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Re: Dropping rescue as an official flavour

On 08/30/2014 12:01 AM, Jeff Crissman wrote:
> The "rescue" type disc is not usually installed, but rather used live to
> repair an installed OS.
> As such it fits the Debian Live project better than the conventional
> install type approach of the main Debian branch.

not really, let me explain why..

you're certainly right that users are not supposed to install a
task-rescue or something like that, however, all our package selections
(except the rescue one) are maintained as a task through tasksel.

therefore it might make sense to have the rescue task also included in
tasksel and keep that maintained there. what d-i then displays during
the installation for the user to interactively select is left up to the
tasksel maintainers (and certainly, it doesn't make sense to to expose
such a rescue task there).

joeyh pointed out during debconf that he's not opposed to have more task
for reasonable "pet-project" selections in tasksel, as long as it's
maintained and as it can be displayed in a reasonable way in d-i
(current proposition is to have a second page with 'more tasks' or
something like that which would then display such additional tasks, like

for some tasks it would even make sense to be not displayed at all, like
the rescue task, but which could still be installed manually by either
installing the task-rescue package, or by preseeding tasksel.

hope that explains it.

Address:        Daniel Baumann, Donnerbuehlweg 3, CH-3012 Bern
Email:          daniel.baumann@progress-technologies.net
Internet:       http://people.progress-technologies.net/~daniel.baumann/

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