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Bug#468876: lintian: please warn when icons are installed in the wrong dirs

On Sun, 2008-03-02 at 22:21 -0800, Russ Allbery wrote:

> That only lists some of the subdirectories of your list (it's missing all
> the stock/* ones) and doesn't use the same names (international instead of
> intl, applications instead of apps).  All of those seem like things that
> could change on us, no?

Argh, I guess that is true.

I'm wondering if it would be OK to build-depend on the hicolor theme and
extract the list of directories at build time. Hmm, seems error-prone
though and build-dep bloating. Alternatively you could have the theme
installed and have a pre-release hook that generates the directories
from the hicolor theme package and sticks them in the lintian source

> I wonder if desktop-file-validate would understand all of this.  It's on
> the list to look at whether we can replace the desktop checks in lintian
> with it.

I think that only understands .desktop files, not this icon stuff.

> > The hicolor standard theme is specified in this:
> >
> > http://standards.freedesktop.org/icon-theme-spec/icon-theme-spec-latest.html
> Interesting, thanks.
> It would be really good if some of this information could be written up
> from the perspective of a Debian package maintainer, since right now
> there's approximately zero information anywhere for how to deal with
> desktop files if one doesn't personally use Gnome or KDE and isn't
> familiar with this whole system.  I tried to figure this out for gnubg and
> didn't have a lot of luck.
> I expect that a lot of the people (like me) who are doing that had no idea
> what else to do, or that it was even kosher to install files into the
> hicolor directory.
> There's a lot of Debian communication missing in this area, I think.
> lintian can help somewhat, but right now people are working in a void, and
> adding a few lintian checks probably wouldn't be nearly as useful as
> writing a comprehensive guide to how a Debian maintainer should tackle
> these issues.  (And then lintian checks can reference the guide.)

I definitely agree with this, unfortunately I have little time to spare
on it. Perhaps the gtk/gnome & kde teams could contact upstream to help
get such a guide, or maybe Ubuntu already has one 

> > Isn't this the standard for desktop files?
> >
> > http://standards.freedesktop.org/desktop-entry-spec/latest/
> It claims to be, but it's actually the standard for Gnome desktop files.
> *wry grin*.  As I discovered when writing lintian checks against that
> standard, KDE does something different and uses various fields that aren't
> listed there.  Let alone GnuSTEP, which is even weirder.
> lintian is currently trying to check sort of a subset of that
> specification, only desktop files of a particular type, and with
> additional workarounds for KDE-specific stuff that can't be checked.


> > I'd also like to see a lintian info/warning when a menu file is
> > installed in the package, but a .desktop file is not. The reason for
> > this is that in that case, GNOME users will not have the application in
> > their menu unless they turned the Debian menu on, since it is off by
> > default.
> The last time someone proposed this, it sparked a huge flamewar on
> debian-devel.  I'm not sure I want to wade back into that.  Apparently the
> GNOME maintainers disabled the Debian menu because they think it's largely
> worthless, and just blindly reintroducing .desktop files for every .menu
> file would restore the previous situation.
> Logically, if every .menu file should correspond to a .desktop file, the
> GNOME maintainers could just include the Debian menu.  Since they don't,
> that indicates to me that some logic (not yet documented) should be
> applied by Debian maintainers to decide whether or not to include a
> desktop file.

Right, I forgot about that flamewar. IMO, there should either be both,
or none or just a .desktop file. The menu package should become a
conduit from .desktop files to desktop systems that don't support the
fdo specs. I don't think Debian will make progress on this for at least
a release or two though.



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