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Creating an HPPA live custom CD

it's the first time a had to make a custom live cd to be used on HPPA 
hw and I've got some questions.

I installed debian on a HP A500 computer without having any problem,
I patched the linux kernel to add some custom devices I need for my
project and now I need to build a minimal liveCD able to boot in many 
other computer like this. This live will run my custom kernel.

I used live-helper to build my "chrootable" environment and it works great, 
but I need some help to build the live CD. Here are my questions:
- Do I really need to re-compile the kernel in the chroot environment ( as
  I read somewhere) or can I use the host's running kernel and its initrd.img?
- There are many differences in the man page of mkisofs between x86 and
  HPPA versions, what kind of command do I need to run to be able to build
  a bootable ISO image that uses my custom kernel and the root fs created 
  by live-helper ( the one I told "chrootable" environment )? 


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