Re: Assistance with building symfony for jessie
On Mon, Jan 14, 2019 at 01:10:31PM +0100, Emilio Pozuelo Monfort wrote:
> I also tried here, both on a chroot and on a VM, and also got that:
> Tests: 11817, Assertions: 22122, Failures: 20, Skipped: 1348.
> Looking at the log, it seems most failures are somehow date/time related. So I
> thought they could either be due to new tzdata updates, or due to the time shift
> from when that package was updated (e.g. a certificate used in the test suite
> could be set to expire in 2017). That was easy to test, so I set my system time
> to 2015-01-14 and re-run the build on a chroot:
> Tests: 11817, Assertions: 22122, Failures: 4, Skipped: 1348.
Wow! I cannot believe I overlooked that. I know we have encountered
similar time-based failures with expired certificates (nss was the one
that immediately came to mind). Thanks for this observation. I will
invesitgate further and report back.
Roberto C. Sánchez
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