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How can I empty var/lib/apt/lists/ in my squashfs.


I am trying to keep my ISO as small as possible and would thus like to 
have an empty /var/lib/apt/lists (except for partial/, I guess) in my

I suppose I could have a hook in config/binary_local-hooks that
unpacks the filesystem, removes the contents of /var/lib/apt/lists and
then resquashes it, but it seems to me that there ought to be an
easier way.

I also found that skipping the apt-get/aptitude update at the end of
lh_chroot_sources seems to keep /var/lib/apt/lists 'clean', which
makes sense. Are there any drawbacks to doing that (apart from being
unable to use 'apt-cache search') and if not, would it maybe make
sense to make the apt* update optional? 

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