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Re: Debian Lex

Hi all,
as I already wrote José,
I am willing to lead the debian-lex project, which I want to reduce
later to an international-only part of a growing multi-national project
which will give local/national "territories" away in the moment someone
respectable asks for. But the international part will keep a lean base
distribution and some coordination of data conventions which will remain
interesting for me.
Beside of this concept, the main thing is, that we all share the same
will, and if any other concept is better, I surely will not insist on it.

José seems to support my application, if there are any competitors to
this position, please don´t hesitate to write to the group ;)
We should first rule this fundamentally question, otherwise the project
will probably sleep on?

Greetings from Germany
Michael Guck

Am 25.05.2012 17:02, schrieb Pepeco 1948:
> Escribe texto o la dirección de un sitio web, o bien, traduce un
> documento <http://translate.google.es/?tr=f&hl=es>.
> Cancelar <http://translate.google.es/?tr=t&hl=es>
> Dear Michael,
> I feel good that you'll be the new project coordinator. I think we
> should follow the following guidelines:
> 1. We must know how many are in the project.
> 2. We must know what resources we have.
> 3. When we have all this clear, we should distribute to the tasks.
> The priorities, in my opinion, are:
> - Decide on the website and improve it (Wiki or debian.org / devel /
> debian-lex, I prefer latest).
> - Make documentation and tutorials about debian and free software for
> lawyers.
> - Choosing packages that could integrate future distribution.
> I think it's a good start, no?
> Regards,
> On 25/05/12 14:45, Michael Guck wrote:
>> Dear José,
>> Thank you, I remember that email, as Jeremy (his surname is Malcom) send
>> me a copy of it last year.
>> We should now decide, who will get which position, this decision is not
>> easy, as it will affect the hole dynamic of the project.
>> As I mentioned, I am willing to lead the debian-lex project, which I
>> understand as an later international-only
>> Part of a growing multi-national project which will give territories
>> away in the moment as someone respectable asks for.
>> But the international part will keep some coordination of data
>> conventions which will remain interesting for me.
>> But beside of this concept, the main thing is, that we all share the
>> same will, and if any other concept is better,
>> I surely will not insist on a leadership.
>> To my person: I'm no hunter but a keeper ;)
>> Greetings from Germany Michael
>> P.S.:
>> You can add me at Skyp: "michael.guck"
>> Am 25.05.2012 12:28, schrieb Pepeco 1948:
>>> Dear Michael,
>>> Jeremy told me this:
>>> *Hi there,
>>> Sorry for not being able to take this up again, myself since I am no
>>> longer
>>> working as a lawyer.  Here is the old website: * *
>>> http://www.debian.org/devel/debian-lex/.
>>> In 2009 someone took the old website and turned it into a Wiki:* *
>>> http://wiki.debian.org/DebianLex* *
>>> This links to some interesting new information, including this:* *
>>> http://blends.alioth.debian.org/lex/tasks/index* *
>>> I hadn't seen any of this before, given that I had dropped off the
>>> mailing
>>> list without realising it.* *
>>> As you know, we also had a working space on a server called Alioth,
>>> which
>>> included a private CVS area for test versions of packages to be
>>> uploaded.
>>>   (Final versions of packages need to be uploaded through a Debian
>>> Developer, such as myself.) The Alioth page is (or was) * *
>>> http://alioth.debian.org/projects/debian-lex.  I granted you access
>>> to it.
>>>   But this seems to have become redundant as there is now a Subversion
>>> repository (empty, though) associated with the 2009 rebirth:
>>> http://anonscm.debian.org/viewvc/blends/projects/lex/trunk/debian-lex/*
>>> *
>>> There is a list of people associated with the 2009 rebirth on the wiki
>>> page.  You could CC them to your next message to the mailing list,
>>> and find
>>> out if any of them are still keen in being involved.  If the
>>> consensus is
>>> that the Alioth page and the existing website are to be discontinued in
>>> favour of the Wiki and Subversion, then we should update the website
>>> and
>>> Alioth to link to the project's new home.* *
>>> If the official website is still to be used, the instructions on
>>> editing it
>>> are at * *http://www.debian.org/devel/website/.  It uses CVS for
>>> version
>>> control.  To check out a copy of the Debian-Lex section of the Debian
>>> website you do this:
>>> cvs -d :pserver:anonymous@anonscm.*
>>> *debian.org:/cvs/webwml login
>>> cvs -d :pserver:anonymous@anonscm.**debian.org:/cvs/webwml checkout
>>> webwml
>>> -l webwml/english/devel/debian-**lex
>>> To make changes to the live site, you need an account added for you
>>> with
>>> CVS write access.  But for now if you want to make any such changes,
>>> you
>>> could just tar up the changes and send them to me, and I could
>>> upload it
>>> from my account.  They are not HTML files as such, they are WML
>>> files which
>>> are then processed to create HTML, but the format is very similar and
>>> hopefully familiar enough to you.* *
>>> So, I suggest you touch base with the others again and find out if
>>> there is
>>> already a new project leader, or whether you can take up that role.  In
>>> either case, we need to decide whether to use the official website
>>> or the
>>> Wiki, and if the latter, I'll update the former accordingly.*
>>> 2012/5/25 Michael Guck<debian-lex@guck.biz>
>>>> Hello all,
>>>> In late 2011 I tried to re-launch the debian-lex by contacting the
>>>> founder and talking about several issues.
>>>> He told me, that he no longer works as lawyer and looks for a new
>>>> coordinator and reinforced me to apply for that job.
>>>> Later we found out, that there was started a debian-lex wiki project
>>>> without his knowing and there might be persons in this debian-lex
>>>> wiki,
>>>> who have plans to coordinate the whole project too.
>>>> This stopped me for a while, because I dident´t knew whom to
>>>> contact, as
>>>> I have lack of permission ( I have no debian developer status so
>>>> far and
>>>> need to be pushed!).
>>>> To my person: I am a German lawyer and since 1998 programmer of open
>>>> source software with so many projects that I can not list them up
>>>> easily
>>>> (C++, PHP and so on) I programmed the first German law related search
>>>> engine in 1999/2000. My last project is a very fast&simple
>>>> GeoIP-switching script, which will be published under GPL in a few
>>>> weeks
>>>> and makes it possible to make content compliant to the law of the user
>>>> country. This might be a freedom step backwards, but It´s also a
>>>> technical way to respect local governments.
>>>> I could coordinate the debian-lex project, but if I do, I don't
>>>> want too
>>>> many parallel projects because it´s much work to do and we should
>>>> split
>>>> the work logically and then try to reach some more goals over a long
>>>> period. There are two timelines, the first is to catch all law related
>>>> FLOSS and put it into a debian flavour, here I need some help. This
>>>> should also be documented in the distributiuon and on the website. The
>>>> second is, to make pre-work of more accurate interfaces with an
>>>> expandable meta-data system for law related data fragments. This will
>>>> put us in position to let the programs communicate with each other and
>>>> is required for free and usefull programming of individuals.
>>>> If we have success with these goals, it will be necessary to build up
>>>> local/national sections of the debian lex project, as there are too
>>>> many
>>>> national differences and we will not be able to make a one-fits-all
>>>> legal suite which is practical in all legal systems. This might be
>>>> possible for some software but not for a whole software suite bundled
>>>> with debian lex. In addition there are many differences in lawyer's
>>>> data
>>>> protection law, so that we need international and national conventions
>>>> to make debian lex possible as a real choice for lawyers.
>>>> If there should be another coordinator, I would at least like to
>>>> participate in a subproject wich considers meta data conventions.
>>>> I see a great need of a debian-lex project.
>>>> Greetings from Germany
>>>> Michael Guck
>>>> Am 25.05.2012 05:02, schrieb nweissma:
>>>>> if you need a paralegal in new york city, then I am willing to
>>>> contribute.
>>>>> /s/ Neal Weissman
>>>> -- 
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>>>> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact
>>>> listmaster@lists.debian.org
>>>> Archive: [🔎] 4FBF4ED8.3070300@guck.biz">http://lists.debian.org/[🔎] 4FBF4ED8.3070300@guck.biz

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