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Re: Time for a Lintian release?


On Mon, Aug 23, 2021 at 9:50 AM Chris Lamb <lamby@debian.org> wrote:
> it looks like the unedited output from "gbp dch"

On what basis does that claim rest, please? I spent an hour reordering
and grouping messages, as well as deleting some and editing others.

Below is the diff to the output of "gbp dch".

Kind regards
Felix Lechner

* * *

$ diff debian/changelog.edited debian/changelog
< lintian (2.105.0) unstable; urgency=medium
> lintian (2.104.0+git) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
<   * Check for Python tracebacks in manual pages; usually caused by
failing help2man
<     calls (and cause reproducibility issues).
>   * WIP (generated at release time: please do not add entries below).
>   * Check for Python tracebacks in manual pages,  usually caused by failing help2man calls (and cause reproducibility issues).
<   * Warn when trying to issue duplicate hints.
<   * Provide more context, often line numbers, to disambiguate similar hints.
<   * Add --output-width; wrap EWI tag descriptions to width of output
terminal otherwise.
<   * Assume that all interactive terminals are hyperlink capable but
change default to off.
<   * Always send all debugging and status information to STDERR.
<   * Issue verbose messages for EWI output only.
<   * Provide a generalized method to grant exemptions to package
families (screens).
<   * Drop changing visibility levels in custom profiles.
<   * Build test packages automatically when running tests, even for
partial tests. (Closes: #927476, #935907)
<   * Drop tag ancient-standards-version; issuance was time variant
and difficult to test.
<   * Drop classification tag octal-permissions.
<   * Turn maybe-not-arch-all-binnmuable into a classification tag.
<   * Use semantic versioning for the output of '--version'.
<   * Omit Git hash from all Lintian version strings.
<   * In output, use new URLs for node-based web application, which is now live.
<   * Add 'Check::' to all Perl module names for checks.
<   * Capitalize module names for checks in camel case; drop underscores.
<   * Drop support for legacy 'desc' check descriptions.
<   * Move all checks into the module name space under ./lib; provide
symbolic link.
<   * Stop shipping modules in system path. (Closes: #968011)
<   * Provide a dedicated, non-public executable to obtain the latest
policy version from Lintian data. (See: #978672)
<   * Prefer spaces over commas as field separators in profiles.
<   * Provide data for Debian policy releases in JSON format.
<   * Use underscores instead of hyphens when joining words in field
names for JSON output; all lowercase too.
<   * Integrate refresh capability from
private/get-policy-release-dates into Data::Policy::Releases.
>   * Add libperlio-utf8-strict-perl to Depends in d/control.
>   * In executables facing the public, remove UTF-8 PerlIO layers from STDOUT and STDERR. (Closes: #972876, #972878)
>   * In test suite, remove UTF-8 PerlIO layers from STDOUT and STDERR. (See: #972876, #972878)
>   * In hint manipulation utilities, process UTF-8 correctly. (See: #972876, #972878)
>   * In some data gathering scripts, process UTF-8 correctly. (See: #972876, #972878)
>   * Flag source packages that declare only tests with the 'superficial' restriction. (Closes: #932870)
>   * Do not attempt to decode UTF-8 in hashbang interpreters in scripts.
>   * Implement perlcritic policy ProhibitReusedNames; fix a bug for NMUs.
<   * Update manual references for the first time in almost two years.
<   * Store DEB_HOST_* variables and hardening buildflags in two JSON files.
<   * Update the JSON data file for Debian policy releases; include
all up to
<   * Store changelog items for policy releases in JSON arrays instead
of scalars with newlines.
<   * Provide more detailed analysis for FTP auto-rejection tags when
updating profiles.
<   * Centralize operation of xargs in preparation for implementation in Perl.
>   * In .perlcriticrc, use long names in config blocks instead of short names in the 'include' line.
>   * Implement the perlcritic policy Variables::ProhibitPackageVars.
>   * Implement the perlcritic policy ValuesAndExpressions::RequireUpperCaseHeredocTerminator.
>   * Implement the perlcritic policy CodeLayout::ProhibitQuotedWordLists.
>   * Implement the perlcritic policy Subroutines::ProhibitBuiltinHomonyms.
>   * Implement the perlcritic policy Variables::RequireInitializationForLocalVars.
>   * Implement the perlcritic policy RegularExpressions::ProhibitSingleCharAlternation.
>   * Implement the perlcritic policy InputOutput::ProhibitInteractiveTest.
>   * Add libperl-critic-pulp-perl to d/tests/control.
>   * Implement the perlcritic policy ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitNullStatements (from pulp).
>   * Implement the perlcritic policy Modules::ProhibitModuleShebang (from pulp).
>   * Implement the perlcritic policy Modules::ProhibitPOSIXimport (from pulp).
>   * Implement the perlcritic policy Modules::ProhibitUseQuotedVersion (from pulp).
>   * Add libperl-critic-freenode-perl to d/tests/control.
>   * Implement the perlcritic policy Freenode::AmpersandSubCalls.
>   * Implement the perlcritic policy Freenode::ArrayAssignAref.
>   * Implement the perlcritic policy Freenode::BarewordFilehandles.
>   * Implement the perlcritic policy Freenode::ConditionalDeclarations.
>   * Implement the perlcritic policy Freenode::ConditionalImplicitReturn.
>   * Implement the perlcritic policy Freenode::DeprecatedFeatures.
>   * Implement the perlcritic policy Freenode::DiscouragedModules.
>   * Implement the perlcritic policy Freenode::DollarAB.
>   * Implement the perlcritic policy Freenode::Each.
>   * Disregard the perlcritic policy Subroutines::ProhibitExplicitReturnUndef.
>   * Implement the perlcritic policy Freenode::EmptyReturn.
>   * Implement the perlcritic policy Freenode::IndirectObjectNotation.
>   * Implement the perlcritic policy Freenode::LexicalForeachIterator.
>   * Implement the perlcritic policy Freenode::LoopOnHash.
>   * Implement the perlcritic policy Freenode::MultidimensionalArrayEmulation.
>   * Switch to the perlcritic policy Freenode::OpenArgs from InputOutput::ProhibitTwoArgOpen.
>   * Implement the perlcritic policy Freenode::OverloadOptions.
>   * Switch to perlcritic policy Freenode::POSIXImports from Modules::ProhibitPOSIXimport.
>   * Implement the perlcritic policy Freenode::PreferredAlternatives.
>   * Implement the perlcritic policy Freenode::Prototypes.
>   * Switch to the perlcritic policy Freenode::StrictWarnings from TestingAndDebugging::{RequireUseStrict,RequireUseWarnings}.
>   * Implement the perlcritic policy Freenode::Threads.
>   * Implement the perlcritic policy Freenode::Wantarray.
>   * Implement the perlcritic policy Freenode::WarningsSwitch.
>   * Implement the perlcritic policy ValuesAndExpressions::NotWithCompare.
>   * Implement the perlcritic policy ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitBarewordDoubleColon.
>   * Implement the perltidy policy ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitDuplicateHashKeys.
>   * Implement the perlcritic policy ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitEmptyCommas.
>   * Implement the perlcritic policy ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitFiletest_f.
>   * Implement the perlcritic policy ValuesAndExpressions::UnexpandedSpecialLiteral.
>   * Implement the perlcritic policy ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitUnknownBackslash.
>   * Implement the perlcritic policy ValuesAndExpressions::ConstantBeforeLt.
>   * Implement the perlcritic policy Documentation::ProhibitUnbalancedParens.
>   * Implement the perlcritic policy Documentation::ProhibitDuplicateHeadings.
>   * Implement the perlcritic policy Documentation::ProhibitParagraphEndComma.
>   * Implement the perlcritic policy Documentation::ProhibitParagraphEndComma.
>   * Implement the perlcritic policy Documentation::ProhibitDuplicateSeeAlso.
>   * Implement the perlcritic policy Documentation::ProhibitLinkToSelf.
>   * Implement the perlcritic policy Documentation::ProhibitBadAproposMarkup.
>   * Implement the perltidy policy RegularExpressions::ProhibitFixedStringMatches.
>   * Allow tilde in names of installed JAR archives. (Closes: #976681)
>   * Implement the perlcritic policy RegularExpressions::ProhibitUnusualDelimiters.
>   * Implement the perlcritic policy BuiltinFunctions::ProhibitStringySplit.
>   * Implement the perlcritic policy BuiltinFunctions::ProhibitComplexMappings.
>   * Disable map and grep exceptions in perlcritic policy ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitCommaSeparatedStatements.
>   * Add missing perlcritic policies as disabled to .perlcriticrc.
>   * Implement the perlcritic policy ControlStructures::ProhibitLabelsWithSpecialBlockNames.
>   * Implement the perlcritic policy ControlStructures::ProhibitUntilBlocks.
<   * Drop UTF-8 PerlIO layers for STDOUT and STDERR from almost all executables
<     and the test suite. (Closes: #972876, #972878)
<   * Do not attempt to decode UTF-8 in hashbang interpreters in scripts.
<   * Refuse to read installable control data in national encodings.
>   * Implement the perlcritic policy InputOutput::ProhibitReadlineInForLoop.
>   * Implement the perlcritic policy InputOutput::RequireBracedFileHandleWithPrint.
>   * Implement the perlcritic policy InputOutput::ProhibitBacktickOperators.
>   * Provide more detailed analysis for FTP auto-rejection tags when updating profiles.
>   * Implement the perlcritic policy Subroutines::ProhibitReturnSort.
>   * Adopt the perlcritic policy Subroutines::ProhibitUnusedPrivateSubroutines.
>   * Adopt the perlcritic policy Subroutines::ProtectPrivateSubs.
>   * Implement the perlcritic policy Subroutines::ProhibitNestedSubs.
>   * Implement the perlcritic policy Subroutines::RequireArgUnpacking.
>   * Adopt the perlcritic policy Variables::RequireLexicalLoopIterators.
>   * Implement the perlcritic policy Variables::ProhibitAugmentedAssignmentInDeclaration.
>   * Adopt the perlcritic policy ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitSpecialLiteralHeredocTerminator.
>   * Implement the perlcritic policy ValuesAndExpressions::RequireQuotedHeredocTerminator.
>   * Add IPC::Run3 to Build-Depends in d/control.
>   * Implement the perlcritic policy ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitEmptyQuotes.
>   * Add Const::Fast to Build-Depends in d/control.
>   * Implement the perlcritic policy ControlStructures::ProhibitMutatingListFunctions.
>   * Adopt the perlcritic policy Miscellanea::ProhibitFormats.
>   * Implement the perlcritic policy References::ProhibitDoubleSigils.
>   * Adopt the perlcritic policy TestingAndDebugging::ProhibitNoStrict.
>   * Adopt the perlcritic policy Variables::ProhibitPerl4PackageNames
>   * Implement the perlcritic policy Variables::ProhibitPackageVars.
>   * Implement the perlcritic policy NamingConventions::ProhibitAmbiguousNames.
>   * Implement the perlcritic policy RegularExpressions::RequireBracesForMultiline.
>   * Add Breaks: lintian-brush (<< 0.88) to d/control due to failing autopkgtests.
>   * Update manual references for the first time in almost two years.
>   * Implement the perlcritic policy ControlStructures::ProhibitCStyleForLoops.
<   * Allow tilde in names of installed JAR archives. (Closes: #976681)
<   * Flag source packages that declare only tests with the
'superficial' restriction. (Closes: #932870)
>   * Integrate refresh capability from private/get-policy-release-dates into Data::Policy::Releases.
>   * Provide data for Debian policy releases in JSON format.
>   * Implement the perlcritic policy Freenode::WhileDiamondDefaultAssignment.
>   * Implement the perlcritic policy ControlStructures::ProhibitNegativeExpressionsInUnlessAndUntilConditions.
>   * Implement the perlcritic policy RegularExpressions::ProhibitUselessTopic.
>   * Add '::Check' to all Perl module names for checks.
>   * Capitalize module names for checks in camel case; drop underscores.
>   * Implement the perlcritic policy NamingConventions::Capitalization.
>   * Drop support for legacy 'desc' check descriptions.
>   * Move all checks into the module name space under ./lib; provide symbolic link.
>   * Adopt the perlcritic policy Freenode::PackageMatchesFilename.
>   * Implement the perlcritic policy ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitNoisyQuotes.
>   * Refuse to read installable control data in national encodings.
>   * Implement the perlcritic policy ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitMagicNumbers.
>   * Implement the perlcritic policy ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitLeadingZeros.
>   * Prefer spaces over commas as field separators in profiles.
>   * Adopt the perlcritic policy Miscellanea::ProhibitUselessNoCritic.
>   * Adopt the perlcritic policy Miscellanea::ProhibitUnrestrictedNoCritic.
>   * Adopt the perlcritic policy ControlStructures::ProhibitYadaOperator.
>   * Always send all debugging and status information to STDERR.
>   * Issue verbose messages for EWI output only.
>   * Provide a dedicated, non-public executable to obtain the latest policy version from Lintian data. (See: #978672)
>   * Stop shipping modules in system path. (Closes: #968011)
>   * Assume that all interactive terminals are hyperlink capable but change default to off.
>   * Centralize operation of xargs in preparation for implementation in Perl.
>   * Add libunicode-utf8-perl to Build-Depends.
>   * Store DEB_HOST_* variables and hardening buildflags in two JSON files.
>   * Drop tag ancient-standards-version; issuance was time variant and difficult to test.
>   * Add version to Debian policy releases by updating data source.
>   * Store changelog items for policy releases in JSON arrays instead of scalars with newlines.
<   * Disregard a source's current Standard-Versions when looking for
newer policy releases.
>   * Use semantic versioning for the output of '--version'.
>   * Disregard a source's current Standard-Version when looking for newer policy releases.
>   * Omit Git hash from all Lintian version strings.
>   * Warn when trying to issue duplicate hints.
>   * Build test packages automatically when running tests, even for partial tests. (Closes: #927476, #935907)
>   * Drop classification tag octal-permissions.
>   * In output, use new URLs for node-based web application, which is now live.
>   * Turn maybe-not-arch-all-binnmuable into a classification tag.
>   * For odd-mark-in-description, provide line number for improved context.
>   * Use underscores instead of hyphens when joining words in field names for JSON output; all lowercase too.
>   * Provide a generalized method to grant well-documented and isolated exemptions.
>   * Add --output-width; wrap EWI tag descriptions to width of output terminal otherwise.
>   * Drop changing visibility levels in custom profiles.
<   * Add to Build-Depends in d/control:
<     - libconst-fast-perl
<     - libipc-run3-perl
<     - libunicode-utf8-perl
<   * Add to Depends in d/control:
<     - libconst-fast-perl
<     - libencode-perl
<     - libio-interactive-perl
<     - libio-prompt-tiny-perl
<     - liblist-someutils-perl
<     - libperlio-utf8-strict-perl
<     - libsort-versions-perl
<     - libterm-readkey-perl
<    * Drop from Depends in d/control:
<     - liblist-moreutils-perl
<   * Add to d/tests/control:
<     - libmce-perl
<     - libperl-critic-pulp-perl
<     - libperl-critic-freenode-perl
<   * Drop from d/tests/control:
<     - libio-async-loop-epoll-perl
<     - libio-async-perl
<   * Add Breaks: lintian-brush (<< 0.88) to d/control due to failing
<   * In .perlcriticrc, use long names in config blocks instead of
short names in the 'include' line.
<   * Disable map and grep exceptions in perlcritic policy
<   * Implement the following perltidy policies:
<     - RegularExpressions::ProhibitFixedStringMatches.
<     - ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitDuplicateHashKeys.
<   * Disregard the following perlcritic policies:
<     - InputOutput::ProhibitTwoArgOpen
<     - Modules::ProhibitPOSIXimport
<     - Subroutines::ProhibitExplicitReturnUndef
<     - TestingAndDebugging::{RequireUseStrict,RequireUseWarnings}
<  * Implement or adopt the following perlcritic policies:
<     - BuiltinFunctions::ProhibitComplexMappings
<     - BuiltinFunctions::ProhibitStringySplit
<     - CodeLayout::ProhibitQuotedWordLists
<     - ControlStructures::ProhibitCStyleForLoops
<     - ControlStructures::ProhibitLabelsWithSpecialBlockNames
<     - ControlStructures::ProhibitMutatingListFunctions
<     - ControlStructures::ProhibitNegativeExpressionsInUnlessAndUntilConditions
<     - ControlStructures::ProhibitUntilBlocks
<     - ControlStructures::ProhibitYadaOperator
<     - Documentation::ProhibitBadAproposMarkup
<     - Documentation::ProhibitDuplicateHeadings
<     - Documentation::ProhibitDuplicateSeeAlso
<     - Documentation::ProhibitLinkToSelf
<     - Documentation::ProhibitParagraphEndComma
<     - Documentation::ProhibitParagraphEndComma
<     - Documentation::ProhibitUnbalancedParens
<     - Freenode::AmpersandSubCalls
<     - Freenode::ArrayAssignAref
<     - Freenode::BarewordFilehandles
<     - Freenode::ConditionalDeclarations
<     - Freenode::ConditionalImplicitReturn
<     - Freenode::DeprecatedFeatures
<     - Freenode::DiscouragedModules
<     - Freenode::DollarAB
<     - Freenode::Each
<     - Freenode::EmptyReturn
<     - Freenode::IndirectObjectNotation
<     - Freenode::LexicalForeachIterator
<     - Freenode::LoopOnHash
<     - Freenode::MultidimensionalArrayEmulation
<     - Freenode::OpenArgs
<     - Freenode::OverloadOptions
<     - Freenode::POSIXImports
<     - Freenode::PackageMatchesFilename
<     - Freenode::PreferredAlternatives
<     - Freenode::Prototypes
<     - Freenode::StrictWarnings
<     - Freenode::Threads
<     - Freenode::Wantarray
<     - Freenode::WarningsSwitch.
<     - Freenode::WhileDiamondDefaultAssignment
<     - InputOutput::ProhibitBacktickOperators
<     - InputOutput::ProhibitInteractiveTest
<     - InputOutput::ProhibitReadlineInForLoop
<     - InputOutput::RequireBracedFileHandleWithPrint
<     - Miscellanea::ProhibitFormats
<     - Miscellanea::ProhibitUnrestrictedNoCritic
<     - Miscellanea::ProhibitUselessNoCritic
<     - Modules::ProhibitModuleShebang (from pulp)
<     - Modules::ProhibitPOSIXimport (from pulp)
<     - Modules::ProhibitUseQuotedVersion (from pulp)
<     - NamingConventions::Capitalization
<     - NamingConventions::ProhibitAmbiguousNames
<     - References::ProhibitDoubleSigils
<     - RegularExpressions::ProhibitSingleCharAlternation
<     - RegularExpressions::ProhibitUnusualDelimiters
<     - RegularExpressions::ProhibitUselessTopic
<     - RegularExpressions::RequireBracesForMultiline
<     - Subroutines::ProhibitBuiltinHomonyms
<     - Subroutines::ProhibitNestedSubs
<     - Subroutines::ProhibitReturnSort
<     - Subroutines::ProhibitUnusedPrivateSubroutines
<     - Subroutines::ProtectPrivateSubs
<     - Subroutines::RequireArgUnpacking
<     - TestingAndDebugging::ProhibitNoStrict
<     - ValuesAndExpressions::ConstantBeforeLt
<     - ValuesAndExpressions::NotWithCompare
<     - ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitBarewordDoubleColon
<     - ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitEmptyCommas
<     - ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitEmptyQuotes
<     - ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitFiletest_f
<     - ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitLeadingZeros
<     - ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitMagicNumbers
<     - ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitNoisyQuotes
<     - ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitNullStatements (from pulp)
<     - ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitSpecialLiteralHeredocTerminator
<     - ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitUnknownBackslash
<     - ValuesAndExpressions::RequireQuotedHeredocTerminator
<     - ValuesAndExpressions::RequireUpperCaseHeredocTerminator
<     - ValuesAndExpressions::UnexpandedSpecialLiteral
<     - Variables::ProhibitAugmentedAssignmentInDeclaration
<     - Variables::ProhibitPackageVars
<     - Variables::ProhibitPackageVars
<     - Variables::ProhibitPerl4PackageNames
<     - Variables::ProhibitReusedNames
<     - Variables::RequireInitializationForLocalVars
<     - Variables::RequireLexicalLoopIterators
>   * Update the JSON data file for Debian policy releases.
>   * Update the JSON data file for Debian policy releases; include
>   * spelling: Add another correction
<  -- Felix Lechner <felix.lechner@lease-up.com>  Mon, 23 Aug 2021
04:31:44 -0700
>  -- Felix Lechner <felix.lechner@lease-up.com>  Mon, 23 Aug 2021 09:54:08 -0700

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