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Re: chroots, xnest and gnome

schoappied wrote:

> How do I start gnome in xnest while in a chroot environment? So I can 
> customize the gnome desktop?

Julien has already kindly replied in this thread regarding how this can
be achieved.

However, non-programmatic or iteractive customisation like this does not
really "go with the grain" of Debian Live; pretty much every possible
iteractive customisation you would wish to make can be performed non-

This makes many things much easier, particularly for making repeated
builds (you will *always* have to build again), providing documentation
about what you've changed with respect to vanilla Debian, as well as
being able to provide source in a sane manner.

Best regards,

     : :'  :     Chris Lamb
     `. `'`      lamby@debian.org

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