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Custom /etc/apt/sources.list

Hello all,

I currently maintain a tiny ad-hoc distro based on Debian Live, for a local community group. Something I haven't been able to figure out is how to create an image that, on install, gets a custom `sources.list` instead of the default one.

We have tried:

* Adding it to config/includes.chroot/etc/apt.
* Copying it in on a chroot hook.
* Using the `--mirror-binary` option to `lb config`.

None of those options have worked. Short of adding a script that copies it in (and then calls `apt update`) on system init, is there any accepted way of doing this?

If it helps, the scripts for this distro of ours are public, and our internal conversation on this issue can be found at https://github.com/pablobm/w2c3-livecd/issues/15

Thank you in advance,
Pablo Brasero Moreno

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