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Re: lintian.d.o upgraded to 2.3.1

Russ Allbery wrote:

> I've upgraded lintian.d.o to 2.3.1, but I haven't regenerated the entire
> archive.  This means that the warnings about upstream man page spelling
> errors are still showing as warnings unless a new version of the package
> has been uploaded.  I can regenerate the archive if it bothers people, but
> that takes a few days.

I think it should be fine to leave it that way.

> I think this version should be good for propagation into testing unless
> something urgent crops up, so I'm tentatively planning the next release
> for the 16th, depending on whether we've accumulated enough changes by
> then to make it worth it.

That should give me more time to work on the parallelisation changes so that
it can be merged for the next release.

Raphael Geissert - Debian Developer
www.debian.org - get.debian.net

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