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Re: lintian.d.o upgraded to 2.3.1

Raphael Geissert <geissert@debian.org> writes:
> Russ Allbery wrote:

>> I think this version should be good for propagation into testing unless
>> something urgent crops up, so I'm tentatively planning the next release
>> for the 16th, depending on whether we've accumulated enough changes by
>> then to make it worth it.

> That should give me more time to work on the parallelisation changes so
> that it can be merged for the next release.

Since then, though, the new NEWS.Debian check has a Perl warning bug.  :/
I hate leaving those alone, so now I'm tempted to upload 2.3.2 with that
fix and whatever else we have time for in the next couple of days.

Russ Allbery (rra@debian.org)               <http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/>

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