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Re: Check All Packages In Repository

"Nathan Handler" <nhandler@ubuntu.com> writes:

> I've been playing around with the harness script. At first, it was
> complaining about not being able to find some of the modules that it
> needed. I was able to resolve this problem by copying the .pm files
> from the lib directory to the reporting directory.

This will be fixed with a proper config file.

> Now, it seems that the only issue preventing the script from running is
> a badly configured reporting/config file. Is there some documentation
> about each of the variables is used for? Is there anything else I need
> to do to be able to run the harness script? I'm sorry for asking all of
> these questions, but I've never used these features of lintian before,
> and I was unable to find much information by searching with Google.

The sample config file should be a fairly good example, but yeah, you have
to guess a little at what things mean.  At the least, you have
$LINTIAN_ROOT set wrong; it needs to point to the root of your Lintian

I don't think there's any documentation about what the different variables
are used for.  I'd really like to eventually get to the point where we can
install the harness as a regular program rather than what we're doing now,
and make it much easier to use outside of lintian.d.o.  But I want to do
lots of things, and right now unfortunately have very little time....

> Couldn't I just run the harness script multiple times for the
> different architectures and repositories in Ubuntu?

Yes, but you wouldn't get a unified report.  But yeah, that would be fine
if you don't mind that.  You'll need different config files and different
www output directories for each (and different labs and log files too).

Russ Allbery (rra@debian.org)               <http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/>

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