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How can I empty var/lib/apt/lists/ in my squashfs.

Juergen Fiedler wrote:
> Am I getting something fundamentally wrong here?

You are right, partially :) let's see in which cases...


there is a 'lh_chroot_sources remove' after 'lh_chroot_local-hooks' has
been processed. that means, that if and only if the binary indices are
enabled (default), the sources are fetched again.


the absolutely first helper which is executed is lh_binary_chroot. this
ensures, that the chroot is /excately/ copied as it is present from
lh_chroot. so, there are no further indices added to what is ending up
in the squashfs image[0].

so.. to summarize: yes, you are right, if either a build is
non-chrooted, or binary indices are turned on, then a local hook purging
the list files is undone.


[0] of course, this only applies if you have LH_CHROOT_BUILD set to
    enabled, and this is also why you should (for the time beeing) not
    disable that - you could end up with an unclean build due to some
    unwanted modifications on the chroot right before the squashfs image
    is beeing generated. later, this should be fixed, so that also
    non-chrooted builds are save in this perspective (so that the only
    difference between chroot and non-chrooted builds is wrt/ which
    tools are used to build the images, either those from the host
    system, or those from inside the chroot).

Address:        Daniel Baumann, Burgunderstrasse 3, CH-4562 Biberist
Email:          daniel.baumann at panthera-systems.net
Internet:       http://people.panthera-systems.net/~daniel-baumann/

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