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Re: The lack of aufs in Sid

>>>>> "Daniel" == Daniel Baumann <daniel.baumann@progress-technologies.net> writes:

> On 05/30/2011 02:24 PM, David Kuehling wrote:
>> Currently that support is broken.  I already submitted a patch, but
>> nobody seems to care enough about that feature to merge it.  If you
>> want to give it a try, have a look at the bug report:

> nah, don't worry.. i've spend about an hour on the weekend trying to
> figure out why the second thing isn't necessary (the nested image in
> image thinggie) which you remove in your patch, but for which i'm
> unsure it really can go.

Nice to hear that this wasn't lost.  I removed that stuff, because the
current version of is_nice_device returns true for all devices anyway
(due to the broken (or deliberately set) regexp), so any 'elif' blocks
beyond that seem to be unreachable.

> anyhow.. i'll answer soon to your patches with some further question
> (if i don't figure it out myself), or just apply it.

Don't feel pressured, this isn't urgent in any way.  I'm just trying to
not become the maintainer of my own live-boot branch :)

BTW if you prefer the lower latency of irc, I'm from time to time online
as 'dvdkhlng' on oftc.


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