](http://bugs.debian.org/378411) does not
-seem to affect our use, since the data is not encoded as utf-8 at that
-point. #[378412](http://bugs.debian.org/378412) could affect us, although it
-doesn't seem very exploitable. It has a simple fix, and has been fixed in
-Debian unstable.
-## include loops
-Various directives that cause one page to be included into another could
-be exploited to DOS the wiki, by causing a loop. Ikiwiki has always guarded
-against this one way or another; the current solution should detect all
-types of loops involving preprocessor directives.
-## Online editing of existing css and images
-A bug in ikiwiki allowed the web-based editor to edit any file that was in
-the wiki, not just files that are page sources. So an attacker (or a
-genuinely helpful user, which is how the hole came to light) could edit
-files like style.css. It is also theoretically possible that an attacker
-could have used this hole to edit images or other files in the wiki, with
-some difficulty, since all editing would happen in a textarea.
-This hole was discovered on 10 Feb 2007 and fixed the same day with the
-release of ikiwiki 1.42. A fix was also backported to Debian etch, as
-version 1.33.1. I recommend upgrading to one of these versions if your wiki
-allows web editing.
-## html insertion via title
-Missing html escaping of the title contents allowed a web-based editor to
-insert arbitrary html inside the title tag of a page. Since that part of
-the page is not processed by the htmlscrubber, evil html could be injected.
-This hole was discovered on 21 March 2007 and fixed the same day (er, hour) 
-with the release of ikiwiki 1.46. A fix was also backported to Debian etch,
-as version 1.33.2. I recommend upgrading to one of these versions if your
-wiki allows web editing or aggregates feeds.
-## javascript insertion via meta tags
-It was possible to use the meta plugin's meta tags to insert arbitrary
-url contents, which could be used to insert stylesheet information
-containing javascript. This was fixed by sanitising meta tags.
-This hole was discovered on 21 March 2007 and fixed the same day
-with the release of ikiwiki 1.47. A fix was also backported to Debian etch,
-as version 1.33.3. I recommend upgrading to one of these versions if your
-wiki can be edited by third parties.
-## insufficient checking for symlinks in srcdir path
-Ikiwiki did not check if path to the srcdir to contained a symlink. If an
-attacker had commit access to the directories in the path, they could
-change it to a symlink, causing ikiwiki to read and publish files that were
-not intended to be published. (But not write to them due to other checks.)
-In most configurations, this is not exploitable, because the srcdir is
-checked out of revision control, but the directories leading up to it are
-not. Or, the srcdir is a single subdirectory of a project in revision
-control (ie, `ikiwiki/doc`), and if the subdirectory were a symlink,
-ikiwiki would still typically not follow it.
-There are at least two configurations where this is exploitable:
-* If the srcdir is a deeper subdirectory of a project. For example if it is
-  `project/foo/doc`, an an attacker can replace `foo` with a symlink to a
-  directory containing a `doc` directory (not a symlink), then ikiwiki
-  would follow the symlink.
-* If the path to the srcdir in ikiwiki's configuration ended in "/", 
-  and the srcdir is a single subdirectory of a project, (ie,
-  `ikiwiki/doc/`), the srcdir could be a symlink and ikiwiki would not
-  notice.
-This security hole was discovered on 26 November 2007 and fixed the same
-day with the release of ikiwiki 2.14. I recommend upgrading to this version
-if your wiki can be committed to by third parties. Alternatively, don't use
-a trailing slash in the srcdir, and avoid the (unusual) configurations that
-allow the security hole to be exploited.
-## javascript insertion via uris
-The htmlscrubber did not block javascript in uris. This was fixed by adding
-a whitelist of valid uri types, which does not include javascript. 
-([[!cve CVE-2008-0809]]) Some urls specifyable by the meta plugin could also
-theoretically have been used to inject javascript; this was also blocked
-([[!cve CVE-2008-0808]]).
-This hole was discovered on 10 February 2008 and fixed the same day
-with the release of ikiwiki 2.31.1. (And a few subsequent versions..)
-A fix was also backported to Debian etch, as version 1.33.4. I recommend
-upgrading to one of these versions if your wiki can be edited by third
-## Cross Site Request Forging
-Cross Site Request Forging could be used to constuct a link that would
-change a logged-in user's password or other preferences if they clicked on
-the link. It could also be used to construct a link that would cause a wiki
-page to be modified by a logged-in user. ([[!cve CVE-2008-0165]])
-These holes were discovered on 10 April 2008 and fixed the same day with
-the release of ikiwiki 2.42. A fix was also backported to Debian etch, as
-version 1.33.5. I recommend upgrading to one of these versions.
-## Cleartext passwords
-Until version 2.48, ikiwiki stored passwords in cleartext in the `userdb`.
-That risks exposing all users' passwords if the file is somehow exposed. To
-pre-emtively guard against that, current versions of ikiwiki store password
-hashes (using Eksblowfish).
-If you use the [[plugins/passwordauth]] plugin, I recommend upgrading to
-ikiwiki 2.48, installing the [[!cpan Authen::Passphrase]] perl module, and running
-`ikiwiki-transition hashpassword` to replace all existing cleartext passwords
-with strong blowfish hashes. 
-You might also consider changing to [[plugins/openid]], which does not 
-require ikiwiki deal with passwords at all, and does not involve users sending
-passwords in cleartext over the net to log in, either.
-## Empty password security hole
-This hole allowed ikiwiki to accept logins using empty passwords, to openid
-accounts that didn't use a password. It was introduced in version 1.34, and
-fixed in version 2.48. The [bug](http://bugs.debian.org/483770) was
-discovered on 30 May 2008 and fixed the same day. ([[!cve CVE-2008-0169]])
-I recommend upgrading to 2.48 immediatly if your wiki allows both password
-and openid logins.
-## Malformed UTF-8 DOS
-Feeding ikiwiki page sources containing certian forms of malformed UTF-8
-can cause it to crash. This can potentially be used for a denial of service
-intrigeri discovered this problem on 12 Nov 2008 and a patch put in place
-later that day, in version 2.70. The fix was backported to testing as version
-2.53.3, and to stable as version 1.33.7.
-## Insufficient blacklisting in teximg plugin
-Josh Triplett discovered on 28 Aug 2009 that the teximg plugin's
-blacklisting of insecure TeX commands was insufficient; it could be
-bypassed and used to read arbitrary files. This was fixed by
-enabling TeX configuration options that disallow unsafe TeX commands.
-The fix was released on 30 Aug 2009 in version 3.1415926, and was
-backported to stable in version 2.53.4. If you use the teximg plugin,
-I recommend upgrading. ([[!cve CVE-2009-2944]])
-## javascript insertion via svg uris
-Ivan Shmakov pointed out that the htmlscrubber allowed `data:image/*` urls,
-including `data:image/svg+xml`. But svg can contain javascript, so that is
-This hole was discovered on 12 March 2010 and fixed the same day
-with the release of ikiwiki 3.20100312.
-A fix was also backported to Debian etch, as version 2.53.5. I recommend
-upgrading to one of these versions if your wiki can be edited by third
-## javascript insertion via insufficient htmlscrubbing of comments
-Kevin Riggle noticed that it was not possible to configure
-`htmlscrubber_skip` to scrub comments while leaving unscubbed the text
-of eg, blog posts. Confusingly, setting it to "* and !comment(*)" did not
-scrub comments.
-Additionally, it was discovered that comments' html was never scrubbed during
-preview or moderation of comments with such a configuration.
-These problems were discovered on 12 November 2010 and fixed the same
-hour with the release of ikiwiki 3.20101112. ([[!cve CVE-2010-1673]])
-## javascript insertion via insufficient checking in comments
-Dave B noticed that attempting to comment on an illegal page name could be
-used for an XSS attack.
-This hole was discovered on 22 Jan 2011 and fixed the same day with
-the release of ikiwiki 3.20110122. A fix was backported to Debian squeeze,
-as version 3.20100815.5. An upgrade is recommended for sites
-with the comments plugin enabled. ([[!cve CVE-2011-0428]])
-## possible javascript insertion via insufficient htmlscrubbing of alternate stylesheets
-Giuseppe Bilotta noticed that 'meta stylesheet` directives allowed anyone
-who could upload a malicious stylesheet to a site to add it to a
-page as an alternate stylesheet, or replacing the default stylesheet.
-This hole was discovered on 28 Mar 2011 and fixed the same hour with
-the release of ikiwiki 3.20110328. A fix was backported to Debian squeeze,
-as version 3.20100815.6. An upgrade is recommended for sites that have
-untrusted committers, or have the attachments plugin enabled.
-([[!cve CVE-2011-1401]])
-## tty hijacking via ikiwiki-mass-rebuild
-Ludwig Nussel discovered a way for users to hijack root's tty when
-ikiwiki-mass-rebuild was run. Additionally, there was some potential
-for information disclosure via symlinks. ([[!cve CVE-2011-1408]])
-This hole was discovered on 8 June 2011 and fixed the same day with
-the release of ikiwiki 3.20110608. Note that the fix is dependant on
-a version of su that has a similar hole fixed. Version 4.1.5 of the shadow
-package contains the fixed su; [[!debbug 628843]] tracks fixing the hole in
-Debian. An upgrade is a must for any sites that have `ikiwiki-update-wikilist`
-installed suid (not the default), and whose admins run `ikiwiki-mass-rebuild`.
-## javascript insertion via meta tags
-Raúl Benencia discovered an additional XSS exposure in the meta plugin.
-([[!cve CVE-2012-0220]])
-This hole was discovered on 16 May 2012 and fixed the same day with
-the release of ikiwiki 3.20120516. A fix was backported to Debian squeeze,
-as version 3.20100815.9. An upgrade is recommended for all sites.
-## XSS via openid selector
-Raghav Bisht discovered this XSS in the openid selector. ([[!cve CVE-2015-2793]])
-The hole was reported on March 24th, a fix was developed on March 27th,
-and the fixed version 3.20150329 was released on the 29th. A fix was backported
-to Debian jessie as version 3.20141016.2 and to Debian wheezy as version
-3.20120629.2. An upgrade is recommended for sites using CGI and openid.
-## XSS via error messages
-CGI error messages did not escape HTML meta-characters, potentially
-allowing an attacker to carry out cross-site scripting by directing a
-user to a URL that would result in a crafted ikiwiki error message. This
-was discovered on 4 May by the ikiwiki developers, and the fixed version
-3.20160506 was released on 6 May. An upgrade is recommended for sites using
-the CGI.
-## ImageMagick CVE-2016–3714 ("ImageTragick")
-ikiwiki 3.20160506 attempts to mitigate [[!cve CVE-2016-3714]] and any
-future ImageMagick vulnerabilities that resemble it, by restricting the
-image formats that the [[ikiwiki/directive/img]] directive is willing to
-resize. An upgrade is recommended for sites where an untrusted user is
-able to attach images. Upgrading ImageMagick to a version where
-CVE-2016-3714 has been fixed is also recommended, but at the time of
-writing no such version is available.
diff -Nru ikiwiki-3.20141016.4+deb8u1/.pc/.quilt_patches ikiwiki-3.20141016.4/.pc/.quilt_patches
--- ikiwiki-3.20141016.4+deb8u1/.pc/.quilt_patches	2019-03-07 17:31:01.000000000 +1100
+++ ikiwiki-3.20141016.4/.pc/.quilt_patches	1970-01-01 10:00:00.000000000 +1000
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff -Nru ikiwiki-3.20141016.4+deb8u1/.pc/.quilt_series ikiwiki-3.20141016.4/.pc/.quilt_series
--- ikiwiki-3.20141016.4+deb8u1/.pc/.quilt_series	2019-03-07 17:31:01.000000000 +1100
+++ ikiwiki-3.20141016.4/.pc/.quilt_series	1970-01-01 10:00:00.000000000 +1000
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff -Nru ikiwiki-3.20141016.4+deb8u1/.pc/.version ikiwiki-3.20141016.4/.pc/.version
--- ikiwiki-3.20141016.4+deb8u1/.pc/.version	2019-03-07 17:31:01.000000000 +1100
+++ ikiwiki-3.20141016.4/.pc/.version	1970-01-01 10:00:00.000000000 +1000
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff -Nru ikiwiki-3.20141016.4+deb8u1/t/aggregate-file.t ikiwiki-3.20141016.4/t/aggregate-file.t
--- ikiwiki-3.20141016.4+deb8u1/t/aggregate-file.t	2019-03-07 17:32:38.000000000 +1100
+++ ikiwiki-3.20141016.4/t/aggregate-file.t	1970-01-01 10:00:00.000000000 +1000
@@ -1,173 +0,0 @@
-use utf8;
-use warnings;
-use strict;
-use Encode;
-use Test::More;
-	plan(skip_all => "CGI not available")
-		unless eval q{
-			use CGI qw();
-			1;
-		};
-	plan(skip_all => "IPC::Run not available")
-		unless eval q{
-			use IPC::Run qw(run);
-			1;
-		};
-	use_ok('IkiWiki');
-	use_ok('YAML::XS');
-# We check for English error messages
-$ENV{LC_ALL} = 'C';
-use Cwd qw(getcwd);
-use Errno qw(ENOENT);
-my $installed = $ENV{INSTALLED_TESTS};
-my @command;
-if ($installed) {
-	@command = qw(ikiwiki --plugin inline);
-else {
-	ok(! system("make -s ikiwiki.out"));
-	@command = ("perl", "-I".getcwd."/blib/lib", './ikiwiki.out',
-		'--underlaydir='.getcwd.'/underlays/basewiki',
-		'--set', 'underlaydirbase='.getcwd.'/underlays',
-		'--templatedir='.getcwd.'/templates');
-sub write_old_file {
-	my $name = shift;
-	my $dir = shift;
-	my $content = shift;
-	writefile($name, $dir, $content);
-	ok(utime(333333333, 333333333, "$dir/$name"));
-sub write_setup_file {
-	my %params = @_;
-	my %setup = (
-		wikiname => 'this is the name of my wiki',
-		srcdir => getcwd.'/t/tmp/in',
-		destdir => getcwd.'/t/tmp/out',
-		url => 'http://example.com',
-		cgiurl => 'http://example.com/cgi-bin/ikiwiki.cgi',
-		cgi_wrapper => getcwd.'/t/tmp/ikiwiki.cgi',
-		cgi_wrappermode => '0751',
-		add_plugins => [qw(aggregate)],
-		disable_plugins => [qw(emailauth openid passwordauth)],
-		aggregate_webtrigger => 1,
-	);
-	if ($params{without_paranoia}) {
-		$setup{libdirs} = [getcwd.'/t/noparanoia'];
-	}
-	unless ($installed) {
-		$setup{ENV} = { 'PERL5LIB' => getcwd.'/blib/lib' };
-	}
-	writefile("test.setup", "t/tmp",
-		"# IkiWiki::Setup::Yaml - YAML formatted setup file\n" .
-		Dump(\%setup));
-sub thoroughly_rebuild {
-	ok(unlink("t/tmp/ikiwiki.cgi") || $!{ENOENT});
-	ok(! system(@command, qw(--setup t/tmp/test.setup --rebuild --wrappers)));
-sub run_cgi {
-	my (%args) = @_;
-	my ($in, $out);
-	my $method = $args{method} || 'GET';
-	my $environ = $args{environ} || {};
-	my $params = $args{params} || { do => 'prefs' };
-	my %defaults = (
-		SCRIPT_NAME	=> '/cgi-bin/ikiwiki.cgi',
-		HTTP_HOST	=> 'example.com',
-	);
-	my $cgi = CGI->new($args{params});
-	my $query_string = $cgi->query_string();
-	diag $query_string;
-	if ($method eq 'POST') {
-		$defaults{REQUEST_METHOD} = 'POST';
-		$in = $query_string;
-		$defaults{CONTENT_LENGTH} = length $in;
-	} else {
-		$defaults{REQUEST_METHOD} = 'GET';
-		$defaults{QUERY_STRING} = $query_string;
-	}
-	my %envvars = (
-		%defaults,
-		%$environ,
-	);
-	run(["./t/tmp/ikiwiki.cgi"], \$in, \$out, init => sub {
-		map {
-			$ENV{$_} = $envvars{$_}
-		} keys(%envvars);
-	});
-	return decode_utf8($out);
-sub test {
-	my $content;
-	ok(! system(qw(rm -rf t/tmp)));
-	ok(! system(qw(mkdir t/tmp)));
-	write_old_file('aggregator.mdwn', 't/tmp/in',
-		'[[!aggregate name="ssrf" url="file://'.getcwd.'/t/secret.rss"]]'
-		.'[[!inline pages="internal(aggregator/*)"]]');
-	write_setup_file();
-	thoroughly_rebuild();
-	$content = run_cgi(
-		method => 'GET',
-		params => {
-			do => 'aggregate_webtrigger',
-		},
-	);
-	unlike($content, qr{creating new page});
-	unlike($content, qr{Secrets});
-	ok(! -e 't/tmp/in/.ikiwiki/transient/aggregator/ssrf');
-	ok(! -e 't/tmp/in/.ikiwiki/transient/aggregator/ssrf/Secrets_go_here._aggregated');
-	thoroughly_rebuild();
-	$content = readfile('t/tmp/out/aggregator/index.html');
-	unlike($content, qr{Secrets});
-	diag('Trying test again with LWPx::ParanoidAgent disabled');
-	write_setup_file(without_paranoia => 1);
-	thoroughly_rebuild();
-	$content = run_cgi(
-		method => 'GET',
-		params => {
-			do => 'aggregate_webtrigger',
-		},
-	);
-	unlike($content, qr{creating new page});
-	unlike($content, qr{Secrets});
-	ok(! -e 't/tmp/in/.ikiwiki/transient/aggregator/ssrf');
-	ok(! -e 't/tmp/in/.ikiwiki/transient/aggregator/ssrf/Secrets_go_here._aggregated');
-	thoroughly_rebuild();
-	$content = readfile('t/tmp/out/aggregator/index.html');
-	unlike($content, qr{Secrets});
diff -Nru ikiwiki-3.20141016.4+deb8u1/t/noparanoia/LWPx/ParanoidAgent.pm ikiwiki-3.20141016.4/t/noparanoia/LWPx/ParanoidAgent.pm
--- ikiwiki-3.20141016.4+deb8u1/t/noparanoia/LWPx/ParanoidAgent.pm	2019-03-07 17:32:38.000000000 +1100
+++ ikiwiki-3.20141016.4/t/noparanoia/LWPx/ParanoidAgent.pm	1970-01-01 10:00:00.000000000 +1000
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-# make import fail
diff -Nru ikiwiki-3.20141016.4+deb8u1/t/secret.rss ikiwiki-3.20141016.4/t/secret.rss
--- ikiwiki-3.20141016.4+deb8u1/t/secret.rss	2019-03-07 17:32:38.000000000 +1100
+++ ikiwiki-3.20141016.4/t/secret.rss	1970-01-01 10:00:00.000000000 +1000
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<rss version="2.0">
-<title>Secrets go here</title>
-<description>Secrets go here</description>
-  <title>Secrets go here</title>
-  <description>Secrets go here</description>
diff -Nru ikiwiki-3.20141016.4+deb8u1/t/useragent.t ikiwiki-3.20141016.4/t/useragent.t
--- ikiwiki-3.20141016.4+deb8u1/t/useragent.t	2019-03-07 17:32:54.000000000 +1100
+++ ikiwiki-3.20141016.4/t/useragent.t	1970-01-01 10:00:00.000000000 +1000
@@ -1,317 +0,0 @@
-use warnings;
-use strict;
-use Test::More;
-my $have_paranoid_agent;
-	plan(skip_all => 'LWP not available')
-		unless eval q{
-			use LWP qw(); 1;
-		};
-	use_ok("IkiWiki");
-	$have_paranoid_agent = eval q{
-		use LWPx::ParanoidAgent qw(); 1;
-	};
-eval { useragent(future_feature => 1); };
-ok($@, 'future features should cause useragent to fail');
-diag "==== No proxy ====";
-delete $ENV{http_proxy};
-delete $ENV{https_proxy};
-delete $ENV{no_proxy};
-delete $ENV{HTTPS_PROXY};
-delete $ENV{NO_PROXY};
-diag "---- Unspecified URL ----";
-my $ua = useragent(for_url => undef);
-SKIP: {
-	skip 'paranoid agent not available', 1 unless $have_paranoid_agent;
-	ok($ua->isa('LWPx::ParanoidAgent'), 'uses ParanoidAgent if possible');
-is_deeply([sort @{$ua->protocols_allowed}], [sort qw(http https)]);
-is($ua->proxy('http'), undef, 'No http proxy');
-is($ua->proxy('https'), undef, 'No https proxy');
-diag "---- Specified URL ----";
-$ua = useragent(for_url => 'http://example.com');
-SKIP: {
-	skip 'paranoid agent not available', 1 unless $have_paranoid_agent;
-	ok($ua->isa('LWPx::ParanoidAgent'), 'uses ParanoidAgent if possible');
-is_deeply([sort @{$ua->protocols_allowed}], [sort qw(http https)]);
-is($ua->proxy('http'), undef, 'No http proxy');
-is($ua->proxy('https'), undef, 'No https proxy');
-diag "==== Proxy for everything ====";
-$ENV{http_proxy} = 'http://proxy:8080';
-$ENV{https_proxy} = 'http://sproxy:8080';
-delete $ENV{no_proxy};
-delete $ENV{HTTPS_PROXY};
-delete $ENV{NO_PROXY};
-diag "---- Unspecified URL ----";
-$ua = useragent(for_url => undef);
-ok(! $ua->isa('LWPx::ParanoidAgent'), 'should use proxy instead of ParanoidAgent');
-is_deeply([sort @{$ua->protocols_allowed}], [sort qw(http https)]);
-is($ua->proxy('http'), 'http://proxy:8080', 'should use proxy');
-is($ua->proxy('https'), 'http://sproxy:8080', 'should use CONNECT proxy');
-$ua = useragent(for_url => 'http://example.com');
-ok(! $ua->isa('LWPx::ParanoidAgent'), 'should use proxy instead of ParanoidAgent');
-is_deeply([sort @{$ua->protocols_allowed}], [sort qw(http)]);
-is($ua->proxy('http'), 'http://proxy:8080', 'should use proxy');
-# We don't care what $ua->proxy('https') is, because it won't be used
-$ua = useragent(for_url => 'https://example.com');
-ok(! $ua->isa('LWPx::ParanoidAgent'), 'should use proxy instead of ParanoidAgent');
-is_deeply([sort @{$ua->protocols_allowed}], [sort qw(https)]);
-# We don't care what $ua->proxy('http') is, because it won't be used
-is($ua->proxy('https'), 'http://sproxy:8080', 'should use CONNECT proxy');
-diag "==== Selective proxy ====";
-$ENV{http_proxy} = 'http://proxy:8080';
-$ENV{https_proxy} = 'http://sproxy:8080';
-$ENV{no_proxy} = '*.example.net,example.com,.example.org';
-delete $ENV{HTTPS_PROXY};
-delete $ENV{NO_PROXY};
-diag "---- Unspecified URL ----";
-$ua = useragent(for_url => undef);
-ok(! $ua->isa('LWPx::ParanoidAgent'), 'should use proxy instead of ParanoidAgent');
-is_deeply([sort @{$ua->protocols_allowed}], [sort qw(http https)]);
-is($ua->proxy('http'), 'http://proxy:8080', 'should use proxy');
-is($ua->proxy('https'), 'http://sproxy:8080', 'should use CONNECT proxy');
-diag "---- Exact match for no_proxy ----";
-$ua = useragent(for_url => 'http://example.com');
-SKIP: {
-	skip 'paranoid agent not available', 1 unless $have_paranoid_agent;
-	ok($ua->isa('LWPx::ParanoidAgent'), 'uses ParanoidAgent if possible');
-is_deeply([sort @{$ua->protocols_allowed}], [sort qw(http https)]);
-is($ua->proxy('http'), undef);
-is($ua->proxy('https'), undef);
-diag "---- Subdomain of exact domain in no_proxy ----";
-$ua = useragent(for_url => 'http://sub.example.com');
-ok(! $ua->isa('LWPx::ParanoidAgent'), 'should use proxy instead of ParanoidAgent');
-is_deeply([sort @{$ua->protocols_allowed}], [sort qw(http)]);
-is($ua->proxy('http'), 'http://proxy:8080', 'should use proxy');
-diag "---- example.net matches *.example.net ----";
-$ua = useragent(for_url => 'https://example.net');
-SKIP: {
-	skip 'paranoid agent not available', 1 unless $have_paranoid_agent;
-	ok($ua->isa('LWPx::ParanoidAgent'), 'uses ParanoidAgent if possible');
-is_deeply([sort @{$ua->protocols_allowed}], [sort qw(http https)]);
-is($ua->proxy('http'), undef);
-is($ua->proxy('https'), undef);
-diag "---- sub.example.net matches *.example.net ----";
-$ua = useragent(for_url => 'https://sub.example.net');
-SKIP: {
-	skip 'paranoid agent not available', 1 unless $have_paranoid_agent;
-	ok($ua->isa('LWPx::ParanoidAgent'), 'uses ParanoidAgent if possible');
-is_deeply([sort @{$ua->protocols_allowed}], [sort qw(http https)]);
-is($ua->proxy('http'), undef);
-is($ua->proxy('https'), undef);
-diag "---- badexample.net does not match *.example.net ----";
-$ua = useragent(for_url => 'https://badexample.net');
-ok(! $ua->isa('LWPx::ParanoidAgent'), 'should use proxy instead of ParanoidAgent');
-is_deeply([sort @{$ua->protocols_allowed}], [sort qw(https)]);
-is($ua->proxy('https'), 'http://sproxy:8080', 'should use proxy');
-diag "---- example.org matches .example.org ----";
-$ua = useragent(for_url => 'https://example.org');
-SKIP: {
-	skip 'paranoid agent not available', 1 unless $have_paranoid_agent;
-	ok($ua->isa('LWPx::ParanoidAgent'), 'uses ParanoidAgent if possible');
-is_deeply([sort @{$ua->protocols_allowed}], [sort qw(http https)]);
-is($ua->proxy('http'), undef);
-is($ua->proxy('https'), undef);
-diag "---- sub.example.org matches .example.org ----";
-$ua = useragent(for_url => 'https://sub.example.org');
-SKIP: {
-	skip 'paranoid agent not available', 1 unless $have_paranoid_agent;
-	ok($ua->isa('LWPx::ParanoidAgent'), 'uses ParanoidAgent if possible');
-is_deeply([sort @{$ua->protocols_allowed}], [sort qw(http https)]);
-is($ua->proxy('http'), undef);
-is($ua->proxy('https'), undef);
-diag "---- badexample.org does not match .example.org ----";
-$ua = useragent(for_url => 'https://badexample.org');
-ok(! $ua->isa('LWPx::ParanoidAgent'), 'should use proxy instead of ParanoidAgent');
-is_deeply([sort @{$ua->protocols_allowed}], [sort qw(https)]);
-is($ua->proxy('https'), 'http://sproxy:8080', 'should use proxy');
-diag "==== Selective proxy (alternate variables) ====";
-$ENV{http_proxy} = 'http://proxy:8080';
-delete $ENV{https_proxy};
-$ENV{HTTPS_PROXY} = 'http://sproxy:8080';
-delete $ENV{no_proxy};
-$ENV{NO_PROXY} = '*.example.net,example.com,.example.org';
-diag "---- Unspecified URL ----";
-$ua = useragent(for_url => undef);
-ok(! $ua->isa('LWPx::ParanoidAgent'), 'should use proxy instead of ParanoidAgent');
-is_deeply([sort @{$ua->protocols_allowed}], [sort qw(http https)]);
-is($ua->proxy('http'), 'http://proxy:8080', 'should use proxy');
-is($ua->proxy('https'), 'http://sproxy:8080', 'should use CONNECT proxy');
-diag "---- Exact match for no_proxy ----";
-$ua = useragent(for_url => 'http://example.com');
-SKIP: {
-	skip 'paranoid agent not available', 1 unless $have_paranoid_agent;
-	ok($ua->isa('LWPx::ParanoidAgent'), 'uses ParanoidAgent if possible');
-is_deeply([sort @{$ua->protocols_allowed}], [sort qw(http https)]);
-is($ua->proxy('http'), undef);
-is($ua->proxy('https'), undef);
-diag "---- Subdomain of exact domain in no_proxy ----";
-$ua = useragent(for_url => 'http://sub.example.com');
-ok(! $ua->isa('LWPx::ParanoidAgent'), 'should use proxy instead of ParanoidAgent');
-is_deeply([sort @{$ua->protocols_allowed}], [sort qw(http)]);
-is($ua->proxy('http'), 'http://proxy:8080', 'should use proxy');
-diag "---- example.net matches *.example.net ----";
-$ua = useragent(for_url => 'https://example.net');
-SKIP: {
-	skip 'paranoid agent not available', 1 unless $have_paranoid_agent;
-	ok($ua->isa('LWPx::ParanoidAgent'), 'uses ParanoidAgent if possible');
-is_deeply([sort @{$ua->protocols_allowed}], [sort qw(http https)]);
-is($ua->proxy('http'), undef);
-is($ua->proxy('https'), undef);
-diag "---- sub.example.net matches *.example.net ----";
-$ua = useragent(for_url => 'https://sub.example.net');
-SKIP: {
-	skip 'paranoid agent not available', 1 unless $have_paranoid_agent;
-	ok($ua->isa('LWPx::ParanoidAgent'), 'uses ParanoidAgent if possible');
-is_deeply([sort @{$ua->protocols_allowed}], [sort qw(http https)]);
-is($ua->proxy('http'), undef);
-is($ua->proxy('https'), undef);
-diag "---- badexample.net does not match *.example.net ----";
-$ua = useragent(for_url => 'https://badexample.net');
-ok(! $ua->isa('LWPx::ParanoidAgent'), 'should use proxy instead of ParanoidAgent');
-is_deeply([sort @{$ua->protocols_allowed}], [sort qw(https)]);
-is($ua->proxy('https'), 'http://sproxy:8080', 'should use proxy');
-diag "---- example.org matches .example.org ----";
-$ua = useragent(for_url => 'https://example.org');
-SKIP: {
-	skip 'paranoid agent not available', 1 unless $have_paranoid_agent;
-	ok($ua->isa('LWPx::ParanoidAgent'), 'uses ParanoidAgent if possible');
-is_deeply([sort @{$ua->protocols_allowed}], [sort qw(http https)]);
-is($ua->proxy('http'), undef);
-is($ua->proxy('https'), undef);
-diag "---- sub.example.org matches .example.org ----";
-$ua = useragent(for_url => 'https://sub.example.org');
-SKIP: {
-	skip 'paranoid agent not available', 1 unless $have_paranoid_agent;
-	ok($ua->isa('LWPx::ParanoidAgent'), 'uses ParanoidAgent if possible');
-is_deeply([sort @{$ua->protocols_allowed}], [sort qw(http https)]);
-is($ua->proxy('http'), undef);
-is($ua->proxy('https'), undef);
-diag "---- badexample.org does not match .example.org ----";
-$ua = useragent(for_url => 'https://badexample.org');
-ok(! $ua->isa('LWPx::ParanoidAgent'), 'should use proxy instead of ParanoidAgent');
-is_deeply([sort @{$ua->protocols_allowed}], [sort qw(https)]);
-is($ua->proxy('https'), 'http://sproxy:8080', 'should use proxy');
-diag "==== Selective proxy (many variables) ====";
-$ENV{http_proxy} = 'http://proxy:8080';
-$ENV{https_proxy} = 'http://sproxy:8080';
-# This one should be ignored in favour of https_proxy
-$ENV{HTTPS_PROXY} = 'http://not.preferred.proxy:3128';
-# These two should be merged
-$ENV{no_proxy} = '*.example.net,example.com';
-$ENV{NO_PROXY} = '.example.org';
-diag "---- Unspecified URL ----";
-$ua = useragent(for_url => undef);
-ok(! $ua->isa('LWPx::ParanoidAgent'), 'should use proxy instead of ParanoidAgent');
-is_deeply([sort @{$ua->protocols_allowed}], [sort qw(http https)]);
-is($ua->proxy('http'), 'http://proxy:8080', 'should use proxy');
-is($ua->proxy('https'), 'http://sproxy:8080', 'should use CONNECT proxy');
-diag "---- Exact match for no_proxy ----";
-$ua = useragent(for_url => 'http://example.com');
-SKIP: {
-	skip 'paranoid agent not available', 1 unless $have_paranoid_agent;
-	ok($ua->isa('LWPx::ParanoidAgent'), 'uses ParanoidAgent if possible');
-is_deeply([sort @{$ua->protocols_allowed}], [sort qw(http https)]);
-is($ua->proxy('http'), undef);
-is($ua->proxy('https'), undef);
-diag "---- Subdomain of exact domain in no_proxy ----";
-$ua = useragent(for_url => 'http://sub.example.com');
-ok(! $ua->isa('LWPx::ParanoidAgent'), 'should use proxy instead of ParanoidAgent');
-is_deeply([sort @{$ua->protocols_allowed}], [sort qw(http)]);
-is($ua->proxy('http'), 'http://proxy:8080', 'should use proxy');
-diag "---- example.net matches *.example.net ----";
-$ua = useragent(for_url => 'https://example.net');
-SKIP: {
-	skip 'paranoid agent not available', 1 unless $have_paranoid_agent;
-	ok($ua->isa('LWPx::ParanoidAgent'), 'uses ParanoidAgent if possible');
-is_deeply([sort @{$ua->protocols_allowed}], [sort qw(http https)]);
-is($ua->proxy('http'), undef);
-is($ua->proxy('https'), undef);
-diag "---- sub.example.net matches *.example.net ----";
-$ua = useragent(for_url => 'https://sub.example.net');
-SKIP: {
-	skip 'paranoid agent not available', 1 unless $have_paranoid_agent;
-	ok($ua->isa('LWPx::ParanoidAgent'), 'uses ParanoidAgent if possible');
-is_deeply([sort @{$ua->protocols_allowed}], [sort qw(http https)]);
-is($ua->proxy('http'), undef);
-is($ua->proxy('https'), undef);
-diag "---- badexample.net does not match *.example.net ----";
-$ua = useragent(for_url => 'https://badexample.net');
-ok(! $ua->isa('LWPx::ParanoidAgent'), 'should use proxy instead of ParanoidAgent');
-is_deeply([sort @{$ua->protocols_allowed}], [sort qw(https)]);
-is($ua->proxy('https'), 'http://sproxy:8080', 'should use proxy');
-diag "==== One but not the other ====\n";
-$ENV{http_proxy} = 'http://proxy:8080';
-delete $ENV{https_proxy};
-delete $ENV{HTTPS_PROXY};
-delete $ENV{no_proxy};
-delete $ENV{NO_PROXY};
-$ua = useragent(for_url => undef);
-ok(! $ua->isa('LWPx::ParanoidAgent'), 'should use proxy instead of ParanoidAgent');
-is_deeply([sort @{$ua->protocols_allowed}], [sort qw(http https)]);
-is($ua->proxy('http'), 'http://proxy:8080', 'should use proxy');
-is($ua->proxy('https'), 'http://proxy:8080', 'should use proxy');
-delete $ENV{http_proxy};
-$ENV{https_proxy} = 'http://sproxy:8080';
-delete $ENV{HTTPS_PROXY};
-delete $ENV{no_proxy};
-delete $ENV{NO_PROXY};
-$ua = useragent(for_url => undef);
-ok(! $ua->isa('LWPx::ParanoidAgent'), 'should use proxy instead of ParanoidAgent');
-is_deeply([sort @{$ua->protocols_allowed}], [sort qw(http https)]);
-is($ua->proxy('http'), 'http://sproxy:8080', 'should use proxy');
-is($ua->proxy('https'), 'http://sproxy:8080', 'should use proxy');

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