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Re: Dropping rescue as an official flavour

El 22/08/14 17:35, Daniel Baumann escribió:

having looked at our official live-images configurations, i think we
should enforce to not build any official images if there's no task in
tasksel for it.

currently all the desktop and the standard image correspond to one or
more tasksel task(s) except for the rescue flavour.

does anyone volunteer to submit a bug against tasksel to include a
rescue task there?

A rescue task for tasksel means having a metapackage like:
but being named as: task-rescue ?

If my assumption is right, do we have the list of rescue packages that will be there?
Or is it something that we need to define now?

I'm asking it because when developing Rescatux I missed a task-rescue package so that I had a set of minimal rescue packages, actually, I mean, sort of official Debian set of minimal rescue packages.

If that's what needed in order to submit the bug I can write an article about it in my blog (It's a so big answer that I can reuse it as a blog post :) ) about this subject.

Then I would copy and paste the important parts of the article here so that we can discuss the packages that should be in that task-rescue metapackage.

Is there any other mailing list in Debian where other people might be interested on the task-rescue package contents so that we ask there too?

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