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Re: Live USB "Boot error" strangeness

On 01/10/2011 06:40 PM, Tim Day wrote:
Any ideas/suggestions ?

since you can rule out all other (otherwise obvious) errors (that people often do), i would think it's syslinux that needs fixes for that mainboard/bios.

however, since d-i and live are using the same syslinux (or isolinux, which then share the same bios workaround/fix codes), and d-i is working for you, i have actually no real idea.

to definitely rule out syslinux here, it would be nice if you could burn one of the iso images and boot that. if that works, we know it's something related to the usb-hdd image.

also, it would be nice to know if the iso-hybrid images (that you dd just the same as the img images) work on that machine when being used from an usb stick.


Address:        Daniel Baumann, Burgunderstrasse 3, CH-4562 Biberist
Email:          daniel.baumann@progress-technologies.net
Internet:       http://people.progress-technologies.net/~daniel.baumann/

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