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non-package software additions, and other modifications

Hi Chris,

> 1) Add the "user" (the one specified with the kernel argument username=)
> to the "disk" group.

The Live system calls "adduser" during bootup to create the user. To
modify it's behaviour, take a look at /etc/adduser.conf - it has the
functionality you need (ADD_EXTRA_GROUPS and EXTRA_GROUPS, I think). 

You would then either override the existing one using
chroot_local-includes or construct a hook that will make the changes you
need directly.

> 2) Install files (a local application, but really this would apply to
> any files) from the local system

Just place the files in config/chroot_local-includes and they will be
included onto the live filesystem.

>    I'm using a fairly long and complicated make-live command-line at  
> the moment.
>    I suspect I just need to dig down a little lower in live-helper,  
> and that these things can be done by using the underlying components

You'll probably find the whole thing more straightforward if you use
lh_config to generate a skeleton configuration and then run lh_build just
below the "config/" directory.


 Chris Lamb, Leamington Spa, UK                          GPG: 0x634F9A20
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