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Bug#468876: lintian: please warn when icons are installed in the wrong dirs

Paul Wise <pabs@debian.org> writes:
> On Sun, 2008-03-02 at 21:18 -0800, Russ Allbery wrote:

>> [snipped tons of directories]

>> This looks rather unmaintainable from a lintian perspective unless
>> there's some (rarely-changing) standard that specifies those
>> directories.  If I'm reading the implications of your message
>> correctly, that list could change arbitrarily with each release of the
>> hicolor theme package.  I don't see any clean way that we could
>> maintain this.
> See the Context table at the top if this:
> http://standards.freedesktop.org/icon-naming-spec/icon-naming-spec-latest.html

That only lists some of the subdirectories of your list (it's missing all
the stock/* ones) and doesn't use the same names (international instead of
intl, applications instead of apps).  All of those seem like things that
could change on us, no?

I wonder if desktop-file-validate would understand all of this.  It's on
the list to look at whether we can replace the desktop checks in lintian
with it.

> The hicolor standard theme is specified in this:
> http://standards.freedesktop.org/icon-theme-spec/icon-theme-spec-latest.html

Interesting, thanks.

It would be really good if some of this information could be written up
from the perspective of a Debian package maintainer, since right now
there's approximately zero information anywhere for how to deal with
desktop files if one doesn't personally use Gnome or KDE and isn't
familiar with this whole system.  I tried to figure this out for gnubg and
didn't have a lot of luck.

> Yah, which is most of them since it gives the icon system theme-ability.
> On my system, 32 desktop files out of 321 use an absolute icon path. IMO
> the ones that do are buggy since users cannot override the icons. Ones
> that use an extension like .png, .svg or .xpm in the Icon field are also
> buggy because users may want to provide their own versions in a
> different format.

I expect that a lot of the people (like me) who are doing that had no idea
what else to do, or that it was even kosher to install files into the
hicolor directory.

There's a lot of Debian communication missing in this area, I think.
lintian can help somewhat, but right now people are working in a void, and
adding a few lintian checks probably wouldn't be nearly as useful as
writing a comprehensive guide to how a Debian maintainer should tackle
these issues.  (And then lintian checks can reference the guide.)

> Isn't this the standard for desktop files?
> http://standards.freedesktop.org/desktop-entry-spec/latest/

It claims to be, but it's actually the standard for Gnome desktop files.
*wry grin*.  As I discovered when writing lintian checks against that
standard, KDE does something different and uses various fields that aren't
listed there.  Let alone GnuSTEP, which is even weirder.

lintian is currently trying to check sort of a subset of that
specification, only desktop files of a particular type, and with
additional workarounds for KDE-specific stuff that can't be checked.

> I'd also like to see a lintian info/warning when a menu file is
> installed in the package, but a .desktop file is not. The reason for
> this is that in that case, GNOME users will not have the application in
> their menu unless they turned the Debian menu on, since it is off by
> default.

The last time someone proposed this, it sparked a huge flamewar on
debian-devel.  I'm not sure I want to wade back into that.  Apparently the
GNOME maintainers disabled the Debian menu because they think it's largely
worthless, and just blindly reintroducing .desktop files for every .menu
file would restore the previous situation.

Logically, if every .menu file should correspond to a .desktop file, the
GNOME maintainers could just include the Debian menu.  Since they don't,
that indicates to me that some logic (not yet documented) should be
applied by Debian maintainers to decide whether or not to include a
desktop file.

Russ Allbery (rra@debian.org)               <http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/>

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