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Re: Creating an HPPA live custom CD

Pier Maria Mattioli wrote:
> Hi,


> - Do I really need to re-compile the kernel in the chroot environment ( as
>   I read somewhere) or can I use the host's running kernel and its
> initrd.img?

in general, there are always multiple ways to achieve something.

regarding kernels, you *could* put a vmlinux and initrd.img into
chroot/local-includes if you use proper names for it (the ones which
debian uses, and live-helper is therefore assuming). however, this will
also need you to adjust the config in some other aspects and we don't
support that directly.

the recommended way of doing it is to either use the debian kernels, or,
if you build your own, creating a .deb package for it (see
kernel-handbook, wiki.debian.org/Kernel and man make-kpkg for more
information) and place that .deb into config/chroot_local-packages. it
will automatically be taken up by live-helper then.

> - There are many differences in the man page of mkisofs between x86 and
>   HPPA versions, what kind of command do I need to run to be able to build
>   a bootable ISO image that uses my custom kernel and the root fs created 
>   by live-helper ( the one I told "chrootable" environment )? 

no idea; my hppa doesn't have a cdrom. however, you can take the
necessary options from debian-cd which creates the official d-i
installer cds for all arches (including hppa). please send a patch when
there is something to add/change in live-helper.

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such disclaimers are useless anyway, but they're also pretty much stupid
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Address:        Daniel Baumann, Burgunderstrasse 3, CH-4562 Biberist
Email:          daniel.baumann@panthera-systems.net
Internet:       http://people.panthera-systems.net/~daniel-baumann/

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