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Re: Restructuring check scripts

Russ Allbery wrote:

> Raphael Geissert writes:
>> Russ Allbery wrote:
>>> Why did you move the arguments to the run method into object data?  I
>>> think they're better left as arguments that are passed to every check
>>> function.  It's one fewer level of indirection.
>> I though setting up once and calling many was better. I didn't like the
>> amount of changes needed, but I decided to go on and see what you'd say.
> I suspect it's a wash from a performance standpoint, and I think it's a
> bit clearer to keep passing in the arguments to the run script.

Ok. I've already done that on my local branch.

>>> However, I don't think the parent class here is useful; I would just
>>> move the run code from below directly into Checker.pm rather than
>>> creating the parent object.
>> You mean blessing the object directly in run()?
> More that you can get rid of the object completely and just do the direct
> sub calls that the run method was doing, I think (although it's been a
> while since the thread, and I should have responded right away so that I
> remember what I was thinking).

Ah, you mean to treat them like static methods?

>>>> +sub run {
>>>> +    my $self = shift;
>>>> +    my $class = ref $self;
>>>> +    my @table;
>>>> +
>>>> +    eval("\@table = keys %". $class ."::;");
>>> Unnecessary eval
>> I prefer the cleaner approach without disabling strict references; but am
>> going to do it without the eval only because of the performance penalty.
> Well, usually using string eval is considered much more problematic than
> disabling strict references.  Disabling strict references bypasses a bit
> less in the way of checking.  (Plus, yeah, performance.)

Do you know how Test::Class works?
I don't fully understand how the 'sub name : Something' part is implemented.
A similar approach could be used in Lintian, to make the code even more
flexible and easier to understand.

>>> sort @table.  We want to run checks in a predictable order.
>> Why? Anything relying on a predictable order is likely to be bogus.
>> That's why for example the tests use sort(1) on lintian's output.
> Consider, for instance, checks for alternative output formats, where
> sorting the Lintian output can make the tags file in the Lintian test
> suite unreadable.  (Right now, by chance all of our output formats use one
> line per tag, but I expect that to change eventually for at least the XML
> output method.)


> Also, whenever there are problems, it's a lot easier to track them down if
> the tests are run in the same order for us as they are for the person
> reporting a problem.

Of course :) (unless there's a --predictable option ;-)

Raphael Geissert - Debian Developer
www.debian.org - get.debian.net

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