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couldnt chroot into live build

Dear List,

A few weeks ago, i emailed the list seeking help to build my customize version of debian xfce live built. I thank all people who respond their advice was really helpful and it kept working on my working. however i face another problem. i want to discuss with the list.
what i want to achieve is:
1. build and identical live hybrid iso of debian live xfce one, latest one.
2. i want to add mariadb server. ( with customisation for users db etc.)
3. install apache 2 server and php (with customisation as well)
4. install r-base r-base-dev packages (with customisation as well)
5. copy sctripts to certain folders.
6. install other package mc iptables-persitant etc.

I do not have problem installing package as you have offered me the best guide, but the image i build it was not match to the original xfce, some packages were missing.
and i could not chroot to the build so i can copy myscripts, and perform other tasks, i really need to chroot because some of r package need to be installed from with r command line after installation of r itself. i am not sure how to do that.

Ubuntu has CUBIC to customise ISO, i do not wish to use that to be honest, i have always been a debian guy. I am sure someone on the list would know how to help me.

what i mainly want is orginial script used to build Debain XFCE HYBIRD STABLE ISO, if got that then i will add my packages to it before build, but i would requried assistant of how to run r within chroot to install r packages via its command line.

I remember 2 years a go, i have a seen a github page for debian-live scripts to build exactly these isos, but i could find it now.

Any help is Appericated.

Best Regards


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