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Re: trying to make a wifi-capable live-cd

On 02/17/2014 10:38 PM, ninja@cock.li wrote:
> Question: how can I reconcile the above datum with, "because there's
> currently no debian-installer in jessie"?

By the way, since this has apparently also been misunderstood by Stefan
as "there are no Jessie installer images", and he suggested I "explain
the technical and conceptual background", here goes:

There is no debian-installer *in* Jessie. This does not mean that there
are no builds of installer images (still in development & not yet
released) that default to install Jessie. Daniel already pointed you at
the sid / daily images (though I will reiterate, these are for
developers, not end-users).

In early development stages, material targeted at the next release
starts in unstable, and occasionally experimental. It does not migrate
to testing (Jessie, in this case) until it no longer has RC bugs. Having
RC bugs means "it is not suitable for release", i.e. not ready yet for

Because there are no installer images suitable for release, the standard
advice for users wishing to install Jessie is "install Wheezy first,
then upgrade". If you ignore that advice, you might luck out and get it
to work, and then again you might not. At this point, if it didn't work
out well for you, it is very difficult for an end-user to engage with
the developers at a level that will be useful to them for solving the
problem. In later stages of development, the d-i developers will make
early public releases and actively solicit input from testers. We have
not reached that point yet. Until those announcements are made, I advise
users to avoid the sid/daily installer images.

Finally, on the matter of finding snapshots of old installer images that
might work, there is a *slim* chance that might work, but I give it poor
odds. A netinst not only depends on the packages within the netinst
itself working, but also on the software selected during installation
being installable on a given day. With multiple transitions in progress
at this development stage, you can't always depend on that, so a netinst
image built in December and working in December may not still work today.

As I indicated in my previous message, debian-user really is the best
place to seek support for this problem, as we're now well outside the
realm of what the Debian Live project is responsible for. I wish you
good luck.


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