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Re: Time for a Lintian release?

Felix Lechner wrote:

> > it looks like the unedited output from "gbp dch"
> On what basis does that claim rest, please? I spent an hour reordering
> and grouping messages, as well as deleting some and editing others.

I said it looked like the unedited output of gbp dch because, well, it
still had the semblance of an auto-generated list of commit
messages... which, as mentioned, will inevitably lack the context to
make them understandable in the context of a changelog. (And related
to that, many are descriptions of changes that would be intelligible
to DDs in a technical sense but lack some kind of justification or
"why" — eg. the changes to various dependencies.)

Um, in terms of concrete suggestions, I'd probably collapse the
extremely verbose perltidy listings into some kind of useful
description, as well as group changes into bug
fixes/features/tests/internals or whatever... I've found that is very
effective at framing entries and giving them some contextual meaning.
But in general, for each entry just try and empathise with the average
DD who is going to reading it, and really question whether this is
going to make sense for them, without requiring them to learn the
entire history of a change or Lintian itself.


    ⬋   ⬊      Chris Lamb
   o     o     reproducible-builds.org 💠
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