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Re: Can I override lintian's "bad distribution" error?

On Tue, Mar 23, 2010 at 05:42:01PM -0700, Russ Allbery wrote:
> Peter Pentchev <roam@ringlet.net> writes:
> > Now, I've got a somewhat uncommon (I think) usecase.  We're developing a
> > couple of software packages in-house, and also making modifications to
> > some others that are already in Debian.  We have an internal package
> > repository with two distributions, "hoster-lenny" and "hoster-etch", for
> > keeping track of our packages for the various servers.  Yes, I know that
> > I could try to set this up using the Suite tag somehow, but IMHO a new
> > distribution is the easiest way.
> > So, in our local setup, "hoster-lenny" is a legitimate backports-like
> > distribution.  Now, as you may guess, when I target a package at it,
> > lintian is not too happy - and either I'm being particularly obtuse
> > today and just can't happen to hit on the right override syntax, or...
> > well, okay, so *is* there a way to specify an override for the
> > "bad-distribution-in-changes-file" tag?
> There isn't any way to specify a conventional override for a *.changes
> file, since overrides live in files within the package, but for a
> *.changes file, there's no "package."
> What you can do instead is suppress the tag with:
>     --suppress-tags bad-distribution-in-changes-file
> which is basically like overriding it.
> There currently isn't a way to set this in a configuration file (but
> there's an open bug requesting that capability).  In the meantime, using a
> shell alias to automatically add that flag when checking packages for your
> local repository is probably the easiest way to go about it.

Thanks, that worked perfectly!  It was more like modifying the various
hooks (debuild, pbuilder, ...), but adding a check for the distribution
in the changes file and passing --suppress-tags as needed did the trick.

Thanks for the quick reply!


Peter Pentchev	roam@ringlet.net    roam@space.bg    roam@FreeBSD.org
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