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Re: debian-wheezy-live from PXE

On Thu, Apr 4, 2013 at 2:56 PM, Jens Peter Nielsen
<jens.peter.nielzen@gmail.com> wrote:
> Trying to make a debain live PXE server, using tftpd-hpa


I recently tested netbooting for the first time in my life. It is a
very nice thing and I had a lot of fun doing that and learning a bit
of how it works, but believe me: I am no expert at all. My experience
is very limited to netbooting a debian-live system so take every
single word I type here with a pinch of salt and ideally wait for
someone else with more experience than me who can give you a helping

This is just my two cents in the hopes that it is useful for you :)

> I read  http://www.debian.org/releases/testing/amd64/ch04s05.html.en, and did:
> #cd /srv/tftp
> #wget http://http.us.debian.org/debian/dists/wheezy/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/netboot.tar.gz
> #tar xzf netboot.tar.gz
> #wget http://live.debian.net/cdimage/release/next+nonfree/amd64/netboot/debian-wheezy-live-rc1-amd64-lxde-desktop+nonfree.netboot.tar
> #tar xf debian-wheezy-live-rc1-amd64-lxde-desktop+nonfree.netboot.tar
> #chmod -R a+r *

I think you are mixing an installer netboot image with a live netboot
image. The live images are supposed to include an installer. I'll
check those later just to make sure.

> I found it confusing, that
> http://live.debian.net/cdimage/release/next+nonfree/amd64/netboot/debian-wheezy-live-rc1-amd64-lxde-desktop+nonfree.netboot.contents
> and
> tar tf debian-wheezy-live-rc1-amd64-lxde-desktop+nonfree.netboot.tar
> does not match.

I think, and this is just my opinion, that there was some error/bug in
the generation of rc1 live netboot images. I believe that the
pxelinux.tmp is a sign that something went wrong with them. rc1 images
failed to boot in my tests but the self-built images worked just fine
(with some extra comments I'll add later) So if you build your own
images the contents will probably be different.

> It will be much appreciated if someone could point to a webpage with a
> working example on getting a PXE server running on a standard debian
> installation with the pre-built netboot tar files.

Apart from doing some research on the internet, I followed the
procedure as described in the live-manual link that you posted here in
order to build my own images. And here comes the difference (this was
pointed out by another user on irc who tested it and solved it, so no
merit on my part.)

In order to make the image work properly I had to edit the boot
command line to add the options:

 netboot=nfs nfsroot= (In my case the
server was in the local ip, yours will of course be

And also I had to use a "more complete/up-to-date" server
configuration for my dhcp server. You can see an example here (notice
that it is the git version of live-manual, so it is slightly different
one from the one you looked at. I hope this does not confuse you ;)


I mean, the example is exactly the same but the server configuration
is a bit more complete, including for example the option-routers which
I believe to be very handy.

In short, if you want to make a live netboot image work, try this:

1.- Build the netboot image yourself, or wait for rc2??? ;)
2.- Configure your servers properly and make sure they work or optionally...
3.- ...Follow the example explained in live-manual. It works! But keep
in mind that it places the tftpboot directory under
4.- Either in the server (perhaps better) or alternatively in the boot
menu edit the command line (pressing the Tab key) adding the two
options indicated above.
5.- Enjoy

Keep in mind that you will need a little patience to make it all work
together, but you sure are going to have a lot of fun doing that.

> PS.the contact links in the docs
> http://live.debian.net/manual/3.x/html/live-manual/about-project.html#contact
> gives a not found error

This link is obviously wrong. It should contain the language two
letter code. In this case ".en." So the link would be:


Where did you find that link? Please tell us so that perhaps someone
will be able to fix it.

I hope all of the above is useful for you. I know it can sound a bit
confusing at first until you get it right.


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